Television Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi

Surprised to see quite a few not enjoying it. Maybe it's because I grew up with the prequels so perhaps appreciate them and this follow-on much more. I genuinely think it's the best Star Wars we've had in years.
Yeah I agree. Everyone loved the mandalorian but I doubt I’ll even watch series 3, didn’t even finish 2.
Some of the scenes have been properly awful, at a level of 'was there not an adult in the room to point this out'.
Avoiding any spoilers in this thread but do I need to watch the Bobba Fett series before this? Still haven’t had time to watch it yet.
A bit of an anti climax. Vader's entrance lacked something.
The imperial march. I don’t know why they are so reluctant to use the music associated with a character they’re re-using and is just expected with that character.
I'm only enjoying it, sort of, because my expectations of all things Star Wars nowadays are absolutely rock bottom.
Watched the first episode. They're more interested in appeasing obsessive SW fans than telling new stories. Hard pass. So boring :boring:

BCS is how you do a prequel.
Those stormtrooper armour have certainly been good value to the props departments over the years that's for sure.
I'm only enjoying it, sort of, because my expectations of all things Star Wars nowadays are absolutely rock bottom.
Like most things these days, it'll just get done to death. I've never been a fan of these spin-offs and mini series (though I did enjoy WandaVision). You can have too much of a good thing sometimes.
Like most things these days, it'll just get done to death. I've never been a fan of these spin-offs and mini series (though I did enjoy WandaVision). You can have too much of a good thing sometimes.

Don't think that's the issue, honestly. Nobody would find high quality star wars stories shit or too much of a good thing.

It's too much of a shit thing this time.
Watched the first episode. They're more interested in appeasing obsessive SW fans than telling new stories. Hard pass. So boring :boring:

BCS is how you do a prequel.

It's a shame really. They were handed a universe rich with the potential for completely new stories but have insisted on trying to tie themselves to the past with nearly every bit of Star Wars content they've produced over the last seven years.

And it's not like it has worked particularly well for them either as for every bit of fan service those SW obsessives actually like there seems to be something else that pisses them off, not helped by them being overly invested in their own ideas of what all those pre-existing characters should be.
Like most things these days, it'll just get done to death. I've never been a fan of these spin-offs and mini series (though I did enjoy WandaVision). You can have too much of a good thing sometimes.

Just a bit of a good thing would be nice once in a while, its just content over quality now to fill up Disney+. Their target audience doesn't really give a shit, unfortunately as a fan of the original SW, I'm not their target audience.
She didn't mention the other actors, mate. That was my point. She was only talking about the racism she was the future. And of course about how she's the first ever black actor to appear in Star Wars. I know that you can't let this sink in because youre really invested in this being right thing, but dog whistling is still dog whistling no matter who is doing it. You don't get to say your the first at something if you aren't. And you sure as shit don't get to be as angry as you appear to be because you get push back against such claims. You don't get to claim that everyone is racist, when really its a few pricks on the internet. Edge lords or boomers.

Honestly, I don't really know why youre getting so worked up. Its not like Im advocating or defending the racist abuse. Racist abuse is of course disgusting. But claiming all Star Wars fans are racist, is like saying all of England is racist because of racist shit that was said online to the black players who missed pens in the final of the Euros. Maybe you need a little break from the internet or something. Because this tribalistic team sports culture war nonsense has you seeing me as an enemy, and I can assure you that I am not. We absolutely should talk about racism and do our best to put an end to it. We absolutely should put an end to bigotry in all its forms. But when how's about just sometimes, we get to take a break from the shit show that is reality and just talk about something else so that we don't all go crazy, or worse, become desensitised to it? Cant we just keep the drama to being IN the show, rather than all around it?

Up to you, agree, disagree, agree to disagree. Im out, you have a good night, mate.
Agree mate, minorities should be grateful that they are included at all. I mean, we know many people on the right are mentally ill, why need to fan the flames? If it's just minor racism, let it go. Turn the other cheek. Boys will be boys etc.

I feel you mate, I'm so sick of waking up every morning and reading about this crap. When will people finally realize that if we stop talking about it, it will go away? Racism only exists when victims keep going on and on about it! Life was so much simpler before the internet was a thing as well.
Not to mention people Force predicting racism. Just angers me no end that they have to dog whistle the dogs and the whistles and the dog whistles and the dogs who will be dogs.
Is there any proof that Moses Ingram complained about racist tweets before she was actually sent the tweets? I’m not sure there’d be any way to actually confirm that.
Just a bit of a good thing would be nice once in a while, its just content over quality now to fill up Disney+. Their target audience doesn't really give a shit, unfortunately as a fan of the original SW, I'm not their target audience.

