Transgender rights discussion

I've been meaning to tell you
I've got this feeling
That won't subside

I look at you and I fantasize
You're mine tonight
Now I've got you in my sights

With these slavic eyes
One look at you
And I can't disguise
I've got slavic eyes
I feel the magic between you and I
Nothing to with transphobia but holy shit. “Slavic eyes” is something a German from the early 1940’s would say.



She might be an alleged transfobe and TERF, but if you spent more than thirty seconds watching clips online you can absorb a lot of good from her work. She certainly has the skill to teach budding writers a thing or two, as shown below in a quote from her recent work.

Nancy Nansers and the Big Hairy Man Sneaking Into Her Bathroom

As she searched through her sock drawer for something to wear on her feet, gently flipping through the socks and selecting the socks her mum gave her after she won the Quidditch Cup against German Von Hagendass, she heard the thinking sound of a man coming into the room.

"Fee fi fo fum, I lied to my GP about my gender." The big beast said.
Nancy Nansers shit herself in fear.
"Feck! I've just taken a big shit!" She said, holding the socks in her hand. "Why are you in my bedroom?"
"Because I'm legally allowed to be in here now. The liberal elite have sold their souls and made it wrong for you to tell me to leave. This horrible future that so many incredibly talented writers said would happen has happened."

His hands were hairy like a hairy man's hands. Nancy couldn't move fast enough as the giant hands reached for her socks.
"Give me your socks!" Said the creepy guy who was now free to steal women's socks thanks to all of those rainbow flag waving wokenatti silencing all of the facts and making it illegal to be a woman.
"No." She said.
"Yes." He said.
"No." She said.
"It's illegal to be a woman." He said.

*The rest of the pages are just doodles of J.K. Rowling dressed as Jesus, being sacrificed on a firepit made from rolls of The Guardian*
I didn’t even realise there was a stereotype about Slavic eyes. No idea what they are supposed to look like.
She might be an alleged transfobe and TERF, but if you spent more than thirty seconds watching clips online you can absorb a lot of good from her work. She certainly has the skill to teach budding writers a thing or two, as shown below in a quote from her recent work.
heating up in the US again, with multiple fretting articles in the liberal mainstream (NYT and atlantic). This was the reaction from a trans account i follow:


Both WaPo and NYT comment sections prove that these kind of issues are a massive losing factor for Democrats. DeSantis with any kind of focus on "parental rights" will wipe the floor with any Democratic nominee for enough % of voters to make a difference. I read the NYT article about parents feeling they have right to hear from teachers if their child is transitioning in any sense and don't believe it was transphobic. But some trans-activists believe any thing is transphobic if it strays aways from mantra of supporting anyone who wants to explore trans identity without any reservations.
But some trans-activists believe any thing is transphobic if it strays aways from mantra of supporting anyone who wants to explore trans identity without any reservations.

The person I''m screenshotting is not an activist. she is a trans woman who is afraid her parents are going to cut her off precisely because they are the NYT readers this is being directed at.
Both WaPo and NYT comment sections prove that these kind of issues are a massive losing factor for Democrats. DeSantis with any kind of focus on "parental rights" will wipe the floor with any Democratic nominee for enough % of voters to make a difference.

They went all-in on trans issues in the midterms and it flopped. Inflation and crime worked better.
I read the NYT article about parents feeling they have right to hear from teachers if their child is transitioning in any sense and don't believe it was transphobic.

It's paywalled, but these are some pretty strong points from those dreaded activists

I also saw a tweet about the entire article being based off an anti-trans facebook group, but might be mixing it up with something else.
It's paywalled, but these are some pretty strong points from those dreaded activists

I also saw a tweet about the entire article being based off an anti-trans facebook group, but might be mixing it up with something else.

DMed non paywalled link from my sub
I also saw a tweet about the entire article being based off an anti-trans facebook group, but might be mixing it up with something else.

Article IIRC acknowledges that parents are part of this kind of transphobic group but also points that there is no other space for them to discuss any reservation they might have about their child wanting to transition since they would be instantly labelled transphobic at any hint of opposition.
They went all-in on trans issues in the midterms and it flopped. Inflation and crime worked better.

Fair point. In places like SF and VA in state or local elections it provided to be pivotal factor. In any case it is not going to hurt any republican candidate with respect to independent voters as any opposition to issue like abortion might. Majority of US populace is still conservative when it comes to trans transition for teens.
It's paywalled, but these are some pretty strong points from those dreaded activists

