Club Sale | It’s done!

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If you choose to work for a sportswashing operation you're accountable for that. I hold Pep to the same standard, I think he's a scumbag for doing it. It's right to ask EtH what he thinks about it now before it happens, if he wants to give diplomatic answers and not get involved then sure, but that only works until the takeover happens and then you have to make a decision about where you want to stand.

I'm sorry if this upsets anyone but it's just how it is. If we get taken over by the Qatari's and he's happy to sit there and work for them then he's willingly enabling them and there's a weight of blame for their actions on him for that.

I find it frankly ridiculous that we wouldn't expect a journalist to ask what is essentially the figurehead of our club right now "this massive, ethically catastrophic, event might happen to the club you're employed by. How do you feel about that?". What else are journalists supposed to ask him at the moment?

If Qatar ends up buying Man Utd what EtH does is irrelevant to me, just like the club, as I said in the other thread I have no interest in supporting the shell of what the club would become. I have no respect for anyone who chooses to work for a sportswashing operation, though. That applies to Pep, Howe, Tuchel, Messi, Pochettino, Ronaldo etc. too.
Take all their money and use it for the global LGBTQ+ rights and democracy and liberal world view promotion. Use their own money against them.
Why are you so flippant about a life long red leaving the club he loves? Are you so lacking emotion and understanding?
Because personally I see it as a ridiculous stance to take. Just my view. I have no emotion towards them. But the likes of yourselves broadcasting they are leaving the fan base is tedious. Although you’re still flirting with the idea of “might still watch us”. Either leave or stick around and let the fans who will continue to support the club no matter what crack on.
Because personally I see it as a ridiculous stance to take. Just my view. I have no emotion towards them. But the likes of yourselves broadcasting they are leaving the fan base is tedious. Although you’re still flirting with the idea of “might still watch us”. Either leave or stick around and let the fans who will continue to support the club no matter what crack on.
Yeah, it's all a bit dramatic.

Why do people think this will be a public activity? I highly doubt the Glazers, who literally never communicate with the fans, are going to be providing us with updates about the sale, update's that may hurt them in the sale process. We won't know shit till it's done.
Because personally I see it as a ridiculous stance to take. Just my view. I have no emotion towards them. But the likes of yourselves broadcasting they are leaving the fan base is tedious. Although you’re still flirting with the idea of “might still watch us”. Either leave or stick around and let the fans who will continue to support the club no matter what crack on.
Don't worry, most people will stay and criticize the new regime. Get used to it :)
I think there’s going to be a serious anti-climax at 10pm. I expect barely anything significant to be reported until at least next week. I even expect bids after tonight.
No it's not, he's an elite manager who could work at his pick of clubs outside of a few, he makes a choice of who he works for. It's right to hold him accountable.

We all took the piss out of Howe for how he ignored the Saudi human rights abuses, I'm not going to hold EtH to a lesser standard.
But Ten Hag was here before the Qatar news was even a thing...?

Edit: you've already responded to this question, fair enough.
Why do people think this will be a public activity? I highly doubt the Glazers, who literally never communicate with the fans, are going to be providing us with updates about the sale, update's that may hurt them in the sale process. We won't know shit till it's done.
The Glazers aren't in charge of the process, Raine Group is. Also the bidders could well go public with their intentions.
Because personally I see it as a ridiculous stance to take. Just my view. I have no emotion towards them. But the likes of yourselves broadcasting they are leaving the fan base is tedious. Although you’re still flirting with the idea of “might still watch us”. Either leave or stick around and let the fans who will continue to support the club no matter what crack on.
This doesn't really apply when you're on a football discussion forum. I didn't burst into your living room and tell you I was leaving, you came to a place which was mutually agreed as a place to talk about an issue and then started telling everyone who disagreed with you to stop talking.
But Ten Hag was here before the Qatar news was even a thing...?
Nobody said he did, but that doesn't mean the Qatari's aren't likely to take over and cause the moral problem he will face.
Why do people think this will be a public activity? I highly doubt the Glazers, who literally never communicate with the fans, are going to be providing us with updates about the sale, update's that may hurt them in the sale process. We won't know shit till it's done.

