Donny van de Beek image 34

Donny van de Beek Netherlands flag

2020-21 Performances

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5.7 Season Average Rating
Yellow cards
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A difficult game to judge him on, the quality around him was pretty mediocre. The team decided to go on the backfoot after we scored. Think we need to see how he does in a run of games but not sure that'll happen.
Wasn't impressed with him today. Didn't make his trade mark runs, was trying to be safe , was hiding from the responsibilities. He should have taken control in the midfield along with Mata but sadly he was too cautious.
Good interview with Peter Bosz in The Athletic who says Donny is only really suited to playing in very compact teams, when the pitch is small. I think that’s always going to be his issue as that’s not what United are very good at, even the best players at United are a bit loose and make the pitch open up. I think he’s a good player but Ole doesn’t really get him.

Different player but similar issue to Kagawa and Mkhi who had come through in very systems-based teams and are not as good when they have to take more responsibility. I’m surprised Ole isn’t using him more, even as a sub. When you were winning against Villa last week he would be useful for keeping the ball in the last 10-15.
He didn't say he was only suited to playing in compact teams. What he said was that he couldn't understand why United signed VdB when they already had the best #10 in the world in Fernandes. He went on to say that Donny can play as a #6 but it must be a compact pitch. I think we can say the same about a number of our players in that regard.
I thought he had a decent game, tidy passing, couple of nice touches, very good technical player - but i expected a lot more from him, he def played a lot of safe passes and didnt seem to break sweat - pretty much the opposite of Bruno.
His confidence is probably shattered by his lack of game time after a big move for a big fee?
not sure why we bought him atm But early days.
Deadly flick to Mata who sadly couldn't get any power in his shot. Thought he was fine. Good game and we won it partly because he played well in midfield. Thought Lingard had a similar game just not as good.
I think he has done less than the players around him but I do really like him and hope he succeeds here.
Even tonight, if you asked me who was the better player between him and McTominay, I’d say Scott without hesitation - yes he was sloppy with his passing but he got the goal, was brilliant in his defensive duties and just looked like he had more thrust in him from midfield. Then you’ve gotta think, would he get in ahead of Fred? No, Fred is vital to breaking up play. Would he get in ahead of Pogba? No, Pogba is significantly more dangerous, has good physical attributes and can be (but often isn’t) a game changer. Would he get in against Bruno? Hell no. I’m not even gonna list the whys for that one!
then basically we are saying he’s probably on level pegging with the likes of Matic and Mata and honestly I don’t think he’s as good as either of those players were in their prime and arguably he’s not much better than them now.

I do like Donny and I think there’s something there but he’s got to step up a level and start influencing games more - being neat and tidy is not gonna cut it here. he’s never gonna be our number 10 so he’s gonna have to find that niche in a different position. At a club like Manchester United, we SHOULD have players fighting for places and leaving good players out is the nature of the beast.
I think he has a choice to make really.

He has played in one system his entire career and now he is at a club that plays completely differently. Man United tried to play like Ajax for two years. Then we decided it was not the "United Way".

To fit our style he needs to work on being more proactive, improve his long range passing and work on driving with the ball. Otherwise, he'll remain a square peg in a round hole.

Whether he wants to work on fitting in the team is on him, he certainly has enough technique to push to adapt. But if he doesn't adapt his game, he'll be back at a club that plays like Ajax within 2 years.
No, I'm not wrong.

I have a different opinion to you. This is a forum for opinions, not dick posts like the above.
But you’re opinion is objectively wrong. That’s why he is playing less than his peers.
He made 70 passes and I barely felt his presence in the game.
He seems too complimentary a player. At United, even someone like Carrick got heavily criticised for bring too vanilla for a good chunk of his time here, and he had an excellent range of passing. So spending all game being content with popping it about and simply being 'tidy' imo isn't enough for a club of this size, and based on what I'm reading that's what this game was from VDB too.

I'm starting to wonder whether this supposedly great deal we all thought we had bagged was a bit shit given it came in the pandemic summer where nobody was willing to spend and he just about looks a squad player at the moment.
Had some good moments. Drifted out of the game. Had some more good moments. Drifted out of the game again.
I don't think he misplaced a pass which is nice. Also, I noticed he made a couple of runs that weren't picked up by his teammates, but were pretty good. And his flick to Mata in the first half deserved to be an assist.

But overall, he doesn't offer enough. Needs to influence the game more
What do we think he lacks? Lack of physicality and mobility or a general of ability? Or maybe he needs to up the expansiveness of his play in which case at least it can be worked on.

