Club Sale | It’s done!

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Do the Glazers really not get how much they are despised by United fans? If someone hated me one percent as much and offered me a king's ransom to go away...
Would you care if you were sitting on a billion dollar asset you have no emotional attachment too what others think of it?
I'm just wishing for another Ronaldo interview at this rate on the current state of this fiasco... It is absolutely shameful that the club is clearly just a source of enrichment for the Glazers and avram being at the game last night is obviously just PR, but what is actually disappointing is the silence from the British Government in how the biggest club in the country is being deliberately fleeced and asset stripped by cowboys and a fiasco of a 'sale' being unceremoniously and embarrassingly played out like a circus before a global audience, they could at least have a say and maybe apply some pressure, because this whole thing with these current owners is just dragging the clubs name through the dirt, it lacks class, integrity, and clarity, and so much more, truly disgraceful.
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Usually typical behaviour of people who've inherited huge wealth and have never had to work hard
How is that?

They are making money out of owning the club. The club also appreciates in value and since they don't have a burning need to sell, can definitely see the upside of holding on to it.
Sheikh Jassim has publicly stated that he will clear all the debts, invest in the stadium, infrastructure, both men and women's teams, the training ground and also the local community, but because of the sheer audacity of the current owners they are simply not interested in any of that which in itself tells you just as much that the only true interest they have is money for themselves, they cannot and will not ever remotely come anywhere near close to what Jassim is offering to do with the club.
Do the Glazers really not get how much they are despised by United fans? If someone hated me one percent as much and offered me a king's ransom to go away...

Well, as owners or even bosses, you aren't there for a popularity contest especially when your KPI is to maximise profits.
I'm just wishing for another Ronaldo interview at this rate on the current state of this fiasco... It is absolutely shameful that the club is clearly just a source of enrichment for the Glazers and avram being at the game last night is obviously just PR, but what is actually disappointing is the silence from the British Government in how the biggest club in the country is being deliberately fleeced and asset stripped by cowboys and a fiasco of a 'sale' being unceremoniously and embarrassingly played out like a circus before a global audience, they could at least have a say and maybe apply some pressure, because this whole thing with these current owners is just dragging the clubs name through the dirt, it lacks class, integrity, and clarity, and so much more, truly disgraceful.

Not sure how much of an effect Ronaldo's interview really had. Besides, even if it did, it would just harden the Glazers' stance. You are dealing with billionaires' egos here.
£5.2bn is actually not too far away from £6bn but some of what you say makes total sense especially retarded 6 but here’s the thing you can spurt off about how Forbes valuation is BS yet here we are all still writing nonsensical posts about the club still not being sold! A valuation is what a seller wants and a buyer has to agree too, currently they don’t have a buyer that agrees to their valuation and the seller will not agree to the buyers offer so we’re in a state of nothingness, nada, no sale!
I am calling forbes valuation bs because using the forbes name to provide some sort of a legitimacy to it when it is infact a bs number. If you or i had come out with it i would just debate you over it being wrong. I feel there will be a sale eventually, becuase the reason they went for it especially in current economic conditions haven't changed, they can't invest in the club as they have little actual liquid wealth and their ill fated choices like listing the club and cashing in instead of reducing the debt or complete lack of forethought with regards to the stadium has now come home to roost as the credit isn't there to afford the renovations and rebuild required and any attempt at cost cutting will see revenue erosion making future sale difficult if they want to tough it out.
Not sure how much of an effect Ronaldo's interview really had. Besides, even if it did, it would just harden the Glazers' stance. You are dealing with billionaires' egos here.
It has an eventual effect on sponsors doesnt it, that and PR is what they care about
£5.2bn is actually not too far away from £6bn but some of what you say makes total sense especially retarded 6 but here’s the thing you can spurt off about how Forbes valuation is BS yet here we are all still writing nonsensical posts about the club still not being sold! A valuation is what a seller wants and a buyer has to agree too, currently they don’t have a buyer that agrees to their valuation and the seller will not agree to the buyers offer so we’re in a state of nothingness, nada, no sale!

I think they want 6 billion becasue they dont know how to divide 5.2 between 6 people.
what is actually disappointing is the silence from the British Government in how the biggest club in the country is being deliberately fleeced and asset stripped by cowboys and a fiasco of a 'sale' being unceremoniously and embarrassingly played out like a circus before a global audience,

United is not being 'asset stripped'. I agree it is being mismanaged, but it is not being 'asset stripped'. Indeed, it is making a massive profit.