They have expressly said that indeed they will not provide any updates. The original announcement regarding the process stated that the club will make no further comment until the process is near to a conclusion - that will be April.
They have expressly said that indeed they will not provide any updates. The original announcement regarding the process stated that the club will make no further comment until the process is near to a conclusion - that will be April.
But we're to believe the Daily Mail will provide us real time updates
Because personally I see it as a ridiculous stance to take. Just my view. I have no emotion towards them. But the likes of yourselves broadcasting they are leaving the fan base is tedious. Although you’re still flirting with the idea of “might still watch us”. Either leave or stick around and let the fans who will continue to support the club no matter what crack on.
To be fair people deal with it in their own way. If we are taken over and these same posters are still here after that point then they’ve just spent their time shouting at others who accepted the situation long before they did.
If posters leave then fair play to them.
Why do we lose value of the club now but not when we were bought by the Glazers?
We did lose something when the Glazers took over, but if you keep losing stuff eventually there's not enough left.
Why do we lose value of the club now but not when we were bought by the Glazers?
It's setting up the narrative for future reference.

"United had incompetent owners who wasted money and never invested a penny of their own, whilst their competitors overtook them thanks to rich backers. Now that United won't have that weight tied to them they might start winning stuff again so we need to preempt that by saying their victories will be hollow."

I don't necessarily disagree with the sentiment but they're not doing it to sympathise with us, far from it.
It's setting up the narrative for future reference.

"United had incompetent owners who wasted money and never invested a penny of their own, whilst their competitors overtook them thanks to rich backers. Now that United won't have that weight tied to them they might start winning stuff again so we need to preempt that by saying their victories will be hollow."

I don't necessarily disagree with the sentiment but they're not doing it to sympathise with us, far from it.
I'm trying to gauge the mood in here, it would appear that most people are actually excited at the prospect of a Qatari takeover. Have I got that right?
That's funny, I thought FDJ was wearing the blaugrana last night and not white. In fact that's even more embarrassing, they agreed a deal with a player that had zero interest in coming. Do you know how transfers normally work, you talk to the player, find out if their interested, put a package together, get the go ahead from the player, place a bid. How many players have you seen turn down a transfer to a club that put in a substantial bid for them? Sure sometimes a club like chelsea might pop up, throw ridiculous money at the situation and hijack a move, but these are outlier situations.
So ETH makes FDJ his chief target, the execs agree a fee with Barcelona and the player says he wants to stay. Yes, looks like their fault there.

It wasn’t their fault FDJ stayed. If you want to blame them, then why don’t you blame ETH for being so insistent for the whole summer.

I do know how transfers work, but I’m also going on the quite heavy reporting on the matter by reputable sources such as The Athletic. But yeah preach away.
Incredibly constructive response which illustrates a deep level of intellect and not a tiny amount of insecurity because someone disagrees with him.
Thanks for the kind words. Where did you get it from, did you steal it from somebody's mum on facebook?
Can we have a list of all posters, who have told us they would stop supporting the club and leave the forum if Qataris buy us?
I'm trying to gauge the mood in here, it would appear that most people are actually excited at the prospect of a Qatari takeover. Have I got that right?

Not really. According to a poll it’s pretty much bang on 50/50 split with roughly 15% suggesting it’s enough to make them stop supporting the club.
Not really. According to a poll it’s pretty much bang on 50/50 split with roughly 15% suggesting it’s enough to make them stop supporting the club.

Cheers, haven't seen that yet.

I'm not sure if it's enough to make me stop supporting the club, but I wouldn't be celebrating.
Can we have a list of all posters, who have told us they would stop supporting the club and leave the forum if Qataris buy us?
@Wumminator will have one pre-prepared.

Do you want me to include you (based on your posts a few days ago) or not (based on your posts over the last 48 hours) or should I leave you off in case you completely change your mind again.
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