Fernandinho's Munich air disaster twitter post?

That explosion emoji - I've seen that so often, it is frequently used.

So your explanation of him using this emoji is that it's frequently used? Come on. If it was that and a laughing face then fine but the context of him using an explosing, airplane and laughing is far too fecking coincidental.
Is this guy real, the FA needs to take action surely, I bet they wont. My word I cannot believe anyone would want to do it, let alone a current player. This sums up the education of players under the new umbrella of Man City.
A plane because he's in the air heading in the picture and he's literally laughing in the picture. That explosion emoji - I've seen that so often, it is frequently used.

There's no way he was trying to mock the Munich air disaster. I know he's a City player but come on, this is a bit silly.
Well even if that is the case, intent no longer matters as evidence by the cavani tweet.

United fans find it offensive ergo it should be bannable
Hope he gets a ban for that. A long one, at least equivalent to Cavani's.

If he just had the photo, it MAY be a coincidence, it's the emoji one that's unforgivable

They were recently making a big point of policing things like anti Hillsborough chants at our games with Liverpool so should certainly be clamping down on players doing such things, or it'll encourage "fans" to do the same

But like people say, as it's a City player it'll be swept under the carpet, hope as a club we push for it to be investigated
Exactly - they’ve set a precedent now. You can be punished regardless of intent just as long as what you said was offensive to someone, somewhere.

They’ve left themselves no choice but to punish him. And if they don’t, I’ll enjoy seeing how they wriggle out of it.

The problem is you’ve just made a key part of your post up in order to reinforce your indignation. If your point is strong enough you shouldn’t need to do that.

That said, the onus should be on Fernandinho to explain what he or his social media team meant as if it’s related to Munich he should get a long ban. Still confused as why you are comparing him to Cavani though, other than you want him to miss games.
No surprise to see people jump all over this yet didn’t mention it all of the other days of the year when he posted plane, explosion and laughter emojis.
Well even if that is the case, intent no longer matters as evidence by the cavani tweet.

United fans find it offensive ergo it should be bannable
Again, you’ve just made that up. Second person on this thread.
A plane because he's in the air heading in the picture and he's literally laughing in the picture. That explosion emoji - I've seen that so often, it is frequently used.

There's no way he was trying to mock the Munich air disaster. I know he's a City player but come on, this is a bit silly.
Unfortunately for him intent does not matter. 10 game ban incoming. :lol:
No surprise to see people jump all over this yet didn’t mention it all of the other days of the year when he posted plane, explosion and laughter emojis.
So your saying he's done this before?

Send through the evidence please mate.

I've went back a year and didn't see one plane or one explosion
So your explanation of him using this emoji is that it's frequently used? Come on. If it was that and a laughing face then fine but the context of him using an explosing, airplane and laughing is far too fecking coincidental.
It's not is it, it's done deliberately.
It's a pure coincidence. I don't think he even knew the Munich air disaster happened on that day.

Moving on.
Just like how Cavani didn’t know his words could be considered racist (to absolute cretins). How’s this any different?
So your explanation of him using this emoji is that it's frequently used? Come on. If it was that and a laughing face then fine but the context of him using an explosing, airplane and laughing is far too fecking coincidental.
It's not too me. I think that's perfectly normal when you look at the pictures he included. The timing is obviously not great, but I can't believe some think he's genuinely trying to laugh at those that died in the air disaster. No way
No surprise to see people jump all over this yet didn’t mention it all of the other days of the year when he posted plane, explosion and laughter emojis.
Has he done other tweets like this one?
Hmm. I doubt he even runs the social media accounts, and if he does, would he even have known it was the anniversary.

I find it hard to believe any footballer would do that, let alone a foreign one who probably doesn’t really care that much about the rivalry anyway.
A plane because he's in the air heading in the picture and he's literally laughing in the picture. That explosion emoji - I've seen that so often, it is frequently used.

There's no way he was trying to mock the Munich air disaster. I know he's a City player but come on, this is a bit silly.
OK so you're saying a plane followed by an explosion and then laughter is purely coincidental with it being the day of the Munich Air disaster?

That's a huge stretch for me.
To be honest some of our players hardly knew about what day it was never mind City players

Exactly. We probably wake up on February 6 and know exactly what that day means, it wouldn't be the same for others.

