Adnan Januzaj image 15

Adnan Januzaj Belgium flag

2014-15 Performances

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5.0 Season Average Rating
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Yes but how would you put him in? His only spot would be for Van Persie with the players we have forcing us to use a 3-5-2. And that's not happening with RvP just coming into full fitness.

Yes fair enough. I just don't like any formation that means guys like Valencia and Ashley fecking young get played ahead of januzaj.
Sunderland 1:1 Man Utd
Can he play in a midfield two?

Not really.
Shouldn't be playing that position but he actually beat his man and tried something.
He did far better than I thought he would when he came on, but obviously he shouldn't really be playing there.
He's wasted in midfield but did show very good discipline positionally. Didn't go for the Rooney/Gerrard run wherever you damn well please thing.
He wasnt that bad imo, but he was clearly out of position.

Yeah I wasn't slating his effort, it was just a monumental waste of his attacking threat playing him in such a deep position against a side defending deep who were congesting the central areas.
Today was a good reminder that players like Januzaj need to be brought along slowly rather than rubber stamped as potential permanent starting XI players at the expense of the likes of Rooney and others.
Today was a good reminder that players like Januzaj need to be brought along slowly rather than rubber stamped as potential permanent starting XI players at the expense of the likes of Rooney and others.
I'm sorry but that's complete bollocks mate. Nearly every single top class talent throughout the years were playing regular Football at 19, he needs to play to improve his decision making, it isn't going to magically happen on his 21st birthday.
Today was a good reminder that players like Januzaj need to be brought along slowly rather than rubber stamped as potential permanent starting XI players at the expense of the likes of Rooney and others.

Tbf Mata and Rooney should have been playing Cm as senior players and not him.

He still did not do worse than Fletcher tbf.
I'm sorry but that's complete bollocks mate. Nearly every single top class talent throughout the years were playing regular Football at 19, he needs to play to improve his decision making, it isn't going to magically happen on his 21st birthday.

Agreed fully.
I'm sorry but that's complete bollocks mate. Nearly every single top class talent throughout the years were playing regular Football at 19, he needs to play to improve his decision making, it isn't going to magically happen on his 21st birthday.

I didn't say he shouldn't be playing at all, just that he needs to be brought along slowly. Also, his quality is being dangerously inflated by his fans here. He's a good young player with a promising future, nothing more. And his development won't be best served by randomly throwing him into failing situations. Give 20-25 appearances until there's a noticeable improvement that justifies more.
I didn't say he shouldn't be playing at all, just that he needs to be brought along slowly. Also, his quality is being dangerously inflated by his fans here. He's a good young player with a promising future, nothing more. And his development won't be best served by randomly throwing him into failing situations. Give 20-25 appearances until there's a noticeable improvement that justifies more.
And then lose him out like Pogba, and years after everytime we hear his name complain about the fact that we'd let him go? He will be our best winger after di Maria.
I didn't say he shouldn't be playing at all, just that he needs to be brought along slowly. Also, his quality is being dangerously inflated by his fans here. He's a good young player with a promising future, nothing more. And his development won't be best served by randomly throwing him into failing situations. Give 20-25 appearances until there's a noticeable improvement that justifies more.

Justifies more? In the last year, there is at most 3 names who've deserved to be on the pitch more than him.
And then lose him out like Pogba, and years after everytime we hear his name complain about the fact that we'd let him go? He will be our best winger after di Maria.

I don't think its doing him any favors to anoint him as a special player like that. He's a talented young footballer who is still developing, nothing more.
I don't think its doing him any favors to anoint him as a special player like that. He's a talented young footballer who is still developing, nothing more.
He's much more than just a 'talent young Footballer'.. I find it pretty insulting you put him in that category, he's one of the most exciting young wingers I've seen since Ronaldo.
He's much more than just a 'talent young Footballer'.. I find it pretty insulting you put him in that category, he's one of the most exciting young wingers I've seen since Ronaldo.

Its not insulting at all. He's a talented young footballer - full stop. Its utterly laughable to compare him to Ronaldo in any way, as he will never be half the footballer Ronaldo is - not that this would reflect poorly on Januzaj, as anyone half as good as Ronaldo would still be a very good player.
He looked better in midfield then Cleverley or Fletcher did. A 19 year old winger. Funny really.
Its not insulting at all. He's a talented young footballer - full stop. Its utterly laughable to compare him to Ronaldo in any way, as he will never be half the footballer Ronaldo is - not that this would reflect poorly on Januzaj, as anyone half as good as Ronaldo would still be a very good player.
How can you say that lmao? He's better at 19 than Ronaldo was. In fact I can remember people having the same conversation about Ronaldo, and now look where he is.
Its not insulting at all. He's a talented young footballer - full stop. Its utterly laughable to compare him to Ronaldo in any way, as he will never be half the footballer Ronaldo is - not that this would reflect poorly on Januzaj, as anyone half as good as Ronaldo would still be a very good player.
WTF, are we watching the same footballer? Never be half as good as Ronaldo, are you wumming/being sarcastic.
He is a special player, he isnt world class yet but he is our most creative, direct, attacking minded player, lets bench him and play pass the ball backwards mata/young.

