Fellaini | Gone

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A good plan B, but no top European club would ever have a Fellaini in their team for as long as we've had him.

Time to move on. Great news.
Notice how it's not any of europes elite clubs coming in for Fellaini
This hardly means anything. You could put Jones, Rojo, Pereira and Scott in the market and you wouldn't have "elite" European clubs lining up for them.
Fellaini is going to China, because he has agreed to go there. He was not even in the market 24 hrs back.
Can't stand him as a player. He's a big lumbering oaf who has a history of throwing his elbow in to players faces. Good riddance to him.
Never mind the fact he gave 100% for your club, scoring some important goals even though he always received unnecessary abuse. Wasn't his fault managers consistently trusted and picked him.

All the best to him.
This hardly means anything. You could put Jones, Rojo, Pereira and Scott in the market and you wouldn't have "elite" European clubs lining up for them.
Fellaini is going to China, because he has agreed to go there. He was not even in the market 24 hrs back.
Yeah because they are all dross, however if you made Martial available there would be suitors would there not?
This hardly means anything. You could put Jones, Rojo, Pereira and Scott in the market and you wouldn't have "elite" European clubs lining up for them.
Fellaini is going to China, because he has agreed to go there. He was not even in the market 24 hrs back.
Periera had some links with Chelsea and Arsenal.
Never mind the fact he gave 100% for your club, scoring some important goals even though he always received unnecessary abuse. Wasn't his fault managers consistently trusted and picked him.

All the best to him.
You say giving 100% as if that's a reason to stand up and applaud.

The bare minimum I expect from a United player is giving 100%. I'm not going to be impressed when a player earning millions a year goes to work and puts in some effort. That should be a given ffs.
Harsh to say this but to me he’s unfortunately a personified reminder of our post SAF decline. Absolutely nothing against his work ethic and professionalism but with this and letting Valencia go, I’m glad we seem to no longer be setting for mediocrity.
Least we are getting a fee.

You get the sense this will be the start of a clear out. I’m expecting a big summer.
Least we are getting a fee.

You get the sense this will be the start of a clear out. I’m expecting a big summer.
If Rojo, Jones, Darmian and Valencia follow him (and we actually get replacements for them), that would be a pretty fantastic summer.

I think that Young and Mata should stay for another year, but wouldn't be upset if they leave too.
If Rojo, Jones, Darmian and Valencia follow him (and we actually get replacements for them), that would be a pretty fantastic summer.

I think that Young and Mata should stay for another year, but wouldn't be upset if they leave too.

I think what you said will happen, except Mata might leave too. Would add Andreas to that list I’d imagine he’ll be off as well.
Well aren't you the optimist. If you look at the players brought in since Woody took over, starting with Fellaini and Mata, either they're still here and underperforming, or they were sold with a loss (maybe he broke even on Schneiderlin) :lol:

Pogba was great business though, I'll give him that. But I genuinely think he hasn't sold one player with a profit, how is that not ridiculously poor?
Hard to sell for a profit when their performances haven't been great, they're barely playing and are on higher wages than they would be at other clubs. To pretty much break even on Schneiderlin worked out great for us when you see what he's done since. Been so bad that they'd almost struggle to give him away - especially with the wages he's on.

As for Memphis, the price was a bit lower because we agreed buy-back and sell-on clauses with Lyon. With how he's played for Lyon, when he's sold we'll probably have made a profit overall.
I always think posters who celebrate the departure of a hard working player must be particularly negative and simple minded people.

Whether Fellaini leaves or not changes little other than depriving the manager of a further option and in this case one that is unlikely to be used. In that sense it's good business to remove his wages but somehow i don't think those celebrating are overjoyed with additional funds but small minded pettiness.

Never a top talent but he had his uses here and gave his all even when abused by his own fans. A good signing overall even if misused at times
If Rojo, Jones, Darmian and Valencia follow him (and we actually get replacements for them), that would be a pretty fantastic summer.

I think that Young and Mata should stay for another year, but wouldn't be upset if they leave too.
Unfortunately, don't think we have the money to replace everyone in one window. And I really doubt Woodward can close big deals that fast, even if we had money.
I thought the same too.

