Could they void the PL due to the Coronavirus? | No | Resuming June 17th

Definitely will be watching some games (Gladbach most likely), but no attendance is still quite an eerie feeling for me. I remember watching Juve-Inter right before the outbreak and while it was a clash of the highest order in Italy, I couldn't really get into the match because it looked like a glorified friendly so much. Will still be weird, but good to have football back yeah.
Agreed, it won't have anywhere near the same level of atmosphere.
Don't agree with hiding the results, there should be transperancy.

Ofcourse it's about the money! It's about the money for every industry out there. Again, everything in Germany is opening, including restaurants, from the 18th of May so why should football be left out?

You have to remember that these clubs aren't owned by billionaire owners but rather publically owned companies so, just like other companies in Germany, need to get back in business to continue running.

There is no solution that will be 100% efficient, just like for the other industries, but the best solution has to be worked out and currently I'm satisfied with what the DFL have proposed.

If this doesn't go the way the DFL have planned I'm 100% sure they will cancel it immediately, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't try. As someone also said, this virus is going to stay with us atleast until a vaccine is created, which won't be until next year so industries need to be proactive in coming up with solutions rather than sitting back and seeing football clubs collapse with the cost of running without income.

There's nothing innovative and proactive in what they doing.

Any new vaccine ?
Any new cover all breathable latex suit?
Any new 100 percent accurate test?
Any sort of guarantee you wont get sick?

It's just rolling the dice and tries your luck to be fair
There's nothing innovative and proactive in what they doing.

Any new vaccine ?
Any new cover all breathable latex suit?
Any new 100 percent accurate test?
Any sort of guarantee you wont get sick?

It's just rolling the dice and tries your luck to be fair
No, I doubt they will restart football without taking into consideration the recommendations of the health officials and the scientific community. My only take on football getting back is players do extreme physical activity every week and it is known that doing so decreases the immunity for a short time after that which would make them susceptible to the infection more.
Aston Villa also against neutral venues says their Chief Exec.

There is absolutely no incentive for the Bottom 6 to agree to this. They can only increase their Chance of being relegated.

Throw in one of Leicester and Chelsea (who can also only lose) and the neutral stadium thing is dead in the water.

Yeah can't see it passing the vote
So according to the Mail today, other PL could threaten to relegate the bottom clubs who vote against the neutral stadium idea.

This is pure bullying because of money. Totally against this
So according to the Mail today, other PL could threaten to relegate the bottom clubs who vote against the neutral stadium idea.

This is pure bullying because of money. Totally against this

It is clear the PL do not care about clubs, they only care about their bottom line.

I get what why the clubs at the bottom would vote against this. They have the ground / pitch set up for their style and have a crowd that will get them through some parts of games.
Maybe fans in Germany will correct me but I was reading that they think fatality rates are more like .3 maybe even .2 which is closer to flu than the original 1 percent plus. And they say most infections were caused at super spreader events? Like a carnival where everyone was hugging and kissing. So no tongues and we might be ok....
My concern is that they lift things more than necessary and people start relaxing a bit which causes an enormous spike in infections which leads to a second lockdown that will be much harsher and longer than this one.
Definitely will be watching some games (Gladbach most likely), but no attendance is still quite an eerie feeling for me. I remember watching Juve-Inter right before the outbreak and while it was a clash of the highest order in Italy, I couldn't really get into the match because it looked like a glorified friendly so much. Will still be weird, but good to have football back yeah.

I watched the LASK-United game with United chants and crowd ambience from youtube playing on my headphones (think @RedSky suggested it in the match thread). It was strangely brilliant actually.
So according to the Mail today, other PL could threaten to relegate the bottom clubs who vote against the neutral stadium idea.

This is pure bullying because of money. Totally against this

That's vile.

My concern is that they lift things more than necessary and people start relaxing a bit which causes an enormous spike in infections which leads to a second lockdown that will be much harsher and longer than this one.

Yep. I just don't understand how you can avoid it in a sport like football. To obtain the ball from another player you need to be in contact with them. To challenge for corners or free kicks or throw ins you need to be in contact. Football is an adrenaline sport and adrenaline makes you forget. When somone scores I guarantee there will be players that forget about distancing and will start hugging and celebrating together.

The videos from Kalou showed how relaxed clubs were too. No distancing in changing rooms, shaking hands with people. Just carring on as normal.

All of this is going to be viewed by the public on tv too and they'll see that and think if they can do it why can i not?
So according to the Mail today, other PL could threaten to relegate the bottom clubs who vote against the neutral stadium idea.

