2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Nobby style

Full Member
Jul 24, 2009
Tooting Colombia to Tooting Bec and back again
I´m not caught up in echo chambers. I´ve been around Republicans most my life. I, like you, have witnessed their reaction to Obama, it is no secret. Obviously I know "these people exist." It´s just weird to me, that how a homosexual could be a Republican when they know perfectly well these people in general do not like them and actively try and discriminate against them. Don´t you find that odd? Almost self loathing. I don´t get it. I don´t hang out with, nor admire, nor vote for people who disapprove of my essence. That seems pretty normal. I think their "mentality" is the issue here.


Full Member
Dec 9, 2013
I´m not caught up in echo chambers. I´ve been around Republicans most my life. I, like you, have witnessed their reaction to Obama, it is no secret. Obviously I know "these people exist." It´s just weird to me, that how a homosexual could be a Republican when they know perfectly well these people in general do not like them and actively try and discriminate against them. Don´t you find that odd? Almost self loathing. I don´t get it. I don´t hang out with, nor admire, nor vote for people who disapprove of my essence. That seems pretty normal. I think their "mentality" is the issue here.
People vote against specific personal interests all the time in the pursuit of other goals. I'm not American, but I'm about to vote against my own economic interests where I am a few weeks. This literally happens all over the world. I don't want to speak for him, but he doesn't see himself as gay first and foremost - he sees himself as a small businessman first and foremost. What's so unbelievable about that?

Nobby style

Full Member
Jul 24, 2009
Tooting Colombia to Tooting Bec and back again
Ok, he´s a businessman above being a homosexual and being a minority. I personally find that weird and a bit degrading, but to each his own. That´s part of what I was saying about Republicans - money over soul. That´s nothing new. In fact, I find that normal for a Republican.

I wonder if he found Dubya´s America good for business.


wishes he could watch Arsenal games with KM
Feb 8, 2009
London Town
Well, I have to disagree, if only on the basis that the 5-6 US Republicans I do know (friends/family, including a gay Asian immigrant... go figure) are transparently not assholes. They just have a different point of view. Period.
I've met Republicans who are nice people, as will have anyone who's been to America. But their party supports positions that are abhorrent, medieval and anti-enlightenment. It's significantly more than just a 'different point of view'.

Nor did anyone onstage dissent when Scott Walker and Marco Rubio declared that women should be outlawed from seeking abortions even if their own lives are at stake.


Full Member
Dec 9, 2013
I've met Republicans who are nice people, as will have anyone who's been to America. But their party supports positions that are abhorrent, medieval and anti-enlightenment. It's significantly more than just a 'different point of view'.
I agree with all this. I wouldn't vote Republican if I were American.

But we do ourselves a disservice if we Other the other guy in our mind. If nothing else at all - as I've said - it leads us to complacency. We see it right here in this thread. People thinking real Republicans support that ginormous asshole Trump (obviously some do, but as a matter of fact more actively oppose him, his favourability ratings are negative) because Krugman and Rich tell us he's emblematic of Republicans, and of course they're right because in our minds Republicans are terrible people! And this means therefore that 2016 will be a cakewalk for our man (woman), right? That's wrong, unfortunately.

In any event, we take our political parties as we find them. No doubt there were plenty of things you found objectionable in Labour's platform this year TH - possibly an immigration policy that genuinely was Tory-lite, possibly support for Trident (projecting a bit, sorry if I misread you)? But you support them because you generally find the other guy worse. For at least a substantial portion of the Republican Party, that's all there is to it as well, I suspect.


wishes he could watch Arsenal games with KM
Feb 8, 2009
London Town
Fair points well argued, can't disagree with any of that. And you nailed your profile of me. :)

Nobby style

Full Member
Jul 24, 2009
Tooting Colombia to Tooting Bec and back again
I agree with all this. I wouldn't vote Republican if I were American.

But we do ourselves a disservice if we Other the other guy in our mind. If nothing else at all - as I've said - it leads us to complacency. We see it right here in this thread. People thinking real Republicans support that ginormous asshole Trump (obviously some do, but as a matter of fact more actively oppose him, his favourability ratings are negative) because Krugman and Rich tell us he's emblematic of Republicans, and of course they're right because in our minds Republicans are terrible people! And this means therefore that 2016 will be a cakewalk for our man (woman), right? That's wrong, unfortunately.

In any event, we take our political parties as we find them. No doubt there were plenty of things you found objectionable in Labour's platform this year TH - possibly an immigration policy that genuinely was Tory-lite, possibly support for Trident (projecting a bit, sorry if I misread you)? But you support them because you generally find the other guy worse. For at least a substantial portion of the Republican Party, that's all there is to it as well, I suspect.
That is just so ridiculous. Just because Krugman and Rich say so? Where do you come up with this crap??? Citing an article on Rich´s view does not mean he leading anyone by the nose. He happens to say something I agree with in that Republicans are liking what Trump is saying without the filter cause it appeals to them, but they won´t vote for such a kook in the long run. Pretty much what everyone is saying.


Full Member
Dec 9, 2013
And you nailed your profile of me. :)
Get in!

That is just so ridiculous. Just because Krugman and Rich say so? Where do you come up with this crap??? Citing an article on Rich´s view does not mean he leading anyone by the nose. He happens to say something I agree with in that Republicans are liking what Trump is saying without the filter cause it appeals to them, but they won´t vote for such a kook in the long run. Pretty much what everyone is saying.
Nobby, if something I've said has personally offended you I can only apologize.