Learn to read and how to write good posts without throwing rehashed and lame digs for the one you're replaying to without even knowing what he's saying is my only advice.

I'm for selling Fellaini. I have said in another post we should offload him in summer :

The problem is I'm not for selling him midway in the season while we're having top 4, CL and Fa Cup to battle for without any reinforcements. Selling him in summer would have let us sell and replace him immediately, but now we're losing a valuable squad member while having to depend on players who aren't as reliable and have been disappointing whenever they played like Fred, Periera and Scott whatever the fans overrate the former 2 the longer they don't play. Now any injury to one of our trio midfielders (Pogba, Matic and Herrera ), we'll have to play the likes of Fred or Periera or even worth, switch out entire formation that's working to another one with 2 midfielders one, because we lost a valuable squad member.

But yeah your definition for this is I'm a Fellaini apologist. I have been labelled apologist here and agenda driven in some other players thread. Simply no one can express his opinion on squad anymore without being labelled "agenda driven" or "apologist". Grow up a little bit. The player I defend isn't giving me money to defend him and the player I criticize isn't taking my position in the team ffs. It's just opinions, opinions !

But I'll copy a phrase of earlier and say again yeah good riddance. My last replay on this point.
To be honest, there's nothing no one can say to make me less excited about getting rid of Fellaini, not even in the case of an injury crisis.
Why good riddance? We don't half have some sorry excuses for fans here.

Scored some vital goals and pretty much did what we always expected him to do.

He's the personification of post-Fergie United and not the quality I think United need, but that's not his fault and I've never doubted his effort.

Same "fans" sticking the knife in now who were tripping over themselves yesterday to spit on Valencia's grave I suspect.

I do wish you'd kindly feck off an "support" a team with players you don't despise.
I always think posters who celebrate the departure of a hard working player must be particularly negative and simple minded people.
I'll turn it around and say that anyone who thinks such a limited player putting in some effort is good enough for United, is rather simple minded.

Throwing such flimsy insults at people who don't share your opinion is easy, isn't it?
Periera had some links with Chelsea and Arsenal.
I doubt if they would want him much now, if he is not cheap. Anyways, my point is Fellaini not being on radar of big clubs hardly means anything. He is going because he wants himself to be sold to Chinese club. Else we were pretty much stuck with him for another year at least.
Gratitude for what?

Being paid a fortune for being not very good at football?

Get a fecking grip man.

Gratitude is for people who do selfless things for you, who put them selves out for you, who help you out.

Not for people being paid millions to play a game, honestly, the state of people these days.

As for the Felliani, if the stories are true then praise the sun, should have been first out the door every transfer window for the last 4 years but still managed to cling on.

Based on that notion you should only ever be grateful to your parents. You sound like a fun guy to hang out with.

Fellaini has always given his all despite the unnecessary abuse he received. He scored some important goals in his time here and yes I am grateful for his effort. But anyway, what do I know? Carry on and abuse him, I guess he deserves that considering he hasn't put himself out for you.
Unfortunately, don't think we have the money to replace everyone in one window. And I really doubt Woodward can close big deals that fast, even if we had money.
A CB, a RB, a right forward and possibly a CM are all we need for next season. Pretty confident that we can do it. We have signed more than 4 players in a window multiple times under Woody, and we should have plenty of money considering that we didn't spend much last summer and all these players leaving (maybe even one of Lukaku/Sanchez) will release a lot of money from the wages.

I am very confident that we are going to sign 4-5 players in the summer.
Gratitude for what?

Being paid a fortune for being not very good at football?

Get a fecking grip man.

Gratitude is for people who do selfless things for you, who put them selves out for you, who help you out.

Not for people being paid millions to play a game, honestly, the state of people these days.

As for the Felliani, if the stories are true then praise the sun, should have been first out the door every transfer window for the last 4 years but still managed to cling on.
Couldn't have said it better myself, the PC brigade is bordering on insanity. You'd think he was Gandhi, and if you go by passing range he's not far off.
Fellani gave it his all over here. He can't help his transfer fee, the choice of managers at the club, their decision to play him or his own limited abilities.