Furthermore I suggest you look up who the British government actually are, and what ideology they purport.

Sheikh Jassim has publicly stated that he will clear all the debts, invest in the stadium, infrastructure, both men and women's teams, the training ground and also the local community,

'Sheikh Jassim' will not clear United's debts or anything else, he cannot afford to. What you mean is a consortium with Jassim as the public face, though we all know it is a state bid being indulged to improve the image of an autocratic regime.

If the British government should involve itself (as it attempted with the ESL) with buying and selling football clubs, it should be refusing to allow such awful regimes from buying consent. I refer you to my opening introduction to your current government as to why that certainly will not happen.

It is galling to see an autocratic regime deemed a saviour whereas a democratic structure is criticisable. One would think is part of the Qatari plan.

One more. 'Improve the local area' is frankly offensive. Building unaffordable homes and 'state of the art' concert venues in low income residential areas (like city) is not a mark of 'improvement' nor is the subsequent influence they'll have over councils.
1999, the single greatest moment for me personally as a football fan. Me and my Grandad jumped around the house screaming at the top of our voices, even my Nan was happy and she hated football :lol: :lol: :lol:
Do the Glazers really not get how much they are despised by United fans? If someone hated me one percent as much and offered me a king's ransom to go away...

They've had 18 years of playing the despised villian. It means nothing to them.
I'm just wishing for another Ronaldo interview at this rate on the current state of this fiasco... It is absolutely shameful that the club is clearly just a source of enrichment for the Glazers and avram being at the game last night is obviously just PR, but what is actually disappointing is the silence from the British Government in how the biggest club in the country is being deliberately fleeced and asset stripped by cowboys and a fiasco of a 'sale' being unceremoniously and embarrassingly played out like a circus before a global audience, they could at least have a say and maybe apply some pressure, because this whole thing with these current owners is just dragging the clubs name through the dirt, it lacks class, integrity, and clarity, and so much more, truly disgraceful.
Given the government has sat and watched private equity firms and overseas pension funds hollow out our utility companies, I doubt they give a shit about a football club.
I'm just wishing for another Ronaldo interview at this rate on the current state of this fiasco... It is absolutely shameful that the club is clearly just a source of enrichment for the Glazers and avram being at the game last night is obviously just PR, but what is actually disappointing is the silence from the British Government in how the biggest club in the country is being deliberately fleeced and asset stripped by cowboys and a fiasco of a 'sale' being unceremoniously and embarrassingly played out like a circus before a global audience, they could at least have a say and maybe apply some pressure, because this whole thing with these current owners is just dragging the clubs name through the dirt, it lacks class, integrity, and clarity, and so much more, truly disgraceful.

Yes, it's about time somebody went public just to raise the awareness again of the shit-show that the Glazers are causing. The cowards that own us specifically structure things in a way to hide behind, so they don't have to be accountable - it needs balancing out.

Outside of the club, you could understand people thinking we are impatient spoilt brats arguing with each other about which Billionaire gets buy us. In reality, you scratch the surface and you realise every possible outcome is a different poisoned chalice.

On the Government take - it's absolutely bonkers the situation football is in. You've got two polar opposite things going on right now with us and City - our foreign owners taking money out of the club, financing and funding US banks, no investment or interest in the local community with the large majority of money spent is leaving the UK. Then at City you've got who have foreign owners putting so much money into the UK that they are having to do so illegally, they are regenerating the area and in touch with the community making it better.

The Glazers are legally killing the club for personal greed where huge amount of money is leaving the Country, whist Citys owners are illegally investing in their club bringing heavily disguised money into the Country for whatever they hidden agenda is.

Both seem very, very wrong, and yet nothing is happening or being done about either. If I bought a 100+ year old property and wanted to make changes to it, I'd have to jump through all sorts of hoops, even then there's a high chance you would be told no, you cannot change something with such heritage and part of the fabric of the area and Country - and yet something that affects millions of peoples day to day lives, is just brushed under the carpet.
United is not being 'asset stripped'. I agree it is being mismanaged, but it is not being 'asset stripped'. Indeed, it is making a massive profit.

