Gaming Cyberpunk 2077 (PC, PS4/5, Xbox One)

I think the whole Cyperpunk element is lost on some.

As a kid I would sometimes buy a game on Friday stay up all weekend to finish it and then get a refund after school on Monday. The mess of Cyperpunk has offered the chance to basically get the game for free(Getting a refund is a no brainer imo).
The glory days of the rebel consumer. We had two Our Prices in our town and people would buy a few cassettes in one, copy them to a blank tape on a portable stereo in the street, pop over the road then get a refund from the other store + more tapes. Rinse and repeat. The analogue Napster.
Exactly the deception by CDPR is the issue and deserves the criticism. Make no mistake though, this isn’t even in the same level of the anti consumerism seen in games such as Fallout 76, Anthem, Godfall, Avengers, Fifa year on year and the last few AC games which all feature huge catelogues of micro transactions. I’d still back CDPR to get Cyberpunk into a place where it’s viewed as a top top game.

People just love to simplify and lump everyone in one easy group.

Saying CDPR deserve a chance is clearly not you saying the corp side or the "billionaires" do, I have no idea why people can't seem to make the distinction here especially when they can when it came to the crunch time bullshit.

People are right to refund as it was released as a broken mess. However I personally think it's dubious to openly love the game and do it anyway. Others disagree and I can repect some of the well made points, like @dumbo above. It's the childish nonsense that always gets me.
Though they are selling you a product and not your emotional experience to the product. If you buy a perfectly working game for all intents and purposes, and just happen to have a miserable time finishing it I don't think you should be able to get a refund simply because it's not your bag. Same with a movie ticket or music album. A faulty projector or a skipping cd should be able to get a refund.

Fair point about not being able to get a refund over games you don't enjoy. There is an option in some platforms to get refunds for x amount of days though if you don't want to play anymore. GOG itself allow them for 30 days in it's policy.

I think it's a grey area. Personally I wouldn't refund a game I enjoy, but I get your points and it's at the person's discretion at the end of the day.
Why are you telling me things I've already said?

Again, actually read my posts. I'm the last fecking person to defend corps, my god it's like you lot just want to jump on everyone together and don't understand context :lol:
I hadn’t read all your previous posts so apologies
Fair point about not being able to get a refund over games you don't enjoy. There is an option in some platforms to get refunds for x amount of days though if you don't want to play anymore. GOG itself allow them for 30 days in it's policy.

I think it's a grey area. Personally I wouldn't refund a game I enjoy, but I get your points and it's at the person's discretion at the end of the day.
Yep Steam and GOG (most digital service providers I would guess) have slightly weird T&Cs with regards to refunds. I'm not really sure how they even work with existing laws. I do stand by the principle of expecting to receive a fully functioning thing you paid for though.I think personal discretion is mostly right here.

Ideally people will support the things they want, and the things they want to see continue. So if you trust that CDPR will fix this up for you and they are a studio you feel are worth supporting (having built good will through Witcher 3 or GOG or whatever), then giving them that chance to get things right rather than doing a hit and run refund, seems a good move. Likewise if you think they've dicked you about with the game then you might not be feeling so sanguine.
I hadn’t read all your previous posts so apologies

No worries mate. But that's my problem, people keep doing it on here and it's tedious :lol:

As for your point about shareholders, you know as well as I do they won't suffer. Look into how many dev teams get split up/sacked every single year over and over, it's never because they are shit as talent. It# a huge problem in the industry, but one people always turn a blind eye too.

It's not only perfectly acceptable, but straight up the right thing to do to support the talent. You can both do that and hate the management/corp side, people need to understand that.
Everyone who’s waiting for the ps5 release will either have to wait a longer time than expected or/and will find a game that still has major flaws. The games a dud and the amount of backlash is far too strong for them to bring their reputation back with this game
Everyone who’s waiting for the ps5 release will either have to wait a longer time than expected or/and will find a game that still has major flaws. The games a dud and the amount of backlash is far too strong for them to bring their reputation back with this game
It's really not though. I get that it has major issues but honestly which game doesn't? For the talk about how poor the AI is that's not really stopped me enjoying it and it hasn't really affected the enjoyment of some of the best RPGs ever made such as Oblivian, Skyrim, Fallout and even the Witcher. The story, writing, voice acting even the general animations (when not being buggy) are absolutely top class and as good if not better than any other RPGs. The launch has been a disaster and the deception CDPR pulled will rightly create controversy but the game is currently great and if they really put in the effort can easily be a top draw. There's a reason it was getting 9 and 10s on Pc even in its current state, there's fundamentally a special game in there and I would implore everyone to give it a chance in a years time as I don't think it's worth missing just because of the poor launch.