Kind of a bummer that this was our major signing of summer 2020. The others were Telles and two youngsters. Underwhelming.
Played the same role as McTominay, and played it much better, tidy on the ball, didn’t give any silly fouls away, solid 7/10
Donny wasn't that bad today, but he needs to be more assertive and play with more purpose. just like Fernandes & Pogba, even Mata is more influential as he runs with the ball and switches the play more often than just cute lil short passes.

also instead of only making runs into the box, he should sometimes be near the 18 yards line and attempt shots outside the box, today he made alot of runs but I felt he ran into crowded areas and didn't have the chemistry with team for them to pick his runs.

I still believe he'll come good.
People really need to open their eyes to the fact that a few good touches doesn't make a good player. At United, we play with three forwards, this means that we can't afford to have another player that doesn't get involved often in play. VDB waits for others to find him and doesn't provide incision himself. People need to stop acting like others need to adapt to his wavelength, VDB has to do more himself. Do you really believe that he would fly by with that play at any other top team?
Agreed. I get that same feeling watching him.

A difficult game to judge him on, the quality around him was pretty mediocre. The team decided to go on the backfoot after we scored. Think we need to see how he does in a run of games but not sure that'll happen.
That's the problem imo. How do big teams spot good players from small, average teams? Those good players stand out. VDB didn't.
Agreed. I get that same feeling watching him.

That's the problem imo. How do big teams spot good players from small, average teams? Those good players stand out. VDB didn't.

Exactly...would Grealish not be impactful in this game?
Like what many have said before, he’s a system player. And he doesn’t suit our system but doesn’t mean he can’t learn and adapt. You can tell from the way how he plays in our team, his playing style is less effective for us which is why Ole is giving him time to learn and adapt. If he plays under LVG, he will be his main regular player by now but because we don’t focus on possession or keeping the ball or more passes is better than more shooting but instead we are the opposite, we focus to play more direct, risky passes and try to shoot more, those tidy passes and one touch passes he made to keep possession are just useless for our system. You can see the contrast between him and Fred/Bruno.
He would be a really nice player playing inbetween 2 strikers in my opinion to be a part of a front 3. He can add some short passes and flicks, but more his runs and finishing would bring an issue to the team.

It would mean Bruno can pick his runs out from behind him.

Unfortunately for VDB he looks like a pure 433 player, neither do we look like we have the players for it (we lack the CDM for it), and I'm not sure Ole is the biggest fan of that formation (which I hope is not true and I hope he one day gives it a go when we tactically need that switch for a match).
Next to a proper DM, I feel he'll be brilliant. I recall when Carrick first came to the club, a lot of fans were quite disappointed with him especially given the 18 million it so price tag. He was neat in possession but he was no keano.

I find similarities with the VDB situation. He's very tidy on possession and is capable of opening up teams with quick passes but right now there are a lot of little issues such as no proper DM, being too far behind in the line up and still adapting into the team, which includes finding his best position.

I have full faith that we will see the best of him by next season.
He looked decent and aside from the ball retention I thought he played some smart balls forward into space that got us out of a press.

The one thing I noticed was there were times he was asking for the ball but wouldn't get it, players need to trust him more even if he had a player behind him.
Or he would pass the ball, move into space for a return and the ball gets passed back.

I'd like to see us add to that by giving it to him or at least trying to

I'd like to see him play with Pogba and / or Bruno but then with the first string attack
The issue is he won't until there is an injury to get a run of games
People saying he doesn’t suit our system, only can play on narrow pitches , it’s as if one of the biggest clubs in the world didn’t know who they were buying and just hoped for the best. Never change red cafe.
Remember Fred’s first season? Let’s judge him around this time next year, give him a chance ffs.
Next to a proper DM, I feel he'll be brilliant. I recall when Carrick first came to the club, a lot of fans were quite disappointed with him especially given the 18 million it so price tag. He was neat in possession but he was no keano.

I find similarities with the VDB situation. He's very tidy on possession and is capable of opening up teams with quick passes but right now there are a lot of little issues such as no proper DM, being too far behind in the line up and still adapting into the team, which includes finding his best position.

I have full faith that we will see the best of him by next season.

I think he's a very high level complimentary player in possession getting open and keeping things moving and making short passes that make it easier to play switches and through balls than most midfielders (he did this well today to get McTominay the ball in positions to easily hit long balls out to James in particular) , so if him becoming our #8 makes sense it's because he will take his qualities and Ole/the Manager will figure out how to use them to:

1. Regularly get the ball to Bruno a lot and help free him up with his movement in relation to him

2. Make it easy for the #6 we need to spray balls over the top and out wide. Tough to find that type of player who is physical and athletic enough to be a holding mid if you can't sign Kimmich but maybe it can be some early 20s player ready to make the leap at what is often a late developing type of role after all like Kalvin Phillips or Neuhaus or Koopmeiners or whoever we should - if not will - sign.
He doesnt lose possession and always available for a passing option.