I'm going to leave it at that because I can see this isn't going anywhere.

Nobby style

Full Member
Jul 24, 2009
Tooting Colombia to Tooting Bec and back again
I´m not offended at all, it´s just you come saying stuff like . . . People thinking real Republicans support that ginormous asshole Trump (obviously some do, but as a matter of fact more actively oppose him, his favourability ratings are negative) because Krugman and Rich tell us he's emblematic of Republicans . . .

I, or we, do think for ourselves, have an intimate American experiences, and do listen to or read what people say, and form opinions. Nothing special really. I don´t think Trump and his Republican rhetoric is a cock because Krugman tell us so. Trump and republicans do a fine job by themselves.

But yeah, it isn´t going anywhere.
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Full Member
May 6, 2007
Ginseng Strip
:lol: no you don't
Principally I'm behind Bernie Sanders, but considering he has no chance I'm backing Trump. His presidency will be the crash and burn the US political system needs for a radical reboot.

I much rather prefer him to swarmy Hillary.


Full Member
Apr 2, 2010
Smoke crack like Isaac Asimov
Principally I'm behind Bernie Sanders, but considering he has no chance I'm backing Trump. His presidency will be the crash and burn the US political system needs for a radical reboot.

I much rather prefer him to swarmy Hillary.
Why would the US political system crash and burn?


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
Principally I'm behind Bernie Sanders, but considering he has no chance I'm backing Trump. His presidency will be the crash and burn the US political system needs for a radical reboot.

I much rather prefer him to swarmy Hillary.

Its all fun and games until Trump invades, Syria, Iran and Iraq.


Historiographer, and obtainer of rare antiquities
Mar 19, 2008
I hope Trump wins the election, dead serious.
I'm starting to warm to the idea, it's the kind of stuff to tell the grandkids about.

Red Dreams

Full Member
Aug 16, 2003
Across the Universe....from Old Trafford.
tl dr...whats the gist?
For now Hillary is still sticking to the absurd story that she was unaware that there was any classified data on her server; that the tens of thousands of emails she sent and received during her tenure as Secretary of State were all unclassified; and now that she was unaware that she was reading Top Secret/SCI data, which clearly came from intelligence sources, was not classified at the time. It was highly classified -- with or without the markings -- and she knew it. After decades in government with access to such data this excuse is truly laughable.

Now the intelligence community isn't laughing and an increasing number of the press, other than Fox News, are starting to see that the problem is quite a bit more serious than the Clinton campaign would have you believe. Whether or not the Justice Department will finally do an honest job where a Clinton is involved remains to be seen.

This is just the last paragraph. It is very serious.

Biden being touted may have something to do with this.

Everest Red

Reddest ever
Dec 10, 2009
Read it properly. Not saying all Republicans are assholes. Calm down. In fact, I mention "well-to-do, decent" ones, i.e., the establishment. Was that so hard to read? So you can go back to feeling good about your friends and who they´re politically in step with. I´m not sure anybody is shitting themselves about Bush or Kasich. Jesus. Where did you pull that one out of? The fact that they would support another Bush after Dubya bringing near ruin to this country speaks volumes. The best thing about the "chosen" blue team, is that they are not the red team.

But you got to admit, that party attracts the worst sorts of society - bigots, racists, homophobics, greedy, anti environment, militaristic, worshipers of money, less altruistic and less empathetic types, etc. You have to wonder why. Ask all your friends. Ask your gay Asian friend why he would support a party that loathes who he is. Weird. As if he lacked soul.
As an immigrant with conservative economic views, I really hate voting Republican. FWIW, I thought Mittens was better than Obama and Jeb/Cruz are both better than Clinton.

Nobby style

Full Member
Jul 24, 2009
Tooting Colombia to Tooting Bec and back again
Now the Trump hammer is coming down on that pathetic lackey, Jebby Bush. That should tell you the state of that party when a reality show douchebag is the one with the cojones to tell them some hard truths, and he leads their polls as well. I wonder if he´ll go there and ask Jeb how he can the run this country and its drug war if his own daughter is a crack head. He´s already gone after his Mexican immigrant wife. I wouldn´t put it past the Donald.

"Jeb Bush is a puppet to his donors, there is no question about it. He’s got lobbyists – I know them – he’s got lobbyists, and you know, he’s made statements over the past couple of days that are incredible, trying to justify the war in Iraq – can’t be justified – and then he said skin in the game. I don’t know if you saw his recent statement, he said the United States has to prove to Iraq that we have skin in the game. We spent $2 trillion thousands so lives lost, wounded warriors who I love all over the place, and he said we have to prove we have skin in the game. I think it may be one of the dumbest statements I’ve ever heard. Skin in the game. We don’t have to prove anything…it was one of the dumbest things that ever, and I think what happened…is that his brother probably said ‘hey you’re killing me,’ that was his war, and he looks very bad. So this is how Jeb Bush tried to push back, but when he said we have to prove to Iraq that we have skin in the game and we lost those lives and all that money, I think he should apologize to families of the people.

Nobby style

Full Member
Jul 24, 2009
Tooting Colombia to Tooting Bec and back again
Funny Trump´s whole, he´s from the "other side" schtick, in that he´s been on the other side of dealing with these politicians and knows how it works and how they can be basically bribed and corrupted by his ilk.

And now he wants us to hand over the reins to him and his people? Urm, no thanks. Thanks for the input and all, and exposing these political realities, but it can only end badly when you let the foxes take care of the hen house.
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