Cristiano Ronaldo: Set to leave by mutual agreement

Is Ronaldo justified to say that he “feels betrayed” by Manchester United?

  • Ronaldo should be not be allowed to play for United again

    Votes: 1,536 81.7%
  • He's always been a massive bellend

    Votes: 884 47.0%
  • Messi has always been the better player

    Votes: 574 30.5%
  • He should be begged to come back with double the salary and ten Haag should bow to his greatness

    Votes: 126 6.7%

  • Total voters
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The person I feel for is Fernando Santos. Imagine Ronnie doesn't play well, he's fecked. He can't possibly substitute or bench him.

Feck him. He backed Ronaldo's decision to do the interview, so he deserves every negative aspect of taking him to Qatar.

The sort of extra noise every manager wants when going into a World Cup.
We had two threads before and after he was signed predicting what happened last season.

Before this season started, many of us wanted him to leave and questioned his professionalism and conduct. Of course, he went overboard with the interview but it wasn't shocking after seeing him refusing to come as a sub against Spurs.
I was one of those that always used to mock the idea that he was "the problem" and his return and his goals was probably the only exciting thing about last season, but those threads topics have ultimately proved to be true.

I still maintain that other players are just as culpable for last season though.
Well the youtube comments are mostly on Ronaldo side, not to mention Man Utd instagram page is also filled with #respect Ronaldo comment everywhere. There's no way we are going to win this thing on the internet, as we are up against biggest name in social media, with the biggest ever support too. Best we could hope for is to reach mutual agreement on termination of contract with Ronaldo, without any compensation. I am not sure if we can sue him for breach of contract, but if some clubs willing to take him in January, it might help us out too.
So because your hero has the biggest support on SM United should give in to him?
IMO United fans are the biggest winners in this fiasco. Ronaldo again showing what a massive bellend he really is, while also calling out the club parasites that are the glazers and their puppet directors. Shame about the team and ETH for being in the middle of this but ETH will handle this in good manner.
Ronaldo is a twat and must go, but it doesn’t matter what reason there is behind him calling out the owners, that he did it is welcome.
Come on, mate - that wasn't it.

He wanted out because he wouldn't get CL football. Mendes started working on his exit as soon as it became clear we wouldn't qualify for this season's CL.

The problem, as it turned out, was that nobody actually wanted him.

As for being up his arse, I'm sorry about that - I didn't mean to imply that you, personally, are that.
No worries
I was one of those that always used to mock the idea that he was "the problem" and his return and his goals was probably the only exciting thing about last season, but those threads topics have ultimately proved to be true.

I still maintain that other players are just as culpable for last season though.

He wasn't the only problem obviously but his presence just didn't allow for any flexibility for either Ole or Rangnick, especially in games where it was clear he has to be subbed. He spent 3 months last season only scoring a couple of goals after Rangnick came on and I think he was only subbed once.

His goals were fun, especially in the CL group stage and the ones against Spurs.
I was one of those that always used to mock the idea that he was "the problem" and his return and his goals was probably the only exciting thing about last season, but those threads topics have ultimately proved to be true.

I still maintain that other players are just as culpable for last season though.
The goals were good. The inability/refusal to do any work off the ball was disastrous.
Welcome back!

Is it net? ffs

It's been reduced though due to no CL football which has nothing to do with him wanting to leave at all at all.
It has been reported everywhere that it‘s gross.
I don't think Ronaldo's main disruption to the team comes from lack of defensive work. Martial and greenwood were never great at it, only cavani was.

I think a bigger issue is that he plays as the 9, requires and demands constant service, but then does weird things (drop back to touch the ball for no reason and slow down play) and selfish things (shoot from everywhere, make intentionally bad runs and passes so that he and nobody else gets the goal). Plus, regardless of the manager, all players follow his instructions and pass to him constantly. I think that's more disruptive than a lack of pressing which was never the team's strength anyway.
From ETH and Owner point of view.

Just like Owner and fans disagrements. The owner will never accept that they are wrong against the fans point of view.

And from peoples who are not relate Ronaldo and United. Neutral. Who cares. That is theirs business. Why shall i be involved?

Just like war. No one will accept they are wrong and defend their decisions, views and terroritum.

A sit down coversation between all parts would be unlikey. And we might need Mourinho and LVG as peacemaker if all parts will solve and come to a positive and happy end aggrement. And friends after that.

Again Welcome the "theatre of Dreams" house and place of Drama. Ronaldo is one of biggest actor at this theatre. Better than already written movie and theatre script. So call real life manuscript.

Doesn't we all want drama? It's a movie and theatre really boring without drama and climax? So be carefully for what we wish.

With Ronaldo. I don't think and it will take long time before we get such a huge drama, big big things happen around and relate to him.

And like everyting and everyone. Everyone's wife and husband have a negative side about it.

Ronaldo is just showing some of his so call "negative sides" with his human.

And with Ronaldo huge and big ego. Ronaldo is the most red devils of the player. Always thirsty and want a lot a lot. No angel with Ronaldo. Kind and silent as a sheep.

But in few years. Those things will be just become history. So whatever. It just happen like it shall happen.

