Club Sale | It’s done!

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How long realistically before prospective owners decide it's not worth it anymore? There's no way this could be completed before the start of the season or even the end of the transfer window at this stage. That means next season could end up being thrown away if we start poorly. Realistically there are other clubs like Spurs, Liverpool or West Ham that could make more sense for various reasons. Trying to put myself in a buyer's shoes, this sort of deal seems to make less and less sense with each passing week. The Glazer children have never proven themselves to be competent businessmen either, they just inherited their wealth from their father.

Don't you know, Jimbo and Jassy are life long United fans. So you'd imagine they'll wait as long as it takes to buy their boyhood club.
Sick of it all at this stage. The fans, who are the heartbeat of this club have been treated appallingly by the current owners. Completely left out of the loop as has been the norm over the last 2 decades. How did the FA and even the government allow that takeover? Why are the FA allowing that family to run a national institutuion into the ground? Why are they allowing this farce to carry on?Some people are complaining about "state ownership" but how could any owner possibly be worse than the Glazer family????
For the record all the reports have been incredibly deceptive with their wording, both parties are being ready for the final sale, we had two preferred bidders for 6 weeks, they, the Glazers through Raine did this deliberately so if one went wrong they had a fallback scenario.


Scenario A - They Choose SJR but he was not able to get all the money promised in the time span allowed and the Minority Hedge Funds then decided to veto the purchase through legal court cases, they could revert to SJ bid

Scenario B - They choose SJ and the Qatar’s bid 5th and final bid but then there are issues with FA and EPL fit and proper directors test, they could revert back to SJR

This is the reality of the whole fiasco, had they given one party exclusivity the other party would have pulled out. As hard as it is to believe we are actually in the End Game, too many leaks recently, too much volatility in the share price. I do however agree nothing official and signed off is happening to September at the earliest.

Exactly, it’s all gone quiet with nothing leaking to the media and eventually a announcement will come out of nowhere on who the new owners will be. It could be in days or weeks, who knows.
Wonder how big the meltdown will be if Arsenal end up with Rice,Havertz,Timber and Harry Kane before we ever get a conclusion to this debacle

Kane to Arsenal is something you wouldn’t even see happening on FIFA career mode never mind real life
Exactly, it’s all gone quiet with nothing leaking to the media and eventually a announcement will come out of nowhere on who the new owners will be. It could be in days or weeks, who knows.
And that’s exactly how it’s going to play out
Wonder how big the meltdown will be if Arsenal end up with Rice,Havertz,Timber and Harry Kane before we ever get a conclusion to this debacle

Well 3 out of those 4 are realistic.

I wonder if we have landed in a perfect storm of apathy from the Glazers.

It's been well documented before that whenever we fail to qualify for the Champion League then we splash the cash. Whenever we DO qualify then the money tap is turned off.
Don't you know, Jimbo and Jassy are life long United fans. So you'd imagine they'll wait as long as it takes to buy their boyhood club.
Glazers don't have a limit or a stopping point to their greed. If buyers cave, they can just raise the demands another time.
They already get way more than market valuation or any estimate of value of the club, but it's not like it matters if they can squeeze a bit more.
Exactly, it’s all gone quiet with nothing leaking to the media and eventually a announcement will come out of nowhere on who the new owners will be. It could be in days or weeks, who knows.

It has to progress at some point. One way or another the business of running the football club has to continue meaning that if the Glazers are still in charge then transfers etc need to be progressed. The renovations of the corporate rooms at Old Trafford is also on hold.

You can't just stop running the business while a sale/investment is being arranged.
Glazers don't have a limit or a stopping point to their greed. If buyers cave, they can just raise the demands another time.
They already get way more than market valuation or any estimate of value of the club, but it's not like it matters if they can squeeze a bit more.

And that's partly why this is taking so long they're cnuts.
Well 3 out of those 4 are realistic.

I wonder if we have landed in a perfect storm of apathy from the Glazers.

It's been well documented before that whenever we fail to qualify for the Champion League then we splash the cash. Whenever we DO qualify then the money tap is turned off.

