Gaming Ghost of Tsushima (PS4)

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The Football Grinch
Jul 2, 2014
Tool shed
This game can suck a dick, a cutscene every 5 seconds, simple things that don't need to be a cutscene, unskippable cutscene.

So many follow quests too. This is more samey than any game I have ever played, every side quest, or main mission is basically the same just at a different location.

The characters are generally bellends too, all up their own arses thinking they're the bee's knees and the greatest thing ever, yet they're useless.

That archer fella is a proper knobhead, old deluded cnut.
:lol: that was generally my feeling on the first part of it too.

I left it for a while, came back to it, and complete ignored all the foxes and birds, all those shitty follow markers, you don't need them anyway, it's all cosmetic stuff.

I just stuck to the main quests, proper side quests, and mystic quests (which are the best part of the game) and enjoyed it a lot more then. The combat really starts to open up after a while.

It's a good game marred by too much open world bloat and not not knowing what it wants to be at times.


Jan 14, 2010
I think it's a good game, need to go back and plat it as I put it on pause due to Rebirth which I now also need to plat, too many games at once.

One Night Only

Prison Bitch #24604
Oct 16, 2009
:lol: that was generally my feeling on the first part of it too.

I left it for a while, came back to it, and complete ignored all the foxes and birds, all those shitty follow markers, you don't need them anyway, it's all cosmetic stuff.

I just stuck to the main quests, proper side quests, and mystic quests (which are the best part of the game) and enjoyed it a lot more then. The combat really starts to open up after a while.

It's a good game marred by too much open world bloat and not not knowing what it wants to be at times.
Those foxes are awful, Everytime you come across one, it takes you the complete opposite direction FFS. I don't think one has even been going remotely in the direction I was initially travelling. Going north? Fox wants to go hard south. Going SW? Yeah fox is going NE. Little pricks, should just chop them up and eat them.

Haikus are crap too.

Yeah I'm starting to stop with the side bits and just do the main stuff now. Seems a bit better, but already fatigued with it so may stop for a while and come back to it, worry is I'll forget the controls. I will complete the story at some point though.


Full Member
Aug 6, 2018
When is the damn sequel coming out? Despite some gameplay issues it was one of the best looking games i've ever played and it would be interesting to see a current-gen sequel.

One Night Only

Prison Bitch #24604
Oct 16, 2009
Also the way of the samurai and honour is fecking stupid in war.

"Yo, you've rescued me, battered any amounts of Mongols, rescued loads of innocent people, proven your tactics are good, but we are samurai so we have to charge in face on and get bummed to death because...samurai!!"


Full Member
Feb 23, 2012
Combat so far has been pretty much rinse and repeat.

Block/parry/dodge and slash. Not massively far into it, but I don't see anything changing any time soon. I'll move more to stealth I think once I unlock a couple more skills.

Visuals aren't anything amazing either, obviously after playing some games like Horizon FW it probably sets the bar too high anyway. I'd say about par with Valhalla from memory.

Atmosphere is alright, but so was Valhalla (again getting shit on because its a ubisoft game), but Jesus they rehash the buildings it feels like, especially the up the ladder attics with one item to pick up.

People are in love with the setting/period and conveniently overlook the exact same flaws that ubisoft games get smashed to pieces for.

Valhalla got a bad rep because of the size of it and all the collectibles. People didn't like the combat as they thought it ventured too far from the assassin thing, Valhalla shouldn't have been part of the AC series and should have been a stand alone viking game. I'll have to go back to Valhalla and check the combat tbf as I don't really remember it.

Like I said, it's enjoyable enough, just doesn't live upto the hype surrounding it for me. It may get better as I explore more of the map, sometimes I fall in love with a game after the half way point once I've got more skills, newer places to explore and more story.

As a side note, the control scheme still feels a bit strange to me, think it's why I gave up the first time I tried to play through it, just nothing felt right. Getting more used to it now but still hit the wrong button every now and again.
Still better than most other games.


Full Member
Mar 10, 2008
Antwerp, Belgium
Also the way of the samurai and honour is fecking stupid in war.

"Yo, you've rescued me, battered any amounts of Mongols, rescued loads of innocent people, proven your tactics are good, but we are samurai so we have to charge in face on and get bummed to death because...samurai!!"
Why are you still playing this? You've done nothing but complain about literally everything in the game. :lol:

One Night Only

Prison Bitch #24604
Oct 16, 2009
Why are you still playing this? You've done nothing but complain about literally everything in the game. :lol:
I was thinking this last night during playing it :lol: I think I still want to complete it incase number 2 fixes stuff and is better. I think I came in with my expectations too high tbh.

It's not the worst game ever, but I don't think it deserved the praise it got either.

I praised the wind showing me the direction. It's got some decent storylines I suppose. It's a nice enough looking game and is fairly smooth play wise.

Something else infuriated me last night and I can't think what it was now. Oh wait yes I can. The survey thing, let's me survey the area but forces me to just use the one way/style.


Full Member
Aug 12, 2010
The true north.
Playing through this now.

Nowhere near as good as what the bumming of it suggests.

If this was made by Ubisoft it would have been like a 6/10 game. It's got all the same downfalls as the ubisoft games. Feels very A to B back to A for reward or to progress. I know that's pretty much every game ever, but this really feels disjointed ATM. Upgraded weapons and they seem to somehow do less damage :lol: camera angles can jump weirdly too and no locking on took some getting used to, still doing air swings all over the shop though.

I've also visited a couple areas where something is clearly going to happen at some point in the story, but because I've visited too early it's just empty. Komatsu Forge, apparently enemy territory with zero enemies there.

I do like how the enemies don't always die and crawl about making noises though, even through the cut scenes, had some great times with that.

It's an alright game, pretty run of the mill imo, enjoyable but nothing amazing really.

Annoying how when you want to stealth, whoever you're helping just charges in, bellends.

The wind thing is a neat way to show you where to go. I actually quite enjoy the bad guys dialogue and his presence, very cool. Not sold on the guy I play as though, seems very dense and whiny.
See I loved this game and I think in part it has to do with my not playing any Ubisoft or similar open worlds for quite awhile. I think the last one was Horizon FW for me.

My experience was that this is how the Ubi-open world formula can be done well. It's similar to a lot of other games, but more tasteful imo and so the repetitive stuff didn't feel as onerous.

Basically, this was the game Ubisoft dreams of making (but lacks the soul to do so).

I do agree that it's dumb to find a location where you can clearly tell a story event is going to happen here, but it hasn't yet so there's nothing to see. Open worlds and story don't work well, tale as old as time. I also agree that the villain was by far the best character in the game.