Club Sale | It’s done!

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Owns the moral low ground
May 15, 2013
Come on Jassim be a true fan and put the money down. Who cares about the cost.


New Member
Sep 2, 2018
Over the weekend? I thought the new deadline was 9pm tonight? All this tweet confirms is Journalists don’t have a fecking clue what’s going on here. :lol:
They (in Qatar) already have weekend sińce last night


Full Member
Jun 18, 2011
You’d think it will be this bid or none. Doesn’t make much sense on them delaying a bid and get the numbers together if they know it will be rejected

I get the feeling they will easily just walk away if they feel it’s getting ridiculous


Man of the crowd
Oct 19, 2012
Thomas Zilliacus: Bond villain if I ever saw one.

If you look closely, he even seems to be bleeding slightly from his right eye in one of those promo pics.

ETA And the name...I mean, come on.


The Swedish Rumble
Oct 7, 2022
Macro economic factors like SVB, Credit Suisse collapse werep out of their control.

The club's on-field performance last season was so poor so they wouldn't have been in a great position -- would have been like some distressed asset sale!

Then the temp manager; no visibility on fixing on-field performance and how much it would cost to fix it. This lack of visibility is a huge no-no for any new investor.
And I suspect that they will hit some cashflow issues in the near future.

But since then ETH has added a few hundred million at least to the pockets of the Glazers.
This is a topic I have touched upon a lot, and that I feel it is hard to explain.

What I think is missed often is that just because you are big/rich -- it doesn't at all mean that you are stable. You see comments like 'dude they got 500bn, they can pay anything cash and won't be hurt by X'. 'Qatar doesn't need to lend money'. But that isn't true. Any investment entity will leverage its investments or at least invest in leveraged assets. Qatar's debt/GDP ratio is usually around 50% to 80%. This does not mean that they are taking big "risks" -- but it shows that its not like they from one time to another won't have more or less cash at hand. Of course there are exceptions in relation to some family/old wealth -- but I regularly work with billionairs and I have never met one that was free from concerns. You often must decide on whether you must throw good money after bad money or if you should cut losses. Adjust things in relation to covenants to avoid renegotiations. Etc etc etc. And the same of course applies to SJR/Ineos.

When a banker calls a rich investor, the first question is more or less always 'would this be a good time for you to look at an investment in the range of X to Y'.

This is another thing that just shows just how amateurish the Glazers are. Their advisors are 100% advising them against dragging out. Who knows what tomorrow will bring. If they launched their intention to sell MUFC next month, other parties could be interested than SJR and Qatar. You never know.

Vapor trail

Full Member
Mar 13, 2022
I think either SJR or Qatar is good for the club by way of footballing matters. I cannot understand why John Murtough is held in such a high regard especially on these forums but if Mitchell comes in from SJR interest that is a massive positive as he can implement ideas and not have a situation at hand (at present) which is one man running the show in ETH.

The summer market this year is probably the most important one of recent seasons due to transition from top four to this team challenging. I don't see anything significant by way of news from the supposed scouting redevelopment, there's only been 1 or 2 younger individuals United have been consistently linked with despite the squad needing new additions. If SJR shakes up the Murtough / Arnold combo and puts more support around that foundation that's a big plus.

Mr. Robot

New Member
Oct 5, 2022
It always amazes me that people need hour-by-hour updates otherwise “this isn’t happening, oh my god panic!!!!”

It will get done. When? Next week? Maybe next month? But it will get done.

Some of you should get some fresh air, go to the pub, watch a movie or three. But being so obsessively invested in the actual negotiation process and believing every snippet of BS on Twitter isn’t healthy.


Full Member
Oct 8, 2011
It always amazes me that people need hour-by-hour updates otherwise “this isn’t happening, oh my god panic!!!!”

It will get done. When? Next week? Maybe next month? But it will get done.

Some of you should get some fresh air, go to the pub, watch a movie or three. But being so obsessively invested in the actual negotiation process and believing every snippet of BS on Twitter isn’t healthy.
I was looking for an excuse to go to the pub. I'll tell the missus to read your post, sorted.


Full Member
Jun 18, 2015
Its always looked like the Glazers favoured these lot from the beginning, wouldn't be surprising the gateway to investment opportunities in Qatar is too much of an opportunity for them to ignore.
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