The vaccines | vaxxed boosted unvaxxed? New poll

How's your immunity looking? Had covid - vote twice - vax status and then again for infection status

  • Vaxxed but no booster

  • Boostered

  • Still waiting in queue for first vaccine dose

  • Won't get vaxxed (unless I have to for travel/work etc)

  • Past infection with covid + I've been vaccinated

  • Past infection with covid - I've not been vaccinated

Results are only viewable after voting.


Too Boring For A Funny Tagline
Nov 3, 2011
It's an out of hours thing I do every Wednesday til 10pm. We basically just make sure all the animals are alright for the night. So we check their food, water, litter trays and change if needed. We do washing up, laundry, etc.. and then spend the rest of the time checking on the dogs, spending time with the kittens to socialise them, washing the tortoises, etc.. whatever needs doing really.
That’s great! Good on you for doing that. I never even considered doing something like that but once I move house I could see myself doing something like that.


Dec 31, 2007
That’s great! Good on you for doing that. I never even considered doing something like that but once I move house I could see myself doing something like that.
Yeah it's very rewarding! I love animals so it's always been something I've wanted to do. I sent in an application during the first lockdown because I needed to get out of the house more after moving to WFH almost full time. Started in July and it's been great.


Aug 7, 2007
Lake Jonathan Creek
It's an out of hours thing I do every Wednesday til 10pm. We basically just make sure all the animals are alright for the night. So we check their food, water, litter trays and change if needed. We do washing up, laundry, etc.. and then spend the rest of the time checking on the dogs, spending time with the kittens to socialise them, bathing the tortoises, etc.. whatever needs doing really.
This is awesome. I did something similar when I was in Thailand. Volunteered at a dog sanctuary for a week. 34 dogs between 3 of us. Morning times were fun!


Dec 31, 2007
This is awesome. I did something similar when I was in Thailand. Volunteered at a dog sanctuary for a week. 34 dogs between 3 of us. Morning times were fun!
Yeah the dogs can be overwhelming. We had a malamute in recently and it was absolutely massive. Played like a big puppy though.


Historiographer, and obtainer of rare antiquities
Mar 19, 2008
Anyone in Ireland have an idea when boosters will be available for younger age groups? (I’m in 35-40)


Full Member
Feb 11, 2014
That's because sinopharm has not been authorized in the EU. So according to German law her status is probably the same as an unvaccinated person.
Its insane though. WHO approved and if I’m not mistaken recognised by the UK and USA as well now. Ah well.

I sympathise. If we are going to use vaccine status as part of managing travel we do need a way to standardise these things to treat people fairly. It would be great if everyone could accept WHO approved as a baseline, but such are the problems about political influence over WHO a lot of countries haven't agreed to it. In fact even the covax program hasn't agreed to use the WHO list.

I've also had to have a two dose course of Pfizer (not just a booster), despite being fully vaxxed with Novavax as part of a clinical trial last year. Novavax passed its efficacy trial but couldn't ramp up production as planned and as such is still not approved by the MHRA, CDC or EMA. The UK and US recognise the trialists as vaccinated but Europe and most private companies don't.

There's a suggestion now that the definition of fully vaxxed will be three doses, which might be good for me (I've had 4!) if they accept the trial vaccine as part of it - but a guinea pig nightmare if they don't. A nightmare for those on the unapproved vaccine list trying to move as well. And that's before I get onto the waste of vaccine involved.

Meanwhile, I'll just assume it was worth it and made me invincible.
Thank you for the thoughtful and long reply. I pretty much conveyed this to my sister and she felt a bit better for it. The first Pfizer shot really put her down for the count too.

I’d be getting my booster shot soon but if I’m travelling, will need the second dose of Pfizer as well so like you said, just hoping for the best and feel good about it!

My friend did that too. Mainly because he was initially working overseas where only Sinopharm was available. When he returned to Singapore, he took the Pfizer shots here because the govt didn't recognise Sinopharm at that time and we have vaccines- differentiated measures. So he took it for convenience sake.

Another consideration he had was that a friend of his who also took Sinopharm went to do an antibody test and was shocked to find that he had zero antibodies. The concern over efficacy swung it for him
Aw man. You’re sure it wasn’t Sinovac? That’s scary news for most of my country!

El Zoido

Full Member
Jun 7, 2013
If I understand it right, in the UK we can still attend events if we don’t have the booster as long as you return a negative test within 48 hours beforehand?

Kopral Jono

Full Member
Oct 9, 2007
Are you able to get your booster shot anytime soon?
Incidentally I had my booster shot on this day last month through rather suspect means because Indonesia. Sinovac. It knocked me out real good for two days. Friends in Singapore, some even younger than me, have told me that they've received texts for booster appointments. Have you got yours yet?


Full Member
Aug 28, 2013
Govt apparently removing the requirement to wait 15 mins after your jab before leaving the centre, to allow them to get through them more quickly.


