40s Retro Football Fantasy Draft | Finished


Der Fußballgott
Dec 2, 2010
Bayern Munich
I'll pick in the next few hours, no clue who to go for. You can skip me to keep this going, if you want to. @Invictus


Poster of the Year 2015 & 2018
Mar 22, 2014
Piracy on the High Seas.
Take your time mate, there's really no need to rush things. We'll wait, still almost 7 hours to go until your stipulated time expires. :)


Der Fußballgott
Dec 2, 2010
Bayern Munich
Still no clue, don't want to delay it any further and I think he really should have been picked and deserves to part of this draft:

Bernd Cullmann


Der Fußballgott
Dec 2, 2010
Bayern Munich
Aldo 1. Best 2. Chumpitaz 3. Pirri 4. Israel 5. Ademir da Guia 6. Boninsegna 7. Furino 8. Prati 9. Stepney 10. Lawler 11. F. Cruz 12.
Chesterlestreet 1. Pelé 2. Greaves 3. Bremner 4. Corso 5. E. Hughes 6. Lorimer 7. Muntyan 8. Smith 9. Cooper 10. Pivarnik 11. Clemence 12.
RedTiger 1. Beckenbauer 2. Oblak 3. Maier 4. Fischer 5. McNeill 6. Dobiaš 7. Tony Dunne 8. Sparwasser 9. Mifflin 10. McFarland 11. van der Kuijlen 12.
Skizzo/Pat_Mustard 1. Cruyff 2. Keizer 3. Olsen 4. Gemmell 5. Murdoch 6. Jardine 7. Rexach 8. Hellström 9. Flohe 10. Kolotov 11. Morini 12.
Gol123 1. Van Hanegem 2. Overath 3. Johnstone 4. Hulshoff 5. Kindvall 6. Rubén Marcos 7. Matosas 8. Skoblar 9. Pavoni 10. Ubiña 11. Tomaszewski 12.
Invictus 1. Eusébio 2. Mazzola 3. Haan 4. Suurbier 5. Perfumo 6. Weber 7. Bonev 8. Bransch 9. Carpegiani 10. Viktor 11. Rildo 12.
Balu 1. G. Müller 2. Vogts 3. Rensenbrink 4. Dobrin 5. Benetti 6. Cuccureddu 7. Holcer 8. Jennings 9. Dinu 10. Magnusson 11. Frosio 12. Cullmann
ctp 1. Rivelino 2. Marzolini 3. Jansen 4. Heynckes 5. Höttges 6. Mészöly 7. Fichtel 8. Más 9. Iribar 10. Libuda 11. Velázquez 12. Toshack
crappycraperson 1. Moore 2. Tostão 3. Bene 4. Van Moer 5. Khurtsilava 6. Bell 7. Urbanczyk 8. Shilton 9. Domenghini 10. Asensi 11. Carrascosa 12. Bertini
Gio/Theon 1. Figueroa 2. Cubillas 3. Deyna 4. Clodoaldo 5. Bulgarelli 6. Rocha 7. Ancheta 8. Mazurkiewicz 9. Asparuhov 10. Shalamanov 11. Anczok 12. Meroni
NM/EAP 1. Facchetti 2. Riva 3. Jair 4. Stiles 5. Luis Pereira 6. Martin Peters 7. Bosquier 8. Yakimov 9. De Sisti 10. Anquilletti 11. Rudakov 12. Valdes
mazhar13 1. Jairzinho 2. Zoff 3. B Dietz 4. Giles 5. Buchan 6. Simões 7. Hurst 8. Hunter 9. Lodetti 10. Hansen 11. Jensen 12. Quini
harms 1. Krol 2. Florian Albert 3. Van Himst 4. Roth 5. Blankenburg 6. Lennox 7. Dzodzuashvili 8. G. Mühren 9. Bedin 10. Kaplychnyi 11. van Beveren 12. Penev
Tuppet 1. Rivera 2. Džajić 3. Shesternyov 4. Causio 5. Lubański 6. Piazza 7. Bo Larsson 8. Lovchev 9. Fazlagic 10. Julio Meléndez Calderón 11. Leao 12. Sotil
Joga Bonito 1. Law 2. Netzer 3. A.Ball 4. Wimmer 5. Gadocha 6. Greig 7. Byshovets 8. Sieloff 9. Reaney 10. Kapellmann 11. Nigbur 12. Madeley
Marty1968 1. Gerson 2. Carlos Alberto 3. Rosato 4. Schwarzenbeck 5. Cubilla 6. Grabowski 7. Everaldo 8. Panenka 9. Croy 10. Capello 11. Geels 12. Coutinho



