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2022-23 Performances

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6.4 Season Average Rating
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Majestic today. Clearly running on steam by now but Chelsea gave him enough time and space that it didn't matter.
With Case back on top form I'm feeling much better about our chances in the FA cup final. He's really a collosus for us. If he is missing or not on a good day we are shite. If he's in form we are much better.
The real captain of this team. Steps up in the clutch games and moments. If he puts in a game winning performance against city , he has my vote for player of the year.
Powerhouse. Strong on the goal, clever for the pre-assist, and composed in the second half to set off so many counters.
MOTM. This was him back to his best. Wow. He still needs someone dynamic and defensively sound to partner him in midfield though. Eriksen offers absolutely nothing in that department and Case can't do it all on his own.
He's been up and down for us, today was one of his better matches for us, Chelsea repeatedly walking through our midfield in the first half shows he needs a better partner than Eriksen to do some of the defensive lifting.
Just came in here to say; Top top player, if only we had a mobile and controlling CM around him.
Love him.

Finding a proper partner for him in midfield could do wonders for us. Perhaps the idea of bringing Declan Rice in isn’t a bad idea after all.

Striker is top priority though.







14 G/A from DM, 1 trophy + another Final in the bag, CL football secured later and I'd say he's kept his word :lol:

What a player, what a leader and what a man :D

Avsolute pleasure watching him plying his trade and enjoying every second of his time at our great club.

Now just need to find another suitable partner for him in midfield this summer and the real fun can begin next season :nervous:
I still think it's crazy that he plays for us.

He had a great start that was bogged down by some crazy suspensions, and what does he ultimately do? Regains his form and bosses the midfield.

Even if he only has another season left at this level it'll be worth it. World class in every sense of the word, and the warrior and general in our midfield that we've been crying out for.

Thank you for selling your scraps to us, Real. You're good cnuts. Also; Feck Barca.

Edit; someone needs to show him clips of Alan Partridge because that's all I think about whenever he does that punching celebration.
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Without a player of his quality and leadership we wouldn't have made top 4 imo. Frenkie de Jong is a fantastic talent and I would've opted for de Jong ahead of Casemiro at the start of the season. But looking back at how the season panned out, and how ten Hag had to adapt and compromise on his principles. It's easy to see that after the debacle of last season, we needed a strong personality in the dressing room who could lead from the front. And Casemiro for me has been the player of the season and his contribution has been huge. He's repaid the price we paid for him imo and has helped us create a foundation that a new owner can use to propel the club further by empowering the football department.

And he was signed with only weeks left in the window after the scouts sold the idea to ten Hag about how Casemiro can help with both his leadership and ability on the pitch after the de Jong deal didn't come to fruition. And as the report linked below explains, the likes of Jose Mayorga mapped out how Casemiro would fit into the team and how he could be of benefit to both ten Hag and a dressing needing leadership and guidance. Ten Hag agreed with the recruitment department and we signed Casemiro.

If the football department had been given the full transfer budget at the end of last season, rather than at the end of the transfer window, then I believe we possibly win our first two fixtures and record the highest points tally since Fergie. The problem was the Glazers and is still the Glazers.

Who is the perfect partner for him in all of world football?

Who is the perfect partner for him who is likely to be available this summer?
I believe he still has two peak years in him and we need to win a major trophy (either the league or CL) while he’s here with us. Let’s get a partner for him in midfield along with a top striker to do it
Don’t think the suspension was the worst thing in the world. He’s already at 49 games for the season which is his career high
Somebody sharper on here said he always takes a number of games to get back up to speed after being out. That seems to be the case (no pun intended, but oh, go on...).
He's been up and down for us, today was one of his better matches for us, Chelsea repeatedly walking through our midfield in the first half shows he needs a better partner than Eriksen to do some of the defensive lifting.

Minus a couple of stupid red cards I’m struggling to identify the downs.

He’s sensational. The best at what he does there is around.
I still remember clearly that quite a bit of posters were upset at what we paid for him and were voicing that Madrid once again were fleecing us. Glad to see they were wrong. Together with Rashford he's our most important player. A leader too. While de Jong might be the better passer, he could not have had the same impact Case has with us
Not just 14 G/A, he has also hit the post several times, and a couple of his goals were disallowed for fractional offsides. But to be 3rd in the team on G/A is huge for a defensive midfielder - only Rashford and Bruno have higher G/A numbers
Not just 14 G/A, he has also hit the post several times, and a couple of his goals were disallowed for fractional offsides. But to be 3rd in the team on G/A is huge for a defensive midfielder - only Rashford and Bruno have higher G/A numbers

Fantastic from his point of view. Worrying from those that play left and right of the striker.

Sancho and Antony haven't been anywhere near good enough.
The destroyer, goalscorer, and creator. Can't wait to see him with more decent partner there.

He is all of those 3 things, which is actually a problem, we really need a proper CM next to him as he is carrying alot of the load on his own which is not sustainable, we need someone in there to share the burden with him.
Minus a couple of stupid red cards I’m struggling to identify the downs.

He’s sensational. The best at what he does there is around.

That's looking at him through rose tinted in my opinion - he was sensational for probably 2/3rds of his matches with us, but started slowly, and has had a few poor matches for us since returning from his second suspension.

Hopefully we can find someone with a bit more ability and athleticism to play next to him for next season, which will take some of the burden from him.
Buy two CM's and put him upfront - he will get 30+ goals for us with him leading the press all game long.
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