2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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New Member
Oct 21, 2013
so for the last 12 hours trumps pinned tweet is this
Obamagate - and a Tucker carlson rant

looks like the election strategy is firmly in place now
Yes when he is given a chance he is going to runaway with it. No matter what the FBI messed up the Flynn case. Give Trump an inch and he will take a mile.


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
As someone who's in financial markets which are arguably more sophisticated than betting markets, this is pretty much how it goes. Considering that investors/bettors aren't fools but neither are they god-like beings that individually or collectively know more than other folks including forecasters, investors' weighted opinions will gravitate towards the most highly regarded forecasts/models. Whenever 538 has their election model up, I doubt that betting markets will imply odds much different from then ones that they post.
So in summary, bet markets follow the polls yes ?

Pagh Wraith

Full Member
May 2, 2011
Betting followed nothing more than the polling at that moment, the crowd in its collective money-weighted wisdom followed the RCP average.
Polling is obviously one of the major factors taken into account but bettors will look at other things as well.

I don't know about 538's election model. Their football model is pretty much useless, i.e. you cannot profit betting 538 vs Pinnacle and there is no correlation between their predictions and actual outcomes.


Renaissance Man
Oct 22, 2010
Polling is obviously one of the major factors taken into account but bettors will look at other things as well.

I don't know about 538's election model. Their football model is pretty much useless, i.e. you cannot profit betting 538 vs Pinnacle and there is no correlation between their predictions and actual outcomes.
I'm talking about the polling average, no model at all.


Full Member
Aug 17, 2009
New York City
So in summary, bet markets follow the polls yes ?
Yes. Markets follow widely held views/knowledge. When it comes to elections, polls and models are widely held knowledge. One person might have an entirely different model that means they're confident in placing a large bet either way based on a different view than the average, but that person won't move the market on their own.

Polling is obviously one of the major factors taken into account but bettors will look at other things as well.

I don't know about 538's election model. Their football model is pretty much useless, i.e. you cannot profit betting 538 vs Pinnacle and there is no correlation between their predictions and actual outcomes.
538 is named after the number of electoral votes in the US presidential election. So I also don't know about their football models, but the election model is their genesis. Now I'm not claiming they're infallible or all knowing, but based on the last election I'm generally looking at them for one of the more reliable views on the election outcome.


Full Member
Jun 10, 2013
Betting market was heavily for Clinton even on election night, and only swung as the night went on, closely matching the NYT’s needle.

There’s no secret sauce or knowledge exclusive to the market, it’s just people, some rely on hunches, but most follow commonly held opinions from news sources/election forecasters.


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
Betting market was heavily for Clinton even on election night, and only swung as the night went on, closely matching the NYT’s needle.

There’s no secret sauce or knowledge exclusive to the market, it’s just people, some rely on hunches, but most follow commonly held opinions from news sources/election forecasters.
My impressions as well. It seems like betting markets follow polls and therefore by extension, participants in markets are merely lagging indicators to what likely voters are telling pollsters they plan on doing.

Florida Man

Cartoon expert and crap superhero
Jan 24, 2014
Florida, man
Yeah, it's cool and all but I think we learned last time to really ignore the national polls. PA, OH, MI, WI and FL are what we really care about, plus a few other small ones.
Just save yourself the heartbreak and forget about Florida. Florida is a lost cause. We elected Marco Rubio, Rick Scott, and Ron Desantis in recent times. Tampa is supposed to be a blue area yet I see big ass Trump flags flying from boats and trucks, and Trump signs around my neighborhood.
This country is a disgrace
I mean... if you're going to oversee imperialist wars that kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people, what matter does sexual assault pose?

Sweet Square

Jun 6, 2013
The Zone
At this rate we may see Glenn Greenwald go on Tucker Carlson's show.
Yeah as a kid I was annoyed when Ric Flair left WWF for WCW so I can understand how you feel.

But seriously shouldn't this worry people

A modest 55% majority of Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters say the allegations against Trump, if true, are disqualifying, with just 23% saying the same of the allegation against Biden. Their reactions to Trump suggest a shift within the party since the fall of 2016. Back then, about three-quarters of Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters said the allegations against Trump, if true, disqualified him.
I understand the whole just get Trump out of office but a underrated consequence could be a Biden presidency moving the party rightwards.


