Class of 92: Out of their league

good luck making any money from this degenerate forum

my point is those boys made a few bob out of the area and now they come flashing their cash, if they want to put something back then build a homeless centre or a food bank or something, there's plenty of hungry people around here
Good thing they are helping all those hungry people by letting them stay in their new hotel.

You need some lessons in wumming because you are not very good at it.
Wait, so if you have an issue with the Class of 92™ you are a newbie? People here are very eager to slate players like Keane but when I say there's a conflict of interest when the C92 gang up on Van Gaal, knowing full well Giggs is in the frame for the job I get called up on it? I don't like the Salford City project, I don't like that they built a hotel right across the road from Old Trafford despite the clubs issue that it might interfere with stadium expansion, I don't like how that documentary wrote off other valuable players at the time and rewrote history "Giggs was lucky he played in front of Phil, like Beckham was lucky to play in front of Gary" a line which totally discredited Irwin.
Rossi, is that you?

The two of you are so bitter about the strangest things.
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Bitter....How is anyone bitter in this thread?

And @Lynk is right about that Irwin thing. They absolutely shat on him with that line and anyone defending that is laughable.

The two of you come off very bitter about the attention the class of 92 receive, it's really strange to me

Yeah I remember you giving out about the exact same thing previously

Blame the guys who made the documentary. Besides I can assure you, Denis Irwin does not feel bad about it
The two of you come off very bitter about the attention the class of 92 receive, it's really strange to me

Yeah I remember you giving out about the exact same thing previously

Blame the guys who made the documentary. Besides I can assure you, Denis Irwin does not feel bad about it

Love them as players and loved everything about that period of time but, that film back in 2013 rubbed me up the wrong way I suppose. Their business ventures like their hotel don't interest me. Purely because I have no interest in hospitality :D And the Salford City thing, while it arouses a bit of interest, I'm a Manchester United supporter so I'm not arsed unless it was my local team.

And I should hope not. Denis Irwin could easily get into and probably is in our best 11 ever. Phil Neville still couldn't get into the left back slot, depsite the fact O Shea and Silvestre had very dodgy moments....Even Kieran Richardson was getting games there before Phil. That's not me having a go, it's just a fact and makes that line about Irwin even more laughable
Fergie still valued Phil a lot. He was putting him in the centre of midfield in some of our biggest games and he did extremely well for us there

But he was a squad / utility player really and quite limited. I'm extremely impressed by the career he managed despite of that
Fergie still valued Phil a lot. He was putting him in the centre of midfield in some of our biggest games and he did extremely well for us there

But he was a squad / utility player really and quite limited. I'm extremely impressed by the career he managed despite of that

Tons of players have managed to carve out a career...Despite being limited in their ability. Shows determination and that is something that got us over the line a lot under Fergie.

Doesn't just apply to football either....Look at Ed Sheeran and Nick Grimshaw
The class of 92 thing should be turned into a series of documentaries - a different club each programme. People love this stuff and it would bolster interest no end.
Yes, I almost fell in love with football all over again watching that. I'd love to see one about Forest Green Rovers for example.
I don't understand why the narrator kept saying they had to win every game for a chance to win the league. "Have to win nine in a row", "have to win all seven games for a chance to win the league". It's quite possible Darlington wouldn't have won all their games anyway.
This confused me as well
Wait, so if you have an issue with the Class of 92™ you are a newbie? People here are very eager to slate players like Keane but when I say there's a conflict of interest when the C92 gang up on Van Gaal, knowing full well Giggs is in the frame for the job I get called up on it? I don't like the Salford City project, I don't like that they built a hotel right across the road from Old Trafford despite the clubs issue that it might interfere with stadium expansion, I don't like how that documentary wrote off other valuable players at the time and rewrote history "Giggs was lucky he played in front of Phil, like Beckham was lucky to play in front of Gary" a line which totally discredited Irwin.

Corkman with an agenda there.

