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2023-24 Performances

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5.4 Season Average Rating
Yellow cards
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He'll be the millstone around the neck of any new manager trying to implement a system where we actually look to control games. He's going absolutely nowhere. Will never have anything but top 4 aspirations if he remains undroppable.
Can someone tell me what he excels at these days? He's quickly becoming a solid but average PL midfielder. Too slow, too weak, easily shrugged off in duels, gets one pass right out of 3 attempted and awful positionally. I say we give him a rest and let Mount play 90mins in his position, he can't be any worse. He seems to have lost almost everything that made him a threat. He's a big part of the reason why our midfield gets battered by anyone we face.
I like Fernandes. I can see the positivity he brings to the team. But tonight he was like that guy, who was it…Midas? Only everything Bruno touched turned to shit.
He's been shit for a while now. At 29 we should look to cash in this summer and rebuild the team in a different direction.
When did he last have a really good performance?
We should look to get rid off him slowly but surely. 29 already too and he looks really awful these days.
Worst performance of this season? I don't think so, this is becoming his average game this season
Can we get a manager in who has the balls to take off our captain if he is offering absolutely nothing .
Worst performance of this season? I don't think so, this is becoming his average game this season

90% of his performances hardly differ from each other. He isn't bad or great, he has his strengths but it's pretty much impossible to create a great system around his flaws.
How many other supposed top teams keep an obviously terribly performing player on in an important position? Sure he's got energy and runs about a bit but how are we going to play any decent football with this guy shitting up the pitch most of the time?
im a big fan of Bruno but Is it any coincidence we can not get any control in midfield with him in there. It wont happen but. Id like to see mount given a game in Brunos role.
This is a normal Bruno performance and amazingly people will come in this thread when he plays well(which is rare these days) and tell us we’re some sort of vile fanbase because we don’t think he should be part of the long term plan at this club. He’s the worse kind of player to have in a game like today where you have no control because he’s the captain and then just makes it ten times worse. And honestly he needs to hit the weights or try and do some training drills on how to position his body in defensive transition to win the ball. Basically non existent as a defensive entity.
Hopefully Ten Hag brings him with him when he hopefully goes, because these two are made for each other with their style of football. I don't think I have ever seen manager and player being so similar in their style of football, and for bad reasons.
Can someone tell me what he excels at these days? He's quickly becoming a solid but average PL midfielder. Too slow, too weak, easily shrugged off in duels, gets one pass right out of 3 attempted and awful positionally. I say we give him a rest and let Mount play 90mins in his position, he can't be any worse. He seems to have lost almost everything that made him a threat. He's a big part of the reason why our midfield gets battered by anyone we face.
Chances created, pal. He hasn’t been battling it out with Pascal Gross for top dog status on this arbitrary stat for you to disrespect him like that
The funniest (or the most irritating) thing he does is when a player has space to run forward, rather than pushing the attack he asks them to slow down. Someone should ask him, slow dowm and do what?? Pass it to you so that you can hoof it to mars.
He's been mostly dreadful for over 2 years now. Needs to go but unfortunately is more likely to be offered a new contract.
He is so poor, surely he must be embarrassed being the capatain and playmaker of this team. Such a nothing player
Is it just me or he was actually playing as a centre back towards the end of that match?
Said it for a few seasons, we will not compete for major trophies with this guy in the team. He is a turnover machine and such an unlikeable, whiney bitch to top it off. He has absolutely no composure on the ball on a consistent basis. He showed flashes in the few games up to and including Liverpool, of calm, composed football, but that's the very rare exceptions it would seem because today was the biggest shitshow I have seen him have for us.
He’s been the biggest disappointment for me this season with Rashford in second. He’s blown this season. I really don’t like the way he’s played since around the time Ronaldo came in. He’s been totally different and mostly really poor since. He hasn’t struck up a partnership with Rasmus either. Think back to when he was winning us games and had a good thing going with our attackers. He’s a 10. He shouldn’t be trying to run the game.
The worst thing about Bruno is that he's the only player on the team who could stink the place for ages but never gets dropped because he works his socks off.
Trying to find the right balance between respecting Bruno, because he seems like a positive influence on the squad and works his socks off, and it being plainly obvious that he's been poor for about 18 months and there are no signs of it getting better.
He’s had his moments and phases here but in reality he’s not the future of a successful United team and should be a rotational squad player. The club need to get over their PR hype and understand reality. He has heart and sometimes he has end product but he also - is loose with his passing, not good in tight spaces, can’t dribble and has little pace.
The worst thing about Bruno is that he's the only player on the team who could stink the place for ages but never gets dropped because he works his socks off.
That's my frustration. The guy can't get dropped.
We need to get rid of him.
He is an "output only" player only good at creating chances and scoring and poor at everything else (ball control, tempo dictating, shielding the ball, cross field passes, dribbling/moving the ball forward, winning 50/50s, etc) and now his output is drying up at 29. Just sell him when he has a value.
But but but..the stats!

That is what gets thrown around to argue in his favour. Truth is he has been terrible this season. Stats never tell the whole story.
We need to find a Saudi club for Bruno. His drop in form over the last two seasons is steep.
dropped because he works his socks off.

See this here, this is a bit of an issue. Because in many games he just lets people run off him or jogs back when a break is on or just doesn’t even try to get back in to a defensive shape. McT is the same and it’s a massive problem for us and for me one of the main reasons we are so bad as a team , he doesn’t work hard enough in the correct areas. He doesn’t use his energy to do the right thing.

Add in he is weak as hell, can’t hold the ball, gets pushed off it easily, can’t progress the ball on the dribble and generally is a terrible passer of a football. Is he capable of a lofty punt out to Rashford on the wing yes, but pass it ten yards to someone and have it not slow their run or need to check back as it’s behind them, then no, no he can’t.

Sell him or bring someone in so that he becomes a bench option next season and we’ll be better for it.
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