Protests following the killing of George Floyd


Jan 27, 2004
Medical examiner saying it was a Homicide, result of being restrained.


In a well-ordered universe...
Dec 26, 2000
On a pale blue dot in space
Any Maga bitches out there counter protesting deserve their asswhooopings. They have had it coming to them for a while.
I say we just get it over with, Gangs of New York Five Points style. Everyone bring their fists, bats, whatever and let's just fight for the country. Get it over with as it's been boiling over since the 60s. White racist asshats and Trump/GOP asslickers versus everyone else.
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Josep Dowling

Full Member
Aug 17, 2014
I'm sharing a quote on one of our leading activists in apartheid's view here in South Africa on this matter. Also relevant to the discussion regarding folk who are against riots and/or protesting etc.
Anyone can be a keyboard warrior, it's up to each person in their own sphere of influence to not be a bystander to racial prejudice or be silent on such matters when it is blatantly out in the open, and if there is something we are able to do, however small.

I live in a society where it is racism is all over, and its so easy to be neutral and say, oh well it doesn't affect me personally, so it's fine. Sure we don't say that outright, but we can show it with our actions.
Not all of us can be activists or MLK's or the like, but let's not be neutral and rather find a way we can contribute in our own way.

But on your actually question. If it also means helping change someone on here's view or opinion on certain issues that's being discussed in here, that are clearly aiding some of the problems we have, then hey, great. However, based on Cafe debate history, opinions hardly change, and one must be a true optimist to think we can change people's views on matters to a life changing degree I guess.
Saying that, it is true that just updating your Facebook profile pic to have the BLM cover or whatever, does nothing, neither does posting on here, which clearly wasn't want I or Tutu was referring to, but more on the lines of what I posted about our lives in society, and our contributions in our daily interactions.
I wasn’t making my comment based on what you have quoted. My point merely stands for ALOT of people currently posting quotes or some form of copy and paste sentence they have found. It’s meaningless garbage that doesn’t change attitudes. Just like rioting and vandalising. What justice is that bringing to the death of George Floyd exactly?

Surely it would be better to wait until the court hearing is done before creating a shit storm, which might I add is in the midst of a pandemic where people should not be in small groups let alone mass gatherings. The vast majority of people that go to those things don’t even know what they are fighting for. They just want a bit of anarchy, an adrenaline rush, have their 5 minutes against the establishment. That’s all it ever is. As someone posted previously we have seen this time and time again specifically in America and nothing ever changes.


Full Member
Jun 5, 2014
How do the GOP allow this guy to continue without checking him?
Apart from obvious money involved, this is a side effects of identity politics. The GOP knows that a large support base has been formed by people who want to show the middle finger to experienced politicians. It is Trump that they love. Ditching Trump may be handing over power to the Democrats.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
David McAtee, a business owner in the Westend of Louisville was unarmed and shot dead at midnight by the
LMPD. As of 10:45 AM his body was still in the street.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
The cartel is closing ranks and fixing the narrative.

'Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has said it is also assisting with response to the ongoing protests in Washington DC, raising further concerns about an escalation by law enforcement.

Here’s an announcement from the acting commission who has repeated the president’s talking points about domestic terrorism and “agitators”. There has been little evidence to support claims of outside people agitating crowds on the ground as protests have swelled in cities across the nation, attracting a wide range of people and organizations condemning police violence:

CBP personnel have deployed to the National Capital Region to assist law enforcement partners. These “protests” have devolved into chaos & acts of domestic terrorism by groups of radicals & agitators. @CBP is answering the call and will work to keep DC safe.'


Full Member
Aug 21, 2010
Somebody mentioned all the anti-Vietnam war protests. Well guess what....they achieved pretty much feck-all. The war escalated under Nixon and dragged on even when he was unpopular and being impeached. How about the Iraq war protests? Same thing...feck-all.

I'm very sceptical that any drastic changes will occur from this event. The elite's grip on power is stronger than ever and they have too much to lose to let it slip.
So no protests have ever worked then? Good to know. Silly people to keep trying them then. That's everyone told.


Jan 27, 2004
Curfew coming up soon . And the protesters showing no signs of leaving.


Lowering the tone since 2006
Sep 1, 2006
I wonder when we will hear someone advocating the usage of tactical nuts against the looters.
To be fair, that might be worth a shot.

We all know how much Americans love their snacks.


Nov 22, 2006
The police are clearing the streets outside the White House by firing tear gas at a peaceful protest. I appreciate they are going to enforce a curfew and disperse the crowd but it looks awfully heavy handed.