Wilfried Zaha: “Subjected to vile racist abuse on Instagram”


Full Member
Sep 1, 2015
Seriously its really bad to send racist abuse on the internet.. but I'm gonna say it - is it seriously something you should be arrested for?
Yes. It’s against the law to racially abuse someone.

People wonder why the BLM has tried to remain vocal and relevant and posts like this show how much society still needs to be educated!

My guess is you’ve not experienced any form of racism personally and perhaps don’t have a reference point for it which absolutely isn’t your fault but you should look to educate yourself on the subject before saying essentially it’s not that bad.


Full Member
Jun 28, 2006
Seriously its really bad to send racist abuse on the internet.. but I'm gonna say it - is it seriously something you should be arrested for?
Yes. Otherwise what’s going to stop people.

Doing it online doesn’t make it any difference than in person.


Full Member
Sep 29, 2013
Luke Shaw's bum
Couldn’t be any dumber to compare a 82 year old with a 12 year old. One is more than capable of making their own decision having lived his life. The other one is just starting out and home is a huge influence at that age. I never said parents are the only ones to blame but certainly a huge chunk. If he did on social media it means it’s not his first outburst. A parent can’t always say I didn’t know my kid did this, well it’s your god damn job to know.
Please consider reading what @patty123 posted again. No comparison between a 12 year old and an 82 year old is being made. Regardless, I do agree that parants should police their childrens use of social media, even though they shouldn't be on it.

There is no one answer/cause for behaviour like this. Human/social networking and interactions is very complicated part of a childs social development. Young teens are easily influenced at this age by friends, peers, families, social media etc. Hormonal/physical and social development milestones begin flousirshing at this age and will almost certainly affect how a child behaves. What is importsnt is for this child to now have someone listen to them, understand the reasons why they have acted out like this and to educate them. This is now a perfect opportunity to set this kid on the right path of being a decent human being.


Full Member
Sep 5, 2017
Ok boomer
Regarding this matter, I hope this is standard procedure for all racist insults going forward
Has the misfortune to spend a year commuting to work using buses that served about 4 different schools. My opinion of kids nosedived considerably in that period.


Full Member
Oct 23, 2010
Take yourself over to Burnley for example, and ask the folk there what they thought Brexit meant and what the intended outcome was.
Bit of a long haul flight to do that. But still minorities are not excluded from immigration, regardless of how people interpret what is said by any politician.


In a well-ordered universe...
Dec 26, 2000
On a pale blue dot in space
Presuming there's plenty this lad has endured and learned from his family environment in his twelve years. Sickening situation and he should be punished to whatever extent the law permits for his age and offense charged/committed. Damn shame more of these types of social media posts and accounts aren't scrutinized as should be.


Full Member
Jan 11, 2016
My point is that posting things on the internet shouldn't be a crime. I'm not comfortable giving the government or the police power to regulate what people can and cannot post on the internet. If that abuse bleeds into real life (like people actually turning up in front of his house or something) then yes they should be arrested. Again I see I'm in the minority here, keep going - no harm meant. I'm just not sure arresting the 12 year old is a proportional response. Maybe send the police to investigate the situation and tell his parents to have a talk with him. Maybe ask them to revoke his internet privileges or something.
Not aiming this at you specifically, but people really need to get it through their heads that saying something to someone on the internet is the same as saying it to them in person, or calling them over the phone and saying it. People have twisted it to try to make it out as if posting something online is lesser than doing so in person, but it's really not the case considering the internet is the major communication medium these days. Saying things on the internet should carry the same weight as saying something in person, and all the consequences that come along with it.


Full Member
Dec 17, 2012
I never said parents are the only ones to blame but certainly a huge chunk. If he did on social media it means it’s not his first outburst. A parent can’t always say I didn’t know my kid did this, well it’s your god damn job to know.
What a load of nonsense :lol: Did you get that from Suits?


Pochettino's #1 fan
Feb 10, 2008
You're right I'm not a fan of arresting people for things they post on the internet in general. Even less so when its a 12 year old. Again I can see I'm in the minority so I'm gonna peace out of this thread. Just a cautionary reminder though, once you grant the government this kind of power it can turn against people quick. I'm in a country where people not uncommonly get arrested for posting "offensive things" which often turn out to just be critical of the government or the people in power.
'Its only the internet' stopped being a thing many years ago. Commenting on the internet is the same as speaking verbally to someone in person.

The most powerful people in the world now use social media to make statements of record on the most important issues of the day, especially during covid19, when there was no other way to communicate.

So, you are welcome to your opinion, but it's plainly wrong.


Ten Years a Cafite
Mar 6, 2012
The best course of action would be to set up a meeting between him and zaha. Let him see and hear first-hand the impact of his actions from the victim. At his age, there's still plenty of time for him to shake his backward, hateful views.
It sounds nice and all that, but then every kid will do this sort of thing, just to meet famous footballers / their idols.


