Brexited | the worst threads live the longest

Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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Guardian said:
Chancellor Sajid Javid has rebuffed MPs’ demands for the Treasury to carry out a thorough economic assessment of the government’s Brexit deal, claiming it is “self-evidently in our economic interest”.
Don’t forget this chap, he just wants the empire back:

Never mind him, check out the old dear who when asked if anyone at her table voted to Remain looks like she's just been asked if she ever listened to Wham! or shook hands with an immigrant at some point in her life.
Don’t forget this chap, he just wants the empire back:

I would love to say the reaction of those billions of people when they are told that they have their fun but that The british empire is back.
But @Volumiza said Leave voters aren't racists or xenophobes and that's just a lazy argument. Am confused. :confused:

To be fair, all racists and all xenophobes who voted in 2016 will certainly have voted Leave, but it does not logically follow that all Leave voters are therefore racist or xenophobic.
@SteveJ it's staggering isn't it.

I can't believe the Saj has got off relatively lightly on that. Jon Snow was incredulous that MPs he interviewed seemed unperturbed by it. The IEA guy was arguing the prediction would be shite anyway, so who cares.

Ditto Emily Maitliss just now asking a Tory, who quit the party in protest over no deal, is voting for Johnson's deal which does not rule out no deal. Again, he either didn't understand or care.

Can't believe we're walking into this blindly.
To be fair, all racists and all xenophobes who voted in 2016 will certainly have voted Leave, but it does not logically follow that all Leave voters are racist or xenophobic.
I agree a minority from 2016 were duped.

But now and in any future referendum, until they can articulate the benefits of BJ's deal, yes they are.
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To be fair, all racists and all xenophobes who voted in 2016 will certainly have voted Leave, but it does not logically follow that all Leave voters are therefore racist or xenophobic.

I remember going into my local one day and the BNP using the backroom and was astonished to see a black man sat with them. My point? Just because everyone in the room doesn't hate blacks doesn't mean it's not a racist group, you're the company you keep and at least 90% of leavers are xenophobes with the rest willing partners in crime.

feck em
But @Volumiza said Leave voters aren't wannabe imperialists, racists or xenophobes and that's just a lazy argument. Am confused. :confused:

I said to call ALL leave voters racist or xenophobes is lazy and I stand by it.

No wonder no leave voters actually join in on these discussions. I voted remain but have had more replies and comments during one day than I’ve had during my whole time on this forum :lol:
I agree some (a minority) from 2016 were duped.

But now and in any future referendum, until they can articulate the benefits of BJ's deal, yes they are.
Don't be stupid.
I remember going into my local one day and the BNP using the backroom and was astonished to see a black man sat with them. My point? Just because everyone in the room doesn't hate blacks doesn't mean it's not a racist group, you're the company you keep and at least 90% of leavers are xenophobes with the rest willing partners in crime.

feck em
Shame the thread has descended into made up assumptions..
Don't be stupid.

Shame the thread has descended into made up assumptions..

If it was fact it wouldn't be an assumption but let's start with the readership of the most xenophobic papers, that's about 4-5 million. The Daily Mail online has about 10 million daily UK readers by itself, not going to tell me it's a made up assumption that they're mostly xenophobes are you?
Mr Kipling said:
We already know the economic assessment of Brexit @SteveJ - cloudy with a chance of fecked.
@SteveJ it's staggering isn't it.
My usual response is: if Brexit wasn't the work of the establishment party, there'd be serious talk of arrests for treason.
I'd like to know the benefits, beyond satisfying xenophobic urges. I've been asking for several days but am yet to see any. Please do list if you know.
So someone like Corbyn is a massive xenophobe just cos he is pro-Brexit?:wenger:
If it was fact it wouldn't be an assumption but let's start with the readership of the most xenophobic papers, that's about 4-5 million. The Daily Mail online has about 10 million daily UK readers by itself, not going to tell me it's a made up assumption that they're mostly xenophobes are you?
Of course the DM has a large portion of bigots among its readers, but reading its comment section has also become a national pastime.
I genuinely don't understand the support for Johnson's bill either but's pointless guessing what percentage of leave voters are bigots. Damn people on facts, not assumptions.

