Gaming 1836 - The Europa Universalis 4 Experiment (Hands-off) - Map & stats in second post - Final Map and Stats update - Timelapse video

I think the game is trying to tell us something. Now @KirkDuyt is in two separate wars that have to do with being allied to the wrong little country. This is not ideal. @Eboue might own more Dutch territories than KirkDuyt at the end of this. Or maybe @altodevil will cross the channel and grab something. @adexkola might just continue his ceaseless crusade against @Igor Drefljak, while @Abizzz and @V.O. are in a race to gobble the minor countries between them.

Oh my! @RedSky's ruler died without an heir, and a Succession War has broken out between @Solius and @Eboue. Eboue is joined by @Abizzz and some smaller countries, while RedSky is with his chosen senior partner in the new union, Solius. This actually means that RedSky is once again ruled by a Redsky, his dynasty having died out in his homelands but carried on in the lands of Solius!

This is their first war without @BD since... ever. Let's see if he was the glue holding it all together.

Oh, royalty are just dying left and right in Europe these days. This time it's @V.O. who had an untimely death, and he chose @adexkola over @P-Nut. Both brought allies into the fray, and now it's adexkola and V.O. against P-Nut, @hobbers, @Tiber and @Welsh Wonder. The numbers are actually quite even, though some of that is far across the ocean in Mexico.

This sadly means that the Glazer dynasty has died out.

There seem to be a damn lot of succession wars this game.

Unfortunately its looking like power is being consolidated more and more in the big bois.
With those army numbers I'd best be taking VO for myself.
Oh my! @RedSky's ruler died without an heir, and a Succession War has broken out between @Solius and @Eboue. Eboue is joined by @Abizzz and some smaller countries, while RedSky is with his chosen senior partner in the new union, Solius. This actually means that RedSky is once again ruled by a Redsky, his dynasty having died out in his homelands but carried on in the lands of Solius!

This is their first war without @BD since... ever. Let's see if he was the glue holding it all together.


Redsky blood line will never die! We're proper bro's you and I, @Solius
Oh, royalty are just dying left and right in Europe these days. This time it's @V.O. who had an untimely death, and he chose @adexkola over @P-Nut. Both brought allies into the fray, and now it's adexkola and V.O. against P-Nut, @hobbers, @Tiber and @Welsh Wonder. The numbers are actually quite even, though some of that is far across the ocean in Mexico.

This sadly means that the Glazer dynasty has died out.


Wtf I don't even like the pope
Can I just abandon my homeland and move all my stuff down to B D South Africa?
Oh my! @RedSky's ruler died without an heir, and a Succession War has broken out between @Solius and @Eboue. Eboue is joined by @Abizzz and some smaller countries, while RedSky is with his chosen senior partner in the new union, Solius. This actually means that RedSky is once again ruled by a Redsky, his dynasty having died out in his homelands but carried on in the lands of Solius!

This is their first war without @BD since... ever. Let's see if he was the glue holding it all together.

Having ambivalent feelings about helping @Eboue here. How did it go?
I think you mean I'm winning the succession war for him.
I think you mean I'm winning the succession war for him.

You did. The upshot is that @V.O. is now in a personal union with @P-Nut instead of adexkola. It also means V.O. is immediately at war with a lot of other countries. This could turn out to be really good for their mutual neighbour @Andycoleno9, though the war might just end quickly because Welsh Wonder is basically already dealt with and he's the war leader (and the target).
Having ambivalent feelings about helping @Eboue here. How did it go?

It just ended. I think you got out of it unharmed (except for losing so, so many men), but @Eboue did not have a great time.


Also, yeah. Since @RedSky is now ruled by @Solius, those provinces which should have gone to RedSky actually went to his coral overlord. Stop ruining the map, Solius!
Oh, I think @Solius has suffered the consequences of his actions for literally the first time in this game. While he did take a lot of provinces from Eboue, he just lost a bunch of West Africa to rebels. I suspect SilentWitness will pounce on them.

The black-striped provinces are also occupied by other rebels, so he should probably hurry down.

@nimic in your expert opinion is there a chance for me to win provinces from op while he's busy elsewhere, or is it near impossible?
@nimic in your expert opinion is there a chance for me to win provinces from op while he's busy elsewhere, or is it near impossible?

It's definitely possible. You're never going to invade Ireland, but he's got enough provinces in Britain for you to sit on to make a dent in a war. He's also got a lot of troops sitting in the colonies, and obviously all the troops that belong to his colonies are there as well.
Oh, I think @Solius has suffered the consequences of his actions for literally the first time in this game. While he did take a lot of provinces from Eboue, he just lost a bunch of West Africa to rebels. I suspect SilentWitness will pounce on them.

The black-striped provinces are also occupied by other rebels, so he should probably hurry down.


I demand you reload the save.