Television Game of Thrones (TV) • The watch has ended


Full Member
Feb 5, 2013
They’ve already done this though, haven’t they? He is basically Wikipedia... is there any more to it?
I don't think there's any need for any further explanation beyond what they've already given? So I think you'll be dissapointed.
Yeah they said he is the memory of human kind but what's the use? The old dude was trapped inside the three living with goth dwarf chicks and all Bran does is zone out? Kin'ell, such shit storyline.


He's no Bilal Ilyas Jhandir
Dec 12, 2012
Oslo, Norway
"When you play the game of thrones you win or you die" - Cersei Lannister

Expecting a proper bloodbath tonight :drool:


Full Member
Sep 27, 2016
Near Glasgow
Looking forward to the finale.
I'm not one to complain massively about the show, although recent seasons have had some dodgy moments, there's no way I'd sign that petition. You don't like something? Stop watching it, it's really that simple.
Hoping there are still some surprises coming but have my doubts. As long as it doesn't hit Lost levels of finale shitness, I'll probably be happy with GOT overall.


Full Member
Feb 13, 2013
I hope they keep the threat of the white walkers out there somehow

I want a really bittersweet ending


Correctly predicted France to win World Cup 2018
Dec 13, 2008
I’ve been disappointed with the character decisions this season & the pacing of the episodes. However, I can’t wait to see how this will all end.

Wonder if Bran might actually do something interesting for once.


He's no Bilal Ilyas Jhandir
Dec 12, 2012
Oslo, Norway
"If you think this has a happy ending, you have not been paying attention" - Ramsay Snow.

I think you're right about the bloodbath.
"The day will come when you think you are safe and happy, and your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth" - Tyrion Lannister

That day is upon us :drool:

Organic Potatoes

Full Member
Dec 2, 2013
Colorado Rapids
I’ve been disappointed with the character decisions this season & the pacing of the episodes. However, I can’t wait to see how this will all end.

Wonder if Bran might actually do something interesting for once.
Well if they play musical chairs he’ll beat everyone for sure.


He's no Bilal Ilyas Jhandir
Dec 12, 2012
Oslo, Norway
I just want Bronn to get Highgarden so we can get a spin-off series with him fecking as many women as possible on his way up the chaos ladder.


Everything is fair game in capitalism!
Jan 8, 2014
Dragon of Dojima
I’m hoping we find out what was so special about that horse, everything else is secondary


Full Member
Jun 24, 2013
The Dany fangirls and boys should probably be starting on the wine and ben and jerry's right about now.


He's no Bilal Ilyas Jhandir
Dec 12, 2012
Oslo, Norway
I hope we get some unexpected people going for the throne and other twists. This show needs an underdog ending. Preferably some of these:
  • Daario marching with the entire slaver's bay to Westeros, killing his ex-lover and the dragon
  • Yara bringing large fleets full of pirates and turning into a carbon copy of her wicked uncle Euron
  • Robin Arryn turning up and killing everyone with his bare hands
  • Tycho Nestoris bringing elephants to retaliate after what happened to the golden company
  • Meera to kill Bran to get justice for her brother


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
May 12, 2005
Thinking about streaming this tonight instead of waiting till tomorrow.... any idea where someone could find such a thing? For research obviously...

Art Vandelay

Full Member
Jan 29, 2015
Northern Ireland
I hope we get some unexpected people going for the throne and other twists. This show needs an underdog ending. Preferably some of these:
  • Daario marching with the entire slaver's bay to Westeros, killing his ex-lover and the dragon
  • Yara bringing large fleets full of pirates and turning into a carbon copy of her wicked uncle Euron
  • Robin Arryn turning up and killing everyone with his bare hands
  • Tycho Nestoris bringing elephants to retaliate after what happened to the golden company
  • Meera to kill Bran to get justice for her brother
Just as Dany is about to sit on the Iron Throne Hulk Hogan's music starts playing and in he walks as what's left of King's Landing go mental cheering. She sicks Drogon on him and after a few hits he hulks up, leg drops them both and claims the Irone Throne. It all ends with Hulkamania running wild.

That's my preferred twist ending.

