Berbatov or Henry?


aka Trippin_Stoned
Mar 24, 2004
Sowerby Bridge
Debatable... by whom? You? Like your opinion counts for anything.

My answer was simple and was given with our current squad of players in mind. Henry and Rooney wouldn't be as good as Berbatov and Rooney, in my opinion at least. Am I wrong, who knows? There's no right or wrong answer.

So KingEric get of you high fecking horse and stop with the snide remarks.


TV/Monitor Expert
Jul 10, 2004
Inside right
I'm afraid you might need to open your eyes a little:

"Look past the injuries, it was obvious that the team was no longer set around TH. ... Henry would never have gotten to the form he had a couple of years before."

"he had an average season last season despite being injured and tired"

"some moody whinging bloke flailing his arms around when he doesnt get the pass he wants"

"he knew he was passed his best ... and the lure of the CL cup plus 130 k per week he made a decision that was right for him"

"No more whining and lack of leadership on the pitch"

"it is absolutely right that he leaves- we know we've had his best years, we know that up until the last 18 months he's been a model pro for us ... Maybe Thierry will have an indian summer in Barcelona"

"Part of me isnt that upset that we have sold him - we have had the best years out of him, he is nearly 30 and isnt going to get any better, he is getting more and more injuries and has disappeared up his own arse in the last couple of years."

"I bet if he had not played well in a few matches this season...some would have said we should have sell him"

"he did play poorly this season in the games he started"

"the guy is a lousy captain and just cant stay healthy ... this club needs a LOT more than an ageing primadonna right now"

And dozens more like these. OK, to some extent some of the above comments are a natural reaction to his departure, but as I said earlier in this thread quite a few Arsenal fans have been saying similar things long before this.
Collecting a bunch of meaningless posts and presenting them as evidence doesn't do you any favours. Fortunately for most of us our eyes are working fine and our brains are able to make a decision that requires little more than a second to process entirely.

Now, I hope you don't take that as an insult. Your question and defence of it have been poor and you have nothing to back up what you're saying about the player. This "massive decline" of his is just not backed up by any discernable piece of evidence. Not goals, not assists.. nothing. He was injured, so what? He is fit now and his pace is really overrated with regard to it being the making or breaking of him, besides which, he will always be faster than the majority of players until he retires, even if he were supposedly declining in that department.

Henry will be better than Berbatov from now until he retires, that's the difference in ability between them. It's as simple as that. The same way you could say Scholes or Giggs will be better than almost every other midfielder in the league until they call it a day.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
May 12, 2005
Where have I said he isn't a top player?

Like what?
Gimme a break, it's your thread ffs. ... If you cant be bothered to read the posts in your own thread I'm not going to read them for you ... your a muppet and a WUM (I see straight through you).

Berbatov better than Henry indeed ... deluded and the new DJS.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
May 12, 2005
Debatable... by whom? You? Like your opinion counts for anything.

My answer was simple and was given with our current squad of players in mind. Henry and Rooney wouldn't be as good as Berbatov and Rooney, in my opinion at least. Am I wrong, who knows? There's no right or wrong answer.

So KingEric get of you high fecking horse and stop with the snide remarks.
In a nutshell ... you're wrong.


Also disliked on an Aston Villa forum
Feb 4, 2007
Collecting a bunch of meaningless posts and presenting them as evidence doesn't do you any favours. .
Meaningless posts? They're from Arsenal fans, who have seen Henry play week in and week out. Why is their opinion less valid than yours? You asked for more evidence that he's past his best - the opinions of some of those who've see him play the most is a legitimate part of such evidence.

There are hundreds and hundreds of similar posts from Arsenal fans dating to well before he was sold. Why don't you go try and find an equivalent number of posts from Spurs fans levelling criticisms against Berbatov - you won't succeed.

... This "massive decline" of his is just not backed up by any discernable piece of evidence. ...
"Massive decline" are your words, not mine.

