Gaming Fifa 10


Dec 31, 2007
What do we reckon the soundtrack will be like? Never disappoints.

The Girl & The Robot by Royksopp is a proper Fifa song.


Dec 31, 2007
This year we’re proud to announce that we’re including a practice mode within FIFA 10. Using the Back/Select button from the 1-on-1 arena, you’ll be able to bring up a menu enabling you to choose to play a practice match or set pieces. You can change the number of players on each side, and a little blog exclusive here - it’s multiplayer, too. Only locally though - you can’t have your online friends join your practice match. But 5 v 5 outfield players, on a full size pitch, is now a reality :)
Good stuff. Not sure why they ever took it out. Multiplayer sounds cool.


Official Team Perv
Jun 7, 2004
Grove Street, home.
Why would anyone want to play 5 a-side on a fill size pitch ? The appeal of that mode on the earlier FIFA was that the pitch was scaled down.

They don't half make some stupid decisions do these games developers.


Dec 31, 2007

Manager Mode screen shot, transfers seem more realistic.

coding is there because the game is obviously not the finished product.


Got rid of his pee
Mar 22, 2009
The ability to chase the ref and shout "fecking disgrace".
:lol:Yes please
Improve dribbling which is a nightmare to master. Same goes for shots.
Shots with any half decent team are extremely easy to get on target/score from. Takes 5 minutes to learn to get the angle/power right.
360° is going to be a massive change to the way the game is played. Proper analog control! :D
This. Going to make taking a player on a lot better.
Oh that reminds me, the other feature I'd like to see that hasn't been listed is choosing commentary context for quick match - so you can choose whether you want it to be a friendly, final, league game, whatever.
What the feck :lol:. Not really a priority methinks.


Dec 31, 2007
Teasing us all further before he embarks on his producer tour with the latest build of FIFA 10, producer David Rutter announced the following on his Twitter page this morning.

Can’t reveal the secret feature until early July. But as a present… Triggers move your wall when defending a free kick… =)

So triggers move your wall… And holding [R1]/RB will pop up a menu to let you change your free kick taker =)
Good stuff, again, not sure why they took these out in the first place.


Dec 31, 2007

Mini trailer featuring in-game footage. I like the way the defender clears the ball after the header hits the post.


Been caught pooping
Aug 2, 2008

Mini trailer featuring in-game footage. I like the way the defender clears the ball after the header hits the post.
Yeah that looked nice, the dummy and the keepers reaction looked realistic to, dummies on FIFA09 were fecking awful. They were good for changes in direction but the opposition goalkeepers showed no reaction to them, this year it looks like they've went to the effort of specifically coding keepers reactions to fakes.


Dec 31, 2007
Next time hopefully they'll give the players jetpacks.

Graphics aren't important, it's gameplay that's the main thing.


Dec 31, 2007
Question, does that mean until then transfers won't be updated for FIFA 2009 and that till October 2nd I won't be able to play with Obertan and Valencia and Owen online?
Transfers won't be updated for 09 anymore. I've done them myself and you can play unranked matches with the new signings. There is a way to do it on ranked but it's a long process apparently. Though some fantasy team spunkheads do it.


Dec 31, 2007
New Feature: Set Piece Creator

From corner to corner around the box you have 8 zones to choose from.
The 2 by each corner represent free kicks and corner kicks in that area.
Using the right stick you can select any player from your team.
Using left stick you can move that player to a starting position.
Using O [PS3] / B [360] you start recording and move the player to follow a path.
Repeat for as many players on your team as you’d like.
Test or edit it.
Save it to a d-pad direction. You can have 4 set pieces per zone.
You can trigger any of the set pieces in that zone during the game during a set piece.

FSB Progress Report

As soon as our hands were on the controller we instantly noticed how the game has been slowed down just a touch from what we had played a month earlier, but that didn’t seem to hurt the response times. The game remains faster than FIFA 08 but slower than FIFA 09. Control was much more fluid, as the 360 dribbling seemed more responsive and accurate than before – frustrating sometimes, especially when you’re trying to get used to it and your own inaccuracy makes you dribble off the pitch! They have taken a risk incorporating a new feature that many in the past have feared to introduce as it could break a game, but they have done it successfully in my opinion. This is a great starting platform for them and this will only improve year on year.