This is pure bullying because of money. Totally against this

I just read that. Scandalous if true.
Kicker reported that the DFL told all 36 professional clubs in Germany not to share test results with the press:

You are only telling half the truth, they told clubs that they (DFL) will make a central announcement of test results the following day (which they did, reporting 10 positive tests) and that they recommend clubs to not make individual reports to the press.
Which is a reasonable thing to do, as clubs reporting individually causes some issues, e.g. (toxic) media speculation ("they have not reported their results yet WHAT ARE THEY HIDING??") and protecting the privacy/medical confidentiality of individuals.

Bundasliga will have mad TV viewings when it starts, everyone craving a football fix is going to tune in :lol:

It certainly offers amazing exposure, but there is also the risk that people are too thick to view it with the proper context (no atmosphere, teams coming from a two month break with only a week or two of training together).
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There's nothing innovative and proactive in what they doing.

Any new vaccine ?
Any new cover all breathable latex suit?
Any new 100 percent accurate test?
Any sort of guarantee you wont get sick?

It's just rolling the dice and tries your luck to be fair

Well then I guess you should sit back, relax and see many football clubs go under till a vaccine comes out next year.

But then we'll also criticize them for laying off their workers or trying to furlough staff in a bit to survive.

Oh and also order other industries to close down as they would also be putting everyone under risk by returning to work.
You are only telling half the truth, they told clubs that they (DFL) will make a central announcement of test results the following day (which they did, reporting 10 positive tests) and that they recommend clubs to not make individual reports to the press.
Which is a reasonable thing to do, as clubs reporting individually causes some issues, e.g. (toxic) media speculation ("they have not reported their results yet WHAT ARE THEY HIDING??") and protecting the privacy/medical confidentiality of individuals.

It certainly offers amazing exposure, but there is also the risk that people are too thick to view it with the proper context (no atmosphere, teams coming from a two month break with only a week or two of training together).

OK I found a translated version of it and as per what I expected the reporting was at best iffy, yes the DFB had said they wanted to publish in one statement. Not sure that it matters as much as they are making out, but there you go.
Well then I guess you should sit back, relax and see many football clubs go under till a vaccine comes out next year.

But then we'll also criticize them for laying off their workers or trying to furlough staff in a bit to survive.

Oh and also order other industries to close down as they would also be putting everyone under risk by returning to work.

Nope. It's only football. Can do without watching 22 men pointlessly chasing a ball at times like this.
OK I found a translated version of it and as per what I expected the reporting was at best iffy, yes the DFB had said they wanted to publish in one statement. Not sure that it matters as much as they are making out, but there you go.


Any reporter worth their salt simply counts the bench and notice who's missing.
Well then I guess you should sit back, relax and see many football clubs go under till a vaccine comes out next year.

But then we'll also criticize them for laying off their workers or trying to furlough staff in a bit to survive.

Oh and also order other industries to close down as they would also be putting everyone under risk by returning to work.
Well, that could be easy to avoid. You just make sure that you adapt to reality. If it means selling players, not paying them 100% wage (risk of losing them ofcourse) and so on clubs will not be going under. Clubs will be worse but not go under. Next time they should have thought about situations like this when they plan future.
"The big football family"

Disclaimer: I don't think the PL should resume even though any football back on TV would be a welcome respite.

Saying that, why are the bottom clubs allowed to take purely selfish stances (obstinacy to deny Leeds, etc, a chance to hit the big time) yet are considered as penniless saints?

Where is Brighton's sense of the football family? They have openly stated that their actions are purely selfish from a survival perspective, screw everyone else.
Disclaimer: I don't think the PL should resume even though any football back on TV would be a welcome respite.

Saying that, why are the bottom clubs allowed to take purely selfish stances (obstinacy to deny Leeds, etc, a chance to hit the big time) yet are considered as penniless saints?

Where is Brighton's sense of the football family? They have openly stated that their actions are purely selfish from a survival perspective, screw everyone else.
It's more about the integrity of the competition,
Brighton feel like they have less of an advantage at home against the top teams at a neutral ground BCD then say Bournemouth did against a top team at a full vitality stadium.

It's not selfish, it's protecting the integrity of fair competition.
OK I found a translated version of it and as per what I expected the reporting was at best iffy, yes the DFB had said they wanted to publish in one statement. Not sure that it matters as much as they are making out, but there you go.

What exactly was iffy? said:
Im Rahmen einer ersten Welle sind seit Donnerstag insgesamt 1.724 Corona-Tests bei den 36 Clubs der Bundesliga und 2. Bundesliga erfolgt. Dabei wurden Proben von Spielern und weiterem Mannschaftspersonal wie Trainerstab und Physio-Therapeuten entnommen und von fünf Fachlabor-Verbünden im gesamten Bundesgebiet untersucht.