Poster of the Year 2015 & 2018
Mar 22, 2014
Piracy on the High Seas.
Aldo 1. Best 2. Chumpitaz 3. Pirri 4. Israel 5. Ademir da Guia 6. Boninsegna 7. Furino 8. Prati 9. Stepney 10. Lawler 11. F. Cruz 12.
Chesterlestreet 1. Pelé 2. Greaves 3. Bremner 4. Corso 5. E. Hughes 6. Lorimer 7. Muntyan 8. Smith 9. Cooper 10. Pivarnik 11. Clemence 12.
RedTiger 1. Beckenbauer 2. Oblak 3. Maier 4. Fischer 5. McNeill 6. Dobiaš 7. Tony Dunne 8. Sparwasser 9. Mifflin 10. McFarland 11. van der Kuijlen 12.
Skizzo/Pat_Mustard 1. Cruyff 2. Keizer 3. Olsen 4. Gemmell 5. Murdoch 6. Jardine 7. Rexach 8. Hellström 9. Flohe 10. Kolotov 11. Morini 12.
Gol123 1. Van Hanegem 2. Overath 3. Johnstone 4. Hulshoff 5. Kindvall 6. Rubén Marcos 7. Matosas 8. Skoblar 9. Pavoni 10. Ubiña 11. Tomaszewski 12.
Invictus 1. Eusébio 2. Mazzola 3. Haan 4. Suurbier 5. Perfumo 6. Weber 7. Bonev 8. Bransch 9. Carpegiani 10. Viktor 11. Rildo 12. Fazekas
Balu 1. G. Müller 2. Vogts 3. Rensenbrink 4. Dobrin 5. Benetti 6. Cuccureddu 7. Holcer 8. Jennings 9. Dinu 10. Magnusson 11. Frosio 12. Cullmann
ctp 1. Rivelino 2. Marzolini 3. Jansen 4. Heynckes 5. Höttges 6. Mészöly 7. Fichtel 8. Más 9. Iribar 10. Libuda 11. Velázquez 12. Toshack
crappycraperson 1. Moore 2. Tostão 3. Bene 4. Van Moer 5. Khurtsilava 6. Bell 7. Urbanczyk 8. Shilton 9. Domenghini 10. Asensi 11. Carrascosa 12. Bertini
Gio/Theon 1. Figueroa 2. Cubillas 3. Deyna 4. Clodoaldo 5. Bulgarelli 6. Rocha 7. Ancheta 8. Mazurkiewicz 9. Asparuhov 10. Shalamanov 11. Anczok 12. Meroni
NM/EAP 1. Facchetti 2. Riva 3. Jair 4. Stiles 5. Luis Pereira 6. Martin Peters 7. Bosquier 8. Yakimov 9. De Sisti 10. Anquilletti 11. Rudakov 12. Valdes
mazhar13 1. Jairzinho 2. Zoff 3. B Dietz 4. Giles 5. Buchan 6. Simões 7. Hurst 8. Hunter 9. Lodetti 10. Hansen 11. Jensen 12. Quini
harms 1. Krol 2. Florian Albert 3. Van Himst 4. Roth 5. Blankenburg 6. Lennox 7. Dzodzuashvili 8. G. Mühren 9. Bedin 10. Kaplychnyi 11. van Beveren 12. Penev
Tuppet 1. Rivera 2. Džajić 3. Shesternyov 4. Causio 5. Lubański 6. Piazza 7. Bo Larsson 8. Lovchev 9. Fazlagic 10. Julio Meléndez Calderón 11. Leao 12. Sotil
Joga Bonito 1. Law 2. Netzer 3. A.Ball 4. Wimmer 5. Gadocha 6. Greig 7. Byshovets 8. Sieloff 9. Reaney 10. Kapellmann 11. Nigbur 12. Madeley
Marty1968 1. Gerson 2. Carlos Alberto 3. Rosato 4. Schwarzenbeck 5. Cubilla 6. Grabowski 7. Everaldo 8. Panenka 9. Croy 10. Capello 11. Geels 12. Coutinho


Mouthfull (of) Member
Jun 23, 2015
You can skip me if you want to. I haven't got any picks and its late right now.