Yup then people wonder why we are always 1 season in and 1 season out of the CL... when its time to strengthen the team, it doesn't happen. We then go into a season and finish 6th, panic and spend loads of money on players we could buy for less money and not fix our squad problems..

I mean we must be the only club that neglect our balance.. took us what 6 years to get a DM? 8 for RW? GK? ST?

Clubs see their weaknesses early and target those positions in the next window, we continue to ignore them.
Exactly, it’s all gone quiet with nothing leaking to the media and eventually a announcement will come out of nowhere on who the new owners will be. It could be in days or weeks, who knows.

I wonder if this radio silence also has something to do with the SEC requirements about providing notice and general regard to market manipulation of the share price given that it is appoaching a critical stage.

Previous share price movements could be explained as just general movement based on unspecified leaks however now it is the final act of being agreed and things and requirements become serious - something I found on the internet regarding notices on the NYSE below. Hopefully the silence is pointing to a conclusion, generally it must be very difficult to keep stuff like this under wraps for long periods without someone squealing and it may be we are coming to the end of a realistic radio silence period ?

'General Reporting Requirement
 In general, the NYSE requires listed companies to disclose to the public by any Regulation FD-compliant
method any material information that may reasonably be expected to affect the market in their securities. Typically, such information involves events of an unusual or non-recurring nature. Companies are also
generally required to dispel unfounded rumors which result in unusual market activity or price
 If the material information is being released shortly before or during NYSE market hours (9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Eastern Standard Time) (“NYSE market hours”), the Company must notify the NYSE of the substance of the
disclosure by telephone at least 10 minutes prior to the release to the public. In this call, the Company must
also inform the NYSE of the Regulation FD-compliant method it intends to use to disseminate the news,
including how the information can be located upon publication.'
Wonder how big the meltdown will be if Arsenal end up with Rice,Havertz,Timber and Harry Kane before we ever get a conclusion to this debacle
Levy would rather see Spurs get liquidated than sell Kane to Arsenal
Took a long break from this thread and it done wonders for my mental health.

When news breaks it will break on Twitter first…I’ll be here for it.
Well sol Campbell did. Wasn't he the captain of spuds then?

That is completely different as it was a free transfer back then due to Campbell being a free agent that summer of 2001 when he joined Arsenal.

Levy would probably rather bankrupt Spurs than sell their most prized asset to Arsenal

I'll literally grasp hold of anything at the minute

Stop being silly and grasping to conspiracy type thinking. Deals are announced upon agreement to terms, with conclusion (actual exchange of $ and change of control) coming at a later date. If a deal is reached then it will be officially announced as it is fully agreed and signed, there won't be a wait until it is possible to do the change of control at the same date.
Stop being silly and grasping to conspiracy type thinking. Deals are announced upon agreement to terms, with conclusion (actual exchange of $ and change of control) coming at a later date. If a deal is reached then it will be officially announced as it is fully agreed and signed, there won't be a wait until it is possible to do the change of control at the same date.

Like I said...I'm at the point of literally grasping at anything at the minute :lol:
For anyone wondering why the price is up lately - its because of a raised future outlook (which in this case likely means a presumption of an imminent sale since the stock would probably soar into the 30s within minutes).

For anyone wondering why the price is up lately - its because of a raised future outlook (which in this case likely means a presumption of an imminent sale since the stock would probably soar into the 30s within minutes).

Imminent sale to Qatar*
Bloomberg just out with a piece saying Qatar group won. Stock jumping
Yahoo notification got me excited because it was at 25.89. Some poor fool bid a dollar over asking :lol:
It is happening guys. Just seen it on BBG terminal

All headlines came out at 1702 -

Qatar group now confident of winning bid war
Ratcliffe bid said complicated by Minority investors
Qatar bid will be debt free
Sale process ongoing, may not lead to deal

Source is BBG - extremely reliable
Qatar Group Now Confident of Winning Manchester United (Man Utd) Bid War - Bloomberg

couldn’t find the article, just headline tweet from outlets
Shares are above average trade numbers and only been open a couple of hours...
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