Organic Potatoes

Full Member
Dec 2, 2013
Colorado Rapids
I hope we get some unexpected people going for the throne and other twists. This show needs an underdog ending. Preferably some of these:
  • Daario marching with the entire slaver's bay to Westeros, killing his ex-lover and the dragon
  • Yara bringing large fleets full of pirates and turning into a carbon copy of her wicked uncle Euron
  • Robin Arryn turning up and killing everyone with his bare hands
  • Tycho Nestoris bringing elephants to retaliate after what happened to the golden company
  • Meera to kill Bran to get justice for her brother
Yara showing up with Daario leading a herd of elephants is the only way for this to end.


Full Member
May 20, 2011
I am bored today so dont hunt me, I tried to match the houses with premier league football clubs :

Baratheon House - Manutd. Last big house to rule KL and now all it has left is one man trying to revive it Gendry (Ole)

Stark House - Liverpool. A well respected house for the past work and very close to being at the top but they 'dont want it'. Also they do better in north and beyond the wall recently (europe).

Cersei Lannister - Mancity. Current rulers of. KL with a new leader who buys the golden company with gold to win or defend titles. Also not well respected for how they got there.

Targaryen - Spurs. Nobody gave Dany (Poch) much thought when he got his 3 dragons (Kane, Alli and Eriksen) but slowly they grew and now fought well beyond the wall (Europe) and are a growing threat to KL. Sadly Poch will lose one dragon (Eriksen) before he can take KL. Also if all the bs above is correct they will win Champions League cause Stark (dont want it)

Mormont - Chelsea. Fought brilliantly in the battle but all praise were for the little one Lyanna Mormont (Hazard)

Greyjoys - Arsenal. Happy with being at their iron islands aka FA Cup and 4th place finishes. Dont care much what is happenig at KL and beyond the wall. Their team currently lacks a leader too and just hired Emery (Euron) to change their fortunes.
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Achilles McCool

New Member
Jan 30, 2017
Nowhere fast
Who would you list as your top 10 warriors/duelists in game of thrones? I would limit the contestants to their abilities in the present in the show, so Young Robert baratheon and Arthur Dayne fx don't count neither Rhaegar.

I think mine would be

1. Jaime Lannister(based on his reputation as the finest swordsman in the 7 kingdoms, killed 10 men in battle against Robb)
2. Khal Drogo (looked like an absolute beast)
3. Oberyn Martell(Took down the mountain with ease lost because of his cockiness)
4. Ser Barristan Selmy (Rated as one of the best ever warriors in the 7 kingdoms, only his age keeps him from being higher)
5. Sandor Clegane
6. Gregor Clegane
7. Brienne
8. Jon Snow
9. Ser Loras
10. Bronn

Technically Arya could be nr 1
What about Sir Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the morning?


Full Member
Jul 13, 2014
I am bored today so dont hunt me, I tried to match the houses with premier league football clubs :

Baratheon House - Manutd. Last big house to rule KL and now all it has left is one man trying to revive it Gendry (Ole)

Stark House - Liverpool. A well respected house for the past work and very close to being at the top but they 'dont want it'. Also they do better in north and beyond the wall recently (europe).

Cersei Lannister - Mancity. Current rulers of. KL with a new leader who buys the golden company with gold to win or defend titles. Also not well respected for how they got there.

Targaryen - Spurs. Nobody gave Dany (Poch) much thought when he got his 3 dragons (Kane, Alli and Eriksen) but slowly they grew and now fought well beyond the wall (Europe) and are a growing threat to KL. Sadly Poch will lose one dragon (Eriksen) before he can take KL. Also if all the bs above is correct they will win Champions League cause Stark (dont want it)

Mormont - Chelsea. Fought brilliantly in the battle but all praise were for the little one Lyanna Mormont (Hazard)
You match City with the Lannisters and ignore the opportunity to make a sister shagging joke?