... He was injured, so what? He is fit now ...
His 'niggling injuries' have been dragging on in fits and starts for a fair while now - it's not just a single on-off incident

.. his pace is really overrated with regard to it being the making or breaking of him ...
Not 'making or breaking', I agree, but pace is one of his major attributes - he has a little less now than before ... age catches up with all of us. I don't see why you insist on being in state of denial about this.

... Henry will be better than Berbatov from now until he retires....


Also disliked on an Aston Villa forum
Feb 4, 2007
... your a muppet and a WUM ...
I'm glad that's your opinion because hopefully it will mean you'll stop sending your absurd arguments and sneering comments in my direction.

I'm bored with them and can't be bothered any longer to respond to your postings in this thread. Consider this an 'adios'.


TV/Monitor Expert
Jul 10, 2004
Inside right
Meaningless posts? They're from Arsenal fans, who have seen Henry play week in and week out. Why is their opinion less valid than yours? You asked for more evidence that he's past his best - the opinions of some of those who've see him play the most is a legitimate part of such evidence.
They could be intelligent posters.. they may also be completely bitter muppets for all I know. Henry is not best loved round these parts and I think the views of United fans who couldn't really give two flying figs either way are more likely to be grounded in reason than those of either a Spur or Arse supporter, if I'm honest.

You'd find that more people here would want Spurs to succeed than Arsenal, so when United fans who stand to gain nothing are calling a spade a spade, it probably is.

There are hundreds and hundreds of similar posts from Arsenal fans dating to well before he was sold. Why don't you go try and find an equivalent number of posts from Spurs fans levelling criticisms against Berbatov - you won't succeed.
You could do the same with Ruud before he left us, it doesn't invalidate the players' quality nor does it have any bearing on what he will go on to do in the future. Now, when Carrick fecked off many a Spur were 'suddenly' saying he's overrated and shite and so on.. emotional attachments aren't the best way to form balanced opinions...

"Massive decline" are your words, not mine.
You infer it in your every post. You back it up with nothing.

His 'niggling injuries' have been dragging on in fits and starts for a fair while now - it's not just a single on-off incident
Henry was overdue a rest for at least two years. He had been moaning about a lack of rest for a long time before he broke down. His injuries are all related to fatigue, fatigue which he does not have now... and even at his worst he was two league goals behind Berbatov in nearly half the amount of games...

Not 'making or breaking', I agree, but pace is one of his major attributes - he has a little less now than before ... age catches up with all of us. I don't see why you insist on being in state of denial about this.
Erm... I have made it clear that even if Henry lost 10% of his pace he would be far quicker than most of his fellow professionals. And pace hasn't been a major factor in his game for a while, by his own standards he had become lazy, but more clinical and precise. This pace myth was all people used to say about Giggs and then he moved into the middle of the pitch and shut them all up by proving to be a class footballer with a brain far quicker than almost all his fellow pros. Henry thinks and sees the game and opportunities far quicker than most. It's not his pace that makes him at all.


You get an above average player and immediately try to punch levels above his weight and then get upset? :lol:


Stupid Conspiracy Enthusiast Wanker
Aug 1, 2006
Debatable... by whom? You? Like your opinion counts for anything.

My answer was simple and was given with our current squad of players in mind. Henry and Rooney wouldn't be as good as Berbatov and Rooney, in my opinion at least. Am I wrong, who knows? There's no right or wrong answer.

So KingEric get of you high fecking horse and stop with the snide remarks.
We've got a live one. :lol:
You're simply wrong. Why you are wrong has been explained many times in the thread.


Also disliked on an Aston Villa forum
Feb 4, 2007
They could be intelligent posters...
Well, at least that's an improvement on calling their views 'meaningless'.

.You infer it in your every post. You back it up with nothing.
I've inferred nothing. In plain English I've said he's past his best - nothing more, nothing less. That does not equate to 'massive decline'. His being past his best - but still a great player - is backed up by the last couple of seasons, as many, many Arsenal fans have said long before the transfer to Barca. You want to dismiss their views and give various reasons like 'tiredness' etc - fine, that's your perogative.