I would say on the PS5 even with bugs and crashes this is a solid 8/10 with potential to hit 9 with fixes and 10 if CDPR goes all out, adding content, free DLC etc.
I find it amusing that those starting the 'anti-corp' strawman crusade here are the same posters who willingly buy EA's regurgitated football card gambling simulator every year.
The glory days of the rebel consumer. We had two Our Prices in our town and people would buy a few cassettes in one, copy them to a blank tape on a portable stereo in the street, pop over the road then get a refund from the other store + more tapes. Rinse and repeat. The analogue Napster.

Thats brilliant.
Just came across the ‘Skippy’ - it did make me laugh. Smart aim feels like cheating though!
Just came across the ‘Skippy’ - it did make me laugh. Smart aim feels like cheating though!
Enemies can have it too which livens it up slightly. Also, you have to have good cyberware to make use of it. Agreed though skippy is funny.
Enemies can have it too which livens it up slightly. Also, you have to have good cyberware to make use of it. Agreed though skippy is funny.

I’m only at the stage where I got free tattoo from wakako in Act 2, that enables smart aim - worked pretty good (went with cold blooded option) in 2 NCPD reported crimes. I also have a sniper that has smart aim now too - not tested it out yet.
I find it amusing that those starting the 'anti-corp' strawman crusade here are the same posters who willingly buy EA's regurgitated football card gambling simulator every year.


What's annoying is how many people get suckered into that kind of shite. Two posts completely missing the point and no one bothers to read back, just runs with it. And to think how often the likes of twitter and YT comments gets mocked on here for doing that exact thing, how "trends" are often based on strawman shite like that. And yet it here were are. It's only getting worse too :rolleyes:
Oh if only you guys could actually read before getting so angry eh? You know, just a little bit of context before jumping to the most simplistic and obvious conclusion :rolleyes:

I've made my thoughts on both the "corp" side and people rightfully getting refunds clear.

In any case, it's not the "corp" or "billionaires" who will be suffering. Heads out of arses lads.

Throughout the thread I’ve agreed with you. You’ve made a lot of good points, and you obviously have a level of insight most of us do not possess, certainly not me anyway. My issue is with the one argument in that post, not the rest of your postings which I largely agree with.

This seems a bit of a weird post considering you enjoy FIFA :lol:
I don’t get your point, EA are villainous scum who are an utter cancer to the gaming world. I’ve never denied that, playing Fifa doesn’t mean I don’t recognise that. I’m sorry I insulted the game you like though and I hope one day we can be friends
They will be suffering as the stock price has plummeted and their reputation is in tatters. This after forcing their employees into overtime last month to try and get the game finished.

I feel sorry for the devs working on the game as they’ll no doubt be as pissed as anybody else but to release the game on PS4 and XBOX One in that state is an absolute joke and they deserve everything coming their way. They knew the game was broken and in no fit state for release but they released it anyway hoping consumers would just accept it and wait for patches.

I’d imagine most who complete it and enjoy it won’t request a refund, but no issue with those who do.

Stop copying posts.
I don’t get your point, EA are villainous scum who are an utter cancer to the gaming world. I’ve never denied that, playing Fifa doesn’t mean I don’t recognise that. I’m sorry I insulted the game you like though and I hope one day we can be friends
You're claiming its fine for someone (who's both enjoyed and spent a considerable amount of time playing the game) to push for a refund, yet are willingly filling the pockets of the most anti-consumer gaming corp every year. Do you not see an issue there?
You're claiming its fine for someone (who's both enjoyed and spent a considerable amount of time playing the game) to push for a refund, yet are willingly filling the pockets of the most anti-consumer gaming corp every year. Do you not see an issue there?

