2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Full Member
Jul 7, 2013
Trump better hurry the feck up or PA and the election will be gone by the time he shows up


Yaaas Broncos!
Apr 6, 2009
I can’t express in sufficient words how much I hope this is the beginning of the downfall of the whole family.

Donnie completes his fall into insanity, the business goes bankrupt as DB calls in its loans and takes ownership of its properties, and Eric, Jr and Daughter Wife all get locked up for financial crimes.


Full Member
Dec 6, 2011
American news channels generally report news like they're in a dramatic Hollywood blockbuster.
I think what gets me is the way every presenter is trying to deliver a zinger rather than trying to communicate clearly. Like you say, it's about achieving the maximum dramatic impact possible.


Full Member
Nov 26, 2012
Trump should have lost in a landslide. The fact that he didn’t speaks volumes

Trump did not run a good campaign. He botched the first debate. He squandered his campaign cash. His messaging against Joe Biden was unfocused and often incoherent, simultaneously trying to paint him as a radical Antifa-sympathizing socialist and a corrupt corporate establishment figure. At a time when the economy was voters’ No 1 issue, Trump was focused on the emails of Biden’s ne’er-do-well son, Hunter. A campaign that presented voters with a clear and compelling alternative should have easily defeated Trump.

But Biden didn’t offer a clear and compelling alternative. He was a weak candidate from the start, so much so that even some of his allies were worried what would happen if he won the primary. Biden, like Hillary Clinton before him, represented the corporate wing of the Democratic party; he loudly defended the private health insurance industry and the fracking industry from attacks by the left. He ran away from proposals favored by the Democratic base like Medicare for All and the Green New Deal. He didn’t show much interest in courting core constituencies like Latino voters (reportedly, the Biden campaign did not consider them part of its “path to victory”, which helps explain the losses in Texas and Florida). Biden didn’t even put much energy into the campaign; at crucial moments when Trump’s team were knocking on a million doors a week, Biden’s was reportedly knocking on zero. His ground game in important swing states like Michigan was “invisible”.

Blaming the voters simply will not do. This is a failure of leadership. Those responsible for it need to be held accountable. Unfortunately, it looks like some in the party will learn the wrong lessons. Even though dozens of democratic socialists won their elections this year while centrists struggled, there is a contingent among Democrats whose solution to any problem is the same: become more like Republicans.
I don't think things can change unless America brings in proportional representation in voting. The first past the post voting system inevitably ends up in a two party system. Let's say that you bring in a system that gives a position in government to those politicians who are neither Democrat and Republican and who no longer need to 'represent' one of those parties in order to be elected. It would take time but with enough 'other' voices in government then finally the main parties might be forced to alter their stance on certain policies. Bernie, for example, isn't a Democrat but he has had to align with them in order to get a chance to get a voice in government. The system has lead to there being no truly leftist voice in a position to make change that doesn't have to toe a party line to some extent. Imagine a decent amount of AOC type voices in government that were in a position of enough power that the other parties had to take notice of their ideas or else risk losing the next election. For me there is simply no reason for either party to truly change course under the current system. To be fair to Trump he may have been the first real anomaly in ages but unfortunately he's an absolute piece of shit.


binary bot
Jul 14, 2010
Shitting myself about whats going to happen regarding peace in the middle east post Kushner


( . Y . ) planned for Christmas
Sep 4, 2013
The Royal Kingdom of Trumpistan
Hopefully that little Goebbels will get what's coming to him.
No kidding. How is what Bannon is doing any different from terrorists calling for violence and murder of their enemies? If he was foreign or a different skin color or religion he would be brandished and enemy of the state. The fact he is a full blooded American citizen makes it way worse when you think about it.


Full Member
Feb 5, 2012

Trump about to have a full blown meltdown on National TV. He's speaking


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum.
No kidding. How is what Bannon is doing any different from terrorists calling for violence and murder of their enemies? If he was foreign or a different skin color or religion he would be brandished and enemy of the state. The fact he is a full blooded American citizen makes it way worse when you think about it.
It's not different. If this was Nazi Germany, Bannon wouldn't just be a Nazi, he would be one of the people who made Nazi Germany happen.


Full Member
Feb 5, 2012
Going Exactly as expected.

He won. Illegal. Fraud. Stealing. Historic Numbers. Big Red Wave.
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