The Caf's Ezza.
Apr 16, 2015
The stable
It sounds nice and all that, but then every kid will do this sort of thing, just to meet famous footballers / their idols.
Yeah that'll go well.

"Paul, you're my idol. Sorry I said those things"

"listen here you little shit..."

Paolo Di Canio

"we have to realise it's a doggy dog market"
Jun 5, 2010
Sliema, Malta
Exactly, I said earlier on the Abraham thread that opening a social media account should be like opening a bank account. But amount of user accounts would probably reduce by a quarter so they will never do it.
If twitter, facebook and instagram all agreed then people would have no choice


Ten Years a Cafite
Mar 6, 2012
"reduced by a quarter" is kinda understatement. I know people having tens of thousands accounts, as a business to "like" any account that pay them.


Last Man Standing finalist 2019/20
Jan 12, 2019
Thinking back to my own Year 7/8 class, I can easily imagine a decent percentage of the kids taking the opportunity to be an edgy little shithead like this if social media existed in its current form and they thought they could get away with it. It's not a case of this one devil child.

Social media allows any fecker with an undeveloped brain and sense of empathy (often but not always age-related - see: current White House incumbent) to fling any kind of shit that pops into their heads far and wide. It's not just what 12 year old edgelords broadcast to the world that they think is going to get the biggest reaction, either. The shit the relatively 'normal' little scrotes are sending to and about each other is, measurably, fecking them all up:

The solid red line is the self-harm rate for teenage girls. Shoots all the way the feck up after around 2010. This graph represents the UK, but this is repeated across all countries in the developed world. Social media is just fecking cancer.


New Member
Mar 20, 2019
"reduced by a quarter" is kinda understatement. I know people having tens of thousands accounts, as a business to "like" any account that pay them.
That's incredible. I remember watching Homeland where there was like this 'data farm' ......a company that employed hundreds of people just for posting stuff from thousands of fake accounts in order to influence opinions and ultimately elections. Its probably not that far from the truth.


Ten Years a Cafite
Mar 6, 2012
That's incredible. I remember watching Homeland where there was like this 'data farm' ......a company that employed hundreds of people just for posting stuff from thousands of fake accounts in order to influence opinions and ultimately elections. Its probably not that far from the truth.
At least on instagrams in Asia, it's common for a "nobody" to have followers of 100,000s.


Full Member
Aug 7, 2019
Thinking back to my own Year 7/8 class, I can easily imagine a decent percentage of the kids taking the opportunity to be an edgy little shithead like this if social media existed in its current form and they thought they could get away with it. It's not a case of this one devil child.

Social media allows any fecker with an undeveloped brain and sense of empathy (often but not always age-related - see: current White House incumbent) to fling any kind of shit that pops into their heads far and wide. It's not just what 12 year old edgelords broadcast to the world that they think is going to get the biggest reaction, either. The shit the relatively 'normal' little scrotes are sending to and about each other is, measurably, fecking them all up:

The solid red line is the self-harm rate for teenage girls. Shoots all the way the feck up after around 2010. This graph represents the UK, but this is repeated across all countries in the developed world. Social media is just fecking cancer.
Agree with this. I am white British, but was born with a bit of completion, So I generally look like I have always just got back from a tanning holiday. Throught out all my school life, any disagreements with other similarly age people would end with remarks about being a fake White, my dad ran off back to Pakistan ect.

Growing up, especially hitting late teens and early twenties, it was fairly evident that the main culprits off this would have a family member (Parent/ older brother) who would generally live their lives with a snear or comment about any other ethnic background, granted living in a very Racial town in Manchester did not help.

My point being, racism is not something you a born with, it's inherited, views passed through a generations or used as a power tool by groups of yobs out to intimidate. The parents should also definatley be to blame also. If a child purposely skipping school can end with parents getting fines, then damn straight they should be held accountable for their children not being educated in this manner.

Truly shocking and I hope Zaha relegates the c*nts! :mad:


Full Member
May 11, 2017
Such a shame. 12 years old! The ideal solution to social media's ills would be to remove anonymity, but then user numbers would plummet like a stone! So they'll never agree to it. Or at least not anytime soon. Maybe when the scandal is big enough...


Full Member
Oct 20, 2013
Parents to some extent do have a responsibility. The parent should always raise the child to have values and morales. Whenever these are absent you have situations like as such with abuse being shared online. It's not black and white but if the comments about being drunk are true how can anyone condone a 12 year old drinking ? It's absolutely mental. I don't believe police can imprison a minor but the experiance of being arrested should be enough to shake the kid up.


Full Member
Nov 26, 2012
McGoldrick shared racist abuse he got today too. These people are disgusting.


