BT Sport


binary bot
Jul 14, 2010
The worst football broadcaster around?

They spend 90 minutes of every match trying to create talking points for their shite talk shows.

Throw in a bit of lad banter and you've got the worst sports channel ever created.
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And we punters have to fork out stupid money for it, on top of our Sky subscription :mad:
Yeah the commentary and punditryis fecking clueless shite compared to Sky, they literally are an embarassment to their profession.

I dont care how many games they buy Im not subscribing to this shit.
3 commentators on one game too. And Howard Webb in his hotdog van. Wankers.
Punditry team had a collective orgasm when Palace scored.
Should have seen Mcmanaman yesterday. Virtually willing Everton to score when they were 1-0 down.
Oh look their interviewer trying to bait Jose about the referee.
Mata's toe was offside. That has to be the worst bit of analysis I've ever heard. The linesman is never looking at his big fecking toe BT
Their analysis, coverage, commentary, graphics & Howard Webb are all useless. Shit broadcaster.

Want Sky to get the rights back, especially for the CL games.
I actually turn the volume down when mcmahnamon is on. Dreadful stuff.
What the hell did they try to do with Zlatan around 75th min? When Cabaye got hit in the face, or rather more like he dived. They were desperate to get United players look bad all night.
3 commentators on one game too. And Howard Webb in his hotdog van. Wankers.

"Over to Howard Webb who, presumably, is in a cul-de-sac somewhere in america doing surveillance for the local Feds."
Mata's toe was offside. That has to be the worst bit of analysis I've ever heard. The linesman is never looking at his big fecking toe BT
The worst bit was they hadnt started the offside line from the Defenders deepest point, the defender's toe was goal side of the line too!
It all feels so amateurish as well. Deliberately amateurish, as if they're going for some kind of parody show.
So interviewer was happy to talk about the offside goal and the Rojo tackle, but refused to bring up the Lee challenge, the handball penalty and the offside goal. Great neutrality.
It's like they try to annoy you with every single individual they employ. Zero respite.
It all feels so amateurish as well. Deliberately amateurish, as if they're going for some kind of parody show.

Totally right, it seems to have been like that since they started football coverage. It's just dire. So sad that they've had enough cash to secure so much football.
Banged on about Rojo every time he got the ball. They'd already decided that Pogba took an "outrageous dive" before even seeing a replay, before Hoddle sheepishly backtracked it after seeing the replay, whilst Savage said nothing. No mention of Zaha and Cabaye's collection of dives, of which they had a good few each.

Does a channel really need two co-commentators? No wonder BT Broadband is so expensive, with their army of gobshites they have to keep under their employ, as well as Howard Webb in the TV licensing van, probably watching the game via intercepted TV signal. Yeah, thanks Howard, for confirming what we can all see from the replay. Probably pocketing more per annum than he did as a referee.

Thankfully I don't pay for it anymore.
Usually they're pretty good, but tonight the coverage was an abomination, an utter embarrassment.

Humphreys and in particular the way they get Webb to look over the refereeing decisions is particularly cringeworthy.
If you're asking if they're worse than Sky, definitely.
They're saying their goodbyes and the presenter is thanking everybody then just randomly says 'Legend'.
It was as awkward as it sounds.
Lad banter.

Edit: i want to apologise. A Sky reporter just asked Klitschko if he thinks Joshua can knock him out.
BT isn't all that bad
The Webb segment today was actually good, mainly because he had lots to absolutely slate the ref for.

Did he actually criticise him?

Usually it's either "see he was absolutely right!" or " I'll show you this angle and this angle because it explains why it was such a difficult decision for him to make"
The Webb segment today was actually good, mainly because he had lots to absolutely slate the ref for.
It's a bit ridiculous when they get him in for something very straightforward like the handball.

They're like the XFactor meets football broadcasting. More Judges. Outrage everywhere.

I haven't heard a worse commentator than Savage for changing his opinion based on the narrative of the match.
Hoddle had a great idea today, think it fair to say that we all hate when players wave with imaginary cards. Today even the clown Pardew did it!
Hoddle said how he would give the freekick to the other team after someone starts waving and asking for the card, it would stop that nonsense immediately.
They always look for controversy and if they can't find one they just go on and on about a particular point.

'Now was that a handball, lets see a replay from 10 angles whilst the game is still going on, now lets ask Howard Webb if a handball was a handball'.

They spent about 5 minutes trying to show a replay of a supposed elbow by Zlatan when Rooney shot at goal. In typical BT fashion the replay was too far away and didn't show anything.
There's just no need for three commentators let alone four whenever Howard Webb pops up as well
"Over to Howard Webb who, presumably, is in a cul-de-sac somewhere in america doing surveillance for the local Feds."
Like a C-List Heist movie or something.
4 commentators chipping in, and three of them having a chuckle now and then no need pointless. One game the other week I think Burnley v City they asked Howard Webb for his opinion on something and he sounded like he was on fecking helium over the microphone. The score show they have on Saturday with Webb, savage, Jenas is terrible aswell not a patch on Gilette Soccer Saturday.
When they went back to the studio after Howard Webb claimed Mata's toe was offside Hargreaves was having trouble keeping a straight face :lol:. Andy Townsend called Howard he wants the tactics truck back.