Joe Rogan

They are good entertainment.

I'd be interested in hearing your summary of the Peterson episode on Joe Rogan. What did you find compelling, did you find anything that turned you off, etc.
tldr climate models don't capture all data therefore they are not right :wenger:

Why the feck is a clinical psychologist talking about climate models? Would anyone actual spend time watching an atmospheric scientists talking about the rigors of academic psychology? :lol:

The idea that anyone and everyone has a valid opinion on any and every topic is just mind numbing.

The obvious answer is that he doesn't actually care about understanding a climate model, because that would mean he'd get on the phone to a university science dept and ask. So the real answer is, more red meat for an ideological viewpoint that he can sell to his dupes.
Why does he say 'bother' with a Boston accent? He's embarassing the whole fecking country talking like that.
Well, that’s ‘cause there’s no such thing as climate, right? Climate and everything are the same word, and that’s what bothers me about the climate change types. It’s like, this is something that bothers me about it, technically. It’s like climate is about everything. Ok. But your models aren’t based on everything. Your models are based on a set number of variables. So that means you’ve reduced the variables — which are everything — to that set. Well how did you decide which set of variables to include in the equation, if it’s about everything? That’s not just a criticism, that’s like, if it’s about everything, your models aren’t right. Because your models do not and cannot model everything.

Well that’s what people who talk about the climate apocalypse claim in some sense. We have to change everything… The same with the word environment. That word means so much that it actually doesn’t mean anything. Like when you say everything, like in a sense that’s meaningless. What’s the difference between the environment and everything? There’s no difference. What’s the difference between climate and everything? Well, there’s no difference.

“So this is a crisis of everything?” Peterson asked, before he answered, “It’s like, no it’s not. Or if it is, if it really is, then we’re done, because we can’t fix everything.”

The stupidity is just off the charts. It's word salad.
"If you can't model post-modernism and cultural marxism in your climate model....does carbon dioxide even exist? Checkmate libtard atheist" :cool:
Reminds me of a movie quote, "You're not wrong, you're just an idiot."

Everything effects everything, very zen.
"I don't understand Science, so I'm going to pretend this is a linguistic argument, and then not understand that"
The stupidity is just off the charts. It's word salad.

I can't believe that came out of his mouth. It's clear he doesn't understand what a model is. The whole reason to have a model is so you don't have to account for everything, but still arrive at usable results.

I'm not going to listen to the whole thing, but I would be shocked if he has actual suggestion for which variables they should be including in their models. That would require actual insights into the science - Peterson much prefers to just scream from the sidelines.
Sometimes it's hard to believe that he's an actual scientist. Or at least he used to be one. Then again Ben Carson was a brilliant neurosurgeon and he's a fecking idiot. Herman Cain was a pretty smart guy, then he ran a failed presidential campaign mostly based on "9-9-9" being easy to remember, and today he's got a subreddit named after him which is about vocal anti-vaccers who die of Covid19.
Sometimes it's hard to believe that he's an actual scientist. Or at least he used to be one. Then again Ben Carson was a brilliant neurosurgeon and he's a fecking idiot. Herman Cain was a pretty smart guy, then he ran a failed presidential campaign mostly based on "9-9-9" being easy to remember, and today he's got a subreddit named after him which is about vocal anti-vaccers who die of Covid19.

If anything it’s a handy lesson. Competence, even extreme competence in a particular niche is not an accurate predictor for competence in other niches. Of course people always need an idol to worship, but ideally no one should get opinions from individual non experts on complex issues. Even expert opinion (from a single individual) on complex issues is hit and miss. Sum of all evidence from a range of experts is the way to go, rarely followed though. Can’t understand people, especially smart people who act as if people like JP or Rogan are gospel.
In Peterson's case specifically, it's a lesson that you don't need to be very intelligent to spend years studying something and acquire various degrees, you just need to have a basic level of intelligence, along with a great work ethic. A lot of the general public have this misconception that anyone with Dr. in front of their name is automatically a genius, which leads to people like Peterson getting a following for spouting shite like the above on stuff he has no idea about.
In Peterson's case specifically, it's a lesson that you don't need to be very intelligent to spend years studying something and acquire various degrees, you just need to have a basic level of intelligence, along with a great work ethic. A lot of the general public have this misconception that anyone with Dr. in front of their name is automatically a genius, which leads to people like Peterson getting a following for spouting shite like the above on stuff he has no idea about.