I’m saying that if someone says “I enjoyed it but the game is buggy as hell and they cut loads of the stuff they promised” after the gaming company went out of their way to lie to the whole world, then yeah, if you want a refund you’re fully entitled to it.

I’m not going to get a refund, I’m massively disappointed by it but as a general rule I don’t get refunds. I wouldn’t dream of telling someone he did that they were low though, I find that baffling.
Game gets released in a broken state. Some folk on here are calling for the studio to be destroyed because of it. Like, the entire thing. All the staff fired, the building bulldozed. Maybe even a few public hangings.

It's easy to go whole hog with this rhetoric because, at the end of the day, they'll probably buy the next game from the company that they like without much thought. Even if the people who were individually responsible for releasing this thing in an unfinished state and lying to consumers - managers, marketing staff, shareholders - move on and become involved with another company like R* or Naughty Dog, none of the lynch mob are going to take the time to research exactly who they're giving their money to. So, effectively, three years from now they might be buying a game from a company that employs the same folk responsible for Cyberpunk's failings.

In short; why not do something that's in the middle of "not giving a shit, letting corps walk over you" and "burn the entire fecking thing to the ground, and their families!" It's funny how so many people expect others to not be cnuts, but as soon as they're offended even just slightly they feel that they have the moral right to be a cnut themselves.

Just don't buy their next game. Enough of the gaming chair Rambo shite.
And then, there is people like this, complaining why they can't play the game they refunded anymore.

I’m saying that if someone says “I enjoyed it but the game is buggy as hell and they cut loads of the stuff they promised” after the gaming company went out of their way to lie to the whole world, then yeah, if you want a refund you’re fully entitled to it.

I’m not going to get a refund, I’m massively disappointed by it but as a general rule I don’t get refunds. I wouldn’t dream of telling someone he did that they were low though, I find that baffling.
Perhaps its my own moral compass, but I do consider it low trying to refund a game you were for the most part satisfied with. I'm not absolving CDPR of anything here and absolutely do feel if people could not play the game in a stable manner or found it utterly unacceptable that they should seek a refund, not if they've practically finished the game and enjoyed the experience.

And as Pigeon has rightly stated - its not the corp types you're sticking it to, but the devs who will ultimately be passed the buck despite their own protestations on how the game's release was handled.

It's no different to folks who fraudulently report their Amazon deliveries as not being delivered. Yes, Amazon are cnuts but its still borderline theft IMO, and its not the Amazon suits who will feel the brunt of it either.
Throughout the thread I’ve agreed with you. You’ve made a lot of good points, and you obviously have a level of insight most of us do not possess, certainly not me anyway. My issue is with the one argument in that post, not the rest of your postings which I largely agree with.

And my issue with you, is the tangent you took. You honestly think, after everything I've written, that I side with the management/corp aspect? Those fecks are the reason we are even discussing this! This has layers, it's not as simple as siding with "them" or not.

My point is that I think it's morally questionable to jump on this even if you love the game just to get your money back as it's only hurting the developers. The people who need the support the most, the ones who are even more pissed off with the way the game was released than us, they are the ones to suffer.

I'm 100% down with people "sticking it to the man" and people who found this unplayable should 100% refund, that includes people who tried and still feel let down. To do it to save a few quid on a game that you've got your money worth from though? Nah, that's not the way I think and behave, and I don't think it should be applauded and even joked about by the same people who likely also think that the crunch time stuff was wrong.

But anyway, I do appreciate the response my dude, it's all good. Have a great one, with plenty of gaming! :D
I've been avoiding spoilered posts up to now so maybe it's already been talked about but ..
the crucifixion quest was fecking crazy. I wasn't sure how to feel at the end of it. Though it's a shame that there is apparently no way to talk him out of it. For all of its flaws these kinds of quests are a class above.
Perhaps its my own moral compass, but I do consider it low trying to refund a game you were for the most part satisfied with. I'm not absolving CDPR of anything here and absolutely do feel if people could not play the game in a stable manner or found it utterly unacceptable that they should seek a refund, not if they've practically finished the game and enjoyed the experience.

It's no different to folks who fraudulently report their Amazon deliveries as not being delivered. Yes, Amazon are cnuts but its still borderline theft IMO.

@afrocentricity rumbled.

