The Biden Presidency


nasty little twerp with crazy bitter-man opinions
Jun 6, 2011
I'm typing this with my Glock 19 two feet from me
You can only do one budget reconciliation bill a year. One.
You can do 3 actually. But that limit only exists because of a law passed by congress. The limit didn't come down on a tablet from mount sinai, all congress has to do is pass a law updating that limit or reinterpret the senate rules regarding that law. Both of which are things you can do when you control both houses and the presidency.

Not to mention that unrelated provisions are put into budget bills every single time and democrats could simply insert things they want into 1 or 2 or 3 budget bills each year.


Jun 24, 2015
Thank feck the nightmare's over. A penny....or pence for Pence's thoughts as he's sitting there wondering what could have been.


nasty little twerp with crazy bitter-man opinions
Jun 6, 2011
I'm typing this with my Glock 19 two feet from me
Afraid it is not that easy:

The most straightforward way to eliminate the filibuster would be to formally change the text of Senate Rule 22, the cloture rule that requires 60 votes to end debate on legislation. Here’s the catch: Ending debate on a resolution to change the Senate’s standing rules requires the support of two-thirds of the members present and voting.

A more complicated, but more likely, way to ban the filibuster would be to create a new Senate precedent. The chamber’s precedents exist alongside its formal rules to provide additional insight into how and when its rules have been applied in particular ways. Importantly, this approach to curtailing the filibuster—colloquially known as the “nuclear option” and more formally as “reform by ruling”—can, in certain circumstances, be employed with support from only a simple majority of senators.

The nuclear option leverages the fact that a new precedent can be created by a senator raising a point of order, or claiming that a Senate rule is being violated. If the presiding officer (typically a member of the Senate) agrees, that ruling establishes a new precedent. If the presiding officer disagrees, another senator can appeal the ruling of the chair. If a majority of the Senate votes to reverse the decision of the chair, then the opposite of the chair’s ruling becomes the new precedent.

In both 2013 and 2017, the Senate used this approach to reduce the number of votes needed to end debate on nominations. The majority leader used two non-debatable motions to bring up the relevant nominations, and then raised a point of order that the vote on cloture is by majority vote. The presiding officer ruled against the point of order, but his ruling was overturned on appeal—which, again, required only a majority in support. In sum, by following the right steps in a particular parliamentary circumstance, a simple majority of senators can establish a new interpretation of a Senate rule.

And Manchin has already said he doesn't want the filibuster to end, so unless you get a Romney or a Sasse onside, it is here to stay.
Which gets back to the original point of Manchin being a democrat in good standing who receives powerful committee assignments and upon whom no pressure is exerted by the democratic power structure. They surely would pressure and influence and incentive Manchin if democratic leadership actually wanted to accomplish the things they say they want to accomplish.


it's a mute point
Feb 14, 2013
Thank feck the nightmare's over. A penny....or pence for Pence's thoughts as he's sitting there wondering what could have been.
I was just thinking, how the feck can he sit through this and not feel anything but shame for what he has upheld and supported the past 4 years. At least Trump had the unintentional dignity of not showing his face.


Gentleness adorns everything
Sep 1, 2004
Thank feck the nightmare's over. A penny....or pence for Pence's thoughts as he's sitting there wondering what could have been.
Could possibly have junior Trump running at the next election. Bigger nightmare in waiting! Trump has created a **** like following which they will take advantage.


Winner of the 'I'm not reading that' medal.
Jun 2, 2009
Big Days
Could possibly have junior Trump running at the next election. Bigger nightmare in waiting! Trump has created a **** like following which they will take advantage.
Honestly, Trump Jr will be absolutely hilarious. He’s a coked up shit for brains. The pressure of running as the leading man would absolutely break him.


Logical and sensible but turns women gay
Jan 11, 2007
Yes I can hear you Clem Fandango!
Which gets back to the original point of Manchin being a democrat in good standing who receives powerful committee assignments and upon whom no pressure is exerted by the democratic power structure. They surely would pressure and influence and incentive Manchin if democratic leadership actually wanted to accomplish the things they say they want to accomplish.
And what if he says no? There is no one else that would even get close to winning a West Virginian Senate seat. Plus if you immediately abolish the filibuster you open yourselves up to criticism (no matter how unjustified) that you are not being bipartisan.

That's why Reid waited until Republicans blocked even the most straightforward judicial nominee before he removed it for non-Supreme Court judicial appointments. And yes, the Republicans got rid of it for the Supreme Court without a lot of criticism - that seems to be the hypocrisy of the left/right divide.

It would be much easier for Manchin to get on board with the removal if and when McConnell keeps blocking popular policies, but this will take some time.

I would love for it to go and for DC and Puerto Rico to become states. I just cannot see it happening.


Redcafes Most Rested
May 20, 2018
No longer in WI
Atlanta United
You can do 3 actually. But that limit only exists because of a law passed by congress. The limit didn't come down on a tablet from mount sinai, all congress has to do is pass a law updating that limit or reinterpret the senate rules regarding that law. Both of which are things you can do when you control both houses and the presidency.

Not to mention that unrelated provisions are put into budget bills every single time and democrats could simply insert things they want into 1 or 2 or 3 budget bills each year.
You can only pass ONE spending budget reconciliation bill a year

From the Wiki:
Congress can pass up to three reconciliation bills per year, with each bill addressing the major topics of reconciliation: revenue, spending, and the federal debt limit. However, if Congress passes a reconciliation bill affecting more than one of those topics, it cannot pass another reconciliation bill later in the year affecting one of the topics addressed by the previous reconciliation bill.[2] In practice, reconciliation bills have usually been passed once per year at most.[15]

Also, this rule, which began as the Byrd rule, is was passed into law by 60+ votes, so I am pretty sure that amending it would require the standard 60+.


wants Amber Rudd to call him a naughty boy
Jul 3, 2012
Are we done now or is there any more weird pageantry to come?


May 21, 2019
Won’t it be amazing when Biden steps down and Harris is President, a black woman as President.


Full Member
May 8, 2013
He spoke well to he fair, although not exactly groundbreaking stuff. He's got a serious job in trying to unify that fractures society so it was good to hear him address that head on.


Feb 17, 2013
Barely any social distancing going on here. If this was Trump's inauguration he would be ridiculed. I'm no fan but people really pick and choose their agendas.