My usual response is: if Brexit wasn't the work of the establishment party, there'd be serious talk of arrests for treason.
A health professional I see regularly tells me not to get stressed or het up about things I can't control. It's very difficult when you're watching the daylight robbery of a nation in slow motion.
A health professional I see regularly tells me not to get stressed or het up about things I can't control. It's very difficult when you're watching the daylight robbery of a nation in slow motion.
From the start up to the present time, they've tried to steamroller Brexit past the public and Parliament, mate. They've force-fed us with Brexit for years, until the natural reaction is 'We don't care what happens - we're bored, so just get it over with'. From the beginning, when you consider the histories of its loudest advocates, it should've been obvious to everybody what's going on, and what has inspired this approach.
I agree a minority from 2016 were duped.

But now and in any future referendum, until they can articulate the benefits of BJ's deal, yes they are.

This is just silly. The deification of the EU since 2016 by some in response to the equally ludicrous and over-the-top demonisation of it by rabid Brexiteers is very frustrating. Believe it or not, there are plenty of legitimate grievances that a rational person can have with the EU. And on that basis they may choose to not want to be a part of it. And that reasoning can be made devoid of any hint of xenophobia or racism. I voted to Remain and I would again but my views are ambivalent towards the EU. The idea that the only basis on which I could change my mind are xenophobia/racism is bizarre.
Misplaced nationalisn, nostalgia fir a mythical past with many adding in mild to extreme xenoohobia and outright racism are big factors but as @Jippy said there are other motivations (union backed protectionism for example).

Any way you look at it all that really matters is how to get us out of this disaster with as little damage as possible. The obvious best case is to revoke A50 but this parliament couldn't park a car without crashing it repeatedly, with the justification that PARK MEANS PARK.
This is just silly. The deification of the EU since 2016 by some in response to the equally ludicrous and over-the-top demonisation of it by rabid Brexiteers is very frustrating. Believe it or not, there are plenty of legitimate grievances that a rational person can have with the EU. And on that basis they may choose to not want to be a part of it. And that reasoning can be made devoid of any hint of xenophobia or racism. I voted to Remain and I would again but my views are ambivalent towards the EU. The idea that the only basis on which I could change my mind are xenophobia/racism is bizarre.

But you don't decapitate yourself because you have a spot on your cheek.
Of course the DM has a large portion of bigots among its readers, but reading its comment section has also become a national pastime.
I genuinely don't understand the support for Johnson's bill either but's pointless guessing what percentage of leave voters are bigots. Damn people on facts, not assumptions.

Unfortunately there isn't a national database on who the xenophobes are so the most likely is a reasonable position. The idea that we dont have at least 10 million xenophobes in this country is the odd position in my view.

But that wasn't really my point, leave voters whatever the reason have thrown their hat into the same cause so they're associated. Rudd may not be part of the ERG but through her own stupidity she's enabling them and therefore deserves equal criticism. Same principle applies to whoever voted leave.
This is just silly. The deification of the EU since 2016 by some in response to the equally ludicrous and over-the-top demonisation of it by rabid Brexiteers is very frustrating. Believe it or not, there are plenty of legitimate grievances that a rational person can have with the EU. And on that basis they may choose to not want to be a part of it. And that reasoning can be made devoid of any hint of xenophobia or racism. I voted to Remain and I would again but my views are ambivalent towards the EU. The idea that the only basis on which I could change my mind are xenophobia/racism is bizarre.

That’s not completely accurate, most of us included ‘stupid’ or ‘ignorant’ as additional options.
Unfortunately there isn't a national database on who the xenophobes are so the most likely is a reasonable position. The idea that we dont have at least 10 million xenophobes in this country is the odd position in my view.

But that wasn't really my point, leave voters whatever the reason have thrown their hat into the same cause so they're associated. Rudd may not be part of the ERG but through her own stupidity she's enabling them and therefore deserves equal criticism. Same principle applies to whoever voted leave.
You're talking about 30 million xenophobes though. And by your logic then is Rees-Mogg a Corbyn enabler or vice versa?

You're trying to paint it as leave v remain as nasty thick racists vs friendly, educated liberals, which is obviously simplistic and not constructive.
I wouldn’t worry too much about the withdrawal agreement. BJ is counting on it not passing so he can use it for his election.

There’s so much adverse stuff in the bill it’s just inconceivable that people can vote for it, almost as inconceivable as the vote for Brexit... :nervous:
But you don't decapitate yourself because you have a spot on your cheek.

No, but you could overreact to the spot and try and treat it in a way that does more harm than good. It doesn’t mean that others should then have to start bemoaning how beautiful and perfect your face was prior to that, and denying that the spot even existed.

That’s not completely accurate, most of us included ‘stupid’ or ‘ignorant’ as additional options.

