As Rugby refuses to take the knee, is it time the Premier League stopped too?

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Full Member
Oct 19, 2020
With some of the crap that's been posted online the last couple of weeks, I think it doesn't matter what is done, whether it is taking a knee or anything else. It won't get through to the small percentage of the idiots who actually go out of their way to be racist.
May 22, 2017
Up to the players to decide. Not clubs, but fans, not authorities.

I’ll support whatever the players want to do/ not do.


Full Member
Jun 5, 2014
If they don't really mean it AND they have a specific goal in mind that they could achieve with racist abuse. Then it's somehow not racist.
Problem solved.

I think murders, assaults and all crimes in the society can be solved like this. All you need to say is "That wasn't my intent".


No I won’t change your tag line
Aug 17, 2009
This is honestly insane to me. Crazy rationale.
That and the fact he/she believes racism is a thing of the past, are truly worrying to me. I mean, I meet people like this semi-regularly, but it's always a bit of a shock.

2 man midfield

Last Man Standing finalist 2021/22
Sep 4, 2012
Rashford is actually doing something that helps though,

Has bending the knee actually helped anyone?
It raises awareness, but that’s about all they can do. In order to convince the actual powers that be to take action against racism whenever it shows up, you need enough people to demand it.


Full Member
Oct 23, 2010
Yes. If you think it's a thing of the past then you've been living under a phenomenally large rock.
Growing up I frequently saw players having bananas thrown at them on the pitch and a large section of the crowds making monkey noises at black players, there has been one hell of a lot of progression. Yes racism still exists in the UK, but time and very much education has helped eradicate a lot of behaviours that went on in the 70’s, 80’s & 90’s.


Shame we’re aren’t more like Brighton
Jun 23, 2020
Carpark and snack area adjacent to the abyss
I'm not a huge proponent of BLM, or any of these movements, but I also don't think it's my place to decide whether people should partake in them or not. Your issues with taking a knee in PL matches surely pales in comparison to the issues faced by those it's attempting to show solidarity with, don't you think?
Whilst I agree with your sentiment, you don’t have to support BLM movement to think racism is wrong.
Taking the knee is a visual reminder that racism is not acceptable, ever.


Full Member
Jun 5, 2014
My point is, bending the Knee won't stop online trolls, we need far more radical things to do this, Twitter, Instagram, etc need to take more direct action.

What has this post got to do anything with what you posted below?

Depends, What is Racism?


If I hated someone because of their skin colour and told them directly how I felt about them using derogatory words, then that I would consider would be racism.

If I wanted to unsettle a player at a rival club, one tool I could use is derogatory terms to unsettle them. Would that be racism if I cheered on my own players of colour and I didn't really care about skin colour at all?


Full Member
Sep 1, 2010
Problem solved.

I think murders, assaults and all crimes in the society can be solved like this. All you need to say is "That wasn't my intent".
'I don't kill other people, I have plenty of friends who are people and I cheer on humans who are playing for my football team. I just killed HIM to unsettle a rival club so it isn't really murder, it's just a tool I used.'


Full Member
Feb 26, 2014
I much prefer we aim to make all lives better
Are you one of those "All lives matter" folk? This whole post smells of it.

Also, sorry but you saying 'racism isn't what it used to be', what's that even mean? Do you reckon folk back in the day were like 'Hey we aren't chaining them up and selling them anymore, so what's the problem with designating seating and not allowing them in my bar?' Just because something isn't as bad as it used to be, does not mean it's all good now. That's an awful argument. We should constantly be trying to push equality and kick racism out of our society. There are many many ways to do it, taking a knee (though it might not be the golden ticket) to keep the awareness raised, is not silly.

Racism isn't something that will just stop, it can very easily creep back into peoples views if no one actively does anything.


No I won’t change your tag line
Aug 17, 2009
Growing up I frequently saw players having bananas thrown at them on the pitch and a large section of the crowds making monkey noises at black players, there has been one hell of a lot of progression. Yes racism still exists in the UK, but time and very much education has helped eradicate a lot of behaviours that went on in the 70’s, 80’s & 90’s.
I don't think Solius is saying there isn't any racism now. Far from it actually. Zexstream said racism is a thing of the past, Solius is saying it isn't.