Zehn Infektionsfälle konnten identifiziert und den Gesundheitsämtern gemeldet werden. Die entsprechenden Maßnahmen, zum Beispiel die Isolation der betroffenen Personen inklusive Umfelddiagnostik, wurden durch die jeweiligen Clubs nach den Vorgaben der örtlichen Gesundheitsbehörden unmittelbar vorgenommen.

This is their officials statement. It says that they have carried out 1724 tests at 36 clubs [48 tests per club on average] in their first wave of testing, players, team staff, coaching staff and physios were tested. 10 cases of infection were identified and reported to public health authorities, measures according to local publich health authority guidelines have been taken.

Well, that could be easy to avoid. You just make sure that you adapt to reality. If it means selling players, not paying them 100% wage (risk of losing them ofcourse) and so on clubs will not be going under. Clubs will be worse but not go under. Next time they should have thought about situations like this when they plan future.

What kind of business prepares for standing still for what would be 18 months? No one in the (Western) world was properly prepared for this and you spout naive crap like "well those football clubs should've just kept hundreds of millions on the side each, easy. So simple."
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Nope. It's only football. Can do without watching 22 men pointlessly chasing a ball at times like this.

This is of course an opinion you can have. But on a football forum, I find it a bit mental to be honest. I've seen similar comments on other forums. You don't have to agree with bringing football back as quickly but sometimes I think people actually hate football which is bizarre. I can spend all day thinking about the pros and cons of it and how enjoyable the games without fans will be but my first thought will always be "Yeah, football!"
It's more about the integrity of the competition,
Brighton feel like they have less of an advantage at home against the top teams at a neutral ground BCD then say Bournemouth did against a top team at a full vitality stadium.

It's not selfish, it's protecting the integrity of fair competition.

It is selfish. There is stuff all difference in playing at a neutral venue due to no spectators at the stadium. Premier league are doing it for safety reasons. Otherwise people would just congregate outside stadiums.
Well, that could be easy to avoid. You just make sure that you adapt to reality. If it means selling players, not paying them 100% wage (risk of losing them ofcourse) and so on clubs will not be going under. Clubs will be worse but not go under. Next time they should have thought about situations like this when they plan future.

Stupid comment about being prepared for this pandemic. No one including the premier league anticipated this. Also stupid comment about the money factor. Money doesn't grow on trees. How do you think football clubs make revenue.
This is of course an opinion you can have. But on a football forum, I find it a bit mental to be honest. I've seen similar comments on other forums. You don't have to agree with bringing football back as quickly but sometimes I think people actually hate football which is bizarre. I can spend all day thinking about the pros and cons of it and how enjoyable the games without fans will be but my first thought will always be "Yeah, football!"

Stop thinking we all hate football. I've been posting 25k post over the last 14 years on a football club. We dont hate football
It is selfish. There is stuff all difference in playing at a neutral venue due to no spectators at the stadium. Premier league are doing it for safety reasons. Otherwise people would just congregate outside stadiums.

Exactly. Maybe someone needs to tell Brighton there is a pandemic situation ongoing right now. Might come as a bit of a shock to them in case they weren't aware. As a result certain things are being put in place to make things as safe and fair as possible. Not 100% fair as that's not possible in a, you know, pandemic. But for the football family at large, suck it up.

Again, I can understand Brighton's stance too. Just trying to highlight to the OP that Brighton are not the saints he's making them them out to be. Everyone is a selfish bastard. Let's call it out now.
What kind of business prepares for standing still for what would be 18 months? No one in the (Western) world was properly prepared for this and you spout naive crap like "well those football clubs should've just kept hundreds of millions on the side each, easy. So simple."
18 months? Football has been stopped for two months time. And if you can't survive two months without going under as a club than you got problems that are far bigger than just pandemic. Living over what you can afford without putting things into consideration is what gets people, business and companies in trouble. I'm not saying that you can survive 18 months but talking about survival after two months? I know, nobody could have prepared that we could be hit by pandemic. But prepared that money is not always there. That you can be hit by bad times. That is what I meant by be prepared for stuff like this.

Stupid comment about being prepared for this pandemic. No one including the premier league anticipated this. Also stupid comment about the money factor. Money doesn't grow on trees. How do you think football clubs make revenue.
Money don't grow on trees. Nobody could have anticipated this. But talking about going under after two months? Something must be wrong.
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This is of course an opinion you can have. But on a football forum, I find it a bit mental to be honest. I've seen similar comments on other forums. You don't have to agree with bringing football back as quickly but sometimes I think people actually hate football which is bizarre. I can spend all day thinking about the pros and cons of it and how enjoyable the games without fans will be but my first thought will always be "Yeah, football!"