Keep repeating how special he is and prepare to be disappointed when you discover he isn't.
Should not play in central midfield and looked a bit lost today. Also, his piss poor midfield partners, immobile strikers and very limited wingbacks around him did not help.
How can you say that lmao? He's better at 19 than Ronaldo was. In fact I can remember people having the same conversation about Ronaldo, and now look where he is.

I'm talking about what Ronaldo has achieved as a player, not Ronaldo at 19. There are quite a few players who were as good or better than Ronaldo at 18/19, but never achieved what he did over a career.
Its not insulting at all. He's a talented young footballer - full stop. Its utterly laughable to compare him to Ronaldo in any way, as he will never be half the footballer Ronaldo is - not that this would reflect poorly on Januzaj, as anyone half as good as Ronaldo would still be a very good player.

When Ronaldo was 19, I didn't think Ronaldo would be half the footballer Ronaldo is right now. Just thought he was a talented young footballer.
People who are saying Januzaj is overrated are really getting into your head mate.

I think he's overrated by many on here - don't think he's poor footballer at all - he's very good and will get much better. I just don't buy the hype that he's the chosen one, as it puts an unfair burden of expectation on fans and the player, which if he doesn't live up to it, will be disappointing for everyone involved. Let him develop organically like every other player in the squad. If his quality is there, he will rise to the top and become a permanent starting XI player.
I think he's overrated by many on here - don't think he's poor footballer at al - he's very good and will get much better. I just don't buy the hype that he's the chosen one, as it puts an unfair burden of expectation on fans and the player, which if he doesn't live up to it, will be disappointing for everyone involved. Let him develop organically like every other player in the squad. If his quality is there, he will rise to the top and become a permanent starting XI player.
You say people here overrate him, on which level do people rate him and on which level does he have to be rated? I dont see people calling him Reus, Hazard, di Maria and not even Sterling's level, while IMO he is just behind Sterling (mostly because of his end product).
I'm talking about what Ronaldo has achieved as a player, not Ronaldo at 19. There are quite a few players who were as good or better than Ronaldo at 18/19, but never achieved what he did over a career.
And did you expect Ronaldo to achieve what he has done when he first arrived here? I see you said no to someone asking the same question, which means your current stance on Januzaj is contradictory to your own views. WUM?
Is Van Gaal going to 'Dembele' him? I've actually always thought the lad has the right physical attributes to become a midfielder, an attacking Giggs type one mind. Still he has a lot to learn but he's taken to it a lot quicker to some of the shit we have. Actually held position unlike Fellaini et al.
I don't really think he's ready to play central. He's too lightweight. He needs the space to take on a player one on one.
He played in central midfield today because we don't have real midfielders there available. Can't blame him as his game revolve around pacey runs and distribution from the left wing.
You say people here overrate him, on which level do people rate him and on which level does he have to be rated? I dont see people calling him Reus, Hazard, di Maria and not even Sterling's level, while IMO he is just behind Sterling (mostly because of his end product).

Just a general sentiment of including him into starting XI formations, comparing him to Ronaldo (which lets face it, even if its comparing him to Ronaldo at 19, tacitly implies he could one day be as good as Ronaldo of today, which is pure fanaticism). Stop hyping this kid, I say. Let him prove his value on the pitch. If he's as good as his hype, he will rise to the top without a brigade of fans promoting him as the next big thing.
I don't really think he's ready to play central. He's too lightweight. He needs the space to take on a player one on one.

Still not as lightweight as Mata and Kagawa, actually I'm sure Januzaj won a few challenges and a header in his little stint. Always felt Adnan could be the 3rd midfielder in a 4-3-3 in a Van Gaal system.
Just a general sentiment of including him into starting XI formations, comparing him to Ronaldo (which lets face it, even if its comparing him to Ronaldo at 19, tacitly implies he could one day be as good as Ronaldo of today, which is pure fanaticism). Stop hyping this kid, I say. Let him prove his value on the pitch. If he's as good as his hype, he will rise to the top without a brigade of fans promoting him as the next big thing.
WTF, he clearly should be in our starting line up, after di Maria he would be our second best winger. If we play a 433 he should start, but I dont think he will because LVG doesnt have the balls to bench one of the three stars. The Ronaldo comparison isnt a strange one, you can see the similarities but you cant say he will be as good as him that day, if people have said that, that's wrong but I havent seen a lot of people say that or imply that, but saying he wont be half as good as Ronaldo is also as wrong as you're doing.
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