Fellaini's best moments

Anecdotally, I think a lot of children took interest in Manchester United because we had a man with a huge afro playing for us.

I realise this wasn't his most significant contribution to the team but I always found it charming nonetheless.
Surely it gets to a point where you have enough money not to worry so much abot how many thousands more spare you'll have a week.

No idea mate, if i ever get rich enough for it to be a dilemma for me i'll let you know.

But it's a short career and all players are motivated by money to some extent.
@devilish is one of my favourite posters on the caf but that comment about adult diapers regarding Fergie and Sir Bobby is fecking disgraceful imo.

As for Fellaini, I loved his gutsy attitude. In a team full of Cleverleys and Depays and Schneiderlins, I can only admire his spirit, heart, fight and most importantly, his balls. I love Martial as much as anyone on here, but if only the caf’s golden boy had Fellaini’s desire...

Our OT crowd is full of cretins tbh. Boo the only warrior on our team, but politely clap cnuts like Moyes, Van Gaal and Mourinho off the pitch. I am not above booing our own players, but at least boo those who deserve it like Jones, Rojo and mercenaries like Alexis.

If it weren’t for the clown who signed him, Big Marouane would have been considered a better signing than snowflake bottler Berbatov.
Pulling that arsenals players hair at OT, otherwise his just overall proper pro, his time came to go,we need to move the ball quicker.
@devilish is one of my favourite posters on the caf but that comment about adult diapers regarding Fergie and Sir Bobby is fecking disgraceful imo.

As for Fellaini, I loved his gutsy attitude. In a team full of Cleverleys and Depays and Schneiderlins, I can only admire his spirit, heart, fight and most importantly, his balls. I love Martial as much as anyone on here, but if only the caf’s golden boy had Fellaini’s desire...

Our OT crowd is full of cretins tbh. Boo the only warrior on our team, but politely clap cnuts like Moyes, Van Gaal and Mourinho off the pitch. I am not above booing our own players, but at least boo those who deserve it like Jones, Rojo and mercenaries like Alexis.

If it weren’t for the clown who signed him, Big Marouane would have been considered a better signing than snowflake bottler Berbatov.

I wonder, was it this last line that got you banned? :lol:

Berb supplied way more class, and was top scorer leading us to the league one of the seasons Rooney was off the boil.
Fellaini was way, way off that.
Surely it gets to a point where you have enough money not to worry so much abot how many thousands more spare you'll have a week.

To us "Norms", it certainly seems that way.

But to players, who know they're only one bad challenge away from being finished, and either way they'll most likely be finished by 35, and possibly have another 50 years with very reduced income, it'd be madness not to go for the highest you can earn while you can.

There's always a way to spend however much money you have, but not necessarily ways to always earn it.
Not a felliani fan at all but he did score one very important goal people forgot, under van gaal was it west ham or burnley he scored a late winner to get us into the champions league position.

It was against Palace. It didn't guarantee CL but it made it very likely.
Martial didn’t sign a new contract yesterday.

I’ve read your post exactly how you meant it so sound. You were happy with United, but the happiest when we sold a player. A player who has scored important goals for us, was immense in a European final and never spoke badly about the club.

Since you’ve been posting I’ve seen you call Carrick - “carsick”. You called O’Shea ‘O’Shit’. You have insulted Berbatov and Fellaini. You had a notorious dislike for Neville and Charlton.

Look at this post about Giggs, Ferguson and Charlton FFS

“The only good thing about getting Giggs will be that if he also fails then the old guys will probably leave with him. It would be about time too. Considering SAF's and Charlton's age we will pretty soon start delivering adult nappies in the board room”

In one post you belittle Giggs, Ferguson and Charlton. The three biggest legends of our club.

Again you derive pleasure from seeing us getting rid of players. Apparently moreso than when we actually fecking win games.

Your attitude in this thread has just reminded me of how many cretins we have in our fan base. A fan who can’t even be thankful for the players who try their hardest. A fan who can’t resist having sly digs at players who have done everything they could to win trophies. A fan who has no romantic or strong feelings for the club, who won’t sit and watch a game because he needs to multitask, but a fan who thinks it’s ok to constantly hurl abuse and vitriol towards his own club.


They are just total morons mate ,anyone who has to show their hate in a thread like this when they have so many other opportunities in other threads . Morons

Most true fans can appreciate a player like Fellaini for everything he did for the shirt . Important goals important moments and never ever less than 100% every time he played .

How many other players can you say that about .

He earned the shirt
That run of victories over the big 5 in LVGs first season
His performances in our FA cup triumph. Plus the Europa league runs. His equalizers and winners when we needed them. I liled him.alot as a player. I will miss 'Big Fella' former 'AfroMan'.

I wish other squad players with twice the natural skill were as reliable and as hard working as he and Lingard.