Poster of the Year 2015 & 2018
Mar 22, 2014
Piracy on the High Seas.
Aldo 1. Best 2. Chumpitaz 3. Pirri 4. Israel 5. Ademir da Guia 6. Boninsegna 7. Furino 8. Prati 9. Stepney 10. Lawler 11. F. Cruz 12.
Chesterlestreet 1. Pelé 2. Greaves 3. Bremner 4. Corso 5. E. Hughes 6. Lorimer 7. Muntyan 8. Smith 9. Cooper 10. Pivarnik 11. Clemence 12.
RedTiger 1. Beckenbauer 2. Oblak 3. Maier 4. Fischer 5. McNeill 6. Dobiaš 7. Tony Dunne 8. Sparwasser 9. Mifflin 10. McFarland 11. van der Kuijlen 12. Caju
Skizzo/Pat_Mustard 1. Cruyff 2. Keizer 3. Olsen 4. Gemmell 5. Murdoch 6. Jardine 7. Rexach 8. Hellström 9. Flohe 10. Kolotov 11. Morini 12. Acimovic
Gol123 1. Van Hanegem 2. Overath 3. Johnstone 4. Hulshoff 5. Kindvall 6. Rubén Marcos 7. Matosas 8. Skoblar 9. Pavoni 10. Ubiña 11. Tomaszewski 12.
Invictus 1. Eusébio 2. Mazzola 3. Haan 4. Suurbier 5. Perfumo 6. Weber 7. Bonev 8. Bransch 9. Carpegiani 10. Viktor 11. Rildo 12. Fazekas
Balu 1. G. Müller 2. Vogts 3. Rensenbrink 4. Dobrin 5. Benetti 6. Cuccureddu 7. Holcer 8. Jennings 9. Dinu 10. Magnusson 11. Frosio 12. Cullmann
ctp 1. Rivelino 2. Marzolini 3. Jansen 4. Heynckes 5. Höttges 6. Mészöly 7. Fichtel 8. Más 9. Iribar 10. Libuda 11. Velázquez 12. Toshack
crappycraperson 1. Moore 2. Tostão 3. Bene 4. Van Moer 5. Khurtsilava 6. Bell 7. Urbanczyk 8. Shilton 9. Domenghini 10. Asensi 11. Carrascosa 12. Bertini
Gio/Theon 1. Figueroa 2. Cubillas 3. Deyna 4. Clodoaldo 5. Bulgarelli 6. Rocha 7. Ancheta 8. Mazurkiewicz 9. Asparuhov 10. Shalamanov 11. Anczok 12. Meroni
NM/EAP 1. Facchetti 2. Riva 3. Jair 4. Stiles 5. Luis Pereira 6. Martin Peters 7. Bosquier 8. Yakimov 9. De Sisti 10. Anquilletti 11. Rudakov 12. Valdes
mazhar13 1. Jairzinho 2. Zoff 3. B Dietz 4. Giles 5. Buchan 6. Simões 7. Hurst 8. Hunter 9. Lodetti 10. Hansen 11. Jensen 12. Quini
harms 1. Krol 2. Florian Albert 3. Van Himst 4. Roth 5. Blankenburg 6. Lennox 7. Dzodzuashvili 8. G. Mühren 9. Bedin 10. Kaplychnyi 11. van Beveren 12. Penev
Tuppet 1. Rivera 2. Džajić 3. Shesternyov 4. Causio 5. Lubański 6. Piazza 7. Bo Larsson 8. Lovchev 9. Fazlagic 10. Julio Meléndez Calderón 11. Leao 12. Sotil
Joga Bonito 1. Law 2. Netzer 3. A.Ball 4. Wimmer 5. Gadocha 6. Greig 7. Byshovets 8. Sieloff 9. Reaney 10. Kapellmann 11. Nigbur 12. Madeley
Marty1968 1. Gerson 2. Carlos Alberto 3. Rosato 4. Schwarzenbeck 5. Cubilla 6. Grabowski 7. Everaldo 8. Panenka 9. Croy 10. Capello 11. Geels 12. Coutinho


Full Member
Oct 2, 2013
So very nearly there....come on guys I need to find out who i'm losing to!!


I'm so gorgeous they want to put me under arrest!
Jan 17, 2008
A never-nude? I thought he just liked cut-offs.
So very nearly there....come on guys I need to find out who i'm losing to!!

Nah, that's a solid-looking team you've built. Its strange though, in most drafts there's a few teams that immediately jump out as being particularly strong or slightly weak, but this looks remarkably even. Probably a combination of good research and drafting all-around, and a much less familiar player pool than usual. There should be plenty to be discussed in the match threads anyway with so many new players to be sold by the managers.


Mouthfull (of) Member
Jun 23, 2015

Björn Nordqvist (born October 6, 1942 in Hallsberg) is a former football defender from Sweden. During the 1960s and 70's he was the Swedish national team captain. He played at the 1970 FIFA World Cup, 1974 FIFA World Cup and 1978 FIFA World Cup and in total amassed 115 international matches, and as such held the world record for some time. Nordqvist has later been surpassed even as Swedish record holder, by Thomas Ravelli. Roland Nilsson has also surpassed him, with 116 matches.