Yeah me neither. The Clone Wars, Mandalorian, Boba Fett, Obi-Wan Kenobi, The Bad Batch....and whatever the feck is next. I was very satisfied after the Return of the Jedi. Even the CGI enhancements in the original trilogy were unnecessary and have done more harm than good.

They've already butchered the Marvel franchise to death and don't appear to be letting up on that either.
Yeah me neither. The Clone Wars, Mandalorian, Boba Fett, Obi-Wan Kenobi, The Bad Batch....and whatever the feck is next. I was very satisfied after the Return of the Jedi. Even the CGI enhancements in the original trilogy were unnecessary and have done more harm than good.

They've already butchered the Marvel franchise to death and don't appear to be letting up on that either.

Those shows received almost universal acclaim for how good they were.
The imperial march. I don’t know why they are so reluctant to use the music associated with a character they’re re-using and is just expected with that character.
Yeah, something like that. A dramatic entrance
Just a bit of a good thing would be nice once in a while, its just content over quality now to fill up Disney+. Their target audience doesn't really give a shit, unfortunately as a fan of the original SW, I'm not their target audience.

Well.. Im a major fan of the original SW trilogy since I was a little kid, but I have to say Im really enjoying almost all of the new content..

Im also definitely enjoying Obi Win so far, only thing is that I found that..
I feel the confrontation between Anakin and Obi Wan could have been made a lot more intense.. It was a goosebumps moment, but the goosebumps where lacking...
I really like what Disney has done overall. All my life I've wanted more Star Wars and was frustrated with George Lucas dragging his heels. Not everything is going to be a bullseye but a new movie every year or two and lots of shows in the Star Wars universe is fine by me.
Those shows received almost universal acclaim for how good they were.
Didn’t have a chance to get stuck in on Bad Batch, but Clone Wars was quality if you’re not averse to animated shows. Once it got rolling it was quality Star Wars entertainment.

This one…I’m on the fence about. Ewan McGregor is great, but some parts fell flat. Will need a few more episodes to properly judge.
Some parts were really enjoyable and felt like a New Hope. Not really sure where it’s going other than the inevitable showdown. Think it needs a second season to help slow everything down.
I wonder if they shouldn't have just stuck to the expanded universe created in books and comics. Why reinvent the wheel?
If the guy that I can’t help but seeing as Yoshimitsu doesn’t pull off an 10 hit combo with his sword before he inevitably dies (just speculation but I mean surely he’ll be off’d soon) I am going to be highly aggrieved.
Haven't got round to watching this yet but have seen some bad stuff. So much so that I watched a video on it from a YouTuber I like and didn't even care about spoilers. Seems like more Disney bullshit as predicted.

Still, I didn't expect them to Luke Skywalker Obi Wan. I thought he'd get a bit more respect as youd have thought they'd have learnt not to shit on OG characters in the hopes of making the new ones look better.
Haven't got round to watching this yet but have seen some bad stuff. So much so that I watched a video on it from a YouTuber I like and didn't even care about spoilers. Seems like more Disney bullshit as predicted.

Still, I didn't expect them to Luke Skywalker Obi Wan. I thought he'd get a bit more respect as youd have thought they'd have learnt not to shit on OG characters in the hopes of making the new ones look better.
Good point about Luke, the second I saw that **** I turned off Episode 8 and I’ve still not seen the rest of it, or 9. Or Solo, but I did like Rogue Squadron like most others.
4th episode was a bit shit. Basically copied the plot of a new hope (again), i.e break into the imperial base to rescue Princess Leia - right down to Obi-Wan tricking two storm troopers with a force clunk. All felt very reminiscent of that death star rescue, apart from that terrible bit where Obi Wan outruns a flood. Also the bit when reeva let’s them go after rigging up a tracker on obi wan and leia, basically mirroring the thing Vader does with the millennium falcon in a new hope. Plus if she planned to let them go, why confront them on the landing platform and try to kill them?

Feel like Vader was a bit underused too, especially after last week; I was expecting him to feature more. With only two episodes left I’m starting to wonder why they even got Hayden Christensen to come back - they could’ve just put a big fecker in the suit and nobody would’ve been any wiser.
4th episode was a bit shit. Basically copied the plot of a new hope (again), i.e break into the imperial base to rescue Princess Leia - right down to Obi-Wan tricking two storm troopers with a force clunk. All felt very reminiscent of that death star rescue. And what the hell was that scene where obi wan runs faster than water? That was a bit comical.

Feel like Vader was a bit underused too, especially after last week; I was expecting him to feature more. With only two episodes left I’m starting to wonder why they even got Hayden Christensen to come back - they could’ve just put a big fecker in the suit and nobody would’ve been any wiser.

No one associated with this show knows how running works.
Spoke out against...what? There was no racist comments towards her at the time. So what was she speaking out against? Because it wasnt any other racist incidents. It was just future racism. Call it out AFTER it happens, by all means. Ill join you. But moaning about it BEFORE it happens? What kind of force powers does this chick have that she can see into the future?

