Graeme Sourness | Retires from “punditry”

I mean... it's pretty natural to care about whether or not he's good at the profession he's paid for?
Yeah agreed. Think dissing his punditry is fine. Just think many people (moreso in real life) tend to just hate him as a person for some reason, which I dont understand.
I think it's more that you're suggesting he purposely decided to swim the channel for charity, in an effort to get some positive PR. Personally, I don't think that that's the case, its more that he now has time on his hands to dedicate to training and fundraising. At 70, I'd like to think that most people are past caring what others think.

I think that's your inference rather than my suggestion. As another poster mentioned, Souness has been with this charity for some time, so the swim was more than likely planned for quite some time, but despite Sky's insistence, he hasn't retired from punditry as his appearances elsewhere would indicate, and the negative publicity he has endured recently (from Sky's perspective) has been counteracted by this noble effort whether it has been pushed or not.
Yeah agreed. Think dissing his punditry is fine. Just think many people (moreso in real life) tend to just hate him as a person for some reason, which I dont understand.

Some people on here hate Maguire as a person just because he doesn't play well.
Sourness considering retiring from punditry and therefore football reminds me of this

At least that's how he probably sees it
Yeah I don't get any of that shit tbh. Maybe I'm not as invested in Football as some people I guess.

I think there's a distinction to be made, and this applies equally to pundits. I had contempt and hostility for the United players based on their performances last season, but I don't know any of them personally as people.

People tend to agree with pundits whose opinions tally with their own, but to use Souness as an example (being his thread), he has often been cynical about United and their fans, suggesting the campaign against the Glazers was purely because things were crap on the field and we did not campaign against them when Ferguson was in charge. This is a bullshit opinion, but I don't know the man.
Have been very vocal of how annoying a pundit he has been over the past decade or so but his current charity work raising money for EB gets my respect massively.

I've only just learned of the disease and it seems horrific. Fair play, Graeme.
I think there's a distinction to be made, and this applies equally to pundits. I had contempt and hostility for the United players based on their performances last season, but I don't know any of them personally as people.

People tend to agree with pundits whose opinions tally with their own, but to use Souness as an example (being his thread), he has often been cynical about United and their fans, suggesting the campaign against the Glazers was purely because things were crap on the field and we did not campaign against them when Ferguson was in charge. This is a bullshit opinion, but I don't know the man.
I mean to be fair. He’s not wrong.

If we had been winning things these last 10 years. No one would give a shit about the Glazers because we’d be successful and we’d give the stadium/training facilities a pass because we’re successful. At the end of the day, that’s all really anyone cares about. Shiny new toys each year and trophies.
I mean to be fair. He’s not wrong.

If we had been winning things these last 10 years. No one would give a shit about the Glazers because we’d be successful and we’d give the stadium/training facilities a pass because we’re successful. At the end of the day, that’s all really anyone cares about. Shiny new toys each year and trophies.

That might be true of some, but I’ll be honest: I have been green and gold since the Glazers hijacked the club, believe me or not.
If we had been winning things these last 10 years. No one would give a shit about the Glazers because we’d be successful and we’d give the stadium/training facilities a pass because we’re successful. At the end of the day, that’s all really anyone cares about. Shiny new toys each year and trophies.
What the feck are you on about? Early 2010 was when the anti-Glazer protests started to really gain momentum. At that time, we were champions, had won 3 league titles in a row, been to back-to-back CL finals, and were in the midst of a 4th consecutive title race. If you think United fans don't protest the Glazers when we're successful then you haven't been following football for long.
What the feck are you on about? Early 2010 was when the anti-Glazer protests started to really gain momentum. At that time, we were champions, had won 3 league titles in a row, been to back-to-back CL finals, and were in the midst of a 4th consecutive title race. If you think United fans don't protest the Glazers when we're successful then you haven't been following football for long.
Oh do me a favor & stop being so anal.

Anti Glazer has been around ever since they took over but no-where near the level it is at now.

So you’re telling me if we had CONSISTENT. Success. Keyword here: CONSISTENT success over the past 10 years the anti glazer chants would not have died down or completely disappeared?
Oh do me a favor & stop being so anal.

Anti Glazer has been around ever since they took over but no-where near the level it is at now.

So you’re telling me if we had CONSISTENT. Success. Keyword here: CONSISTENT success over the past 10 years the anti glazer chants would not have died down or completely disappeared?
There's always going to be some periods where the anti Glazer chants are louder than others, but I can tell you that's unrelated to how successful we are on the pitch. As with any protest, there's usually a catalyst that triggers a rise in anti Glazer chants. In 2010, it was the news of the increased debt and murmurs of the Red Knights launching a takeover bid. In 2021, it was the super league. It wasn't like we stopped protesting the Glazers all of a sudden in 2011 because we won a league title. As you said, there has been a consistent anti Glazer sentiment amongst United fans since 2005, so I'm not sure why you're trying to act like we're happy with the owners whenever we're winning.
I'm not sure why you're trying to act like we're happy with the owners whenever we're winning.
I didn’t say that, I’m speaking hypothetically, if we we’re successful, consistently, over these past 10 years or so, several league titles, maybe a UCL, a few shiny new toys and superstars each year. No one would give as much of a feck as they do now about the owners.
I didn’t say that, I’m speaking hypothetically, if we we’re successful, consistently, over these past 10 years or so, several league titles, maybe a UCL, a few shiny new toys and superstars each year. No one would give as much of a feck as they do now about the owners.
You don't even have to speak hypothetically. We were consistently successful from 2006-2011, winning 4 league titles in 5 years, and a UCL. During that period, we saw the green and gold campaign take off and loud Anti Glazer chants inside Old Trafford every week. Maybe you weren't following United much during that period nevertheless this is a weird hill for you to die on.
The thing I've always thought about Souness' punditry: when he was good, he was actually quite good. When he was bad, it was like washing in a bath full of turds
He has decided in the last two years to become a peddler of nonsense. Don't get me wrong, he always had some nuggets of rubbish to shit out, but he has gone into overdrive in recent years. Maybe realized the new punditry crowd was pushing him out and is looking for a way to keep the easy cash flowing.

