
without facts, evidence or reason
Imagine that.

You would love to hear my views on what exactly? I thought I expressed them clearly.

I'm a lawyer. I really enjoy my work but it does mean I tend to look at things a little differently from others. Whilst I'm able to look at the 'evidence', I struggle to call it such as really it's just noise in the press, and reach my own conclusion the professional in me would have been keen to have the evidence presented in a criminal or civil court. Only then could we make an informed decision on the facts. In my work, we are taught not to cast aspersions without being privy to all the required information. Granted, privately I have my own opinion on the man and what I believe to be true. Nevertheless, I would have been keen to see all that could have transpired. There is a legal test to be met for criminal charges to be authorised in a criminal case, clearly not achieved in this case. In a civil case, the plaintiff must prove their case on the balance of probabilities, a greater chance of it happening than not, a much lower threshold. If found guilty the plaintiff would have been awarded substantial damages but of course, there is a risk. It depends on what justice looks like for the individual. I believe there is also a gagging order now so we shall never actually know what really happened.

In conclusion, I have had many dealing with similar cases and with varying outcomes. Not all defendants are innocent and not all plaintiffs are telling the truth.
Imagine that.

I believe there is also a gagging order now so we shall never actually know what really happened.

The gagging order only applies to Andrew and Virginia and no way will the details stay secret for long. I read today (was a newspaper so could be bullshit) that everything has to be quiet until the Queen has had her jubilee party.

Too many leaks from all those involved in this case for it to be secret for too long and I am sure it will open another can of worms for Andrew from others coming forward.
The gagging order only applies to Andrew and Virginia and no way will the details stay secret for long. I read today (was a newspaper so could be bullshit) that everything has to be quiet until the Queen has had her jubilee party.

Too many leaks from all those involved in this case for it to be secret for too long and I am sure it will open another can of worms for Andrew from others coming forward.
I don't know the exact ins and outs but usually, the negotiations for a settlement take place as an alternative dispute resolution. These are held in private and are not reported. Meaning whatever happens in there, stays in there. The rest is deniable and carries very little weight. There would have been criminal charges otherwise.

For clarity, I'm not defending him. I would have liked to see a trial to form an educated opinion, that's all.
I don't know the exact ins and outs but usually, the negotiations for a settlement take place as an alternative dispute resolution. These are held in private and are not reported. Meaning whatever happens in there, stays in there. The rest is deniable and carries very little weight. There would have been criminal charges otherwise.

For clarity, I'm not defending him. I would have liked to see a trial to form an educated opinion, that's all.

I agree with everything you say here and I apologize if I came off as a bit of an ass, it is one of my many character flaws. I have close personal experience with a victim of rape and so I allowed myself to be triggered a little by the word deserved. My brain does not always engage in time.
I agree with everything you say here and I apologize if I came off as a bit of an ass, it is one of my many character flaws. I have close personal experience with a victim of rape and so I allowed myself to be triggered a little by the word deserved. My brain does not always engage in time.
Don't worry about it.

I always come across as an arse because I tend to look at things too professionally or without emotion, which drives the wife insane! Not because I don't care but because that's the job.
To fully hold him to account as she herself repeatedly said she wanted.

While the outcome may be the same in financial terms the agreement doesn’t have any admission of personal wrong doing or guilt.

sure we all know if but having it confirmed in a court case is fully holding him to account.
I certainly empathize with your perspective, for the greater good it would perhaps help if assailants felt they were likely to face the public scrutiny of a trial.

She may have felt great pressure to accept the settlement must because of all the good she could do with the money, and the possibility of losing it and not being able to bring to fruition the plans she surely has already made in her mind. Especially if the case isn't particularly strong.
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Next, Andrew is thanking the British tax payers for their support.
Oh, dear!

Thank god we have the law

The law and justice system seems to be worlds a part in many countries. The law is something I respect greatly but I have little faith in justice, kinda odd statement I guess. Many years as a police officer has left me with little faith in fairness and justice.
Next, Andrew is thanking the British tax payers for their support.

Great times for the UK. PM doesn't give a shit about anything, the Prince is a rapist. My country isn't as fecked up as I thought.
The law and justice system seems to be worlds a part in many countries. The law is something I respect greatly but I have little faith in justice, kinda odd statement I guess. Many years as a police officer has left me with little faith in fairness and justice.
I get that. As a Lawyer, I have seen many unpleasant this in my time. Times when the bureaucracy of law can impede justice but I have seen enough to know that we are a better society with law and order than without it.

I'm not a conspiracy guy, but this is beginning to look super sketchy. The truth is stranger than fiction sometimes, and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if some extremely prominent people have skin in this game and are very invested in these people dropping dead.
What were the consequences last time?
True. Just thought that they wouldn’t insult our intelligence like that again. But then again, who cares how you look to the public when you’re rich and powerful enough to come out of this shit smelling like fresh roses.
I'm not a conspiracy guy, but this is beginning to look super sketchy. The truth is stranger than fiction sometimes, and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if some extremely prominent people have skin in this game and are very invested in these people dropping dead.

Pretty much. The thing that bothers me the most is that how Ghislaine Maxwell did not appear to take the opportunity of her own trial to just drop the list of all of Epstein's clients in that sex ring on the table. Maxwell is a diabolical person by all standards, but choosing to not take those prominent people down with her is surprising.
I'm not a conspiracy guy, but this is beginning to look super sketchy. The truth is stranger than fiction sometimes, and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if some extremely prominent people have skin in this game and are very invested in these people dropping dead.
You ever seen the list of people that have died in relation to Kevin Spacey and the allegations around him? Super weird.
You don't need to do anything. You just need to not watch very hard. When someone is going down and thereafter would be a live target the whole of the rest of their life in prison suicide is highly likely.
Interesting to read that Melinda Gates is citing Bill Gates's friendship with Epstein as one of the reasons she wanted to get divorced. Mutiple news sources are quoting from an interview she gave.
Interesting to read that Melinda Gates is citing Bill Gates's friendship with Epstein as one of the reasons she wanted to get divorced. Mutiple news sources are quoting from an interview she gave.

To think a man like Bill Gates might have been partaking in child sex, ugh. Just disgusting.
Not sure the church is in a position to tell people how to react to sexual abuse :wenger:

Well, Maxwell has just been sentenced to 20 yrs. Will be almost 80 before she gets out.

She will appeal, obviously, but that will fail. Then hopefully she will speak and tell exactly who else was involved.
Well, Maxwell has just been sentenced to 20 yrs. Will be almost 80 before she gets out.

She will appeal, obviously, but that will fail. Then hopefully she will speak and tell exactly who else was involved.
She will be dead long before she speaks.