He tried his level best to help the team win and was successful on multiple occasions. Just for that and giving it his all, he deserves respect and a proper send off.
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I'll turn it around and say that anyone who thinks such a limited player putting in some effort is good enough for United, is rather simple minded.

Throwing such flimsy insults at people who don't share your opinion is easy, isn't it?

At least he put in effort, that's more than some other players can say. And he's still a better midfield option than McTominay and Pereira. We should hold on to him till end of the season. There are other players who I'd rather leave than him.
A CB, a RB, a right forward and possibly a CM are all we need for next season. Pretty confident that we can do it. We have signed more than 4 players in a window multiple times under Woody, and we should have plenty of money considering that we didn't spend much last summer and all these players leaving (maybe even one of Lukaku/Sanchez) will release a lot of money from the wages.

I am very confident that we are going to sign 4-5 players in the summer.
It depends on what kind of players we are looking at. I mean if we are going for top players, then Woodward has lots of competition to fend off. He has the advantage of "attractive football" at least now. Earlier, we just had money.
Based on that notion you should only ever be grateful to your parents. You sound like a fun guy to hang out with.

Fellaini has always given his all despite the unnecessary abuse he received. He scored some important goals in his time here and yes I am grateful for his effort. But anyway, what do I know? Carry on and abuse him, I guess he deserves that considering he hasn't put himself out for you.
I meet these selfless people every day, hitch-hiking and staying for free in people's homes all around the world. They have almost nothing and they share whatever they have. Get a grip.
Was he? Could have fooled me.

Like another poster said; Andy Carroll was a better football than Benteke. He just has bad luck with injuries.

Never in a million years was Andy Carroll a better footballer than the Aston Villa Christian Benteke. He was not just some lump. Much better than Lukaku and was the first choice ahead of him for country. Then it all seems to have inexplicably gone to shit tbh. But the big man had some silk to his game for sure, he had a brilliant touch and finesse with his finishing Carroll and Lukaku could never have.
I refuse to feel guilty about being happy that United might sell Fellaini :)

I don't care if that means I fail your 'real United fan' test.
Myth 1: we don't have enough midfielders

We've got Matic, Herrera and Pogba as first teamers + Mctominay, Periera, Mata and Fred as reserves. Lingard can also play more centrally if needed

Myth 2: 7m is not good enough

We're selling a 31 year old player whose probably on a huge salary having just signed a long term contract. This guy is so shite that no one wanted to sign him up as a free agent.
I am not keen on him leaving unless we are getting an offer too good to refuse. He may not be the free flowing type of footballer we want our team to play but he is incredibly useful to have as an alternative in tough games or when we desperately need something. With the games coming up, he would be a nice option. Of course I'd rather us not need to use the option.

Plus I've gained a lot of respect for Fellani over the years. The amount of shit he has to put up with is unreal and comes through it each time
I remember this :lol:
A lot of supporters hella confused right now
Really? You got these people to quote? I seem to just remember some fans pointing out his usefulness against the waves of ridiculous hyperbole thrown about, as if he was some bloke we found behind the bike sheds and gave him a 400k a week contract.
Chelsea would have got at least 15m for him, how do they do it? It's not like their players are on low wages either.
Never in a million years was Andy Carroll a better footballer than the Aston Villa Christian Benteke. He was not just some lump. Much better than Lukaku and was the first choice ahead of him for country. Then it all seems to have inexplicably gone to shit tbh. But the big man had some silk to his game for sure, he had a brilliant touch and finesse with his finishing Carroll and Lukaku could never have.

Don't exaggerate... When Benteke was prefered to Lukaku, Lukaku was only 20 years old at the time. I always liked pre-Liverpool Benteke, but Lukaku was obviously the bigger talent.
You say giving 100% as if that's a reason to stand up and applaud.

The bare minimum I expect from a United player is giving 100%. I'm not going to be impressed when a player earning millions a year goes to work and puts in some effort. That should be a given ffs.
It's not a given though is it?

He put in far more effort than some the players you'll continue to support the rest of the season.

It's pretty classless to say 'good riddance' to a player who did nothing but his best.
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