Zexstream didn't say racism isn't as bad as it used to be (irrelevant for the sufferer of racism by the way). He said it's a thing of the past, which is inherently false!


Aug 31, 2011
From 1990 to the present day, the breakdown of deaths of people of black, Asian and minority ethnicity (BAME) in custody or following other police contact and as the result of police shootings in England and Wales are as follows:

Total BAME deaths in police custody or otherwise following contact with the police, England & Wales 1990-2020
Metropolitan Police
Other Forces
All custody and shooting deaths

Between 1990 and 2015, an average of one person a week died following contact with police or whilst being held in police custody.

One African, Caribbean or South Asian person dies in police custody every two months.

No police officer has been charged with the death of a BAME individual since 1971.
To throw out stats like this you would need to show the comparable stats for White deaths in custody with the levels of crime for each group.

In the US for instance the figures that highlight more black deaths also highlight more black crime, they also show more black on black murder. Thus statistics don't show the whole picture.


Dec 31, 2007
Growing up I frequently saw players having bananas thrown at them on the pitch and a large section of the crowds making monkey noises at black players, there has been one hell of a lot of progression. Yes racism still exists in the UK, but time and very much education has helped eradicate a lot of behaviours that went on in the 70’s, 80’s & 90’s.
It's not as overt as it used to be no, but there are still a lot more people out there than you'd think that still harbor these thoughts. Personally I feel it's impossible to ever fully eradicate racism but it would be foolish and cowardly not to try.


Full Member
Oct 31, 2016
What people need to realise is that when you complain about society's "wokeness" to really important issues, you come across as being a bigot.

I'm sure during the Civil Rights Movement you had people complaining about bringing attention to important issues.
I'm sure during the Suffragette Movement you had people complaining about bringing attention to important issues.
I'm sure during the Internal Resistance Against Apartheid movement you had people complaining about bringing attention to important issues.

I could go on and on, but the crux of the point is by starting dialogue like this, you are openly opposing a social movement that will undoubtedly make the world a better place.

So, in conclusion, I personally believe the only thing that is cringey is this thread and your inability to digest important social issues.


Aug 31, 2011
It raises awareness, but that’s about all they can do. In order to convince the actual powers that be to take action against racism whenever it shows up, you need enough people to demand it.
Kick out Racism has been associated with the Premier League for as long as I can remember, even in Online Games etc. Has it actually helped?

If someone is racist I don't think a player taking the knee is going to change their worldview.


Full Member
Dec 23, 2009
Location Location
Taking a knee does nothing, the whole thing is pointless to me, we need heavy punishments for those we are racist or condone it, not players kneeling down as a sign to oppose it. Everyone should oppose racism and taking a knee has nothing to do with actual getting rid of racism. I find it all strange


Open to offers
Jun 28, 2010
Where the grass is greener.
To throw out stats like this you would need to show the comparable stats for White deaths in custody with the levels of crime for each group.

In the US for instance the figures that highlight more black deaths also highlight more black crime, they also show more black on black murder. Thus statistics don't show the whole picture.
There's a general tone to your posts which really really isn't coming across very well. Each post it gets a bit worse.


Aug 31, 2011

What has this post got to do anything with what you posted below?
The point was, Racism can be used as a tool.

Someone may not be racist at all but use racism to unsettle a player because it works.

The only way to eliminate online trolls is to have our identities highlighted to social media companies when we sign up for accounts, that way if someone decided to use racially derogatory language or act racist in any way they can be identified and arrested. I guarantee you online abuse would almost end overnight.


Full Member
Sep 1, 2010
Wait. People have an issue if players.kneel for 3 seconds before the match? So that kids who watch can ask their parents why and get a reasonable answer? Or can be discussed by youngsters who play regularly?

When the most common answer to stopping institutional racism is education and discussion early in someones life, what did people think it looked like?
Invisible. Educate those other people, in private please, not ME!