Also Amazon have insurance. You may think you are fecking them and they won’t notice it. But the buck will stop with the delivery driver, who may lose their job. So the little guy will fall just like in this scenario. If you thoroughly enjoyed the game and finished it, I just don’t see how you can ask for a refund.
Perhaps its my own moral compass, but I do consider it low trying to refund a game you were for the most part satisfied with. I'm not absolving CDPR of anything here and absolutely do feel if people could not play the game in a stable manner or found it utterly unacceptable that they should seek a refund, not if they've practically finished the game and enjoyed the experience.

And as Pigeon has rightly stated - its not the corp types you're sticking it to, but the devs who will ultimately be passed the buck despite their own protestations on how the game's release was handled.

It's no different to folks who fraudulently report their Amazon deliveries as not being delivered. Yes, Amazon are cnuts but its still borderline theft IMO, and its not the Amazon suits who will feel the brunt of it either.

@afrocentricity rumbled.

Also Amazon have insurance. You may think you are fecking them and they won’t notice it. But the buck will stop with the delivery driver, who may lose their job. So the little guy will fall just like in this scenario. If you thoroughly enjoyed the game and finished it, I just don’t see how you can ask for a refund.

It's bizarre how people are all about "fecking the corps!" without for one second thinking about who it actually fecks...
Perhaps its my own moral compass, but I do consider it low trying to refund a game you were for the most part satisfied with. I'm not absolving CDPR of anything here and absolutely do feel if people could not play the game in a stable manner or found it utterly unacceptable that they should seek a refund, not if they've practically finished the game and enjoyed the experience.

And as Pigeon has rightly stated - its not the corp types you're sticking it to, but the devs who will ultimately be passed the buck despite their own protestations on how the game's release was handled.

It's no different to folks who fraudulently report their Amazon deliveries as not being delivered. Yes, Amazon are cnuts but its still borderline theft IMO.

I get that and I can understand that viewpoint. I can’t bring myself to personally agree with it though. I’ve enjoyed myself when I have played it, but I’ve had to pack it in because the crashes have just killed my appetite. Even without the crashes, the game is so far from what I was promised, that I do feel ripped off. Like I said though I’m not one for refunds, and I do think down the line there will be a really fun game where (albeit I can’t seehow they’d fix certain aspects even with all the time in the world.

I don’t really agree with @Mr Pigeons viewpoint there about the devs, fine fellow that he is. I don’t think a glut of refunds will reflect on the devs (who I have nothing but respect for) the issues with the game clearly come down on the financial side, not enough time meaning so much had to be cut, and the game pushed out in a broken state. This has been acknowledged by the management. I think it absolutely plays into the hands of the money men if we equate “refund = bad for devs” .The devs are incredibly talented and I feel so much for them, I don’t blame them on iota. And on that note I don’t think they’ll be viewed as the responsible party for this mess, the reaction from the gaming community, even the most pissed off, all seem to commiserate with the creators and blame the guys upstairs. I’d have had much more sympathy with the suits if there wasn’t such a concerted Effort to disguise what this game was.
It's bizarre how people are all about "fecking the corps!" without for one second thinking about who it actually fecks...

Ive touched on that in my last post, but doesn’t that absolutely play into the hands of the corps? If expressing dissatisfaction with the game in form of monetary reimbursement is an attack on the creators and should be avoided, not the money men, surely that’s a win win for the corps?
Ive touched on that in my last post, but doesn’t that absolutely play into the hands of the corps? If expressing dissatisfaction with the game in form of monetary reimbursement is an attack on the creators and should be avoided, not the money men, surely that’s a win win for the corps?

Either way we do mate, either way they aren't suffering! The lost revenue is in cuts not out of their pockets, that's business 101. But your own view on right/wrong should matter too, it's not just about corps and money men and bugs. That's the point.

It's fine for people to get refunds for things that aren't right. I'm one of those who sends steaks back every single time they are wrong for example. I am all over companies who don't perform, for f's sake I left the industry that was my dream over exactly this kind of shit! I literally walked out of a huge deal because of some fat producer prick who didn't know shit. I am a serial complainer, and I am all for consumer rights especially in games. My criticisms always come from a place of people paying good money for these games, but also with respect to the people who are at the bottom end who (as I keep saying) will be more pissed off about this than any of us are, in more ways than one.