Physical play has been tweaked this season. Last year the bigger player (more physical player) was always at an advantage. This year even if you are getting knocked off the ball, depending on your player’s dribbling attribute you can still keep your foot out to control it whilst being pushed away (Messi style). This is due to players with higher dribble skill having a much larger ball control area - i.e. a certain circumference - that allows them to remain in control even whilst being involved in physical battles. It was much more prominent in this build and it’s a very realistic addition to the physical aspect of game, pitting physicality against skill.

The most talked-about thing since the event though has probably been the ball physics, which have to be seen to be believed. Gary Paterson and Aaron McHardy are going to be constantly tweaking and fine-tuning them up to release, but as things stand it’s hard to see where they can be improved. I’ll try and explain what I’m talking about but without “feeling” it for yourself it’s hard to get things across…

The ball moves across the pitch much more quickly, meaning that - well, try playing PES and then playing FIFA, and the first thing you notice is how sluggishly the ball moves when you want to do a short, BUT QUICK, pass. This has been improved hugely, and the ball now spends half the time that it used to in the air. This was highlighted previously but it was much more significant in this build. Passing is fluid and a lot more realistic, especially when you’re under pressure.

Timing has become a key factor in making a pass. For instance, if you press the pass button when the ball is at the edge of the player’s reach then it will be off-course and weak. Finally, to top it off, shooting has been tweaked since the last build and the ball is now truly moving as it should. When you cross the ball, when it takes little deflections on the way towards the goal, even when you’re just moving forward with the ball at your feet and it’s making contact with the ground, the physics are perfect.

Animations have been improved from the previous build as they seem more fluid, and within a few games it becomes apparent just how many new additions there are. What has impressed us the most about this area though is that whilst implementing 360 dribbling, the development team have incorporated new animations to make the transition from 8 direction dribbling to 360 dribbling seamless and pleasing to the eye. They deserve a lot of credit for this, and graphics on the whole were visibly sharper in this build, but it’s still too early to comment on fully as we’re told this will be one of the last areas they focus on before the game is released.

The fans cried for a more fully-featured practice mode, and the development team have kindly provided one. In this mode you can play anything from 11v11 down to 2v2 (which is being referred to as “Death Mode”), and all numbers in-between - so 11v4 if that’s what you want to do. But of course, with this being mentioned already, you’ll realise this isn’t the “surprise feature” that David Rutter (FIFA 10 producer) was referring to on his Twitter page.

He was referring to FIFA’s latest innovation, and something you won’t be seeing in any other football game this year apart from a manager game or two; the set piece creator. Now as soon as this was announced, our first thought was “this is going to get exploited to death online”, but it’s still undecided whether you’ll be able to access the feature online and even if they do, EA have pledged in the online article below that they are going to keep the cheats out. If they can keep that promise then this really is a great addition for football purists that allows you to truly customise your set plays with multiple player movements and runs in any direction whilst allowing you to control the timing of the runs made. The end result is endless variation and depth to your free kicks and corners, so that you don’t have to rely on predictable AI.

All in all, if there’s one thing that can be said about FIFA as time goes by, it’s this; year by year it is aiming to become the most accurate, and intricate, football simulation available. With additions like 360 dribbling, the learning curve is the steepest that it has ever been - perhaps the steepest in any football game - and this will be the biggest point that seperates the reviewers (it’s even causing debates here at FSB).

You won’t master the game in a few short days and many will say this is a hugely positive thing; others may not. Many sports fans point to the NBA 2K series (produced by 2K Sports) and the NHL series (produced by EA SPORTS) as definitive sports simulations that FIFA - and all sports games - should look up to. There is no doubt that FIFA is very much heading in that direction, building on a successful core, refining and innovating along the way.


Soldier of Fortune
Jun 11, 2004
Glad they brought back set piece creator. I'm glad to see that it's finally getting up to Madden standards; all the small intricacies that we've always wanted.

If it's as steep as they say it is, it'll probably never leave my console except for breaks here and there. I played only FIFA09 for about 4 months straight, and even turned people on to soccer while I was deployed because I played it so much.


Full Member
Oct 22, 2005
October? Ahhh too far away!! 3 months left to be exact :(

Any idea about the prize-range? €60-70?


Full Member
Oct 22, 2005
My bad, 2 months.

I presume the kits will be updated? In the screens they use our old kit.