What happened to Graham Linehan?

Didn't the criticism of that episode of the IT crowd set him off down this road or was he already melting down?
He was one of the most askew faces there's ever been. He's more lopsided than Steve Bruce.
English is not my first language so every now and then I still have to look for some words. I googled askew and was a bit surprised by the presentation, thought something was wrong with my phone, found an easter egg. It presents the results in a tilted page.

Edit: And just after in noticed you posted about Easter Eggs :lol:
English is not my first language so every now and then I still have to look for some words. I googled askew and was a bit surprised by the presentation, thought something was wrong with my phone, found an easter egg. It presents the results in a tilted page.

Edit: And just after in noticed you posted about Easter Eggs :lol:

I had to try this :lol: Neat!
English is not my first language so every now and then I still have to look for some words. I googled askew and was a bit surprised by the presentation, thought something was wrong with my phone, found an easter egg. It presents the results in a tilted page.

Edit: And just after in noticed you posted about Easter Eggs :lol:

I could only look at that for a second before I had to close the page. It's upsetting.
Didn't the criticism of that episode of the IT crowd set him off down this road or was he already melting down?

Yes it was that episode I believe that started this whole thing. A few people criticized it and said 'times have changed, this may be a bit wrong nowadays and perhaps not funny'.
Graham doubled down, went on his crusade, tweeting 20 hours a day, loses family, career, mind.
Was looking forward to the Father Ted musical.

Was pretty sure it was proposed about a decade ago. Apparently the promoters offered him 200k to just scrap the project now he's tainted but he rejected it.:wenger:
I can't believe this is the same guy who created/wrote Father Ted, Black Books and IT Crowd
Was looking forward to the Father Ted musical.

Was pretty sure it was proposed about a decade ago. Apparently the promoters offered him 200k to just scrap the project now he's tainted but he rejected it.:wenger:

It's been scrapped. I don't know about the 200k but apparently they tried to get him to step away, because they were worried about protests according to him, but he wouldn't do it so the production company pulled the plug.
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Imagine writing Fr. Ted, Black Books, and The IT Crowd but having your entire career summed up by your opinion on Trans women. In some sort of twisted faith its almost a comedy irony worthy of the writer of Fr. Ted, Black Books, and The IT Crowd. He is literally his life's greatest work of comedy.
I can't believe this is the same guy who created/wrote Father Ted, Black Books and IT Crowd
Imagine writing Fr. Ted, Black Books, and The IT Crowd but having your entire career summed up by your opinion on Trans women. In some sort of twisted faith its almost a comedy irony worthy of the writer of Fr. Ted, Black Books, and The IT Crowd. He is literally his life's greatest work of comedy.
I've read he wasn't that involved in Black Books. It was Dylan Moran's project and Channel 4 wanted Linehan to hold his hand cause it was his first sitcom. He didn't have much influence on the first series and wasn't involved at all thereafter.
I've read he wasn't that involved in Black Books. It was Dylan Moran's project and Channel 4 wanted Linehan to hold his hand cause it was his first sitcom. He didn't have much influence on the first series and wasn't involved at all thereafter.
My mistake, always thought his name was in the credits as a writer.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bla...s a British,Riley, Linehan and Arthur Mathews.
Black Books is a British sitcom created by Dylan Moran and Graham Linehan, and written by Moran, Kevin Cecil, Andy Riley, Linehan and Arthur Mathews.
Yeah, I know he's credited.
Mad, it's almost everywhere. Not trying to say you're wrong. Nearly every site says he co wrote it or whatever. Strange to get such a credit. That would be like a song credit, he would be entitled to royalties because of that, right.
Mad, it's almost everywhere. Not trying to say you're wrong. Nearly every site says he co wrote it or whatever. Strange to get such a credit. That would be like a song credit, he would be entitled to royalties because of that, right.
According to my best googling efforts, Moran came up with the initial idea and had already fleshed it out sufficiently to 'perform it as an entry to a competition where they showed someone’s sitcom up on stage' before Linehan got involved at all.

Supposedly there's also an interview, that I haven't managed to dig up... so pinch of salt, where Dylan Moran says that Linehan 'never actually ended up writing anything', which if true I'm guessing means he didn't write any of the script but advised on it, amongst other things. I imagine that's enough to get you a writing credit if you're as big a name as he was at the time.
According to my best googling efforts, Moran came up with the initial idea and had already fleshed it out sufficiently to 'perform it as an entry to a competition where they showed someone’s sitcom up on stage' before Linehan got involved at all.