Benefit of doubt.
Probably a coincidence and really not worth getting worked up about unless proven otherwise. Those claiming it's obviously intentional are basing their claims on what exactly?
Probably a coincidence and really not worth getting worked up about unless proven otherwise. Those claiming it's obviously intentional are basing their claims on what exactly?
That there’s an airplane and explosion emoji? Proof enough for you?
Just like how Cavani didn’t know his words could be considered racist (to absolute cretins). How’s this any different?
Cavani didn't know, because the word he used is frankly not racist, or in fact wrong. It was more annoying cultural appropriation that deemed it racist.

On the other hand, it seems that there's a massive overestimation as to how many people actually care that there was a Remembrance day to the Munich Air Disaster.
Fernandinho is Brazilian. He has no ties to the event, culturally or emotionally.
He'd probably have heard about it in the morning, and then forgotten about a few minutes later.

That's just the reality.
I've seen a lot of ugly people in my life (with me topping the chart). I had never paid attention to how Fernandinho actually looks like but this time I did and feck me, he must be the ugliest of the ugliest creatures in the universe. He's so ugly that when his mum dropped him at his school, she got fined for littering! (stolen shamelessly from Jimmy Liddel)
It's not too me. I think that's perfectly normal when you look at the pictures he included. The timing is obviously not great, but I can't believe some think he's genuinely trying to laugh at those that died in the air disaster. No way
So he’s either ignorant or insensitive?
Both clubs didn't want to comment...???? Why ??? Coincidental my back side. It's ok to jump on a message to a friend , but not to offend the memories of those who lost there lives. Disgraceful. Cant understand why there isnt more about this . Its being swept under the carpet .
I don't understand some of you - If this is not a coincidence, what lengthy ban do you speak of? He should be banned from playing football ever again, at least in PL ffs!
Debating if it was an intentional tweet, if so, he deserves the book thrown at him.
I think it's far more likely to be coincidental than intentional. If he did it on purpose what is there to gain? Seriously. It would be beyond idiotic and just unbelievably wrong, it would make him look like utter scum.

I doubt he even runs the account, like Mendy doesn't run his.

I'm not defending him or sticking up for him, just trying to see things a bit more logically.
OK so you're saying a plane followed by an explosion and then laughter is purely coincidental with it being the day of the Munich Air disaster?

That's a huge stretch for me.
So you think the Munich air disaster was on his mind and then he posted a picture on Twitter to then mock those that died? I think that's more of a stretch than an explosion emoji, followed by a football, followed by an aeroplane and laughter. If you literally look at the pictures he included, it's then clearly obvious to me why he included those emojis.

There doesn't seem to be anything in I, I don't know why some a looking to be offended
I think he might get banned here purely because I'm sure the FA like to interfere in the title race just to make it more interesting.

City just winning it at a canter wouldn't be as good for ratings as City having United, Liverpool etc. right up their arse.

What I'm saying is, the PL has a lot in common with pro wrestling.
I've seen a lot of ugly people in my life (with me topping the chart). I had never paid attention to how Fernandinho actually looks like but this time I did and feck me, he must be the ugliest of the ugliest creatures in the universe. He's so ugly that when his mum dropped him at his school, she got fined for littering! (stolen shamelessly from Jimmy Liddel)
State of this post.
Cavani didn't know, because the word he used is frankly not racist, or in fact wrong. It was more annoying cultural appropriation that deemed it racist.

On the other hand, it seems that there's a massive overestimation as to how many people actually care that there was a Remembrance day to the Munich Air Disaster.
Fernandinho is Brazilian. He has no ties to the event, culturally or emotionally.
He'd probably have heard about it in the morning, and then forgotten about a few minutes later.

That's just the reality.
Doesn’t really excuse it though does it. It’s possibly the single biggest tragedy the game of football has witnessed which just happened to impact the same city as he plays in and for their teams biggest rivals. It’s his job to know the history and context of something like that. I’d give him the benefit of the doubt and say he probably didn’t know, it doesn’t change the fact it’s ignorant, insensitive and downright offensive to many.
So he’s either ignorant or insensitive?
Well he could be ignorant but I think there's nothing for him to gain by mocking the air disaster. It just doesn't make any sense, but the emoji's he included make complete sense when you look at the pictures he included.
OK so you're saying a plane followed by an explosion and then laughter is purely coincidental with it being the day of the Munich Air disaster?

That's a huge stretch for me.

So you're saying that a high profile international footballer playing for Man City would openly mock the deaths of a United's players on Twitter?

Well, that's a huge stretch for me.