My best momment for him.was our victory away at Anfield. Mata may have grabbed th3 headl8nes but for me he was MOM. It also felt so good after the shit our fans, the pundits and the match sumarrizers had said about ys and him before kick off.
He always played with a seeming passion for the shit and gave everything every time - more than can be said for some. OK, he was no Roy Keane or Bryan Robson but that doesn't take away from a player who gave his all
I loved having Zlatan, Fellaini and Lukaku at the club at the same time. Too bad we never had a good brawl on field. Imagine pissing them off... headbuts and elbows everywhere.
To us "Norms", it certainly seems that way.

But to players, who know they're only one bad challenge away from being finished, and either way they'll most likely be finished by 35, and possibly have another 50 years with very reduced income, it'd be madness not to go for the highest you can earn while you can.

There's always a way to spend however much money you have, but not necessarily ways to always earn it.

This is why so many ex-footballers, especially from the 90s, ended up skint. They didn't see the job as an opportunity to be set-up for life and expected to continue the lifestyle long after the paychecks have dwindled. Some of the more realistic ones invested heavily in property whilst they were playing to secure their future. Another thing I've noticed even amongst ''normal" people, is that, regardless of how well-off a lot of people are, many are constantly comparing themselves to people who are the next rung of wealth up and the things they wish they could afford, instead of enjoying the things they can afford. I imagine that's as true for someone earning 200,000 a week as it for someone earning 25,000 a year. A little bit of that is good for spurring you on in your career, too much just makes you unhappy.

On topic, he probably only played to the potential shown by his late-Everton form in a handful of games but Fellaini put in some huge performances for us in key matches. I've seen the odd basher referring to him putting in lazy performances, which is something I don't think you could ever accuse him of. Always gave 100%, stood up for his teammates, was very well liked in the dressing room. The way he is perceived is more a consequence of the context in which the club found itself during his time here rather than anything he himself did wrong. I have no doubt that if you'd given him to Fergie during a more successful period in our history he'd be a cult hero.
@devilish is one of my favourite posters

I can't for a single moment think why. He's endlessly negative about the club, seems to hate almost everyone who is or ever was involved in it, constantly acts like his crappy opinions are some king of cynical genius, and was a self claimed Arsenal fan when he first joined this forum anyway. I'm not sure I can think of a long term member whose posts are more boring, negative, and full of crap. Put it this way - I haven't read the adult diapers comment you're citing - but I can totally believe that he would have made it.
I loved having Zlatan, Fellaini and Lukaku at the club at the same time. Too bad we never had a good brawl on field. Imagine pissing them off... headbuts and elbows everywhere.
Zlatan flexing,Fellaini elbowing and Lukaku pointing at his feet.
I can't for a single moment think why. He's endlessly negative about the club, seems to hate almost everyone who is or ever was involved in it, constantly acts like his crappy opinions are some king of cynical genius, and was a self claimed Arsenal fan when he first joined this forum anyway. I'm not sure I can think of a long term member whose posts are more boring, negative, and full of crap. Put it this way - I haven't read the adult diapers comment you're citing - but I can totally believe that he would have made it.

I accept criticism but not lies. I was never an Arsenal supporter or any other club supporter whatsoever. So either back that up or apologise

Regarding the rest i don't see myself as a genius far from it. I just love the club and want the best for it. I also do not have any romantic or strong feelings towards men especially those i do not know. I find that weird
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@devilish is one of my favourite posters on the caf but that comment about adult diapers regarding Fergie and Sir Bobby is fecking disgraceful imo.

As for Fellaini, I loved his gutsy attitude. In a team full of Cleverleys and Depays and Schneiderlins, I can only admire his spirit, heart, fight and most importantly, his balls. I love Martial as much as anyone on here, but if only the caf’s golden boy had Fellaini’s desire...

Our OT crowd is full of cretins tbh. Boo the only warrior on our team, but politely clap cnuts like Moyes, Van Gaal and Mourinho off the pitch. I am not above booing our own players, but at least boo those who deserve it like Jones, Rojo and mercenaries like Alexis.

If it weren’t for the clown who signed him, Big Marouane would have been considered a better signing than snowflake bottler Berbatov.

Thanks for your positive opinion about me. I think i've already answered to that in a previous post. You are free to still disagree with that of course. Unlike some i respect people's opinion, i never used duplicate accounts to back myself up, i never ganged up agsinst anyone or changed my name to dissociate from what i previously said. I guess i am far less of a cynical genius then others are
I don’t understand how people can get so passionate about such a below average bit part player who had some nice moments because of his unique skill set.

I’m starting to think the average football fan is a complete idiot because in all their heads running around aimlessly, fouling the opposition means you’re ‘trying hard and playing for the shirt’.

Guys, there’s a good reason why Ole is selling Fellaini: he’s crap. I’ve enjoyed the rare moments he scored for us or changed the game because of his physicality. But let’s not get carried away with all this ‘model pro’ and ‘put his heart in’ nonsense.
It is funny that there are so many posters who cannot bear to do anything except mock and criticise him. Sort of puts paid to any claims of objectivity from large swathes of the 'fans'.