DVB is suited in a team that plays more collectively as a unit, instead of a team based on individual brilliance like ours.
He gets in so many good positions only to see teammates not named Mata ignore him time and again. He’s going to be fine. Please continue to play him!
People saying he doesn’t suit our system, only can play on narrow pitches , it’s as if one of the biggest clubs in the world didn’t know who they were buying and just hoped for the best. Never change red cafe.
Remember Fred’s first season? Let’s judge him around this time next year, give him a chance ffs.
Remember Sanchez?

I like VDB and our transfers have got better under Ole, but blindly trusting the club to make good signings, just because, is naive.
Next to a proper DM, I feel he'll be brilliant. I recall when Carrick first came to the club, a lot of fans were quite disappointed with him especially given the 18 million it so price tag. He was neat in possession but he was no keano.

I find similarities with the VDB situation. He's very tidy on possession and is capable of opening up teams with quick passes but right now there are a lot of little issues such as no proper DM, being too far behind in the line up and still adapting into the team, which includes finding his best position.

I have full faith that we will see the best of him by next season.

You never watch Carrick in 06/07 and 07/08 then. I never heard fans were quite disappointed with him in those two seasons especially his first season. I head some disappointment in 08/09, 09/10 & 10/11 but definitely not in his early years. Carrick wasn’t just tidy on possession, he knew how to pull a long ball and risky passes in his early years. Completely different to Donny’s situation.
He doesnt lose possession and always available for a passing option.

DVB is suited in a team that plays more collectively as a unit, instead of a team based on individual brilliance like ours.
I completely agree. He is a class player. Especially for the price we got him. If and when he adapts to the team and the league, we will have a great player on our hands. If not, he is not gonna drop much in price. I am sure he will have his admirers - teams more suited to his style of play. It was really a no brainer signing.
People literally never learn.

Just remember Fred’s development and then take a fecking chill pill.

At any other club, Beek’s slow start would be a nothing issue.

At United it’s headline news along with Covid and Trump.

For what it’s worth, I think he needs to improve physically.

There’s clearly something there in terms of his ball retention and circulation, while he offers something we don’t have in terms of combination play in tight areas and around corners.
His confidence is shot and that is because how Ole has used him. Now he is always trying to play extremely safe and not make mistakes rather than trying things. It's clear as day.
He seems like a nice guy to have around but its not working. He just doesn't have that force to make things happen 70 passes and only one flick to Mata that create sth.

He just IS There and nothing is happening. No Long passes no shots no dribbling.

it's not our style of play we do not Play like that and we do not want to play like that.

I bet LvG would stripped Rooney off armband give it to Donny and play him all the time.

Milion passes that do nothing.

For him its not about team he does not look like he want us to score he just want to have good statistics that he had +95% of passing. Try to do sth ffs play it faster, harder, longer whatever, risk it a little bit, we don't care about passing % we Care about scoring chances instead of that 70 nothing passes make 5 that make us move forward and have a Chance.

You said that he must have been upset about a bunch around him but i bet that bunch were even more upset that they had Donny behind them. I know thst Mata James Lingard are not United quality but they are still PL quality and against Championship side they would shine with better service, but you just know there won't be any through passes to go 1v1 against The gk and he would slow our play and kill any momentum.

I bet that against that pretty bad watford team Pogba or Bruno playing in that position would make at least 3-4 goal scoring oportunity for James, Lingard Greenwood and we would score few more.

So in your opinion to our play work we need change whole forward line to make vdb look good and IMO it we change only Donny and put better player that forward line against weak team like Watford would play all right.

So where is the problem ?

For me it is Donny who makes other peoplearound him miss or do not have any chances to shine rather then him being poor because of whats around him.

Its just passing passing passing so boring to watch and for more than decade no very effective if you do not have Messi in your team and for few years even with Messi is bad way to play.

He was born 20 years to late to play that kind of football.

At The moment at 10 he is behind Bruno and Pogba at 8 he is behind Pogba McT and for sure he is not able to Play at 6 so him being on the bench ale the time is good for a team.

Maybe leeds would swap him and James for Phillips? In Bielsa system he could do well for midtable team.
I knew this would happen.

he played well, was statistically very good and should have had an assist with a lovely touch - yet because our attack was pretty much non existent people think he had a bad game :lol:

he has to be pretty much Roy of the rovers now before the geniuses on redcafe decide he’s good enough.

a midfield performance isn’t about scoring a hat trick or smashing as many Hollywood balls forward as you can.

he played some lovely passes in and around the box, he’s excellent in the right areas and gets out of most pressing situations.

people say he hasn’t got a passing range, the fact is he just prefers to do a shorter 10-20 yard pass instead of the long switch. There’s nothing wrong with that as it helps us retain possession,
We over turn the ball way too much with long balls.

defensively he had the most actions on the pitch, passing was over 90%, how can that be claimed as a bad performance?
He seems like a nice guy to have around but its not working. He just doesn't have that force to make things happen 70 passes and only one flick to Mata that create sth.