Word salad
Ronaldo has turned into a disaster and has clearly been on the decline for a few years.
But that doesn’t automatically make Rooney a better or more professional player than he actually was. Typical Caf overreaction.

I'm bemused at the revisionism of Rooney's last years at the club. I remember Van Persie scoring a goal at Swansea, early in Moyes' tenure, before Moyes completely ruined the winning team he'd inherited where the team were all celebrating with RVP while Rooney was sulking alone with his head down away from his team mates. Then Moyes and whoever the hell was in charge of transfers at the time, in a "brilliant" move, convinced Rooney to stay, tying him up to a long term contract which culminated in stinkers like he had against Watford.

Wasn't a big fan of Rooney after the 2010 contract debacle but I'll say this: Guy's more of a United legend than Ronaldo. 3:14 in the video below is one of my favourite Rooney moments.

As can be seen, my feelings with regards to Rooney is kind of complicated. But there's no complication with Ronaldo after that interview. Slagging the manager and the club in an interview with Piers Morgan of all people, unable to be accountable for his poor performances and indiscipline. How low can you go? Ronaldo's a cnut.
I understand if people think he is not among our top 10 in legendary ranking. But 100 is abit over the top. Least to say we never have 100 Ballon D’or winners who had won us CL and multiple PL titles in our glorious history.
I was not talking about his ranking. I question his "legend" status. Regarding results he was key player 3 seasons and helped us to win trophies. Fair enough. Regarding behaviour he shat on this club twice and cried and moaned about leaving twice. IF that is enough for you to call a player as a club legend then club legends are also ; Pete, Ed, Dave, Neville, o'Shea, Vida, Rio, Brown, Pallister, Bruce, Evra, Fletch, Carrick, Park, Nani, Parker, Hughes etc etc.....basically every player who was here few seasons and won something.
It's funny how dumb Ronaldo was in doing this now, as it's going to be such a distraction for Portugal. Any bad result or performance will point to the interview. He'll get blamed for any elimination. Just so misguided.
It's funny how dumb Ronaldo was in doing this now, as it's going to be such a distraction for Portugal. Any bad result or performance will point to the interview. He'll get blamed for any elimination. Just so misguided.

I really hope that team crashes and burns (sorry Bruno and Diogo). Ronaldo doesn't deserve to be coming out of this smelling of roses.
You're choosing to completely ignore the club's incompetence in all this.
The fact that United is poorly run is well documented but the fact. That Ronaldo has the mental age of a hormonal teenager is totally on him.

Did I want him here no. My one saving grace was that we stopped him going to city but even that doesn't cut it now.

Could we have sold him in the summer. If we believe his word, he, turned down every offer made for him in the summer not the club.

The sort of extra noise every manager wants when going into a World Cup.

:lol: was waiting for this to start popping up.

No doubt they'll be highly annoyed with the media circus he's brought with him to the WC.

The narcissistic prick must be loving it though since he's now the focus of everyone's attention.
Well the youtube comments are mostly on Ronaldo side, not to mention Man Utd instagram page is also filled with #respect Ronaldo comment everywhere. There's no way we are going to win this thing on the internet, as we are up against biggest name in social media, with the biggest ever support too. Best we could hope for is to reach mutual agreement on termination of contract with Ronaldo, without any compensation. I am not sure if we can sue him for breach of contract, but if some clubs willing to take him in January, it might help us out too.

"Win this thing on the internet" good grief some people really do live in their own dimension.

BTW have you ever considered that you, RedRonaldo, probably follow a lot of social media accounts which are very, I don't know, favorable towards Ronaldo? That might influence the type of content you're seeing.
The fact that United is poorly run is well documented but the fact. That Ronaldo has the mental age of a hormonal teenager is totally on him.

Did I want him here no. My one saving grace was that we stopped him going to city but even that doesn't cut it now.

Could we have sold him in the summer. If we believe his word, he, turned down every offer made for him in the summer not the club.
City sources have denied that any deal with him was close. Mendes 100% played this club like a fiddle based on it's self-imposed servitude to nostalgia and romanticism over logical reasoning. There's no way I believe Pep wanted an egotistical, immobile aging player - it goes completely against his football. Finally City is starting to deny it.

From a United perspective, it did look for a bit at the time that the club was starting to learn (getting Sancho and Varane done that summer), but the Ronaldo purchase and then the reasoning behind it was a pointer that they were more incompetent than us fans ever thought.

How on earth does a serious club buy an aging player that they never planned for and definitely didn't need (we'd just bent over backwards to convince Cavani to stay) simply because it would be an embarrassment if he went to their rivals?! :eek: That was incredibly stupid.
It grates that even pundits I consider sensible casually go "they couldn't have let him go to City" as sound logic :wenger: :wenger: :wenger:
"Win this thing on the internet" good grief some people really do live in their own dimension.

BTW have you ever considered that you, RedRonaldo, probably follow a lot of social media accounts which are very, I don't know, favorable towards Ronaldo? That might influence the type of content you're seeing.
I think you get the wrong idea from my post.
I will try to be objective as possible.