Right now all Star Wars fans are racist. Thats where this shit went. Headline from 2 days ago "Why can't Star Wars nerds imagine a world with black people?" Because we don't have to imagine it. Billy Dee Williams, Sam Jackson, John Boyega, Carl Weathers, Giancarlo Esposito, Thandie Newton, Hugh Quarshie, Forrest Whitaker, Naomi Ackie. And thats just the black actors. The rest of the non white actors include Pedro Pascal, Temuera Morrison, and soon to be Diego Luna. All non white actors, all in staring roles in Star Wars. Some more successful than others. So why are we continuing to talk like theres nothing but white people in Star Wars as far as the eye can see? And even if it was, why is the fault of the fans? They just watch it, Disney and Lucasfilm are the ones making it. Maybe if theres no black faces on the screen, its the ones making it you should be pointing the finger at and not people who pay to watch these shows and movies.

But what do I know, Im just some racist, homophobic asshole who needs white heterosexual men in every role or I type nasty words into a computer to get my own way. Or maybe its that I don't think she's written very well, and her acting isn't very good and the fact she's black has nothing what so ever to do with it? Nah, some teenage edge lord somewhere in the world called her names on twitter so I guess we are all like that. And you know what, youre right. I have been sucked into this stupid fecking culture war. Thats just great.
Ah, you're the guy who spent ages defending Gina Carano! Now I remember where I've seen this style of debate before. I also remember how when I proved your timeline of events was wrong and so your argument was moot you simply stopped replying. Nice to see you've got some more Star/Culture Wars spat to get your teeth into again though. Well done you.
Don't think that's the issue, honestly. Nobody would find high quality star wars stories shit or too much of a good thing.

It's too much of a shit thing this time.
I agree with this. It's like the studio goes "We've got the cast coming in next Monday for costume fittings and the stages booked for the start of next month. Can you get a script ready by close of play tomorrow?"

Really they should need the good story as a solid basis to do anything, but it seems to have been relegated to a 'nice to have'.
This is Anakin still learning to be Vader. And Vader still trying to 'kill' Anakin. Any half-decent set of writers would have started by exploring that.

In Rebels, specifically The Twilight of The Apprentice Episode, we see Vader's mask break. His eyes, for a split second, are normal, and he calls out to Ahsoka in Anakin's voice. For a moment, we see his struggle. It is one of the best Star Wars scenes across all movies, animated series or spin-offs.

Anakin's connection with Obi-Wan was far far stronger than with Ahsoka, it's the reason why the hate exists as well. I would have loved it if it instead of being a senseless hate-filled monster, we saw a little internal struggle. For the first time in a decade, there is reason for Vader to ask a question he never could. They could have got that fire to break Vader's mask, distorting the filter. 'Did she die peacefully, Obi-Wan?' They could have used Hayden Christensen's voice, and played Across the Stars in the background, subtly fading away while Obi Wan replied, only to be replaced by Anakin's Betrayal or even the Imperial March as Vader returned, in all his fury.

I would not have minded if they ripped off Kung Fu Panda, even, and plagiarized Tai Lung's dialogues as he fights Shifu.
"When Windu did X, what did you do? Nothing!'
"Everything I did, I did for you. Who filled my head with dreams? Who watched as Padme died?
"Tell me how proud you are, Obi-Wan!"

Anything that reminded us of the tragedy. Of the distance between what is, and what could have been. Such poor poor writing, unfortunately. They have no idea what makes Vader work, and are simply overdoing the Force Choke in every scene he exists so far. No subtlety at all.

A rather long video for how things worked out in the comics for new Vader:

This episode, as has been said before, is basically New Hope. They tried to do the water scene from Jedi Fallen Order, only Vader instead of Obi Wan holding back an ocean. It was cool in the game, but somehow it looks stupid now because the writers don't know how physics works. You can work around it using The Force, but you can't pretend that the viewers are dumb to get away with braindead writing.

I love Indira Varma, btw. She is smoking hot, and a damn fine actor. Hope she survives and meets Mando, they have unfinished business from another universe where his eyes are squished into jelly.
I really like what Disney has done overall. All my life I've wanted more Star Wars and was frustrated with George Lucas dragging his heels. Not everything is going to be a bullseye but a new movie every year or two and lots of shows in the Star Wars universe is fine by me.

You sound like someone who would run past Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau to get a selfie with JJ Abrams.
Episode 4 was the weakest so fat but I can live with it. Needs more Vader and hopefully we get some flasbbacks with Hayden Christiensen or like someone mentioned in the thread it was pointless getting him back.

The actress that plays Leia is great, they really got that casting spot on.