But what I'm not is someone who just looks out for themselves and aims to take advantage. I do think that is low. I won't eat half a steak and then complain to save a few pounds, I won't act like things haven't shown up when a delivery driver throws it over my fence, and I won't ask for my money back on things I've got my money's worth out of. I certainly won't do that then hide behind the "sticking it to the man" mantra.

I'm not saying you do of course, I'm just further trying to explain why I feel like that. People can call me a sucker or act like it's in the name of a cause, or even for a laugh. That's fine, I've done plenty of dubious shit over the years like that myself (like the CD copying and taking it back @dumbo :lol:) I've also stolen from shops plenty of times as a kid. But I own it and I certainly learned to think differently from being on the receiving end of stuff like piracy, which I have lost out thousands on. I never pretended it was anything other than stealing and greed, then tried to justify it behind some phoney cause that we all ultimately agree means nothing.
I think in its current state it's saveable, the internet make mountains out of everything. No doubt it needs a lot of work but it can be done.

I remember No Mans Sky (One mans lie)... that was able to recover albeit required significant work. I hope they can do it here because as others have said there is a real special game underneath.
I get that and I can understand that viewpoint. I can’t bring myself to personally agree with it though. I’ve enjoyed myself when I have played it, but I’ve had to pack it in because the crashes have just killed my appetite. Even without the crashes, the game is so far from what I was promised, that I do feel ripped off. Like I said though I’m not one for refunds, and I do think down the line there will be a really fun game where (albeit I can’t seehow they’d fix certain aspects even with all the time in the world.

I don’t really agree with @Mr Pigeons viewpoint there about the devs, fine fellow that he is. I don’t think a glut of refunds will reflect on the devs (who I have nothing but respect for) the issues with the game clearly come down on the financial side, not enough time meaning so much had to be cut, and the game pushed out in a broken state. This has been acknowledged by the management. I think it absolutely plays into the hands of the money men if we equate “refund = bad for devs” .The devs are incredibly talented and I feel so much for them, I don’t blame them on iota. And on that note I don’t think they’ll be viewed as the responsible party for this mess, the reaction from the gaming community, even the most pissed off, all seem to commiserate with the creators and blame the guys upstairs. I’d have had much more sympathy with the suits if there wasn’t such a concerted Effort to disguise what this game was.

Nobody is saying you are not allowed to refund.

The point is if said person finishes and enjoyed the game, why are they asking for a refund? Pro clubs is broken every year with a lot of stupid bugs as you would know, but I still enjoy it and not demanding that I am refunded. Some of the bugs in pro clubs have been there for a decade.

If you want a refund then go for it. Nobody is arguing there’s lots of bugs or the game is completely broken on old consoles. But some people were able to look past that, finish it and enjoy it.

I read through the posters previous posts in this thread. He did say the game was buggy, but he also said repeatedly he was enjoying it. So he was able to look past the bugs and enjoy it or why else would you rush to finish it especially if you got a digital version? There wasn’t a refund procedure for digital until Friday. So he could have waited until they fixed the game. It’s not like he had a disc copy, wanted to finish it fast so he can sell it quickly before it’s value dropped. He had a digital version and there was no indication that Sony would do what they did on Friday. Not sure how long it is to finish, but has to be a significant amount of time to finish it. More than your monies worth.

People should stop listening to promises from publishers. I stopped doing that after Fable. Molyneux got me two times with his promises and over selling of the game. Then when I played it, a lot of the features he was rambling on about were not even in the game. I still enjoyed the games though.
I don’t really agree with @Mr Pigeons viewpoint there about the devs, fine fellow that he is. I don’t think a glut of refunds will reflect on the devs (who I have nothing but respect for) the issues with the game clearly come down on the financial side, not enough time meaning so much had to be cut, and the game pushed out in a broken state. This has been acknowledged by the management. I think it absolutely plays into the hands of the money men if we equate “refund = bad for devs” .The devs are incredibly talented and I feel so much for them, I don’t blame them on iota. And on that note
I hope you're right (not the fine fellow thing, though, I'm a right wanker) and that the shit doesn't get dumped on the desks of the Devs themselves - whether through crunch time or redundancies. Maybe CDPR are still "different" from most other businesses. At the very least the shareholders calls reflect that the big money folk are more concerned about their reputation than their wallets, so you're probably on to something there. I'm just getting cynical in my very old age.
Either way we do mate, either way they aren't suffering! The lost revenue is in cuts not out of their pockets, that's business 101. But your own view on right/wrong should matter too, it's not just about corps and money men and bugs. That's the point.