I wish him all the best on his amazing swimming effort that is for a good cause. At the same time, I hope the cold Channel waters shrivel his cock. Not permanently, I don't wish harm on anyone. Maybe just for two weeks, long enough for him to be concerned.
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He has decided in the last two years to become a peddler of nonsense. Don't get me wrong, he always had some nuggets of rubbish to shit out, but he has gone into overdrive in recent years. Maybe realized the new punditry crowd was pushing him out and is looking for a way to keep the easy cash flowing.

I wish him all the best on his amazing swinning effort that is for a good cause. At the same time, I hope the cold Channel waters shrivel his cock. Not permanently, I don't wish harm on anyone. Maybe just for two weeks, long enough for him to be concerned.
So then the only explanation for beating them this season must be that ETH is a better manager than Pep.
His bitterness, delusion and irrational hatred of anything to do with United was an embarrassment for any channel that let him speak. It frequently reeked of thinly-veiled racism, too, the way he constantly singled out black players and criticized them for completely absurd things. He should never have been a pundit in the first place, and I think they only let him because anything anti-United will get a lot of attention and views.
I'm thinking more along the lines of what about Shaw, Martinez, Varane and Rashford.

Being honest, Martinez is the only sure bet. He replaces Ake any day of the week.

Otherwise? Shaw may or may not be better than Cancelo, Varane isn't getting in ahead of Dias, and Rashford doesn't have the technical ability to play Pep football.
Being honest, Martinez is the only sure bet. He replaces Ake any day of the week.

Otherwise? Shaw may or may not be better than Cancelo, Varane isn't getting in ahead of Dias, and Rashford doesn't have the technical ability to play Pep football.
Cancelo? The man Pep bombed out?
Plus why does the team have to play Pep ball? If Sterling could manage it I’m sure Rashford would.
What technical ability does Haaland have to play Pep ball?
Being honest, Martinez is the only sure bet. He replaces Ake any day of the week.

Otherwise? Shaw may or may not be better than Cancelo, Varane isn't getting in ahead of Dias, and Rashford doesn't have the technical ability to play Pep football.
Not for me. Those 4 have a great shout in my opinion. I also completely forgot about Casemiro who is a terrific player, although Rodri is too obviously.
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So he's saying Pep isn't a great manager?

Pretty sure Pep would find ways to fit Martinez, Varane, Shaw, Casemiro, Bruno, Rashford and quite possibly a talent like Garnacho into his teams.

If you kind find a place for Jack Grealish, Nathan Ake etc, then you won't have a problem.
Cancelo? The man Pep bombed out?
Plus why does the team have to play Pep ball? If Sterling could manage it I’m sure Rashford would.
What technical ability does Haaland have to play Pep ball?

Cancelo is in the team most weeks now.

Sterling didn't manage it, that's why he's not there anymore. Rashford relies on running in behind from deep which City rarely do.
Cancelo is in the team most weeks now.

Sterling didn't manage it, that's why he's not there anymore. Rashford relies on running in behind from deep which City rarely do.

Cancelo has been in Bayern’s team most weeks, that is true. Not sure what that has to do with a combined City/United team though. Shaw would be a definite starter for City.

Otherwise, both United’s first choice CBs are arguably better and Pep would love Rashford - he’s the ideal mix of technical ability and pace which he would be able to mould to his style.
This sort of bile from Sourness is great for motivating the lads today- adding fuel to the fire
Cancelo is in the team most weeks now.

Sterling didn't manage it, that's why he's not there anymore. Rashford relies on running in behind from deep which City rarely do.
Sterling managed it for many years and left when being phased out. We play around the opponents box a lot more these days, we aren’t sitting back looking for counters.
Pep would alter his team to get the best out of who he has. Would you have said Haaland was technical enough to lead the line in a Pep side? What fans were saying Akanji would keep Dias and Laporte out this time last year? Pep tried to sign Maguire and Fred!
Sterling managed it for many years and left when being phased out. We play around the opponents box a lot more these days, we aren’t sitting back looking for counters.
Pep would alter his team to get the best out of who he has. Would you have said Haaland was technical enough to lead the line in a Pep side? What fans were saying Akanji would keep Dias and Laporte out this time last year? Pep tried to sign Maguire and Fred!

People thought Haaland would make City worse, he has adapted and Pep had adapted to him. Scoring something like 16 goals in his first 10 games got him some leeway when he was touching the ball about as often as he scored, whereas I don't think Pep wouldn't stand for Rashford's wild swings in form. Not that hes a bad player or he wouldn't be in the squad but I don't see where he fits in City's best 11.