"Ronaldo claimed ETH provoked him by asking him to come in with 3 or few minutes left against 2-0 over Spurs. Ended up Ronaldo walk down to the tunnel early. "

From Ronaldo point of view. I understand it can create frustration and irritation when the team is up 2-0 and with only 3 or few minutes. It will not be 100 % sure you will not make big impact with those short of time left of the match. With 10 -15 minutes and more will be ok. Chance to make bigger impact on the game then. And with the how Ronaldo looks at things, how he is as a person, his ego and everything related to Ronaldo.
Even i am playing on the lowest level of football will get irritate and frustrate if the head coach want me to come in with only few minutes left.
Imagine just before you enter the pitch. The referee just blow the end of the match whistle.
But i recognized Eriksen and Elanga came on as subs at 87 minutes of the games.
So we clearly see how Eriksen and Ronaldo react and have different perspective and views on things. When it's about coming in as a sub at the end of the match. Eriksen accepted compare to Ronaldo refused it. But again Eriksen and Ronaldo see things different and their ego and status are different too. Eriksen have always been a silent and more down to earth than Ronaldo with all his top level of status and fame. It does influence Ronaldo personalities in some way.

So sum up. Ronaldo refused it and look at the negative side of coming on as a sub. And Eriksen was on a more positive way. But the late sub at the end of the match is always open for different reactions. It can have many different reactions. Not all the players will react the same way. Depend theirs background, personality and how they look at things.

And from ETH point of view. I don't know what was the intention of putting Ronaldo in with only few minutes with United 2-0. What ETH think Ronaldo can do with the time left of the match. Is just illusion of his mind. He think Ronaldo will make do this and that. And we will make impact. But it's only on ETH mind. In reality. It will be chance that will not happen like ETH was thinking and his intention.
Even ETH didn't mean to provoke Ronaldo. But with things happen like that. The factors. That is only few minutes left, United 2-0 up and big chance to see that result out. Ronaldo will not make any big difference. I think ETH is able to know it can provoke Ronaldo in a negative way. What Ronaldo did. Even he could react positive.

In one situation earlier with the journalist asking why ETH didn't put Ronaldo in during City lost or at a big loss match back. Then i think ETH will know it will create some negative feelings with such a big player with a big ego like Ronaldo. To bring him on with only few minutes left.

I like to joke with players coming on late as sub. Like only few minutes left. That they have to take a shower. Or do they really sweat. With those few minutes left. They do not even sweat.
And big players and with still big ambitions shall not be happy with only playing few minutes left of the game. When a team is 2-0 up and big chance to see it out.

So in the end. I think both Ronaldo and ETH with huge big egos will defend theirs decisions and actions. With a option to meet face to face and speak it out. Even ETH didn't had bad or negative intention with the late sub. Which Ronaldo look and handle in a negative way. Provoked and dissrespect.
It will be a hard and difficult conversation. But since Ronaldo calls out the owner too. Even it's true and the owner shall accept it. I think we human use to defend and stay on ours decision. More than to find a solution with a talking.
That conversation can happen. Never say never. But i think it's unlikely.

That's my view on the late sub against 2-0 Spurs win. And only on this case. Ronaldo claimed to got provoked by ETH.
I see the City/Spurs comparison a lot, but it's a very different situation. In the City game, United were in a lost and embarrassing situation. Putting Ronaldo on makes him part of the embarrassment for no practical in-game purpose at all.

Spurs is completely different. United are winning and need to see out the game. There's not that much you can contribute in the final minutes, but at least you're being asked to provide a positive contribution to a good situation.

So I can understand why Ten Hag felt he had to spare Ronaldo the embarrassment of the City game and didn't see an issue with bringing him on at the end of the Spurs game. It's not the same context at all.

The sort of extra noise every manager wants when going into a World Cup.

If Portugal fails to get out of their group (entirely possible with Uruguay, Ghana & South Korea in there), I wonder if the Portuguese fans will put a lot of the blame on Ronaldo for this distraction. If so, he would have damaged his legacies with both Utd and Portugal in one fell swoop.
The person I feel for is Fernando Santos. Imagine Ronnie doesn't play well, he's fecked. He can't possibly substitute or bench him.
Ronaldo was ill before their last match, with his record you have to wonder if he wasn’t starting.
Question for posters from Portugal; how your fans and media look at this? Surely they can't be happy how he brought all this circus days before WC?
I mean, i know he is your hero but NT comes first. I hope...
Found this comment on the Stretford Paddock channel, thought I'd share it. All credits to Ch£ :

Ronaldo's album has dropped:

The Complainer

1. Give Me Penalty (Intro)
2. Ghosting
3. Warming Benches
4. Celebration (ft Piers Morgan)
5. Old Friends Become Enemies (ft Rooney & Gary Neville)
6. Washed
7. My Confession (ft Messi)
8. Disrespect (ft Ten Hag)
9. MLS Here I come
10. Smashing Phone (ft Little Kid)
11. Jealousy (ft Rooney)
12. Betrayal (ft Man-U)
13. Siuiii (Outro)
Rejected By Many Clubs (bonus track)

Far too many features for his liking, so he went behind the label's back and re-recorded everyone's vocals.
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