It's fine for people to get refunds for things that aren't right. I'm one of those who sends steaks back every single time they are wrong for example. I am all over companies who don't perform, for f's sake I left the industry that was my dream over exactly this kind of shit! I literally walked out of a huge deal because of some fat producer prick who didn't know shit. I am a serial complainer, and I am all for consumer rights especially in games. My criticisms always come from a place of people paying good money for these games, but also with respect to the people who are at the bottom end who (as I keep saying) will be more pissed off about this than any of us are, in more ways than one.

But what I'm not is someone who just looks out for themselves and aims to take advantage. I do think that is low. I won't eat half a steak and then complain to save a few pounds, I won't act like things haven't shown up when a delivery driver throws it over my fence, and I won't ask for my money back on things I've got my money's worth out of. I certainly won't do that then hide behind the "sticking it to the man" mantra.

I'm not saying you do of course, I'm just further trying to explain why I feel like that. People can call me a sucker or act like it's in the name of a cause, or even for a laugh. That's fine, I've done plenty of dubious shit over the years like that myself (like the CD copying and taking it back @dumbo :lol:) I've also stolen from shops plenty of times as a kid. But I own it and I certainly learned to think differently from being on the receiving end of stuff like piracy, which I have lost out thousands on. I never pretended it was anything other than stealing and greed, then tried to justify it behind some phoney cause that we all ultimately agree means nothing.

Hard to disagree with this tbh. You’re right in that there is a difference between genuinely feeling entitled to monetary reimbursement, and also just wanting cash. like I said I personally won’t be getting a refund (though sadly it has been unplayable for me),that’s more to do with being a lazy decker who never does (and also because with time I’m actually looking forward to what the game could be).
Haven’t played this for nearly a week now. Have there been any more patches?
I think in its current state it's saveable, the internet make mountains out of everything. No doubt it needs a lot of work but it can be done.

I remember No Mans Sky (One mans lie)... that was able to recover albeit required significant work. I hope they can do it here because as others have said there is a real special game underneath.

That game is entirely different to this one.

Your point about "the internet" is ridiculous too.

I hope it can be saved though, I'm with you on that.
Anyone playing this to completion and then claiming a refund is just being a cnut and I'm sure they know that. It's a fair bit of money back though so some won't care especially around Christmas.

I remember watching a film in the US once and afterwards some massive bloke was arguing with the manager for a refund because the film was shit (can't remember what it was). Reminds me of that.

I wonder if they allowed people to request partial refunds how much money they'd save.
Hard to disagree with this tbh. You’re right in that there is a difference between genuinely feeling entitled to monetary reimbursement, and also just wanting cash. like I said I personally won’t be getting a refund (though sadly it has been unplayable for me),that’s more to do with being a lazy decker who never does (and also because with time I’m actually looking forward to what the game could be).

You and me both my friend.

As you get, I'm very much disappointed rather than angry with this game. Sure people can bang on about how critical I am with games as if that's a bad thing, but ultimately all I want are them to be the best entertainment for us all. So do the guys making them. I won't make excuses for the shit served up no more than I will jump on issues because of internet hype. I call it as I see it, and in this game I see what they wanted to aim for and it really saddens me to see the state of the release, and that includes the PC version. This is a fraction of the game they designed all those years ago, and that's such a sad thought.

However I will say, and I have said a few times in this thread, that there are positives. There is still a good game there, perhaps even great if they are allowed the content patches they have promised. I'm skeptical because I've been there, but that doesn't mean I'm right. Here's to being wrong!
That game is entirely different to this one.

Your point about "the internet" is ridiculous too.

I hope it can be saved though, I'm with you on that.
What makes it ridiculous? It is a well known fact that the internet overreact at the drop of a hat. Give it a few months and it will have all calmed down and they'll have moved on to the next thing to be outraged at.

I'm not defending CDPR mind, their launch has been a joke. Merely stating the internet can, have and will go overboard with things.