On club level, Nordqvist became Swedish league champion with IFK Norrköping as well as Dutch league and cup champion with PSV Eindhoven. He was awarded Guldbollen in 1968, and has been inducted to the Hall of Fame of Swedish football.

I Ctrl+F's this so, blame the computer if he has already been picked.


Man of the crowd
Oct 19, 2012
Aldo 1. Best 2. Chumpitaz 3. Pirri 4. Israel 5. Ademir da Guia 6. Boninsegna 7. Furino 8. Prati 9. Stepney 10. Lawler 11. F. Cruz 12.
Chesterlestreet 1. Pelé 2. Greaves 3. Bremner 4. Corso 5. E. Hughes 6. Lorimer 7. Muntyan 8. Smith 9. Cooper 10. Pivarnik 11. Clemence 12. England
RedTiger 1. Beckenbauer 2. Oblak 3. Maier 4. Fischer 5. McNeill 6. Dobiaš 7. Tony Dunne 8. Sparwasser 9. Mifflin 10. McFarland 11. van der Kuijlen 12. Caju
Skizzo/Pat_Mustard 1. Cruyff 2. Keizer 3. Olsen 4. Gemmell 5. Murdoch 6. Jardine 7. Rexach 8. Hellström 9. Flohe 10. Kolotov 11. Morini 12. Acimovic
Gol123 1. Van Hanegem 2. Overath 3. Johnstone 4. Hulshoff 5. Kindvall 6. Rubén Marcos 7. Matosas 8. Skoblar 9. Pavoni 10. Ubiña 11. Tomaszewski 12. Nordqvist
Invictus 1. Eusébio 2. Mazzola 3. Haan 4. Suurbier 5. Perfumo 6. Weber 7. Bonev 8. Bransch 9. Carpegiani 10. Viktor 11. Rildo 12. Fazekas
Balu 1. G. Müller 2. Vogts 3. Rensenbrink 4. Dobrin 5. Benetti 6. Cuccureddu 7. Holcer 8. Jennings 9. Dinu 10. Magnusson 11. Frosio 12. Cullmann
ctp 1. Rivelino 2. Marzolini 3. Jansen 4. Heynckes 5. Höttges 6. Mészöly 7. Fichtel 8. Más 9. Iribar 10. Libuda 11. Velázquez 12. Toshack
crappycraperson 1. Moore 2. Tostão 3. Bene 4. Van Moer 5. Khurtsilava 6. Bell 7. Urbanczyk 8. Shilton 9. Domenghini 10. Asensi 11. Carrascosa 12. Bertini
Gio/Theon 1. Figueroa 2. Cubillas 3. Deyna 4. Clodoaldo 5. Bulgarelli 6. Rocha 7. Ancheta 8. Mazurkiewicz 9. Asparuhov 10. Shalamanov 11. Anczok 12. Meroni
NM/EAP 1. Facchetti 2. Riva 3. Jair 4. Stiles 5. Luis Pereira 6. Martin Peters 7. Bosquier 8. Yakimov 9. De Sisti 10. Anquilletti 11. Rudakov 12. Valdes
mazhar13 1. Jairzinho 2. Zoff 3. B Dietz 4. Giles 5. Buchan 6. Simões 7. Hurst 8. Hunter 9. Lodetti 10. Hansen 11. Jensen 12. Quini
harms 1. Krol 2. Florian Albert 3. Van Himst 4. Roth 5. Blankenburg 6. Lennox 7. Dzodzuashvili 8. G. Mühren 9. Bedin 10. Kaplychnyi 11. van Beveren 12. Penev
Tuppet 1. Rivera 2. Džajić 3. Shesternyov 4. Causio 5. Lubański 6. Piazza 7. Bo Larsson 8. Lovchev 9. Fazlagic 10. Julio Meléndez Calderón 11. Leao 12. Sotil
Joga Bonito 1. Law 2. Netzer 3. A.Ball 4. Wimmer 5. Gadocha 6. Greig 7. Byshovets 8. Sieloff 9. Reaney 10. Kapellmann 11. Nigbur 12. Madeley
Marty1968 1. Gerson 2. Carlos Alberto 3. Rosato 4. Schwarzenbeck 5. Cubilla 6. Grabowski 7. Everaldo 8. Panenka 9. Croy 10. Capello 11. Geels 12. Coutinho


Man of the crowd
Oct 19, 2012
I Ctrl+F's this so, blame the computer if he has already been picked.
Can blame mine too, as I Ctrl-F'ed him before finally settling on England - was either the latter or your man. Actually considered Nordqvist at several stages of this draft, very good player. But since I ended up with this British flavoured affair, I ended up not going for him.
Final Teams (pre tournament)


May 20, 2011
Barcelona, Catalunya
Claudio Sala will be my last pick.