This is basically the same as people who reflexively react with 'this isn't the time and place for this' to each and every method of protest against something they personally don't have a problem with.


No I won’t change your tag line
Aug 17, 2009
In the US for instance the figures that highlight more black deaths also highlight more black crime, they also show more black on black murder. Thus statistics don't show the whole picture.
This paragraph shows a distinct lack of awareness as to what institutional racism is.

Annihilate Now!

...or later, I'm not fussy
Nov 4, 2010
As an aside, the knee is for Kick It Out / Anti-Racism... Not BLM (if you really care about that sort of distinction)

Anyway, this idea that "Taking the Knee" does nothing is, in itself, false... the fact that before every game, something happens that makes you think - either consciously or sub-consciously - about race issues, is something. Is it a lot? No, but then this is literally a 2 second gesture... it isn't meant to change the world, just make you think, even for a second... On top of that it impacts nobody negatively, doesn't take up any time at all, and by and its only downside is that it literally stops you watching the game for a whole 2 seconds (shock horror!) , so why anyone would be "against" it or feels it has to end is beyond me. What is the harm?

Pass and Move

Full Member
Jul 15, 2014
Taking a knee does nothing, the whole thing is pointless to me, we need heavy punishments for those we are racist or condone it, not players kneeling down as a sign to oppose it. Everyone should oppose racism and taking a knee has nothing to do with actual getting rid of racism. I find it all strange
I think players making such a pronounced statement such as taking the knee makes it far more likely clubs, leagues etc will start handing out larger fines and heavier punishments.


Full Member
Aug 7, 2014
Rashford is actually doing something that helps though,

Has bending the knee actually helped anyone?
I'm sure Rashford had the same kind of sceptism aimed at him when he first ventured into his quest to help end child poverty. But it all depends how you measure it. Does marketing directly help sales?

But most of all I think the question you need to ask yourself is - why does this campaign bother me?


Having a week off
Feb 6, 2012
It’s the players’ choice. No one else should have a say in this.


New Member
Dec 21, 2017
I don't really understand how it helps but I don't care that they do it. I'd actually like to see all media questions deflected by the players and managers and have them talk about rascism.


New Member
May 26, 2018
The point was, Racism can be used as a tool.

Someone may not be racist at all but use racism to unsettle a player because it works.
How does someone using racism as a tool to unsettle a player not make them a racist? Bizarre logic here.


Logical and sensible but turns women gay
Jan 11, 2007
Yes I can hear you Clem Fandango!
To throw out stats like this you would need to show the comparable stats for White deaths in custody with the levels of crime for each group.

In the US for instance the figures that highlight more black deaths also highlight more black crime, they also show more black on black murder. Thus statistics don't show the whole picture.


  • unemployment rates were significantly higher for ethnic minorities at 12.9 per cent compared with 6.3 per cent for White people
  • Black workers with degrees earn 23.1 per cent less on average than White workers
  • in Britain, significantly lower percentages of ethnic minorities (8.8 per cent) worked as managers, directors and senior officials, compared with White people (10.7 per cent) and this was particularly true for African or Caribbean or Black people (5.7 per cent) and those of mixed ethnicity (7.2 per cent)
  • Black people who leave school with A-levels typically get paid 14.3 per cent less than their White peers

  • just 6 per cent of Black school leavers attended a Russell Group university, compared with 12 per cent of mixed and Asian school leavers and 11 per cent of White school leavers
  • Black Caribbean and Mixed White/Black Caribbean children have rates of permanent exclusion about three times that of the pupil population as a whole