.. even at his worst he was two league goals behind Berbatov in nearly half the amount of games...
You keep harping on about these 10 goals. I'll simply repeat that Berby scored 23 goals and made 15 assists. You may wish to dismiss this as a fluke, or explain it away in some other way .. I don't know, that's up to you.

.... pace hasn't been a major factor in his game for a while, by his own standards he had become lazy, but more clinical and precise. ...
I assume then that you agree he's lost at least some pace? And you say he'd become more lazy. Even if that's balanced against his now (supposedly) being more clinical and precise, loss of some pace and laziness, not to mention moaning, complaining and putting down his team-mates, doesn't exactly paint a picture of a striker who is still at his peak.

You get an above average player and immediately try to punch levels above his weight ....
Berbatov is far more than simply an 'above average player'. He is one of the best 3 strikers in the Prem - he's amazingly good.

If you don't see that, then either you haven't seen him play that often or your judgement is badly lacking.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
May 12, 2005
I'm glad that's your opinion because hopefully it will mean you'll stop sending your absurd arguments and sneering comments in my direction.

I'm bored with them and can't be bothered any longer to respond to your postings in this thread. Consider this an 'adios'.
You think Berbatov is better than Henry right now ... fair enough. When I asked you why did Barca go in for him then ... you ignored me. When someone else said why didn't any top clubs go in for Berba ... you ignored them.

I hope this helps.

anyway like you said 'adios' ....


Resident Arse.
Feb 3, 2004
I've seen some delusional Spurs fans before but this one takes the piss. Berbatov has half a decent season and this guy reckons he is one the best strikers in the world. That guy is so over-rated it isn't true, the top strikers in this league are Drogba and Rooney.

His stats don't even hold up that well to Henry even though Henry missed most of the season injured and when he did play he played through injuries yet he is now a better player. :wenger:

Why don't we let him get two good seasons under his belt before we start comparing him to a person who has 7 years (if we don't include last season) of brilliance behind him?

Another interesting thing is if a bid of around £25mill comes in Spurs WILL sell him to Man utd, yet Man utd seem to be more willing to pay around that much on Tevez and go through all these MSI, premier league and West Ham problems rather than completing a nice and simple move for Berbatov. That says a lot right there. If Berbatov is better than Henry then why are Barca bothering with signing him when they can pay a bit more (for a better player according to some muppets here) or why is Milan, R.Madrid, Inter not interested either? It is because he isn't that good at this moment, if he was they would of taken him of Spurs because he would jump at the chance to play CL footy. He played in the CL final for Leverkusen against R.Madrid, he would be lucky to play in a UEFA cup final for Spurs.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
May 12, 2005
I've seen some delusional Spurs fans before but this one takes the piss. Berbatov has half a decent season and this guy reckons he is one the best strikers in the world. That guy is so over-rated it isn't true, the top strikers in this league are Drogba and Rooney.

His stats don't even hold up that well to Henry even though Henry missed most of the season injured and when he did play he played through injuries yet he is now a better player. :wenger:

Why don't we let him get two good seasons under his belt before we start comparing him to a person who has 7 years (if we don't include last season) of brilliance behind him?

Another interesting thing is if a bid of around £25mill comes in Spurs WILL sell him to Man utd, yet Man utd seem to be more willing to pay around that much on Tevez and go through all these MSI, premier league and West Ham problems rather than completing a nice and simple move for Berbatov. That says a lot right there. If Berbatov is better than Henry then why are Barca bothering with signing him when they can pay a bit more (for a better player according to some muppets here) or why is Milan, R.Madrid, Inter not interested either? It is because he isn't that good at this moment, if he was they would of taken him of Spurs because he would jump at the chance to play CL footy. He played in the CL final for Leverkusen against R.Madrid, he would be lucky to play in a UEFA cup final for Spurs.
Word ...


Dec 6, 2005
For the next season, Henry would be more useful than Berbatov. But if it is a long-term investment, I would choose Berbatov over Henry. Without pace, Henry would be a mediocre player. He has at most two more seasons under his belt. Berbatov may have five more seasons at his best.