Full Member
Aug 17, 2009
New York City
Just save yourself the heartbreak and forget about Florida. Florida is a lost cause. We elected Marco Rubio, Rick Scott, and Ron Desantis in recent times. Tampa is supposed to be a blue area yet I see big ass Trump flags flying from boats and trucks, and Trump signs around my neighborhood.
I have adjusted my expectations, but I'm still pretty sure that if the election goes ahead on November 3rd, by 7-8 pm or whatever time it is that we start getting East coast results but not any Midwest results yet, we will all inevitably be glued to each minute update of Florida results and hoping that it's blue enough in SE FL to offset when the panhandle votes start coming in. I know that I should expect less but the way the results come in will inevitably tease me that the night could be over early (Biden winning FL).

Florida Man

Cartoon expert and crap superhero
Jan 24, 2014
Florida, man
I have adjusted my expectations, but I'm still pretty sure that if the election goes ahead on November 3rd, by 7-8 pm or whatever time it is that we start getting East coast results but not any Midwest results yet, we will all inevitably be glued to each minute update of Florida results and hoping that it's blue enough in SE FL to offset when the panhandle votes start coming in. I know that I should expect less but the way the results come in will inevitably tease me that the night could be over early (Biden winning FL).
Don't do this to yourself. Bail out while you're still sane and good looking.


Full Member
Jul 9, 2013
Democrats just got destroyed in CA25 election. Lost by 10 points.

Never underestimate a centrist democrat to lose!!
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Full Member
Jun 10, 2013
progressive Dem wins Nebraska

Centrist Dem gets humilitated in California.

Peak Schadenfreude
It’s not even a conservative seat, it’s the one they held after the midterm.

When the top of the ticket is this lackluster with base, anything and everything is possible.


Jan 27, 2004
progressive Dem wins Nebraska

Centrist Dem gets humilitated in California.

Peak Schadenfreude
Establishment Dems just don't get it or choose to ignore it . Katy Hill was a progressive who flipped this county during the election, but they still went with the middle of the road candidate.


Jan 27, 2004
Biden says Ocasio - Cortez to be on policy campaign panel. Not sure it will win over progressives ,but at least there is a voice in there.


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
Democrats just got destroyed in CA25 election. Lost by 10 points.

Never underestimate a centrist democrat to lose!!
Not particularly surprising given that the district has historically (in liberal California Republican terms) leaned right. Dubya, Romney, Carly Fiorina and Arnold Schwarzenegger each carried it.

The Dems ran one of the better known progressive pundits in the country - who has a platform that reach millions of progressive voters, and he lost by a decent margin.


Full Member
Mar 1, 2014
In Lee
It's more Wisdom of the Crowd than inside information. And the fact that bettors actually put their money where their mouth is.

Your wording shows a lack of understanding of probability. It's not 0 or 1. If an outcome with a 2% chance does happen, you cannot come back and say the probability was wrong. 2 out of 100 times this outcome was expected to happen so a sample of 1 is totally irrelevant. The prediction could look totally different on election day but at this point in time, the betting odds reflect the true probabilities of the result better than any poll. The closer we get to November and the more information becomes available the lines will move accordingly and become sharper. If Joe Biden has a heart attack tomorrow his price will drift out. That doesn't mean his current implied chance of winning is wrong because that information simply is not available yet.
Betting markets are excellent with sports betting because freely available information such as form, which most bettors implicitly use, is quite predictive. But I don't think they are better than polls for elections especially since more accurate prediction methods have been in use.

You can find loads of papers on researchgate about this.


New Member
May 25, 2018
Biden up by 5 in the latest CNN poll.

Two ways to look at this:

1) Biden having a consistent lead over Trump in the +5-6 region shows his vote is largely steady and isn't fluctuating or is as volatile's as Clintons lead was.

2) Being up only 5 points against a guy who's handled a pandemic that's led to 80,000+ dead (and probably closer 150,000 by August) and nearly 15% unemployment is a little concerning.

Joe Biden needs to come out off the sidelines and start clobbering this guy pronto. Trump can't keep getting away with setting the narrative and he's beginning to gradually eat away at Biden's lead.

Organic Potatoes

Full Member
Dec 2, 2013
Colorado Rapids
Biden up by 5 in the latest CNN poll.

Two ways to look at this:

1) Biden having a consistent lead over Trump in the +5-6 region shows his vote is largely steady and isn't fluctuating or is as volatile's as Clintons lead was.

2) Being up only 5 points against a guy who's handled a pandemic that's led to 80,000+ dead (and probably closer 150,000 by August) and nearly 15% unemployment is a little concerning.

Joe Biden needs to come out off the sidelines and start clobbering this guy pronto. Trump can't keep getting away with setting the narrative and he's beginning to gradually eat away at Biden's lead.
’When your enemy is making a mistake, let him.’


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
Biden up by 5 in the latest CNN poll.