Supposedly there's also an interview, that I haven't managed to dig up... so pinch of salt, where Dylan Moran says that Linehan 'never actually ended up writing anything', which if true I'm guessing means he didn't write any of the script but advised on it, amongst other things. I imagine that's enough to get you a writing credit if you're as big a name as he was at the time.
Wow. I wonder how many other sitcoms or movies have similar situations. I know that's common in the music industry too, producers or song writers getting credit without every really contributing beyond a bit if advice or a thumbs up here and there.
I've read he wasn't that involved in Black Books. It was Dylan Moran's project and Channel 4 wanted Linehan to hold his hand cause it was his first sitcom. He didn't have much influence on the first series and wasn't involved at all thereafter.

Credited with cowriting and directing the first series only. No idea how much input he had though.

I almost feel a little sorry for him. Not because there’s anything righteous about what he’s doing or because I don’t find it abhorrent, which I do, but he’s so obviously and irredeemably left the reservation that it’s clear there are much deeper issues now at play for him. Even when it’s entirely of your own making, being pilloried and isolated like that is a corrosive thing from which you’ll never recover. I don’t mean as a celebrity comedy writer, but rather as a human being and a parent.
I almost feel a little sorry for him. Not because there’s anything righteous about what he’s doing or because I don’t find it abhorrent, which I do, but he’s so obviously and irredeemably left the reservation that it’s clear there are much deeper issues now at play for him. Even when it’s entirely of your own making, being pilloried and isolated like that is a corrosive thing from which you’ll never recover. I don’t mean as a celebrity comedy writer, but rather as a human being and a parent.
Where you should be sympathetic to people you think are unjustifiably harming others is one of those questions you can drive yourself a bit insane on. Well, I can at least...

I tend to see myself as a natural hippy, who instinctively believes all human suffering is a tragedy including that which is self inflicted through appalling actions, but that often fights that instinct (at least in what I say publicly) because you can let down a lot of victims by trying to humanise the person/group harming them. I'm stating the bleeding obvious here but you've gotta fall somewhere between the nutters who think it's to be celebrated when anything bad happens to anyone who's ever done anything wrong and the ones whose spectacular empathy leads them to declaring they hope Adolf didn't feel too sad in his bunker. It's easy to say we shouldn't be either of those people but harder to say where on the spectrum we should be.

I also tend to see myself as a natural first year philosophy idiot who fights those instincts but I'm letting them win this time.

With Linehan, I'd argue he should lose a lot of sympathy over the 'cult leaders are worse than followers' rule. I'm much more willing to sympathise with the transphobes he's led down that terrible path than I am with him. Even if they say and do the same shit, he causes so much more damage than they do.
The subject is fraught with incongruity and confusion so I sympathize to a point, but he has completely imploded mentally and let it consume him. The issue is, if you're mentally built in a certain way, you become more emboldened.

Now, in some circumstances that's a good thing because the majority can be wrong and you need to maintain your convictions. But if you're wife and family leave you, then perhaps you need to take stock and understand that perhaps you're the issue.
Imagine that

It'll be like living in an episode of Mrs Brown's Boys

i think you mean an episode of ‘pronounless, non-description colour, gender-neutral’ :mad: you absolute racist.

The comments are a giggle.

A few thoughts. In no particular order:
  • That studio is quite something.
  • GBnews hair transplant guy has the weirdest body language and blatantly wasn’t listening to a word his interviewee said.
  • Linehan is going to look back on this period of his life with an incalculable sense of regret. He’s making such a fool of himself.
  • Stewart Lee is a knob.
  • RIP my YouTube algorithm.
A few thoughts. In no particular order:
  • That studio is quite something.
  • GBnews hair transplant guy has the weirdest body language and blatantly wasn’t listening to a word his interviewee said.
  • Linehan is going to look back on this period of his life with an incalculable sense of regret. He’s making such a fool of himself.
  • Stewart Lee is a knob.
  • RIP my YouTube algorithm.
What has Stewart Lee done?
It's fecking hilarious that the silly cnut is now a GBNews regular and has no qualms buddying up with the Daily Mail, affectively discrediteding any claims that his stance was one based in honesty and principle.
It's fecking hilarious that the silly cnut is now a GBNews regular and has no qualms buddying up with the Daily Mail, affectively discrediteding any claims that his stance was one based in honesty and principle.
Nobody else will give him the time of day. My favourite bit of the interview was when he said he’s put his career on hold…not sure that was his decision! It’s a sad story though. They guy is totally obsessed.