Both Keane and Irwin are regarded as club legends by any half decent fan so stop spluttering yer Guinness everywhere. And why the feck would you object to the Salford City "project" as you put it? How's that going to impact you in any way whatsoever? AS for the hotel club should have been there first and they could still buy it if they get their fingers out and want to expand. The lads are businessmen and they owe the club nowt.
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but Keano's as much of a rent a gob as any of the class of 92 and far more damaging with what he says to United than they are. .
As much as Scholes? Right. Scholes is in a business consortium with Assistant Manager Giggs. His criticism of Van Gaal looks suspicious when his friend is next in line for the job.
The lads are businessmen and they owe the club nowt.
Exactly my issue with them. I couldn't care about their business.
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As much as Scholes? Right. Scholes is in a business consortium with Assistant Manager Giggs. His criticism of Van Gaal

What of it, Scholes is a paid pundit and is not exactly saying anything that many fans aren't echoing about the lack of penetration, creativity and attack in United under LVG. He did also say that the defence and midfield were hugely improved and the team looked impenetrable, just that it lacked the attacking side that he enjoyed as a player and many of us enjoy as fans. Keane's become a toxic gobshite who turns out to promote his own books and will happily slag off everyone from Fergie and the class of 92 right back to Robbo and Pat Crerand. Keane's still a club legend but has tarnished his image with many United fans in a way only Johnny Giles had previously managed and is in great danger of disappearing into the same RT1 ranting routine of Giles and Dunphy.

Exactly my issue with them. I couldn't care about their business.

Then why comment on it so much?
Exactly my issue with them. I couldn't care about their business.

You clearly do though as it seems to wind you up and have you sarcastically posting trademark symbols.

What comes across from yourself, and you're not the only one, is that your nose has been put out of joint and there's some sense of injustice re a couple of your local lads ie Keane and Irwin.

The Salford City stuff has no bearing on you, United, or your match going experience (presuming you fly over for the odd game?) so why you are so animated is baffling.

As for the hotel. United have dragged their feet re stadium expansion and its not even on the horizon and that land was there to be bought by anyone including the club themselves. The club have missed a trick with this hotel and now they'll have to buy it off the lads, and at far greater expense, if indeed they want to sell at some point.

It seems to me you don't like them and that you think they are somehow taking all the credit for past success and making money off it at the expense of your boys. Good luck to them I say and I expect Irwin would say the same being the gent that he is. I've no doubt Keano would have a view but being the 2 bit rent a quote he's become that wouldn't be a shock really.
Phil Neville seems like a really lovely guy.
I have long had a respect for him made the very best of his talent ,seems to have won over the everton fans despite his close association with us.
this documentary has reinforced that opinion.
You clearly do though as it seems to wind you up and have you sarcastically posting trademark symbols.

What comes across from yourself, and you're not the only one, is that your nose has been put out of joint and there's some sense of injustice re a couple of your local lads ie Keane and Irwin.

It seems to me you don't like them and that you think they are somehow taking all the credit for past success and making money off it at the expense of your boys. Good luck to them I say and I expect Irwin would say the same being the gent that he is. I've no doubt Keano would have a view but being the 2 bit rent a quote he's become that wouldn't be a shock really.

Scholes is just a big a rent a quote as Keane. In fact, he's worse at times. He even tried to take credit for the win the other night against Moscow...

As for his "nose has been put of joint over some local lads" well, I'm not a Cork man and I find it disrespectful towards Irwin, that he was shat on in that film in 2013. Your sarcastic and patronising tone with which you say "local lads" is hypocritical considering you're on the defence of your local lads...
@.Rossi and @Lynk spend quite a bit of time in here considering they don't care! :lol:

What are you talking about? Where have I said, "I don't care?"

The only thing I "don't care" about is their hotel. And why would I? It doesn't affect me in anyway and I don't mean that in a bad way, I just have no interest in the hospitality sector

It's quite simple. I don't like the way they brushed Denis Irwin aside and changed facts to suit the narrative of their film in 2013. I fail to see how people can't understand that. Maybe some people don't really respect Irwin and his contribution or are blinded by the romance of the Co92

The funny thing is, people are just going to dismiss my point as me being a "bitter Irish man with an agenda" :rolleyes:
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What are you talking about? Where have I said, "I don't care?"