  • Rates of prosecution and sentencing for Black people were three times higher than for White people,18 per thousand population compared with six per thousand population for White people
  • for sentencing it was 13 per thousand population for Black people and five per thousand population for White people
  • in England and Wales ethnic minority children and adults are more likely to be a victim of homicide
  • the homicide rate for Black people was 30.5 per million population, 14.1 for Asian people and 8.9 for White people
  • White women are more at risk of domestic abuse than ethnic minority women, with 7.4 per cent reported being victims of abuse compared with 4.4 per cent of ethnic minority women
  • race hate crimes on Britain’s railway networks have risen by 37 per cent
  • In England, 37.4 per cent of Black people and 44.8 per cent of Asian people felt unsafe being at home or around their local area, compared with 29.2 per cent of White people
Living standards
  • Pakistani or Bangladeshi and Black adults are more likely to live in substandard accommodation than White people
  • 30.9 per cent of Pakistani or Bangladeshi people live in overcrowded accommodation, while for Black people the figure is 26.8 per cent and for White people it is 8.3 per cent
  • if you are an ethnic minority person, you are still more likely to live in poverty. Our evidence shows that 35.7 per cent of ethnic minorities were more likely to live in poverty compared with 17.2 per cent of White people
  • in Scotland, ethnic minority households are more likely to experience overcrowding, with 11.8 per cent for ethnic minority households compared with 2.9 per cent for White households

Health and care

  • There is a significant disproportionate number of ethnic minorities detained under mental health legislation in hospitals in England and Wales
  • Black African women were seven times more likely to be detained than White British women
  • Gypsies, Travellers and Roma were found to suffer poorer mental health than the rest of the population in Britain and they were also more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression


Aug 31, 2011
Depends how you measure it. Does marketing directly help sales?
What is this marketing telling people, Racism is bad. How many people are going to say, well I never knew that!

How many Racists watch players taking the knee and say to themselves, well I guess I had better stop being racist.

Bending the knee raises awareness to who? Those who didn't know racism was bad?


New Member
Jan 4, 2021
Enyimba F.C.
At the weekend the Irish and Scottish Rugby teams refused to take the Knee for BLM.

Surely this cringe show should now end and the silliness of millionaire footballers taking the knee before an empty stadium every week should stop.

Whilst I have sympathies with the problems in the United States I fail to see how millionaire footballers bending the knee each week does anything to help those in the States and certainly is something we have to worry about in the UK.

No matter what your view, BLM is a political Movement, I much prefer we aim to make all lives better no matter, and one thing that Rashford has highlighted in the UK is the divide between the haves and have nots regardless of colour.

I honestly believe this Premier League Wokeness needs to stop, and I fully support the Rugby Teams in taking a stand on this.
Sadly, there is a lot of ignorance in this post. I almost don’t know where to start....


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
They could stop doing it tomorrow or keep doing it forever for all I care.

Though I will say that every time I see someone argue against it in the braindead manner of the OP, I suddenly feel a resurgence of active support rising up within my heart.


Too Boring For A Funny Tagline
Nov 3, 2011
Am I right in saying the premier leagues ‘taking the knee’ isn’t ‘black lives matter’ anymore but it’s ‘no room for racism’ (or a different campaign that I can’t remember)?


Dec 31, 2007
The point was, Racism can be used as a tool.

Someone may not be racist at all but use racism to unsettle a player because it works.

The only way to eliminate online trolls is to have our identities highlighted to social media companies when we sign up for accounts, that way if someone decided to use racially derogatory language or act racist in any way they can be identified and arrested. I guarantee you online abuse would almost end overnight.
I hate to break it to you, but this means that person is racist.
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Tom Van Persie

No relation
Dec 12, 2012
Is Racism such a problem in the UK though?

I for one think we have many more problems than Racism, in fact, Id likes to believe racism is something of the past. Sure, I imagine there are still issues surrounding racism but how relevant are they to most peoples lives. I believe there are more divides than colour and Rashford for instance is highlighting that himself.

Black Lives Matter is a Political Movement, Political Movements have no place in Sport.

I grew up as a child on the 80s, I remember the Brixton Riots etc, I would like to think the UK has moved on and grown up since those days. Today we have so many laws enforcing equality that I don't think Racism is in any way the issue it once was in the UK.

If anything I think this "Wokeness" and I will use the term Woke, does more harm than good and highlights a problem that really isn't there anymore from a UK perspective.
Have you been living under a rock?
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