Resident Arse.
Feb 3, 2004
And how would you know Henry is mediocre without his pace? Giggs has lost most of his pace but is he merdiocre as well? Players change their game when the time comes and Henry will do the same.

He is very capable at playing as a second striker as well and very good at setting other people up with goals, as his assists record for Arsneal will show


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
May 12, 2005
So to summarize:

A group of posters* feel that if SAF/Mourinho/Rijkaard was given the choice of purchasing Henry or Berbatov, they would pick Berbatov.

*I'm not one of them ...


Dec 6, 2005
His stats don't even hold up that well to Henry even though Henry missed most of the season injured and when he did play he played through injuries yet he is now a better player. :wenger:
Make Henry play with Spurs midfielders such as Jenas, Tainio, Huddlestone, Zokora, etc. He would score less than ten league goals even if he has an injury-free season. You are overlooking how crap Spurs midfielders are.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
May 12, 2005
And how would you know Henry is mediocre without his pace? Giggs has lost most of his pace but is he merdiocre as well? Players change their game when the time comes and Henry will do the same.

He is very capable at playing as a second striker as well and very good at setting other people up with goals, as his assists record for Arsneal will show
I was going to say the same thing about Giggs, time will tell how well Henry copes with a loss of pace, but he has shown me enough in his time here in the prem to make me think that he'll do fine.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
May 12, 2005
Make Henry play with Spurs midfielders such as Jenas, Tainio, Huddlestone, Zokora, etc. He would score less than ten league goals even if he has an injury-free season. You are overlooking how crap Spurs midfielders are.
Retarded comment, by that reasoning Keane, Defoe and Mido are around the same quality then ... they finished 1 point behind there points tally for the previous season ... without Berba the magnificent.

Don't get me wrong, I like Berba but you lot are way OTT.

Utd heap

Models for Coin.
Aug 15, 2006
Henry is still a fantastic player, and is better than Berbatov, but i think Berbatov would work better in our side than Henry.


Dec 6, 2005
Retarded comment, by that reasoning Keane, Defoe and Mido are around the same quality then ... they finished 1 point behind there points tally for the previous season ... without Berba the magnificent.

Don't get me wrong, I like Berba but you lot are way OTT.
At that time, they had Carrick.


TV/Monitor Expert
Jul 10, 2004
Inside right
I've inferred nothing. In plain English I've said he's past his best - nothing more, nothing less. That does not equate to 'massive decline'. His being past his best - but still a great player - is backed up by the last couple of seasons, as many, many Arsenal fans have said long before the transfer to Barca. You want to dismiss their views and give various reasons like 'tiredness' etc - fine, that's your perogative.
Please show me this decline by goals, assists to game ratio. I think you'll find you're talking nonsense.. Henry's game is simply changing, his output remains the same.

Ruud isn't the player he was 5 years ago and yet he still scores the same amount of goals. Does this represent a decline or not?

You keep harping on about these 10 goals. I'll simply repeat that Berby scored 23 goals and made 15 assists. You may wish to dismiss this as a fluke, or explain it away in some other way .. I don't know, that's up to you.
Goals outside the league don't mean much. Henry doesn't ever play in the Uefa Cup, and how many games did Henry even get to play in the cups? Next to naught, if I remember rightly.

By the way, "Berby's" goal record in the league is the epitome of average. He was well down the scoring charts at the end of the do you explain this?

I assume then that you agree he's lost at least some pace? And you say he'd become more lazy. Even if that's balanced against his now (supposedly) being more clinical and precise, loss of some pace and laziness, not to mention moaning, complaining and putting down his team-mates, doesn't exactly paint a picture of a striker who is still at his peak.
Henry's current standard is by far and away superior to Berbatov's. That is all that matters.

Berbatov is far more than simply an 'above average player'. He is one of the best 3 strikers in the Prem - he's amazingly good.

If you don't see that, then either you haven't seen him play that often or your judgement is badly lacking.

