Television Game of Thrones (TV) • The watch has ended


Pogba's biggest fan
Dec 6, 2015
True Robert used a hammer, but he was still a melee fighter.

The reason why I find it difficult to put Arya in there is because her main advantage is being an assasin with magical powers. However due to her being to spar pretty easily with Brienne, she could easily be in there. I guess I just hesitate to put her in there since she's a little girl
I think Arya definately has a place in the top sword fighters - given her training from various types of greats from Syrio to Sandor.. and then a bit of learning of general strategy from Tywin and the stealth from Jaqen.

She's probably about 19 now which is a couple years older than when Jaime made Kings Guard under Aerys if I'm not mistaken.


Phallic connoisseur, unlike shamans
Feb 20, 2019
I think Arya definately has a place in the top sword fighters - given her training from various types of greats from Syrio to Sandor.. and then a bit of learning of general strategy from Tywin and the stealth from Jaqen.

She's probably about 19 now which is a couple years older than when Jaime made Kings Guard under Aerys if I'm not mistaken.
In the show she looks neigh invincible by the end, but apart from her sneak kill on the NK we dont see her face off against a strong opponent apart from the girl assasin rival. Of course there is her training with Brienne. She probably up there but wouldnt know where to place her.

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
Looking back how cool was that Arthur Dayne scene? When he pulled out two swords I remember laughing. Until he started swinging those feckers around, that is.


The Oracle
Jun 5, 2016
Who would you list as your top 10 warriors/duelists in game of thrones? I would limit the contestants to their abilities in the present in the show, so Young Robert baratheon and Arthur Dayne fx don't count neither Rhaegar.

I think mine would be

1. Jaime Lannister(based on his reputation as the finest swordsman in the 7 kingdoms, killed 10 men in battle against Robb)
2. Khal Drogo (looked like an absolute beast)
3. Oberyn Martell(Took down the mountain with ease lost because of his cockiness)
4. Ser Barristan Selmy (Rated as one of the best ever warriors in the 7 kingdoms, only his age keeps him from being higher)
5. Sandor Clegane
6. Gregor Clegane
7. Brienne
8. Jon Snow
9. Ser Loras
10. Bronn

Technically Arya could be nr 1

Gawd not this who would win between Batman and Superman type polls .

This is gonna go on forever isn't it ?

I take it all back now I'd rather have the moaning about characters arcs than this


Actually Nostradamus
Jan 12, 2011
Targaryen loyalist
Will people watch tonight / this morning or will everyone wait until Monday?
I'm watching tonight. I admire anyone trying to go through the whole of tomorrow without it being spoiled.

Gawd not this who would win between Batman and Superman type polls .

This is gonna go on forever isn't it ?

I take it all back now I'd rather have the moaning about characters arcs than this
It's only a bit of fun/discussion, relax.


Full Member
Jun 7, 2013
Gawd not this who would win between Batman and Superman type polls .

This is gonna go on forever isn't it ?

I take it all back now I'd rather have the moaning about characters arcs than this
If you are not interested in a comment, just ignore. No need to be an ass about it.


Full Member
May 14, 2007
Under a tree.
My thoughts so far after first 3 episodes of the final season

I am tad behind but what I have seen so far, I am quite disappointed. Firstly I never wanted to start watching the final season yet; I was going to save it for a month or so before starting as there are other things im watching and didn’t want to spoil the rhythm of them. BUT those feckers at Sky spoilt the outcome with the White Walkers, by running a trailer for what I believe is the 4th episode proclaiming Daenerys army had beat them in the previous episode….bunch of cnuts. I therefore started watching this week, and will be all caught up and will watch the final episode when it airs like everyone else to avoid it being spoilt. Upto that point I had done very well avoiding spoilers, but these idiots, aired the outcome within the first 2 seconds of the trailer before I could mute or change the channel! I swear they should put spoiler warnings, like you get warnings before party political broadcasts, and you can then choose if you want to watch that crap, should be the same for trailers…. Everything is just trying to spoil stuff for people nowadays….

Anyway, back to the show, and since it had past the point of the last book, you can tell the quality has dramatically dropped, the dialogue, the flow of the story and the pacing just seems off. Its a shame as the first 6 seasons were great, season 7th was decent, this has been the worst, albeit the most anticipated given end to season 7. I was disappointed when they first announced the show was ending after this season and that it was only 6 episodes long, I honestly thought they could have done two 10 episode seasons more, but I am pleased its ending now, as it’s an average show without the original source material to fall back on and would dramatically take a drop off in quality, even more if they did.

