Donald Trump - All things impeachment.... | Acquitted in the Senate

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aspiring to be like Ryan Giggs
Apr 20, 2000
midtable anonymity
Come to think of it, I guess it’s no difference to a President threatening to bomb another country so nothing historic there I suppose.


( . Y . ) planned for Christmas
Sep 4, 2013
The Royal Kingdom of Trumpistan
Kinda bizarre that when I go in my YouTube recommendations now I get a whole bunch of videos attacking the whole thing, from Fox News all the way down to the darkest holes of conspiracy channels. Makes ya wonder what the heck happened to my long watch history etc that totally doesn't support showing me that as recommended.


Full Member
Jul 14, 2008
I may be the devil, but i'm not a monster
Kinda bizarre that when I go in my YouTube recommendations now I get a whole bunch of videos attacking the whole thing, from Fox News all the way down to the darkest holes of conspiracy channels. Makes ya wonder what the heck happened to my long watch history etc that totally doesn't support showing me that as recommended.
Republicans just dumped a shit load of money at the door of youtube and google...


Captain Stink mouth, so soppy few pints very wow!
Jun 28, 2014
My brain can't get pregnant!
This isn't going to end well at all.

Let's look at the facts.

Trump has broken laws on a daily basis. He's ignored traditions, norms, and etiquette. He has strong armed his way through whatever has come his way. He has lied, cheated, ignored, denied absolutely everything. There hasn't been one single day where he hasn't been found to do something that if Obama had done, the Republicans would have crucified him for it.

Trump, his family and the Republicans with the help of right wing media like Fox, Talk Radio, Rush, Hannity etc and Breitbart have completely cornered a market. That market is a section of America and Americans who felt lost, frightened and scared, disillusioned, left out, forgotten and not listened to. Many are uneducated, many are deeply religious. Many are poor, and many are just rich and greedy and don't want change or some foreigner or poor person getting something they don't deserve.

The GOP and Trump have targeted these groups, played on their hopes and fears and misled them to the point where we are now, where you have many confused but good, decent people arguing for Trump when they are actually arguing and defending someone who is trampling over everything they are trying to protect. They are arguing against the Constitution they hold so dear simply because they have been brainwashed to think everything the Dems or Fake News say is bad and wrong. The irony is obvious to do many.

Trump isn't going to go quietly, thanks been evident since the day he took office. The troubling fact is that his **** won't let him either. Worse still, the Republicans have taken their side. They are sticking with Trump instead of standing up for what is right and proving what they claim to believe in is absolute bollocks.

The USA is facing it's biggest challenge of its history. Everything it claimed to stand for has been dismantled and it really is going to be tested in the coming weeks and months. The hatred on both sides is so evident and you can bet Trump will use that and everything else he can before he I either pulled kicking and screaming from the Whitehouse or taken out on a stretcher.

Sir Matt

Blue Devil
Jul 22, 2009
This isn't going to end well at all.

Let's look at the facts.

Trump has broken laws on a daily basis. He's ignored traditions, norms, and etiquette. He has strong armed his way through whatever has come his way. He has lied, cheated, ignored, denied absolutely everything. There hasn't been one single day where he hasn't been found to do something that if Obama had done, the Republicans would have crucified him for it.

Trump, his family and the Republicans with the help of right wing media like Fox, Talk Radio, Rush, Hannity etc and Breitbart have completely cornered a market. That market is a section of America and Americans who felt lost, frightened and scared, disillusioned, left out, forgotten and not listened to. Many are uneducated, many are deeply religious and the GOP and Trump have targeted them, played on their hopes and fears and misled them to the point where we are now where you have many confused but good, decent people arguing for Trump when they are actually arguing and defending someone who is trampling over everything they are trying to protect. They are arguing against the Constitution they hold so dear simply because they have been brainwashed to think everything the Dems or Fake News say is bad and wrong. The irony is obvious to do many.

Trump isn't going to go quietly, thanks been evident since the day he took office. The troubling fact is that his **** won't let him either. Worse still, the Republicans have taken their side. They are sticking with Trump instead of standing up for what is right and proving what they claim to believe in is absolute bollocks.

The USA is facing it's biggest challenge of its history. Everything it claimed to stand for has been dismantled and it really is going to be tested in the coming weeks and months. The hatred on both sides is so evident and you can bet Trump will use that and everything else he can before he I either pulled kicking and screaming from the Whitehouse or taken out on a stretcher.


More helpful with spreadsheets than Phurry
May 13, 2010
Good lord, I just read some Fox News comments on literally just the whistleblower document, with no commentary.

Those people are very, very scary.


( . Y . ) planned for Christmas
Sep 4, 2013
The Royal Kingdom of Trumpistan
Good lord, I just read some Fox News comments on literally just the whistleblower document, with no commentary.

Those people are very, very scary.
I've learned to just stay away from those. A lot of shill accounts seem to operate in those places - not unlike the daily mail.

I'm quite heavily involved and exposed to more local politics and I can't help but think that social media has driven particularly a certain segment of the babyboomer completely bonkers. Many seem to spend every hour of the day bitching about the most trivial things as if every small thing is part of a larger progressive/liberal conspiracy. And politicians who may appear fairly moderate behind closed doors are feeding every single one of their fears in public - in a way it makes complaints about that Greta girl by many of those same elements hypocritical as feck.