The EU has many flaws. You can prefer to not be a part of it without being stupid/ignorant/xenophobic/racist. This haughty attitude does no one any favours.
Everyone’s a racist baby
The issue with the whole everyone who voted Leave is racist/xenophobe is that it give the idea that Remain is somehow anti racist. Which is just bizarre. Voting to Remain is voting for a giant political body that is more than happy to let brown children drown in the sea and will try its best to crush nations trying for something different. Its quite clearly a racist and bigoted political union but............the British state is no better and most cases is actually worse.

But hey we live in incredibly stupid times. Why talk about radically changing these systems(Or getting rid of them with something new), when we can instead argue and defend empty cultural signifiers. - Insert million hash tags here -
The EU has many flaws. You can prefer to not be a part of it without being stupid/ignorant/xenophobic/racist. This haughty attitude does no one any favours.

I’m past caring to be honest. You can have as many negative feelings about the EU as you like, but every Brexit deal leads to a worse outcome for Britain economically, educationally and socially. If people understand that and still want it then they’re fecking idiots.

I’ve spent 3 years not having any solid information about what my living circumstances will be after Brexit. The Tories have never given a single feck about providing me and other Brits in the EU with any kind of reassurance, while the EU countries did right from the start to the best of their ability. Frankly I’m just waiting out the clock to get a French passport now, and Britain can do as it likes. I’ve gone from someone who was deeply in love with my own country, to being someone who is ashamed of it.
You're talking about 30 million xenophobes though. And by your logic then is Rees-Mogg a Corbyn enabler or vice versa?

You're trying to paint it as leave v remain as nasty thick racists vs friendly, educated liberals, which is obviously simplistic and not constructive.

30? Only 17 million voted leave, is it that ridiculous to say only 2 or 3 million of those were leavers that didn't just vote on xenophobia? Especially given the lack of political engagement in this country.

And note I'm saying xenophobia not racism. My dads a typical leaver by all accounts, he buys every Tory line and he hates experts and PC. He has mates and clients of different backgrounds who he'll be warm and friendly to because he is a nice person and not at all racist....but he dislikes immigration and not for any logical reason but pure xenophobia and otherism.

I'd be gobsmacked if the majority of leavers weren't like him because all but a couple I've met have been.

But i suppose we can pretend they're mostly intellectual libertarians and not just the daily mail crowd because it makes us feel better not to call a spade a spade. I'm sure they'll show the same courtesy whilst they feck us over.
You're trying to paint it as leave v remain as nasty thick racists vs friendly, educated liberals, which is obviously simplistic and not constructive.

of course there will always be a minority of exceptions (perhaps also take out thick and educated), but yeah, IMO, that's basically it.
No, but you could overreact to the spot and try and treat it in a way that does more harm than good. It doesn’t mean that others should then have to start bemoaning how beautiful and perfect your face was prior to that, and denying that the spot even existed.

And brexit is ludicrously overreacting.

The EU has many flaws. You can prefer to not be a part of it without being stupid/ignorant/xenophobic/racist.

Anything is possible.
The issue with the whole everyone who voted Leave is racist/xenophobe is that it give the idea that Remain is somehow anti racist. Which is just bizarre. Voting to Remain is voting for a giant political body that is more than happy to let brown children drown in the sea and will try its best to crush nations trying for something different. Its quite clearly a racist and bigoted political union but............the British state is no better and most cases is actually worse.

But hey we live in incredibly stupid times. Why talk about radically changing these systems(Or getting rid of them with something new), when we can instead argue and defend empty cultural signifiers. - Insert million hash tags here -
1)No one is happy about that. It's happening and maybe more should be done (although that itself would exacerbate the problem), but saying people are happy about it is disgusting. You aren't helping anyone, are you?

2)Yeah the nations near the EU trying something different have all been crushed. Life is terrible in Switzerland and Norway you know...
Tomorrow seems to be a another 'momentous' day:

How do our resident Brexit pundits think this will play out tomorrow and rest of the week?

I think the second reading will pass, as will the timetable.

The problem for Johnson is amendments, I think an amendment to stop a WTO end to the transition (i.e. forcing the government to seek to extend the transition if no trade deal agreed by in time) will pass, this will either cause Johnson to withdraw the bill or will mean some of the ERG withdraw their support so the bill won't pass on Thurs. If a customs union amendment passes then it's game over.

As for what happens after that, I'd suspect Johnson agrees to the extention and tries again for an election, he might get one too this time.