Yes, top 3 in the prem. Yet he was outscored by seven players in the league. :wenger:

He has a nice touch and very good awareness, but he isn't very good in front of goal, which is essentially a problem beings as you're determined to compare him to a 25 league goal a season striker.

Please explain to me how the likes of McCarthy, Doyle, Kuyt, Bent and Viduka bettered his goal return if he is so great.


TV/Monitor Expert
Jul 10, 2004
Inside right
Make Henry play with Spurs midfielders such as Jenas, Tainio, Huddlestone, Zokora, etc. He would score less than ten league goals even if he has an injury-free season. You are overlooking how crap Spurs midfielders are.
Darren Bent scored 13 goals playing in a team that got relegated. He also played about half the league games Berbatov did. In fact, four players whose teams finished below Spurs outscored Berbatov.

In other words, you're talking shite.


Dec 6, 2005
So the drop in midfield quality from the loss of Carrick = The increase in attack quality from signing Berbatov?
Yes, more or less. In the first half of their season, their central midfield were near non-existent. Zokora was struggling with the new league, Zenas was injured all the time, and Huddlestone who fickle Spurs fans equated with Hoddle for three weeks was obviously not ready to take Carrick's role. And their
wingers were also crap with Lennon being consistently inconsistent.

It was only the second half of the season that they started cope with loss of Carrick and Berbatov started to show his real quality.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
May 12, 2005
Yes, more or less. In the first half of their season, their central midfield were near non-existent. Zokora was struggling with the new league, Zenas was injured all the time, and Huddlestone who fickle Spurs fans equated with Hoddle for three weeks was obviously not ready to take Carrick's role. And their
wingers were also crap with Lennon being consistently inconsistent.

It was only the second half of the season that they started cope with loss of Carrick and Berbatov started to show his real quality.
I think the post above yours pretty much told you ...


Dec 6, 2005
Darren Bent scored 13 goals playing in a team that got relegated. He also played about half the league games Berbatov did. In fact, four players whose teams finished below Spurs outscored Berbatov.

In other words, you're talking shite.

I won't comment on Darren Bent because I watched only two or three games of his.

I am commenting on Berbatov and Henry because I watched more than 40 games of theirs. I know how they played in the last season, and so base my judgement on what I saw.

Now, how many Spurs games did you watch last season?


Also disliked on an Aston Villa forum
Feb 4, 2007
... Berbatov ... this guy reckons he is one the best strikers in the world.
He is. Plenty of people agree with that assessment.

You reckon that Drogba and Rooney are better, and I assume that since you're an Arsenal fan you'd put Henry above him. Even if accept all that for the sake of argument, who else is better? Even if you name 2 or 3 others, that would still put Berbatov in the top 7 around the world.

.. His stats don't even hold up that well to Henry even though Henry missed most of the season injured and when he did play he played through injuries yet he is now a better player....
Yet another poster who hasn't read (or pretends not to have read) the start of this thread. The question was, not who is the better striker, but who would make the better signing now, taking into account age, proneness to injury, attitude etc etc.

... Why don't we let him get two good seasons under his belt before we start comparing him to a person who has 7 years (if we don't include last season) of brilliance behind him?
I quite agree, if you're talking about overall record so far and looking backwards. But that's not what this thread is about - it's about the here and now and looking forward, which is what any sane manager would do in deciding which player would now make the better signing.

.Another interesting thing is if a bid of around £25mill comes in Spurs WILL sell him to Man utd...
Yeah yeah, we've heard it all before, since January in fact .. it still ain't happened and it never will this summer because Spurs have made it very clear that he's not for sale. In any case, Spurs have already rejected higher bids than 25m for Berbatov.

It's a shame you couldn't get Barca to value Henry as high as 25m though isn't it ;)

..... Man utd seem to be more willing to pay around that much on Tevez and go through all these MSI, premier league and West Ham problems rather than completing a nice and simple move for Berbatov. That says a lot right there.
If it says anything, it says that United realised weeks and weeks ago that Berbatov was not on offer, so moved on to the 2nd best available option.