A couple of moments to mention;

  • Getting boo'd by our own 'fans' in a pre-season game when he came on as a late sub, and then pretty much immediately scoring and shutting them the hell up.
  • Cant remember the specifics but there was a beautiful through ball he played to someone (I think Valencia) from the edge of our box, which I believe led to a great counterattacking goal.
  • The little feud with Scrappy-Doo Wilshere.
He was always 100% committed and played well in multiple roles - a destroyer, a target man, an impact sub. Good luck in China big man.

He played the ball to di Maria (?) against Arsenal in 14/15 in the 0-2 win. di Maria played through Rooney and we countered to finish the game off.
I don’t understand how people can get so passionate about such a below average bit part player who had some nice moments because of his unique skill set.

I’m starting to think the average football fan is a complete idiot because in all their heads running around aimlessly, fouling the opposition means you’re ‘trying hard and playing for the shirt’.

Guys, there’s a good reason why Ole is selling Fellaini: he’s crap. I’ve enjoyed the rare moments he scored for us or changed the game because of his physicality. But let’s not get carried away with all this ‘model pro’ and ‘put his heart in’ nonsense.

Can't believe why anyone would support a player who plays for the club you support.
Can't believe why anyone would support a player who plays for the club you support.
Going to matches is how you support players, not saying nice things about them on an internet forum that they will never read. Nothing any of us say on here makes any difference to the team, and it's weird that you always get so sensitive about any player criticism.
I don’t understand how people can get so passionate about such a below average bit part player who had some nice moments because of his unique skill set.

I’m starting to think the average football fan is a complete idiot because in all their heads running around aimlessly, fouling the opposition means you’re ‘trying hard and playing for the shirt’.

Guys, there’s a good reason why Ole is selling Fellaini: he’s crap. I’ve enjoyed the rare moments he scored for us or changed the game because of his physicality. But let’s not get carried away with all this ‘model pro’ and ‘put his heart in’ nonsense.

That's a question i've been trying to answer since joining the caf
I wonder, was it this last line that got you banned? :lol:

Berb supplied way more class, and was top scorer leading us to the league one of the seasons Rooney was off the boil.
Fellaini was way, way off that.
It should have been his first 10 words.
Getting on the plane to China ?

Seriously all though not United quality you could never say he didn't give 100%. Good pro and best of luck in the future .
I wonder, was it this last line that got you banned? :lol:

Berb supplied way more class, and was top scorer leading us to the league one of the seasons Rooney was off the boil.
Fellaini was way, way off that.

Or his first line.
No mentions of his game vs Chelsea in LVG's 1st season (1st leg where RVP scored in injury time IIRC) where he marked Fabregas out of the game. Possibly his finest performance for us

They are just total morons mate ,anyone who has to show their hate in a thread like this when they have so many other opportunities in other threads . Morons

Most true fans can appreciate a player like Fellaini for everything he did for the shirt . Important goals important moments and never ever less than 100% every time he played .

How many other players can you say that about .

He earned the shirt

Agreed. He was obviously thought very highly of by those at the club judging by the messages (and the amount of them) by other players in the wake of his departure.

Way more respectful than the usual “good luck mate!” you usually see.
Completely embodies the post-Fergie era and pre-Ole era years.

Awkward, clumsy, odd, angular, and looked completely out-of-place. Couldn't play a pass forward.

People talk about Ole winning 9 games out of 10. The biggest mark he has left on United so far has been selling Fellaini.

They are just total morons mate ,anyone who has to show their hate in a thread like this when they have so many other opportunities in other threads . Morons

Most true fans can appreciate a player like Fellaini for everything he did for the shirt . Important goals important moments and never ever less than 100% every time he played .

How many other players can you say that about .

He earned the shirt
This. From word to word
Dominating City in 2015. Saving that woman from certain death when we scored in the last minute against Hull. Stepping up big time when all our players were knackered in the Europa League.

If people think Fellaini is to blame for how shit the last few years have been, they need their heads checking. Was a fit for what we imagine this club should be? No. But he always put a shift in, and that's more than can be said for a lot of other players we've signed since Fergie left. Good luck big man.
100% agree. Always liked him. Not like a plan B (hoof ball) solution, but as a valuable squad player with great attitude and who gave all for the club. Thanks to the big fella and wish him the best.
Completely embodies the post-Fergie era and pre-Ole era years.

Awkward, clumsy, odd, angular, and looked completely out-of-place. Couldn't play a pass forward.

People talk about Ole winning 9 games out of 10. The biggest mark he has left on United so far has been selling Fellaini.

Which is fine, but you do realise it wasn't actually Ole that sold him, that's on the club, and his agent, if you asked Ole he would've preferred to keep him, true story......
I'm not sure about the "model pro, gave it his all" stuff. A lot of the criticism early on was about his lack of discipline in a holding role - he would frequently lose runners and jog back when a sprint was needed - which is why he improved only when LvG and then Jose played him further forward.
I felt he could have been more conscientious defensively when asked to play in a two, especially for someone with such obvious talent limitations.
Basically scored a really important goal in the last 3 trophies we won and a few assists as well. For 22m I don't think it was that bad a return.

Goal in semi final v Everton 2016.

Goal in semi final of league cup 2017

Winning goal in Europa League semi final 2017.