It's no wonder many kids don't go on Facebook anymore.
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Captain Stink mouth, so soppy few pints very wow!
Jun 28, 2014
My brain can't get pregnant!
I wasn't being flippant or facetious with my comments. In no way did I want to dismiss the plight of slaves or of those fighting in the civil war. But! That was all back at a time where the majority of the world was facing similar battles. Slavery wasn't (and still isn't) exclusive to the USA. Internal battles for unity isn't exclusive to the USA. East & West Germany. England & Scotland. History is full of examples.

The point I was making was simple. This isn't going to end well at all. The hatred is evident from reading just a few Tweets or replies on Facebook or watching a few segments on Fox.

Trump has single handedly taken over the USA and steamrolled everything..

Laws against nepotism. He's ignored them.

Emoluments laws, he's ignored them.

He's upset all the USA's allies and cosied up to North Korea, Russia, Saudi Arabia. He's moved the Israeli Embassy. He's slagged Gold Star families and called them liars. He's gone after nearly every single law Obama had put in place to protect people, be it environmentally, financially or professionally. He's lied about funding to the military and taken funds for his wall that doesn't work and nobody wants. He's taken money from the Vets and he's used socialism and public funding to bail out farmers he's screwed over with his own tarrifs that not only don't work, but are costing his country billions of dollars. He's increased the deficit to insane levels and he's attacking the head of the Federal Reserve, a man he put in charge, and blaming him for the shit his own tarrifs are causing.

He has appointed people purely on their opinion of him and their interpretation of law that says he cannot be held accountable for anything and put them in charge so every angle is covered and they will defend him and his position at all costs, even when it goes against the Constitution they all claim to hold so dear.

He's even ignored a US territory battered by the worst hurricane in its history and lied about the aid it recieved and slammed the local politicians because they called him out on his bullshit. Thousands have died because of him and that's not mentioning the kids in cages, illegal ICE raids and drone strikes like the one last week that killed 30 innocent people. He's consulted with rogue states and made deals purely to get himself a Nobel Peace Prize. He's also clearly fecking insane!

In any other country in the civilised world, any other leader would have been stopped long ago. They would have been warned, charged and removed from office. If Obama or Hillary had done this well, it wouldn't even be in question. They would be fecked. Trump has made a mockery of the Constitution and exposed it's weaknesses and exploited them with the aid of a greedy and scared GOP. He's turned the USA in to a Banana Republic and become its dictator.

But, the worst thing Trump has done... He's manipulated around 40% of the country to.the point where they don't believe anything anymore unless it comes from him or places he endorses or promotes. Yes there was division before, and yes there was hatred, but Trump and this administration have dialed that shit up to 12! He's made out it's a war and he is under attack and as I said, he won't relinquish power, and they feel they have nothing to lose.....

I may be wrong, and I hope I am, but I can see Trump playing the martyr and people fighting in the streets to defend him all because he won't go quietly because in his eyes, he is omnipotent and has done nothing wrong because he doesn't give a shit.


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
So does this have any chance of actually happening? The whole collusion thing didn't have any actual impact despite the media going bonkers about Mueller.


Full Member
Jan 22, 2018
So does this have any chance of actually happening? The whole collusion thing didn't have any actual impact despite the media going bonkers about Mueller.
If they can bring in the people who are mentioned in the whistleblower complaint and if they testify that Trump and his staff did all the things mentioned in the complaint, then he’ll probably be impeached but even then you can’t be sure. It’s just crazy that trying to collude with a foreign government for personal gains for the second time in 2 years and clearcut abuse of power isn’t enough to say for sure that Trump will be impeached when Bill Clinton was impeached for lying under oath about an alleged sexual affair


Winner of the 'I'm not reading that' medal.
Jun 2, 2009
Big Days
This has moved at a super rapid pace. We might have a President Pence after all (Yikes!)
He’s also been implicated. He was due for an official visit to Ukraine but cancelled at the last minute.


Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
May 5, 2003
I love free dirt and rocks!
feck's sake...I come to England for the Brexit morass and miss the impeachment in the US. Hopefully this drags out till I'm home in November.


likes to take afvanadva wothowi doubt
Nov 28, 2014
Is this another load of BS or is it actually going to bring him down?
It is not a load of BS but it isn't going to bring him down. Senate Republicans will never vote to remove him no matter what happens.

Wednesday at Stoke

Full Member
Feb 11, 2014
Time Travel
It is not a load of BS but it isn't going to bring him down. Senate Republicans will never vote to remove him no matter what happens.
One doesn't know how many more skeletons are going to come out of the closet if the house subpoenas the white house to produce a history of all call transcripts they hid in the super secret vault. At some point something is going to break the camel's back.


More helpful with spreadsheets than Phurry
May 13, 2010
The only way it plays out with impeachment is if a few marginal GOP senators see a poll saying they'll benefit from looking bipartisan and impeaching. That's all that matters to them.

Wednesday at Stoke

Full Member
Feb 11, 2014
Time Travel
The only way it plays out with impeachment is if a few marginal GOP senators see a poll saying they'll benefit from looking bipartisan and impeaching. That's all that matters to them.
If Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio starts exploring a presidential campaign you can know that the roaches are abandoning the ship.
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