The only thing I "don't care" about is their hotel. And why would I? It doesn't affect me in anyway and I don't mean that in a bad way, I just have no interest in the hospitality sector

It's quite simple. I don't like the way they brushed Denis Irwin aside and changed facts to suit the narrative of their film in 2013. I fail to see how people can't understand that. Maybe some people don't really respect Irwin and his contribution or are blinded by the romance of the Co92

The funny thing is, people are just going to dismiss my point as me being a "bitter Irish man with an agenda" :rolleyes:

I thought I read that somewhere but may be mistaken.

Anyway, Irwin wasn't brushed aside. He simply wasn't mentioned like numerous other players because the film was focused on the Co92's contribution! I fail to see how you can't understand that from the title of the film.
I thought I read that somewhere but may be mistaken.

Anyway, Irwin wasn't brushed aside. He simply wasn't mentioned like numerous other players because the film was focused on the Co92's contribution! I fail to see how you can't understand that from the title of the film.

That's fine. I wasn't expecting anyone else being mentioned. But, you are missing the point entirely.

In the film, they said that Gary Neville always played behind Beckham on the right. That is true. Then, they said Phil always played behind Giggs on the left....Eh what?!?!

A blatant lie and brushing aside of the fact that Phil Neville could never dislodge Denis Irwin and when Irwin did leave, he still couldn't start there ahead of Silvestre, O Shea and even Kieran Richardson at times. That's my point and my problem. There was no need to even say it and it's baffling thing to even suggest

I have 100% respect and love for them as footballers though and loved every second of that period of time. An amazing time to be a Manchester United supporter
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That's fine. I wasn't expecting anyone else being mentioned. But, you are missing the point entirely.

In the film, they said that Gary Neville always played behind Beckham on the right. That is true. Then, they said Phil always played behind Giggs on the left....Eh what?!?!

A blatant lie and brushing aside of the fact that Phil Neville could never dislodge Denis Irwin and when Irwin did leave, he still couldn't start there ahead of Silvestre, O Shea and even Kieran Richardson at times. That's my point and my problem. There was no need to even say it and it's baffling thing to even suggest

I have 100% respect and love for them as footballers though and loved every second of that period of time. An amazing time to be a Manchester United supporter

I'll take your word that that was actually said but even still, it's a film, so they've obviously spun the truth a bit. They are not exactly going to call Phil a utility player in it! Sounds like you have a personal agenda against Phil in all honesty.
I'll take your word that that was actually said but even still, it's a film, so they've obviously spun the truth a bit. They are not exactly going to call Phil a utility player in it! Sounds like you have a personal agenda against Phil in all honesty.

An agenda? See this is what I mean...Clearly the issue I have is a legitimate one but, because it's the Co92, nothing bad can be said and if you do, you have an agenda against one of them. :rolleyes: Why the hell would I have an agenda against a Manchester United player/ex player? For all his bullshit, I don't even dislike Hargreaves.

It's absolutely irrelevant if it's Phil or not. It could have been Ryan Giggs or Ben Thornley and I'd still call it like I am now.

I don't like my Mum's Shepard's pie, I must have an agenda against her.

feck it, Phil Neville is the greatest left back in Manchester United history and always started at left back, playing behind Ryan Giggs. Denis Irwin rotted away at Oldham and then on the bench at Manchester United.
An agenda? See this is what I mean...Clearly the issue I have is a legitimate one but, because it's the Co92, nothing bad can be said and if you do, you have an agenda against one of them. :rolleyes: Why the hell would I have an agenda against a Manchester United player/ex player? For all his bullshit, I don't even dislike Hargreaves.

It's absolutely irrelevant if it's Phil or not. It could have been Ryan Giggs or Ben Thornley and I'd still call it like I am now.

I don't like my Mum's Shepard's pie, I must have an agenda against her.

feck it, Phil Neville is the greatest left back in Manchester United history and always started at left back, playing behind Ryan Giggs. Denis Irwin rotted away at Oldham and then on the bench at Manchester United.