Chairman Steve

Full Member
May 9, 2018
Here's my prediction and something I hope would happen:

  • Tyrion, Davos and Jon are captured by Daenerys' forces. Arya evades capture
  • Daenerys taunts Tyrion by presenting the decapitated heads of Jaime and Cersei she had found under the Red Keep (Jaime's head particularly effecting Tyrion as Jaime is the only person left in the world he has a true connection with). Daenerys proclaims how she has cut down the usurper Cersei and the kingslayer Jaime (grabs the crown off of Cersei's bloodied head and puts it on her head maybe)
  • Tyrion will be sentenced to death for treason by Daenerys as her first decree as she has found out that Tyrion tried to get them to escape, Tyrion will demand a trial by combat with Grey Worm being Daenerys' champion and Jon will stand for Tyrion.
  • Jon and Grey Worm fight it out then when it looks like Jon will win, Daenerys will order some of her Unsullied/Dothraki to interfere and Jon kills them all anyway, then finally defeats Grey Worm after being heavily wounded by Grey Worm and other lackeys. The Dothraki/Unsullied/remaining troops slowly turn towards Jon's favor out of respect.
  • Daenerys gets frustrated that he won, saving Tyrion and then Daenerys goes full crazy and tries to stab Jon, but Jon blocks it and slowly stabs Daenerys.
  • Drogon keeps an eye out over King's Landing as the remaining armies of Westeros descend to take out Daenerys (Varys' last act before dying to send ravens to the high lords).
  • Arya seeing that Drogon is the bigger threat, somehow will get Drogon killed (maybe Bran will assist by warging Drogon to make him open to attack?)
  • Daenerys admits to her tyranny and that her fate was sealed from the start, and dies with great remorse over how she has become the monster that everyone told her she might be.
  • A near-death Jon stands as the one true king and orders Tyrion/Davos and others who've arrived, to destroy the Iron Throne (how its the symbol of tyranny and drives all men mad with lust for power) and turn Westeros into a republic. Jon dies.
  • The remainder of Westeros mourns the loss of Jon and the Iron Throne is destroyed in some epic way (slow-motion of it being destroyed). Tyrion narrates how Westeros is in ruin and how there is a dream for spring (i.e. new beginning of Westeros) and how the road ahead of Westeros is unpredictable and unknown. Tyrion is the leader of the Westerlands. Sansa of the North, Davos of the newly established Crownlands etc
  • Samwell Tarly is seen writing a book, to which he is asked what it is and will say it's a chronicle of the events that have happened leading up to the icey presence of the White Walkers to the fires of Daenerys Targaryen in Kings Landing. Sam cannot think of a title until something prompts him and final scene is him titling the book 'A Song of Ice and Fire'... then fade to black
As I write it, I realise it's kinda like the end of Gladiator. A hero denied of what he should have killing a usurper and then dying but his memory living forever
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Actually Nostradamus
Jan 12, 2011
Targaryen loyalist
I am bored today so dont hunt me, I tried to match the houses with premier league football clubs :

Baratheon House - Manutd. Last big house to rule KL and now all it has left is one man trying to revive it Gendry (Ole)

Stark House - Liverpool. A well respected house for the past work and very close to being at the top but they 'dont want it'. Also they do better in north and beyond the wall recently (europe).

Cersei Lannister - Mancity. Current rulers of. KL with a new leader who buys the golden company with gold to win or defend titles. Also not well respected for how they got there.

Targaryen - Spurs. Nobody gave Dany (Poch) much thought when he got his 3 dragons (Kane, Alli and Eriksen) but slowly they grew and now fought well beyond the wall (Europe) and are a growing threat to KL. Sadly Poch will lose one dragon (Eriksen) before he can take KL. Also if all the bs above is correct they will win Champions League cause Stark (dont want it)

Mormont - Chelsea. Fought brilliantly in the battle but all praise were for the little one Lyanna Mormont (Hazard)

Greyjoys - Arsenal. Happy with being at their iron islands aka FA Cup and 4th place finishes. Dont care much what is happenig at KL and beyond the wall. Their team currently lacks a leader too and just hired Emery (Euron) to change their fortunes.
Here's some football personalities and GoT character matches...

Joffrey Baratheon - Graeme Souness. Both cnuts.
Ramsay Bolton - Steve McManaman. Both cnuts.
Euron Greyjoy - Jamie Carragher. Both cartoon-ish levels of cnuts.

Alexis Sanchez - The Golden Company. Costly but ultimately fecking useless.


He's no Bilal Ilyas Jhandir
Dec 12, 2012
Oslo, Norway

Hearing this for the last time (in anticipation of a new episode) will give me the chills.