In JPs case, if he was practicing his field and not in an academic setting he'd be completely ostracised. The bloke got addicted to meds, went to some Russian hospital and put himself into a coma, went on a crazy all meat diet and promoted it for a range of health conditions. He's lucky he's had academia to hide behind because out in the real world he'd be treated like a homeopath that claims to cure cancer with bleach.
The stupidity is just off the charts. It's word salad.
He doesn't understand scientific modelling. You cannot model everything in a complex system, you model the parts that have the greatest impact. For example, in theory, a star 1 million light years away exerts a graviational force on satellites that orbit the earth, but we don't model that because the effect is vanishingly small.
In Peterson's case specifically, it's a lesson that you don't need to be very intelligent to spend years studying something and acquire various degrees, you just need to have a basic level of intelligence, along with a great work ethic. A lot of the general public have this misconception that anyone with Dr. in front of their name is automatically a genius, which leads to people like Peterson getting a following for spouting shite like the above on stuff he has no idea about.

Intelligence is a complex issue. I think someone can be very intelligent and still talk absolute bollox about something they feel strongly about but don’t have a proper understanding of.

As you can see in most Football Forum posts that are longer than two or three paragraphs.
Intelligence is a complex issue. I think someone can be very intelligent and still talk absolute bollox about something they feel strongly about but don’t have a proper understanding of.

As you can see in most Football Forum posts that are longer than two or three paragraphs.
To me, a core part of high level intelligence is being self aware enough to know not to do such a thing.
Maybe? Never stopped me talking cock about false nines though.
I mean, I'm not really talking about normal people talking about football here haha, more so these false prophet types that think they are genuine geniuses. I suppose it's emotional intelligence coupled with what's considered standard intelligence to be able to identify when to just keep your mouth shut, "I don't know" is a very powerful phrase that properly intelligent people use a lot.
On this, does anybody me know of a viable Spotify alternative? There's Apple Music I know, but I'm not sure giving money to Apple is really much better tha giving it to Spotify.

The problem always seems to be the library size, nothing seems to compare to those two and the music I like tends to be a bit less available.

I would imagine paying for a streaming service would be better than buying endless CDs from an environment impact (plus I have a CD collection over 1,200 and am desperately trying to shift as much as possible).

Is there anything worth looking at?
I use Deezer and always have done. Pretty much the same catalogue as Spotify (minus the podcasts) and in a better (IMO) package. It has something called Flow, which gives you a tailored shuffle playlist based on what you listen to regularly, which has helped me to find loads of new songs that I otherwise wouldn't have listened to.

Would definitely recommend.
Deezer was Spotify before Spotify was Spotify and it's still going. Can't vouch for their library or whatever though as I haven't used it in well over a decade. Might be worth a look.
Just seen this, but basically agree. I use Deezer and it also has a premium Hi-fi tier which gives you lossless audio. Spotify, as far as I know, doesn't have this.
I've seen more intelligent conversations between drunk people watching football at the pub
Peterson is just a typical example of a guy talking to his followers rather than sense.
But where the hate for Joe Rogan comes from? I really enjoy his podcasts, a lot of interesting guests, with different specialization areas, and he makes them talk. He seems reasonable guy apart from the vaccination topic.
Peterson is just a typical example of a guy talking to his followers rather than sense.
But where the hate for Joe Rogan comes from? I really enjoy his podcasts, a lot of interesting guests, with different specialization areas, and he makes them talk. He seems reasonable guy apart from the vaccination topic.

Not sure cheering that Texas went red in the last presidential election, and saying that Texas being run by democrats would ruin it, counts as reasonable. Depends on your point of view, I guess. And of course conspiracy theories against the evil left is ok, while we can't joke about Trump jr. because it might be libel.

Tim Pool is a centrist/liberal, Tucker Carlson is great, James O'Keefe is a truth teller.
JP's online lectures and earlier rhetoric significant positive effects on my mental wellbeing and overall health. For me, watching him spiral into insanity has been at once predictable, fascinating and sad.

This climate position he's taken recently is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. He's become a parody.
I'd be interested in hearing your summary of the Peterson episode on Joe Rogan. What did you find compelling, did you find anything that turned you off, etc.

I found the episode very hard to listen. Enjoyed previous visits by Jordan Peterson a lot more. I think he is loosing it a bit (or a lot), sadly. He is getting incoherent and that was not the case 3-4 years ago.

This episode would actually be very, very funny if Dr. Peterson isn't mentally ill.

Again, it is entertainment, not a science fair. Joe never claimed that his podcast is anything more than that. I will apologize if you correct me on that.