Having just finished the 3rd episode, it felt very Walking Dead-ish, and yes I know they were fighting the dead….but in terms of scene after scene of the near misses to fill out the episode, at the end of a scene it looks like someone important is going to die, they are getting charged by hundreds of wights, but nope, somehow they survive, but that bit isn’t shown….As for deaths its just minor characters or character you were expecting to die are only killed off, and everyone goes out nobly, none of the uniqueness of shock or harsh scenes like Ned or Rob deaths.

The John and the White Walker Dragon scene was terrible :lol:, where he jumps and scream in front of it and at that exact moment, the Night King is killed……oooooook….. After all that build over the seasons, this is what is come up with, this is the pay off? It was so anticlimactic , i really wasn’t expecting the White Walkers to get taken out so quickly, they built the whole the series about men fighting men, when they should be focusing on the real threat of the Whites Walkers, but by the looks of it, it seems like they were just a subplot to… men fighting men all along…:wenger:

The ending that i was building in my head when watching was there is going to be more is revealed about Bran in the 80 minutes episode (not just fight scenes being repeated), its not going to be a straight forward outcome like they discussed at the end of episode 2, of luring the Night King in hope they kill him, otherwise he will kill bran (would have been more interesting if that happened). The reveal I was thinking was Bran is the night king, and it was going to circle back to the first episode when Jamie, cowardly pushed him outside of the window and poetically if had killed him as a kid none of this would have happened. He was Azor Ahai along and would be realise when he welded Lightbringer and kills Bran/Night king with his one arm, and ends up being the hero, having been perceived as a villain for most of the show… ..But nope, Arya sneaks pass everyone and kills the Night king, Bran smiles…, and that’s that! Okie Dokie :rolleyes:

I am guessing from how things played out the Red Witch was the Night Queen and married to the Night King, who was also once a Targaryen King, as he was resistant to fire?
Another thing why does no one ever question Bran about his powers or what he does and how he knows the things he knows, he just says something and people look confused, and they just accept what he is saying, no questions or anything…..? completely shoddy writing.

The “Creators” are going to get a lot of work off the back of Game of Thrones (can see they are already lined up for the next Star Wars movie), but I am not very convinced they are actually all that great without great material behind them.
I am not sure if the ending will be the same as GRR Martins books, but think i read a few years back that he said only he knows the ending to the books and never told the show runners, so naturally the show will differ, I am not sure if this changed in that duration, but if it is the same I will be very disappointed with the way things are going. The way show runners are concluding things just seem a very unimagined take on the story, i was expecting to learn more about the white walkers and for them to have featured until the end. The stakes have gone, its just really now if you want Cersei to win or not, which I am leaning towards.

Anyway, maybe I am way off on what the general feeling and consensus is, and that people love it, but I am not reading anything, or opinions until Monday/Tuesday, I just opened this thread (first time in about a year), closed my eyes and scrolled to the bottom and wrote this, to get a few digressions off my chest, which could have been a lot more, but i've rambled more than enough….

I am logging off until the finale for anyone that might @ me in response...


Full Member
May 15, 2007
Gawd not this who would win between Batman and Superman type polls .

This is gonna go on forever isn't it ?

I take it all back now I'd rather have the moaning about characters arcs than this
Was it vanilla or vinegar?
Was it rape or not?


Full Member
Jan 3, 2017
GRRM wrote the unrealistic depiction of the Mad King wanting to burn everyone. The show's writers had that to fall back upon.
That is irrelevant though. In the show, the story of the Mad King has only been told in conversation (and didn’t he want the City burned down because he believed it would be sacked?), whereas we are watching Daenerys’ story.


Nothing happens until something moves!
Jul 8, 2010
They should’ve done it like this.

I think this just sets up a duller final episode where they dig at her for being a bit naughty for killing all those civilians in the Keep and ignoring the bells, and her justifying it with Missandei and the general treachery of Cersei in the past. It would peter out. Tyrion would crawl back, as would Jon. Maybe it would work as part of a longer narrative taking part over a season, where her actions become more and more murderous, but we have one episode left. All or nothing at this point.

(And yes, I agree, this and the Night King shouldn't have taken place with one episode in between, and this last season has certainly been rushed, but we are where we are and her going full tyrant was needed with one episode to go).


Full Member
Jan 3, 2017
Dante is being a bit of a Wum, probably best for your sanity to ignore his posts ;)

I’m not getting carried away with anything really. The show is not what it once was, which was also the case last season. I’m alright with that, and have been since the dip in quality. It’s only a TV show...