Nov 22, 2006
Fine so far! I'm volunteering at the animal centre tonight so hopefully it doesn't kick in whilst I'm there.
Is this off the back of playing Animal Crossing?

Good on you really. Anyone who gives up their time for a good cause is really special.

Grand, thanks. Walking the dogs, very slight ache on right arm and my HR might be a few beats higher than normal. Otherwise nothing. So far very similar to first dose
Glad you're okay. My arms started feeling a touch sore/achy but nothing too bad.

Hopefully I wake up fine in the morning. The other two jabs didn't cause me any real bother.


Nov 22, 2006
If I understand it right, in the UK we can still attend events if we don’t have the booster as long as you return a negative test within 48 hours beforehand?
You can attend events if you're double jabbed can't you? Don't think you have to have a booster although could be wrong.


Flaming Full Member
Feb 8, 2014
It's an out of hours thing I do every Wednesday til 10pm. We basically just make sure all the animals are alright for the night. So we check their food, water, litter trays and change if needed. We do washing up, laundry, etc.. and then spend the rest of the time checking on the dogs, spending time with the kittens to socialise them, bathing the tortoises, etc.. whatever needs doing really.


Flaming Full Member
Feb 8, 2014
This is awesome. I did something similar when I was in Thailand. Volunteered at a dog sanctuary for a week. 34 dogs between 3 of us. Morning times were fun!
I ran a doggie day care facility for a year. I can attest, mornings were indeed fun, especially with all the small dogs.


Renaissance Man
Oct 22, 2010
took the booster yesterday (pfizer-pfizer-moderna).
was fine most of the day, nap in the evening, and then really bad chills/fever when i tried to sleep late at night. mostly gone now.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2016
Google are going to fire unvaccinated staff with the deadline to show vaccination status being January 18th. They will be given 7 months notice and can show they have been vaccinated in that time period, the last 6 months of the notice would be unpaid.

It sounds like it won't affect a huge percentage as only 0.4% were vocally against Google making it a requirement which is pretty impressive, but still a big move for such a large company.

No jab, no job: Google will fire unvaccinated employees | Ars Technica

Josep Dowling

Full Member
Aug 17, 2014
Double jabbed, booster and had Covid in the last 6 months. If that doesn’t stop me getting it again I’m not sure there is much else I can do.


Full Member
Feb 29, 2012
Govt apparently removing the requirement to wait 15 mins after your jab before leaving the centre, to allow them to get through them more quickly.
Not sure in England but Scotland is being reduced to a 5 min interval with Flu jabs being suspended for those not at risk.


Dec 31, 2007
No side effects from my booster apart from a slightly sore arm. Three for three now.


Nov 22, 2006
Definitely feeling it now. Legs achey and temperature up
No side effects from my booster apart from a slightly sore arm. Three for three now.
So my arms a bit sore and I've woken up feeling a bit groggy/fuzzy. Not a full blown headache as such but just a bit like I've been on the booze or slept heavily.

Not sure what that is but I'll have a few paracetamol and crack on.


Full Member
Aug 4, 2019
Getting my booster today! Quick question: what's the guidance saying about exercising after having a COVID vaccine? I remember being advised before to leave it 24/48 hours afterwards, but I'm hearing conflicting things.

(only asking because I'm a lazy fecker and didn't get my cardio done this morning)


Dec 19, 2011
So I live in South Asia where the predominant vaccine is sinopharm (Chinese diplomacy/influence). My sister needs to travel to Germany for work next month and she’s been asked to take not just one but two doses of Pfizer by the German embassy.

Repeat; that’s two doses of sinopharm and two doses of Pfizer within the span of 7 months.
European Union does not recognise Russian/Chinese/Cuban vaccines. For Russian, I assume because of political reasons and probably wrong data, for the other two because of low efficiency. So it does not matter how many of them you have, they do not count in EU.


Correctly predicted France to win World Cup 2018
Jun 29, 2017
I had severe Covid in January which put me into Intensive Care.
I was told it was unlikely that I'd survive, and infact I did sadly witness every other patient on my ward die whilst I was there.
Later I discovered that three of my ICU Nurses had also subsequently died too.
Psychologically, that was really tough to get past, I've never seen so many dead bodies before, and I did have an issue with survivors guilt which I've had counselling to come to terms with.

One of the consultants did tell me, that because I'd had such severe Covid, that my anti bodies would be better than any vaccine that's ever released, just how accurate that is, I really don't know.

I have recently had Covid for a 2nd time, and I was fine, not particularly unwell at all.
Chills and fever for a couple of days, but it didn't develop into anything worse than that, and yet since January, I've been certain that a 2nd bout of Covid would finally kill me off..!!

Whether that 2nd bout was subdued because of natural resistance, or because I'd had two AZ vaccines and a Moderna booster, or it was just a weaker strain of Covid, who knows?
Possibly some sort of combination of each of these factors at play, but its anyone's guess I suppose.