Two ways to look at this:

1) Biden having a consistent lead over Trump in the +5-6 region shows his vote is largely steady and isn't fluctuating or is as volatile's as Clintons lead was.

2) Being up only 5 points against a guy who's handled a pandemic that's led to 80,000+ dead (and probably closer 150,000 by August) and nearly 15% unemployment is a little concerning.

Joe Biden needs to come out off the sidelines and start clobbering this guy pronto. Trump can't keep getting away with setting the narrative and he's beginning to gradually eat away at Biden's lead.
Its probably down to the fact that Trump's numbers have been stuck in the low 40s for over 3 years and so whoever is running against him is bound to have a 5-10 point advantage in the national polls.


New Member
May 25, 2018
’When your enemy is making a mistake, let him.’
Yeah but as I say those poll leads are starting to shrink a bit now, his RCP lead is down to +4.5, getting closer to the margin of error, not great when you think Clinton still lost the election with a +2.1 national vote.

This is a pandemic with 83,000+ dead and 15% percent unemployment, the democrats are basically 1-0 up with 20 minutes gone and instead of going to 2, 3 or 4 they've shut up shop and trying to see the game out passing around the back, its too cautious for me.

In the context of the catastrophic times we're now in Trump shouldn't be within 5 points of Biden.
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Organic Potatoes

Full Member
Dec 2, 2013
Colorado Rapids
Yeah but as I say those poll leads are starting to shrink a bit now, his RCP lead is down to +4.5, getting closer to the margin of error, not great when you think Clinton still lost the election with a +2.1 national vote.

This is a pandemic with 83,000+ dead and 15% percent unemployment, the democrats are basically 1-0 up with 20 minutes gone and instead of going to 2, 3 or 4 they've shut up shop and trying to see the game out passing around the back, its too cautious for me.

In the context of the catastrophic times we're now in Trump shouldn't be within 5 points of Biden.
He’s never going to get much further ahead, as nearly everything is already baked in. We are mostly dealing in the margins of voters who do or do not believe Donald is keeping their income secure now.

Biden can sit in the background while everything falls apart, as it possibly will with states aggressively opening back up.


New Member
May 25, 2018
He’s never going to get much further ahead, as nearly everything is already baked in. We are mostly dealing in the margins of voters who do or do not believe Donald is keeping their income secure now.

Biden can sit in the background while everything falls apart, as it possibly will with states aggressively opening back up.
The less Biden wins by the less likely he takes the senate given 90% of voting in a GE is straight ticket.

Lets be honest Biden's not a great candidate if this was Obama or even Clinton of the 90s or their RCP average would up around near 10 points, he's closer to quality of Kerry or Hillary than he is of the former two.

Charlie Foley

Full Member
Mar 11, 2012
Yeah but as I say those poll leads are starting to shrink a bit now, his RCP lead is down to +4.5, getting closer to the margin of error, not great when you think Clinton still lost the election with a +2.1 national vote.

This is a pandemic with 83,000+ dead and 15% percent unemployment, the democrats are basically 1-0 up with 20 minutes gone and instead of going to 2, 3 or 4 they've shut up shop and trying to see the game out passing around the back, its too cautious for me.

In the context of the catastrophic times we're now in Trump shouldn't be within 5 points of Biden.
Agree a lot with this but would add the caveat that a huge amount of HRC’s popular vote margin was in California (where Hillary got over a million more votes than Biden did in the 2016 and 2020 primaries respectively). She beat Trump by a margin of well over 4 million (I think 4.3) votes in CA: for comparison, Obama’s winning margins were 3.2 million in 08 and just over 3 million in 2012. She also won more votes than Obama in either of those elections: 8.75 million vs 8.27 in 2008 and 7.85 in 2012. McCain and Romney both got more votes in CA than Trump, too (McCain actually broke 5 million). Hillary’s winning margin was the biggest in CA since FDR, and without CA Trump won the popular vote by 1.5 million.

So, Hillary’s popular vote margin of under 3 million includes a margin increase of 1 million CA voters (I do margin increase rather than margin of victory because a republican isn’t winning California, there will always be a margin of victory) that added nothing for her but to make her popular vote margin of victory bigger by more than 50%.

A lead of 4.5 spread more...efficiently around states (not guaranteed sure, but a possibility supported by respective primary performances in midwest states and the fact that Biden, like most, is unlikely to hit FDR numbers in CA as Clinton did since no one else has either) could /would see a big electoral college swing. I don’t have numbers to hand of states that Dems could benefit in as a result but that could easily be looked up by someone with the time.
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