To be honest thinking that people who have have been on a football forum for 10-15 years and made 5,000-25,000 posts somehow hate football is what i find bizarre.

Yet its a theory that keeps popping up on here. I can only assume the thinking must be if they don't want football back at all costs asap then they must obviously hate football.
Disclaimer: I don't think the PL should resume even though any football back on TV would be a welcome respite.

Saying that, why are the bottom clubs allowed to take purely selfish stances (obstinacy to deny Leeds, etc, a chance to hit the big time) yet are considered as penniless saints?

Where is Brighton's sense of the football family? They have openly stated that their actions are purely selfish from a survival perspective, screw everyone else.

All clubs will vote in their own interests why wouldn't they?

Let's not pretend that Liverpool or United won't vote in their own interests just as readily even if it made things more difficult for other clubs.

Would Liverpool give a flying fiddlers feck about the ''Football family'' if there was a proposal on the table that was beneficial to most clubs but meant they were denied the title?

Would they feck.
18 months? Football has been stopped for two months time. And if you can't survive two months without going under as a club than you got problems that are far bigger than just pandemic. Living over what you can afford without putting things into consideration is what gets people, business and companies in trouble. I'm not saying that you can survive 18 months but talking about survival after two months? I know, nobody could have prepared that we could be hit by pandemic. But prepared that money is not always there. That you can be hit by bad times. That is what I meant by be prepared for stuff like this.

Money don't grow on trees. Nobody could have anticipated this. But talking about going under after two months? Something must be wrong.

The discussion which you were quoting was about whether it's prudent to go about restarting leagues right now or whether they should wait until there is a game-changer regarding the virus (e.g. a vaccine, which seems to be around a year away at least).
To be honest thinking that people who have have been on a football forum for 10-15 years and made 5,000-25,000 posts somehow hate football is what i find bizarre.

Yet its a theory that keeps popping up on here. I can only assume the thinking must be if they don't want football back at all costs asap then they must obviously hate football.

I don't get this either. It's a big conspiracy theory that everyone joined a football forum many years ago and lay in wait for the perfect time to out themselves as football haters..

It's like the Sixth Sense ending but makes even less sense.
I said it reads as if people don't actually like football. Hence my perplexion. I've seen comments about never wanting to watch football again because, well, football is coming back.
To be honest thinking that people who have have been on a football forum for 10-15 years and made 5,000-25,000 posts somehow hate football is what i find bizarre.

Yet its a theory that keeps popping up on here. I can only assume the thinking must be if they don't want football back at all costs asap then they must obviously hate football.
I don't get this either. It's a big conspiracy theory that everyone joined a football forum many years ago and lay in wait for the perfect time to out themselves as football haters..

It's like the Sixth Sense ending but makes even less sense.
People wanting football back ASAP at all costs and people not wanting football back before a vaccine is distributed en masse are equally stupid, because the truth rightfully lies somewhere in the middle.
Nope. It's only football. Can do without watching 22 men pointlessly chasing a ball at times like this.

Why only football? You don't think other industries are putting others at risk by opening? Or you just think those associated with football, important to remember non-playing staff, which are vastly more than playing staff, are expendable in terms of living without a wage?

Well, that could be easy to avoid. You just make sure that you adapt to reality. If it means selling players, not paying them 100% wage (risk of losing them ofcourse) and so on clubs will not be going under. Clubs will be worse but not go under. Next time they should have thought about situations like this when they plan future.

Not paying players 100% or also non playing staff? What about those people whose livelihoods depend on their clubs survival? Majority of employees in a football club are not players and they don't earn massive wages that they can survive without any. And where are they supposed to find other jobs given that you apparently don't want football to start anywhere in Europe? Plenty of smaller clubs will go under if you want to wait till a vaccine will come along, which is going to take probably a year from now; they have absolutely no income if there is no football.
I said it reads as if people don't actually like football. Hence my perplexion. I've seen comments about never wanting to watch football again because, well, football is coming back.

We all love football - we wouldn't be here otherwise. There's nothing necessarily contradictory about loving the game while at the same time acknowledging that eleven men kicking a ball on a lawn for our amusement, is a long way down the list of things that wider society should be concerning itself with at the moment.
Aston Villa also against neutral venues says their Chief Exec.

There is absolutely no incentive for the Bottom 6 to agree to this. They can only increase their Chance of being relegated.

Throw in one of Leicester and Chelsea (who can also only lose) and the neutral stadium thing is dead in the water.

Villa said something along the lines of 'they pride themselves on their home form' when in reality they have won 4 home games.

The thing is it works both ways. Villa were due to go to Anfield but would now have to play Liverpool on a neutral ground.

The bottom 6 are clearly just trying to force the FA down the no relegation route.