Furthermore I suggest you look up who the British government actually are, and what ideology they purport.

'Sheikh Jassim' will not clear United's debts or anything else, he cannot afford to. What you mean is a consortium with Jassim as the public face, though we all know it is a state bid being indulged to improve the image of an autocratic regime.

If the British government should involve itself (as it attempted with the ESL) with buying and selling football clubs, it should be refusing to allow such awful regimes from buying consent. I refer you to my opening introduction to your current government as to why that certainly will not happen.

It is galling to see an autocratic regime deemed a saviour whereas a democratic structure is criticisable. One would think is part of the Qatari plan.

One more. 'Improve the local area' is frankly offensive. Building unaffordable homes and 'state of the art' concert venues in low income residential areas (like city) is not a mark of 'improvement' nor is the subsequent influence they'll have over councils.

Completely agree (with that last part especially)

Greater Manchester is becoming unrecognisable in most places and people are being forced to leave where they grew up because they can't afford to live there.

But hey, all in the name of progress. Who cares about impact (local and beyond) as long as United sign Mbappe and win a Champions League?
United is not being 'asset stripped'. I agree it is being mismanaged, but it is not being 'asset stripped'. Indeed, it is making a massive profit.

Furthermore I suggest you look up who the British government actually are, and what ideology they purport.

'Sheikh Jassim' will not clear United's debts or anything else, he cannot afford to. What you mean is a consortium with Jassim as the public face, though we all know it is a state bid being indulged to improve the image of an autocratic regime.

If the British government should involve itself (as it attempted with the ESL) with buying and selling football clubs, it should be refusing to allow such awful regimes from buying consent. I refer you to my opening introduction to your current government as to why that certainly will not happen.

It is galling to see an autocratic regime deemed a saviour whereas a democratic structure is criticisable. One would think is part of the Qatari plan.

One more. 'Improve the local area' is frankly offensive. Building unaffordable homes and 'state of the art' concert venues in low income residential areas (like city) is not a mark of 'improvement' nor is the subsequent influence they'll have over councils.

You need to be promoted and quick.
United is not being 'asset stripped'. I agree it is being mismanaged, but it is not being 'asset stripped'. Indeed, it is making a massive profit.

Furthermore I suggest you look up who the British government actually are, and what ideology they purport.

'Sheikh Jassim' will not clear United's debts or anything else, he cannot afford to. What you mean is a consortium with Jassim as the public face, though we all know it is a state bid being indulged to improve the image of an autocratic regime.

If the British government should involve itself (as it attempted with the ESL) with buying and selling football clubs, it should be refusing to allow such awful regimes from buying consent. I refer you to my opening introduction to your current government as to why that certainly will not happen.

It is galling to see an autocratic regime deemed a saviour whereas a democratic structure is criticisable. One would think is part of the Qatari plan.

One more. 'Improve the local area' is frankly offensive. Building unaffordable homes and 'state of the art' concert venues in low income residential areas (like city) is not a mark of 'improvement' nor is the subsequent influence they'll have over councils.

The club has only had 1 profitable year from the last 5 years - pre-dating Covid, which is the reason Glazers have given. Not sure how you inpret this as making massive profits? For the banks maybe.
Selling United is like selling a house that needs a lot of work and you can't afford the mortgage any more. Best get rid at the best possible prices before the crash.
I was at the London eye for the Millenium Fireworks....the river of fire was a damp squib but the rest was very good...hoping this sale process ends in fireworks rather than some wet men in boats giving excuses!
The Glazers probably get a big kick out of reading how much they are hated and no matter what people propose re boycotting the superstore or boycotting the home games people still turn up and spend their money.
I think we should start to love the Glazers, send them lots of love, show how much we appreciate their charms.

That will worry and confuse the bastards and they will sell asp whilst running to the hills.
I was at the London eye for the Millenium Fireworks....the river of fire was a damp squib but the rest was very good...hoping this sale process ends in fireworks rather than some wet men in boats giving excuses!
I was in Cyprus for the Millenium :)
Given the government has sat and watched private equity firms and overseas pension funds hollow out our utility companies, I doubt they give a shit about a football club.

Not to mention the fact that for years the fecking scumbags have been actively trying to do the same to the greatest British institution - the NHS.
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