He just IS There and nothing is happening. No Long passes no shots no dribbling.

it's not our style of play we do not Play like that and we do not want to play like that.

I bet LvG would stripped Rooney off armband give it to Donny and play him all the time.

Milion passes that do nothing.

For him its not about team he does not look like he want us to score he just want to have good statistics that he had +95% of passing. Try to do sth ffs play it faster, harder, longer whatever, risk it a little bit, we don't care about passing % we Care about scoring chances instead of that 70 nothing passes make 5 that make us move forward and have a Chance.

You said that he must have been upset about a bunch around him but i bet that bunch were even more upset that they had Donny behind them. I know thst Mata James Lingard are not United quality but they are still PL quality and against Championship side they would shine with better service, but you just know there won't be any through passes to go 1v1 against The gk and he would slow our play and kill any momentum.

I bet that against that pretty bad watford team Pogba or Bruno playing in that position would make at least 3-4 goal scoring oportunity for James, Lingard Greenwood and we would score few more.

So in your opinion to our play work we need change whole forward line to make vdb look good and IMO it we change only Donny and put better player that forward line against weak team like Watford would play all right.

So where is the problem ?

For me it is Donny who makes other peoplearound him miss or do not have any chances to shine rather then him being poor because of whats around him.

Its just passing passing passing so boring to watch and for more than decade no very effective if you do not have Messi in your team and for few years even with Messi is bad way to play.

He was born 20 years to late to play that kind of football.

At The moment at 10 he is behind Bruno and Pogba at 8 he is behind Pogba McT and for sure he is not able to Play at 6 so him being on the bench ale the time is good for a team.

Maybe leeds would swap him and James for Phillips? In Bielsa system he could do well for midtable team.

Damn son :lol:
He seems like a nice guy to have around but its not working. He just doesn't have that force to make things happen 70 passes and only one flick to Mata that create sth.

He just IS There and nothing is happening. No Long passes no shots no dribbling.

it's not our style of play we do not Play like that and we do not want to play like that.

I bet LvG would stripped Rooney off armband give it to Donny and play him all the time.

Milion passes that do nothing.

For him its not about team he does not look like he want us to score he just want to have good statistics that he had +95% of passing. Try to do sth ffs play it faster, harder, longer whatever, risk it a little bit, we don't care about passing % we Care about scoring chances instead of that 70 nothing passes make 5 that make us move forward and have a Chance.

You said that he must have been upset about a bunch around him but i bet that bunch were even more upset that they had Donny behind them. I know thst Mata James Lingard are not United quality but they are still PL quality and against Championship side they would shine with better service, but you just know there won't be any through passes to go 1v1 against The gk and he would slow our play and kill any momentum.

I bet that against that pretty bad watford team Pogba or Bruno playing in that position would make at least 3-4 goal scoring oportunity for James, Lingard Greenwood and we would score few more.

So in your opinion to our play work we need change whole forward line to make vdb look good and IMO it we change only Donny and put better player that forward line against weak team like Watford would play all right.

So where is the problem ?

For me it is Donny who makes other peoplearound him miss or do not have any chances to shine rather then him being poor because of whats around him.

Its just passing passing passing so boring to watch and for more than decade no very effective if you do not have Messi in your team and for few years even with Messi is bad way to play.

He was born 20 years to late to play that kind of football.

At The moment at 10 he is behind Bruno and Pogba at 8 he is behind Pogba McT and for sure he is not able to Play at 6 so him being on the bench ale the time is good for a team.

Maybe leeds would swap him and James for Phillips? In Bielsa system he could do well for midtable team.
One of the worst posts I’ve ever read.

you blame him for others missing their shots?! He couldn’t have played a more perfect touch for mata to score. Thank god it wasn’t donny missing that chance as all you lunatics would be saying he should never play again:wenger:
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I knew this would happen.

he played well, was statistically very good and should have had an assist with a lovely touch - yet because our attack was pretty much non existent people think he had a bad game :lol:

he has to be pretty much Roy of the rovers now before the geniuses on redcafe decide he’s good enough.

a midfield performance isn’t about scoring a hat trick or smashing as many Hollywood balls forward as you can.

he played some lovely passes in and around the box, he’s excellent in the right areas and gets out of most pressing situations.

people say he hasn’t got a passing range, the fact is he just prefers to do a shorter 10-20 yard pass instead of the long switch. There’s nothing wrong with that as it helps us retain possession,
We over turn the ball way too much with long balls.

defensively he had the most actions on the pitch, passing was over 90%, how can that be claimed as a bad performance?

I think youre completely missing the point everyone is making about him and you wasted all those words on it.
I think youre completely missing the point everyone is making about him and you wasted all those words on it.
Enlighten me? What did he do wrong last night?

by the way being in the majority on here often shows it’s not a good thing..
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