Aldo 1. Best 2. Chumpitaz 3. Pirri 4. Israel 5. Ademir da Guia 6. Boninsegna 7. Furino 8. Prati 9. Stepney 10. Lawler 11. F. Cruz 12. Sala
Chesterlestreet 1. Pelé 2. Greaves 3. Bremner 4. Corso 5. E. Hughes 6. Lorimer 7. Muntyan 8. Smith 9. Cooper 10. Pivarnik 11. Clemence 12. England
RedTiger 1. Beckenbauer 2. Oblak 3. Maier 4. Fischer 5. McNeill 6. Dobiaš 7. Tony Dunne 8. Sparwasser 9. Mifflin 10. McFarland 11. van der Kuijlen 12. Caju
Skizzo/Pat_Mustard 1. Cruyff 2. Keizer 3. Olsen 4. Gemmell 5. Murdoch 6. Jardine 7. Rexach 8. Hellström 9. Flohe 10. Kolotov 11. Morini 12. Acimovic
Gol123 1. Van Hanegem 2. Overath 3. Johnstone 4. Hulshoff 5. Kindvall 6. Rubén Marcos 7. Matosas 8. Skoblar 9. Pavoni 10. Ubiña 11. Tomaszewski 12. Nordqvist
Invictus 1. Eusébio 2. Mazzola 3. Haan 4. Suurbier 5. Perfumo 6. Weber 7. Bonev 8. Bransch 9. Carpegiani 10. Viktor 11. Rildo 12. Fazekas
Balu 1. G. Müller 2. Vogts 3. Rensenbrink 4. Dobrin 5. Benetti 6. Cuccureddu 7. Holcer 8. Jennings 9. Dinu 10. Magnusson 11. Frosio 12. Cullmann
ctp 1. Rivelino 2. Marzolini 3. Jansen 4. Heynckes 5. Höttges 6. Mészöly 7. Fichtel 8. Más 9. Iribar 10. Libuda 11. Velázquez 12. Toshack
crappycraperson 1. Moore 2. Tostão 3. Bene 4. Van Moer 5. Khurtsilava 6. Bell 7. Urbanczyk 8. Shilton 9. Domenghini 10. Asensi 11. Carrascosa 12. Bertini
Gio/Theon 1. Figueroa 2. Cubillas 3. Deyna 4. Clodoaldo 5. Bulgarelli 6. Rocha 7. Ancheta 8. Mazurkiewicz 9. Asparuhov 10. Shalamanov 11. Anczok 12. Meroni
NM/EAP 1. Facchetti 2. Riva 3. Jair 4. Stiles 5. Luis Pereira 6. Martin Peters 7. Bosquier 8. Yakimov 9. De Sisti 10. Anquilletti 11. Rudakov 12. Valdes
mazhar13 1. Jairzinho 2. Zoff 3. B Dietz 4. Giles 5. Buchan 6. Simões 7. Hurst 8. Hunter 9. Lodetti 10. Hansen 11. Jensen 12. Quini
harms 1. Krol 2. Florian Albert 3. Van Himst 4. Roth 5. Blankenburg 6. Lennox 7. Dzodzuashvili 8. G. Mühren 9. Bedin 10. Kaplychnyi 11. van Beveren 12. Penev
Tuppet 1. Rivera 2. Džajić 3. Shesternyov 4. Causio 5. Lubański 6. Piazza 7. Bo Larsson 8. Lovchev 9. Fazlagic 10. Julio Meléndez Calderón 11. Leao 12. Sotil
Joga Bonito 1. Law 2. Netzer 3. A.Ball 4. Wimmer 5. Gadocha 6. Greig 7. Byshovets 8. Sieloff 9. Reaney 10. Kapellmann 11. Nigbur 12. Madeley
Marty1968 1. Gerson 2. Carlos Alberto 3. Rosato 4. Schwarzenbeck 5. Cubilla 6. Grabowski 7. Everaldo 8. Panenka 9. Croy 10. Capello 11. Geels 12. Coutinho


Full Member
Jul 5, 2013
@Gio @Theon When do you want to play the game? I'd prefer not having it on the weekend, Monday to Friday is fine for me.