Big deal out of a small thing, imo.
Love them as players and loved everything about that period of time but, that film back in 2013 rubbed me up the wrong way I suppose. Their business ventures like their hotel don't interest me. Purely because I have no interest in hospitality :D And the Salford City thing, while it arouses a bit of interest, I'm a Manchester United supporter so I'm not arsed unless it was my local team.

And I should hope not. Denis Irwin could easily get into and probably is in our best 11 ever. Phil Neville still couldn't get into the left back slot, depsite the fact O Shea and Silvestre had very dodgy moments....Even Kieran Richardson was getting games there before Phil. That's not me having a go, it's just a fact and makes that line about Irwin even more laughable

That is not correct.

Phil left the season before Kieran broke into the team. Just thought I'd mention that, but please feel free to carry on your grudge against the 'Class of 92'.
Enjoyed the series but seemed a bit hypocritical to see them coming in changing colours of shirts, picking players to sign, sacking managers so soon and generally using their money to buy there way up the leagues. Not trying to have a go but can kind of understand why a lot of fans may be against them.

Thought they all came across really well apart from that. Gary Neville really impressed me seems to be a really sharp guy and has the ability to get on with everybody. Agree with the poster who said Neville seems like he has more of the attributes needed to be a future United manager than Giggs, personality wise at least.

Also thought they were well within their rights to be angry with Sheddon for disappearing for a modelling job. If I was paying him 400 a week I wouldn't be happy either.
The documentary was great. They all came across really well.

But Giggs is never a manager in a million years, he just doesn't have the personality for it.
Love them as players and loved everything about that period of time but, that film back in 2013 rubbed me up the wrong way I suppose. Their business ventures like their hotel don't interest me. Purely because I have no interest in hospitality :D And the Salford City thing, while it arouses a bit of interest, I'm a Manchester United supporter so I'm not arsed unless it was my local team.

And I should hope not. Denis Irwin could easily get into and probably is in our best 11 ever. Phil Neville still couldn't get into the left back slot, depsite the fact O Shea and Silvestre had very dodgy moments....Even Kieran Richardson was getting games there before Phil. That's not me having a go, it's just a fact and makes that line about Irwin even more laughable

Im with you and @Lynk on this 100% as far as the class of 92 goes.
That is not correct.

Phil left the season before Kieran broke into the team. Just thought I'd mention that, but please feel free to carry on your grudge against the 'Class of 92'.

Not really sure how you come to the conclusion I have a grudge against them because I have an issue with a blatant lie that was told. Guess I just have more respect for Denis Irwin than others do. I'm not one for lies either.

If Fergie, the main man himself, had said it, I'd be of the same opinion.

Im with you and @Lynk on this 100% as far as the class of 92 goes.

You sure you want to admit to that? :D
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Yeah I wouldn't admit to that because it's an absolute load of bollocks.

They said that line about Phil just to make it easier for none fans to see his place. he was a cracking player so Giggs was lucky to play ahead of him, the 100 times + that it happened.

If you'd watch the documentary you'd see how well he come across. At one point he even says he wasn't talented. (Selling himself massively short)

There's absolutely no need for the trademark stuff or the constant little digs. they're 5 of the club legends.
Yeah I wouldn't admit to that because it's an absolute load of bollocks.

They said that line about Phil just to make it easier for none fans to see his place. he was a cracking player so Giggs was lucky to play ahead of him, the 100 times + that it happened.

If you'd watch the documentary you'd see how well he come across. At one point he even says he wasn't talented. (Selling himself massively short)

There's absolutely no need for the trademark stuff or the constant little digs. they're 5 of the club legends.

So Phil Neville always played at left back behind Giggs and Irwin didn't?
So Phil Neville always played at left back behind Giggs and Irwin didn't?

Obviously not.

Why that over simplification would ever ever bother someone is beyond me. On one hand you've got pretty much 400 United games played by each lad (minimum) on the other there's a throwaway line in a documentary designed to get non footy fans up to speed.