IMO it would be false equivalency to compare homosexuality with trans identity since latter has medical implications which former does not. I have seen people make similar comparisons by saying they would not want teachers snitch to parents about students not wearing religious symbols like Hijab or disclose them being gay. But a student progressing towards being trans ultimately will have some medical implications that will require participation from parents so it is an entirely different issue. You can not on one hand say trans youth are at heightened risk and then on the other compare it to all kinds of different situations others might face in schools. Yes, a part of that risk is from opposition from parents but in that case the only solution is to involve state social services not to hide it from parents.
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Becoming so anti trans that you inadvertently argue that jeffrey dahmer should have been moved to a female prison, in the name of men rights.
So, the rapist, a man at the time of the rapes but now says they’re a woman, won’t go to a women’s prison, Nicola Sturgeon says.
Where do women who rape other women or men who rape other men go?
So, the rapist, a man at the time of the rapes but now says they’re a woman, won’t go to a women’s prison, Nicola Sturgeon says.
Where common sense and consistency collide head on in this issue.
Where do women who rape other women or men who rape other men go?
Kind of a topical question for this thread because ordinarily women can't rape and by UK law rape requires a penis. A trans woman who hasn't transitioned yet is the exception.
Where common sense and consistency collide head on in this issue.

like in any other legal case, you have to gauge the merit on a case by case basis (and we are talking tiny numbers here), so there should be an assessment on whether someone may be taking advantage of the laws for their own benefit.

however there shouldn't be a blanket rule where all trans women go to a men's jail, this (should be) fairly clear. not only for moral grounds, but the risks for those trans women are extortionate.

TERF Island strikes again.

Often when trans issues come up there's talk about how the culture war is getting imported from the US, and while that's not necessarily wrong UK's nickname is pretty well earned.
Kind of a topical question for this thread because ordinarily women can't rape and by UK law rape requires a penis. A trans woman who hasn't transitioned yet is the exception.
Wait. Women can’t be sentenced for rape in the UK? Can women rape other women by UK law?
like in any other legal case, you have to gauge the merit on a case by case basis (and we are talking tiny numbers here), so there should be an assessment on whether someone may be taking advantage of the laws for their own benefit.

however there shouldn't be a blanket rule where all trans women go to a men's jail, this (should be) fairly clear. not only for moral grounds, but the risks for those trans women are extortionate.
Agree completely and this underlines exactly why a case by case approach is needed, rather than a blanket acceptance that a self-declared trans woman should automatically be sent to a woman's prison.
They went all-in on trans issues in the midterms and it flopped. Inflation and crime worked better.
Because those are real issues that affect most people. That's the whole point of gov't to keep us safe, it's not to cater to the whims of fringe minority groups.
Wait. Women can’t be sentenced for rape in the UK? Can women rape other women by UK law?

The offence is as follows:

(1)A person (A) commits an offence if—

(a)he intentionally penetrates the vagina, anus or mouth of another person (B) with his penis,

(b)B does not consent to the penetration, and

(c)A does not reasonably believe that B consents.

(2)Whether a belief is reasonable is to be determined having regard to all the circumstances, including any steps A has taken to ascertain whether B consents.

(3)Sections 75 and 76 apply to an offence under this section.

(4)A person guilty of an offence under this section is liable, on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for life.

So the person committing the offence must have a penis. It is always reported as only a man can commit rape but that ignores trans and intersex people.

In Australia anyone can commit rape as the offence is different and not dependent on a penis.
Wait. Women can’t be sentenced for rape in the UK? Can women rape other women by UK law?

People with a penis can. It's not classed as rape if it's an object so a dildo or strap on or using anything other than a penis would be sexual assault.
People with a penis can. It's not classed as rape if it's an object so a dildo or strap on or using anything other than a penis would be sexual assault.
The offence is as follows:

(1)A person (A) commits an offence if—

(a)he intentionally penetrates the vagina, anus or mouth of another person (B) with his penis,

(b)B does not consent to the penetration, and

(c)A does not reasonably believe that B consents.

(2)Whether a belief is reasonable is to be determined having regard to all the circumstances, including any steps A has taken to ascertain whether B consents.

(3)Sections 75 and 76 apply to an offence under this section.

(4)A person guilty of an offence under this section is liable, on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for life.

So the person committing the offence must have a penis. It is always reported as only a man can commit rape but that ignores trans and intersex people.

In Australia anyone can commit rape as the offence is different and not dependent on a penis.
Thanks for that. Sounds like the laws need a bit of reform there.
like in any other legal case, you have to gauge the merit on a case by case basis (and we are talking tiny numbers here), so there should be an assessment on whether someone may be taking advantage of the laws for their own benefit.

however there shouldn't be a blanket rule where all trans women go to a men's jail, this (should be) fairly clear. not only for moral grounds, but the risks for those trans women are extortionate.

The SNP, able the judge anything, ever? You're having a laugh. Our glorious bunch of nationalist, racist feckwits will just shout whatever appears most liberal because it winds up the Tories.
My opinion is aligned with Rowling to be honest...

I followed the thread and saw this as the second tweet:

Which is strange - why should this pedo transwoman be kept in a woman’s prison when the aforementioned rapist be moved to a men’s prison? It seems quite inconsistent from Sturgeon.
I followed the thread and saw this as the second tweet:

Which is strange - why should this pedo transwoman be kept in a woman’s prison when the aforementioned rapist be moved to a men’s prison? It seems quite inconsistent from Sturgeon.

I’m guessing a) it isn’t Sturgeon who makes the decision and b) a paedophile isn’t considered the same threat to adult women as a serial rapist.