Dec 31, 2007
So my arms a bit sore and I've woken up feeling a bit groggy/fuzzy. Not a full blown headache as such but just a bit like I've been on the booze or slept heavily.

Not sure what that is but I'll have a few paracetamol and crack on.
Clearly some of us are just built different. :cool:


Dec 31, 2007
I had severe Covid in January which put me into Intensive Care.
I was told it was unlikely that I'd survive, and infact I did sadly witness every other patient on my ward die whilst I was there.
Later I discovered that three of my ICU Nurses had also subsequently died too.
Psychologically, that was really tough to get past, I've never seen so many dead bodies before, and I did have an issue with survivors guilt which I've had counselling to come to terms with.

One of the consultants did tell me, that because I'd had such severe Covid, that my anti bodies would be better than any vaccine that's ever released, just how accurate that is, I really don't know.

I have recently had Covid for a 2nd time, and I was fine, not particularly unwell at all.
Chills and fever for a couple of days, but it didn't develop into anything worse than that, and yet since January, I've been certain that a 2nd bout of Covid would finally kill me off..!!

Whether that 2nd bout was subdued because of natural resistance, or because I'd had two AZ vaccines and a Moderna booster, or it was just a weaker strain of Covid, who knows?
Possibly some sort of combination of each of these factors at play, but its anyone's guess I suppose.
Glad you're doing much better now mate. That sounds like an awful thing to go through.


He's no Bilal Ilyas Jhandir
Dec 12, 2012
Oslo, Norway
I'm in the lowest priority group so likely won't be offered a booster until March/April. At that point I may as well decide to be tactical about it and delay it until the autumn. If I take it immediately the effects would probably be deemed worn off by autumn and I'd be furthest back in the queue for the next jab ahead of the winter.

Pfizer CEO saying fourth dose may be needed pretty soon. Mad talk. At some point something will have to give. Young and healthy people simply won't be interested in getting boosters twice per year for the foreseeable future.


Full Member
Apr 11, 2003
I'm getting the booster on Sunday. Hopefully it's the one that changes your DNA to be like Captain America

El Zoido

Full Member
Jun 7, 2013
It’s doubled jabbed for now but they will monitor it and likely change it to triple at some point.
Yeah thought so. I’m not getting the booster any time soon after getting some pretty scary side effects after the first jabs. Unless I can just present a negative test taken before I go anywhere.


Dec 19, 2011
I had severe Covid in January which put me into Intensive Care.
I was told it was unlikely that I'd survive, and infact I did sadly witness every other patient on my ward die whilst I was there.
Later I discovered that three of my ICU Nurses had also subsequently died too.
Psychologically, that was really tough to get past, I've never seen so many dead bodies before, and I did have an issue with survivors guilt which I've had counselling to come to terms with.

One of the consultants did tell me, that because I'd had such severe Covid, that my anti bodies would be better than any vaccine that's ever released, just how accurate that is, I really don't know.

I have recently had Covid for a 2nd time, and I was fine, not particularly unwell at all.
Chills and fever for a couple of days, but it didn't develop into anything worse than that, and yet since January, I've been certain that a 2nd bout of Covid would finally kill me off..!!

Whether that 2nd bout was subdued because of natural resistance, or because I'd had two AZ vaccines and a Moderna booster, or it was just a weaker strain of Covid, who knows?
Possibly some sort of combination of each of these factors at play, but its anyone's guess I suppose.
Gosh, what a story. Happy that you were able to pull it against odds.

With regards to the bolded point, definitely not. If you had covid in January, you likely had strain Alpha which was a more severe strain than the ancestral strain. However, if you recently had covid again, there you had Delta, which is significantly more lethal than Alpha. So you had a worse version of covid.

Who knows why you did better, and if it was because of the vaccines or natural immunity after the first covid (or both).


Too Boring For A Funny Tagline
Nov 3, 2011
I had severe Covid in January which put me into Intensive Care.
I was told it was unlikely that I'd survive, and infact I did sadly witness every other patient on my ward die whilst I was there.
Later I discovered that three of my ICU Nurses had also subsequently died too.
Psychologically, that was really tough to get past, I've never seen so many dead bodies before, and I did have an issue with survivors guilt which I've had counselling to come to terms with.

One of the consultants did tell me, that because I'd had such severe Covid, that my anti bodies would be better than any vaccine that's ever released, just how accurate that is, I really don't know.

I have recently had Covid for a 2nd time, and I was fine, not particularly unwell at all.
Chills and fever for a couple of days, but it didn't develop into anything worse than that, and yet since January, I've been certain that a 2nd bout of Covid would finally kill me off..!!

Whether that 2nd bout was subdued because of natural resistance, or because I'd had two AZ vaccines and a Moderna booster, or it was just a weaker strain of Covid, who knows?
Possibly some sort of combination of each of these factors at play, but its anyone's guess I suppose.
So sorry to hear that, really glad you pulled through.