Full Member
Feb 18, 2012
Yes. It’s against the law to racially abuse someone.

People wonder why the BLM has tried to remain vocal and relevant and posts like this show how much society still needs to be educated!

My guess is you’ve not experienced any form of racism personally and perhaps don’t have a reference point for it which absolutely isn’t your fault but you should look to educate yourself on the subject before saying essentially it’s not that bad.
Reading about this story here at first was shocking. But, honestly what other method is there to curb racism in general than to make it known once and for all that decent society is over it? And if you insist in being an antagonistic racist. Or pretending to be in order to wind up a player or, be a bully etc. There are consequences.

In the US you all have been seeing the "Karen's" receiving social media justice for racist tirades recently. Because, there aren't laws really for abusing people racially although some "Karen" laws are being proposed now. Hitting their purses and pocketbooks by pressuring their employers after they are discovered in these tirades is pretty much the extent we have here. But, that's the general public going after them to their employers not authorities.

I would say to anyone on the fence about their being repercussions for "online abuse". Is it going to far, etc. It is difficult sometimes to put yourself in others shoes. But, imagine you are having an amazing day. You crushed it at the gym, you went to the office killed your project got a promotion. Roll into the grocery store for dinner and a racist decides to go off on you for whatever reason. It's constant, its always in the back of your mind, its always there ready to come at you and try to ruin your day. Because, our skin color doesn't change. PEOPLE must change to not even think its acceptable ever to go there.

If the kid was a fan of another club, if you wanted to say he's a terrible player....that's one thing still online bullying but its not racist attacks. Its hard to describe how it hits us even if we are prepared for it


Full Member
Sep 29, 2001
Mexico City, Mexico
My point is that posting things on the internet shouldn't be a crime. I'm not comfortable giving the government or the police power to regulate what people can and cannot post on the internet. If that abuse bleeds into real life (like people actually turning up in front of his house or something) then yes they should be arrested. Again I see I'm in the minority here, keep going - no harm meant. I'm just not sure arresting the 12 year old is a proportional response. Maybe send the police to investigate the situation and tell his parents to have a talk with him. Maybe ask them to revoke his internet privileges or something.
There's a fecking huge difference between criticizing the government and racially abuse someone.
One is a protected right, the other is a crime


New Member
Jun 22, 2020
Of course they should not have arrested him.

The country is in a moral panic.

Arresting a 12 year old because he insulted a millionaire adult is not justice. It is not leadership, or healing. It is not building community understanding. No matter the insult.

'Its only the internet' stopped being a thing many years ago. Commenting on the internet is the same as speaking verbally to someone in person.

The most powerful people in the world now use social media to make statements of record on the most important issues of the day, especially during covid19, when there was no other way to communicate.

So, you are welcome to your opinion, but it's plainly wrong.
Haha, is that so?

Then how do feel about being a member of a community drowning in bigotry?


The Left-wing All-Stars, of the always charming Current Events forum:

Red Dreams:
Warren is a lying bitch.
I came back from the toilet and she's going off on Sturgeon.

Battle of the Bitches.
The irony of her tweets is incredible. The daily shit she spouts with a straight face is remarkable. She’s truly an evil bitch.
Are you fecking kidding me? feck her. That cnut deserves no credit whatsoever and certainly not for being a duplicitous, untrustworthy, disingenuous, two faced, lying bitch.
Feed Me:
Is it just me or is J.K. Rowling a massive cnut?
Olly Gunnar Solskjaer:
The cnut next door is having people over, she's having other kids over to play with hers. She's a mega twat.
That evil witch Nancy Pelosi not impeaching Trump
Red Dreams:
Pelosi is scum.

the old hag wants to to be Speaker for how many more years?

Just feck off after this term ol witch.
Billy Blaggs:
What a fecking witch. Sell your soul for 30 pieces of silver. Rot in hell with a tin blanket you fecking cnut!
Why cant she die? She's 79 years old. Just fecking drop dead already you old cnut.
Can you give me a list of who it is okay to wish death on?

Nancy Pelosi has contributed to the deaths of millions.
You can practically just search for the moderate-left politician Nancy Pelosi for this material. She annoys them more than any right-winger.

These are the exact same people who peddle the whole fundamentalist "words have consequences"/"the UK is sexist, racist and evil"/"no-platform them" type mantra and rhetoric.

Yes, they weren't sent directly to the women they are addressing via social media. But nonetheless, if the principle that you - and the police apparently - holds true, that of no tolerance for bigoted words: shouldn't they all be expecting a knock at the front door?


likes to take afvanadva wothowi doubt
Nov 28, 2014
Can you imagine comparing those posts with directly sending racist messages to someone?


Redcafe Fantasy Football Champion 2012/13
May 4, 2009
Any chance the 12 year old didn’t actually do it and is taking the blame so an adult doesn’t get imprisoned?