Winner of the 'I'm not reading that' medal.
Jun 2, 2009
Big Days
That wouldn't get across the point that she had lost it. That she had done something that is irredeemable. I don't think Jon or Tyrion would have turned on her if that happened.
In hindsight I think they should have. It seems some people not only need it handed to them on a plate, but also spoon fed with “here comes the airplane”.


Creator of the Caftards comics
Aug 22, 2006
Officially the best poker player on RAWK.
And still a fantastic entertaining TV show :)
Yep. For all my, incredibly justified I might add, piss taking of it. You cannot deny, it's high quality and entertaining.

That's the thing this will always have over shit like TWD, that has 1 good season and an entertaining thread on here. This has had, what, 4 really good seasons? And a much more entertaining thread. It's also fun to laugh at the diehards on Social media too.

All in all, even if it ends in a tragically poor way tonight (and let's face it, with these 2 at the helm that's a given), it's still been great entertainment whichever way we look at it and we'll all miss it when it's long gone.

In hindsight I think they should have. It seems some people not only need it handed to them on a plate, but also spoon fed with “here comes the airplane”.
They really do :lol:

(Add in the noises to grab the attention though).

The Cat

Will drink milk from your hands
May 18, 2017
Feet up at home.
Maybe she should have gone Red Keep first, savoured the win and then go bat shit crazy on the rest of the city.

That might have worked better.


Full Member
Feb 13, 2013
If I was Arthur Dayne, I’d be thinking, why am I (the beast that I am) protecting this woman while the biggest war in years is going on


Pogba's biggest fan
Dec 6, 2015
Good thing he wasn't zombified. He'd be called Arthur BANE.

Eh? Anyone?:wenger:

Andersons Dietician

Full Member
Jun 14, 2016
Looking back how cool was that Arthur Dayne scene? When he pulled out two swords I remember laughing. Until he started swinging those feckers around, that is.
Yeah but could he survive Jon Snows patented spin move?

That scene was pretty epic and the sword fight was ridiculous. No one has shown anywhere near that level of skill in the series. I’m still gutted we never got more of Jamie vs Ned. A Jamie vs Jon sword fight would have been cool even if Jamie wasn’t whole. Now all there is to hope for is Greyworm vs Jon.


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
Yeah but could he survive Jon Snows patented spin move?

That scene was pretty epic and the sword fight was ridiculous. No one has shown anywhere near that level of skill in the series. I’m still gutted we never got more of Jamie vs Ned. A Jamie vs Jon sword fight would have been cool even if Jamie wasn’t whole. Now all there is to hope for is Greyworm vs Jon.
Tbf, I think that would be pretty fun.

Organic Potatoes

Full Member
Dec 2, 2013
Colorado Rapids
Yeah but could he survive Jon Snows patented spin move?

That scene was pretty epic and the sword fight was ridiculous. No one has shown anywhere near that level of skill in the series. I’m still gutted we never got more of Jamie vs Ned. A Jamie vs Jon sword fight would have been cool even if Jamie wasn’t whole. Now all there is to hope for is Greyworm vs Jon.
Grey Worm would smoke Jon. He’s swole as feck this season. All Jon has done is walk around making faces like he’s aching to find a toilet.

Plus spears are really underrated in combat folklore relative to swords.


The Oracle
Jun 5, 2016
Grey Worm would smoke Jon. He’s swole as feck this season. All Jon has done is walk around making faces like he’s aching to find a toilet.

Plus spears are really underrated in combat folklore relative to swords.

No one walks in slow motion better than Jon

Andersons Dietician

Full Member
Jun 14, 2016
Grey Worm would smoke Jon. He’s swole as feck this season. All Jon has done is walk around making faces like he’s aching to find a toilet.

Plus spears are really underrated in combat folklore relative to swords.
Don’t know think if Jon can dodge arrows or guess their trajectory whilst they are shot at him from close range then he can dodge a spear. Then spin move followed by spin move followed by getting beaten up for ages like he does in every big fight then catch a lucky break and spin move.

I do wonder if Jon will do that thing like he wanted at BoB
1 on 1to settle the war and let Dani choose her champion.


Full Member
Jun 7, 2013
Don’t know think if Jon can dodge arrows or guess their trajectory whilst they are shot at him from close range then he can dodge a spear. Then spin move followed by spin move followed by getting beaten up for ages like he does in every big fight then catch a lucky break and spin move.

I do wonder if Jon will do that thing like he wanted at BoB
1 on 1to settle the war and let Dani choose her champion.
She'll choose Drogon :drool:


Full Member
Jun 7, 2013
What happens to the dragon? There is no way they'll let it live. Since all the scorpions have already been taken out, I'm wondering how they'll deal with it.