If Berbatov is better than Henry then why are Barca bothering with signing him when they can pay a bit more (for a better player according to some muppets here) or why is Milan, R.Madrid, Inter not interested either?
Clubs can't buy a player who isn't actually for sale - a basic rule of the market and not a difficult concept to grasp.

... It is because he isn't that good at this moment, if he was they would of taken him of Spurs because he would jump at the chance to play CL footy. ...
Funny that, I thought Henry jumped ship because he wanted the chance to win the CL and obviously didn't fancy his chances with a declining Arsenal side whose main hopes these days are to scrape 4th place in the league and whose hopes of ever winning as many European trophies as Spurs seem to have fallen by the wayside.

As for Berbatov, as you said in your post, he has already played in the CL. And he sees the chance of doing so again, with Spurs in the season after next.

No doubt yours will be a sneering response, but we shall see what happens this season won't we. Spurs will be up there, pushing hard for top 4, you can bet on that.


Also disliked on an Aston Villa forum
Feb 4, 2007
.... if it is a long-term investment, I would choose Berbatov over Henry. Without pace, Henry would be a mediocre player. He has at most two more seasons under his belt. Berbatov may have five more seasons at his best.
This relates precisely to the question posed by me at the start of this thread - who would make the better signing if a manager had the choice.

It's good to know that some posters, like yourself, are clear-headed.


TV/Monitor Expert
Jul 10, 2004
Inside right
I won't comment on Darren Bent because I watched only two or three games of his.

I am commenting on Berbatov and Henry because I watched more than 40 games of theirs. I know how they played in the last season, and so base my judgement on what I saw.

Now, how many Spurs games did you watch last season?
The problem here is that you're so used to Henry being imperious that even an injury hit season (where he's still producing) is seen as not good enough...

Incidentally, out side of us, I watched more Spurs game last season than any other team... Berbatov is a striker. His job is to score goals, primarily, he's decent at it, not great.


Also disliked on an Aston Villa forum
Feb 4, 2007
Berbatov .. not even amongst the top 5 strikers in the PL at the moment

Rooney, Drogba, McCarthy, Darren bent, Saha are all better than him
So how many of these scored 23 goals and got 15 assists (nearly a goal or an assist on average for every single game he started right across the season)?

Even his impressive goal/assists stats don't show how good he really is. Trying watching his play week in week out.

And try putting your strange 'pecking order' notion into a poll and see what what the results are - even on a United board I bet Berbatov comes at least 3rd out of the six, and certainly ahead of Saha.


Specialist In Failure
Nov 16, 2002
'It's for the Arsenal and we're going to Wembley'
Glaston and his argument remind me of something out of a zombie movie. 'Tude blazes away with his pump-action blowing chunks of the creature clean away and smiles in satisfaction at a job well done. But wait... as the smoke clears we have a rag-bag of bloody skin and bones lurching towards us gurgling "23 goals" out of whatever orifice he has left.


Stupid Conspiracy Enthusiast Wanker
Aug 1, 2006
Berbatov is far more than simply an 'above average player'. He is one of the best 3 strikers in the Prem - he's amazingly good.

If you don't see that, then either you haven't seen him play that often or your judgement is badly lacking.

Drogba, Rooney, Saha, Van Persie, Carlos Tevez, etc...
Scousers and a lot of others would say Torres.
Anyone who has watched Shevchenko for more than a year would say him too.

Good point though....seriously.


Also disliked on an Aston Villa forum
Feb 4, 2007
Glaston and his argument remind me of something out of a zombie movie. 'Tude blazes away with his pump-action blowing chunks of the creature clean away and smiles in satisfaction at a job well done. But wait... as the smoke clears we have a rag-bag of bloody skin and bones lurching towards us gurgling "23 goals" out of whatever orifice he has left.
What's that I see underneath your username? "Winner of the 'Most pompous arrogant pretentious Gooner" ?

Is that a clue concerning what your arguments should remind us of?