Graeme Sourness | Retires from “punditry”

Cancelo is in the team most weeks now.

Sterling didn't manage it, that's why he's not there anymore. Rashford relies on running in behind from deep which City rarely do.

Did you fall asleep about 6months back?
Cancelo hasn't been with City for half a season!
Talking out of his ringpiece on the radio again…apparently City haven’t done much wrong and are ‘great for the area around the ground’.
From his Daily Mail column:

GRAEME SOUNESS: Man United have spent huge sums but NOTHING has changed... Bruno Fernandes is nowhere near captain material and Casemiro is a steady Eddie, while Jadon Sancho and Antony are just ORDINARY

I don't see them being any better this year than they were last year.

They beat Wolves having been out-footballed for 90 minutes and the referee failing to spot an assault by their new goalkeeper. If that challenge happens on the halfway line it's a red card!

£47million went on Andre Onana. The obsession now is to have a keeper who's very good with the ball at his feet. He looks to be that, but it's never been tougher to be a keeper than it is in today's game and I expect him to make mistakes.
Still, Onana is certainly better than David de Gea with the ball. But will he win them as many points as De Gea did?

The Spaniard regularly made unorthodox stops with his legs and feet. We'll have to wait and see if Onana can keep the ball out of the net like he did, but I doubt it.

I'm mystified by the decision to make Bruno Fernandes captain.

I saw him at Anfield last year and he totally gave up at the home of their biggest rivals when it became clear United would get nothing from the game.

He's a talented boy, but there are big questions marks that come with him. He shows disrespect to his team-mates on a regular basis by shrugging his shoulders and pulling faces, holding his palms outwards to the sky when they fail to pick him out with a pass. He is just not captain material.

Last year I was criticised for saying that Casemiro is a steady Eddie in midfield, but I stick by that.

He's a year older and a year wiser in terms of English football so let's see if he's better this season.

On the wings, you look at Jadon Sancho, Antony and Alejandro Garnacho. I don't think any of them are good enough to be United players long-term and take the club where they want to go as a giant of world football. They're ordinary.

Last season he signed Antony and Lisandro Martinez and now he's signed Onana. They all played for him at Ajax, and have now got to turn up for him.

It's a quantum leap playing for Ajax in the Eredivisie then coming to the biggest club in England and playing a cup final every weekend - and that's what he's asked these guys to do.

I'm not sure if any of them are up to the standard needed to make Manchester United the best team in this country again.

There will be a hell of a lot of pressure on Rasmus Hojlund to show he's United's answer to Erling Haaland, when he's fit to play.

He is arriving without an incredibly impressive goalscoring record, having played one year in a big league, Serie A, and scoring 10 goals in his 34 games for Atalanta.

They spent £72m on him and that seems to be the going rate simply for potential these days. That's all they're getting with him. It's a hell of a gamble.
:lol: He's a nutter but reading the headline alone, it seems like he's been browsing the Caf and repeating what people have been saying on here about all those players and the current state of affairs.
Not really wrong though is he? Even though he’s a bit of a prat. We’ve spent loads and had very little in return.
They beat Wolves having been out-footballed for 90 minutes and the referee failing to spot an assault by their new goalkeeper. If that challenge happens on the halfway line it's a red card!

What a bellend. That challenge wouldn’t happen on the half way line because it wasn’t a challenge. It was a collision which often happens when players challenge for a high cross in the box.
Other than Onana and the penalty, he’s not far off what most of us think. Garnachos still young, but I’ve already written off Antony and Sancho, and we already need to replace Casemiro, an example of our shocking team planning and transfer strategy. Bruno will need replacing before too long as will Varane.
Absolutely despises United and has never held a single objective opinion about us. I bet he posts on RAWK.
Said the same last season, we finished ahead of Liverpool.
At least give us a chance to fail for feck sake
Up to us to prove him wrong. Let’s also see how Liverpool’s season goes…
We did prove him wrong last season. There’s few pundits trying to rerun last year imo. Even if we improve this season it’ll all reset to this nonsense again anyway
Pin those quotes on the dressing room wall.

His views on Casemiro are the weirdest. I know he dropped off a bit in the latter half of last season, but show the man some respect.
He talks sh*te most of the time but I can't disagree with his views on Antony and Sancho.
Pin those quotes on the dressing room wall.

His views on Casemiro are the weirdest. I know he dropped off a bit in the latter half of last season, but show the man some respect.
It strange because he walked them back last year so the standing by his comments doesn’t hold much weight. That’s what wrong with punditry in England, too many want to be seen as right
So not different to caf opinions then. Surprised he called us the biggest club in England though. Still he can feck off, the bitter twat.
He is right. If Keane said what he said, you wouldn't bat an eyelid, and you'd all mostly be in agreeance.
Why do so many people say De Gea won us heaps of points especially when he's been poor since the 2018 world cup. I'd imagine he's costed us more points and trophies than he's won for us in that period.

Other than that and his weird obsession with Casemiro he is right on more than a couple of those points.
From his Daily Mail column:

GRAEME SOUNESS: Man United have spent huge sums but NOTHING has changed... Bruno Fernandes is nowhere near captain material and Casemiro is a steady Eddie, while Jadon Sancho and Antony are just ORDINARY
Whether we like him or not, and whether he hates United or not, his analysis here seems right.

  1. a gentleman who does charitable acts.
  2. someone who is a genuinely nice person.
  3. someone who is also a total cnut.
Yes, I meant that he’s right in my view. Thank you for the note.
But how? How can you make any judgment after two games?
Can you show me posts saying we would get 3rd and win a trophy after our second game last season?
But how? How can you make any judgment after two games?
Can you show me posts saying we would get 3rd and win a trophy after our second game last season?
I don’t judge the team based on these two games. I have my view of players that have been with us for a while (whom Sourness reference here).

I also don’t believe in ETH even though he deserves a chance to prove himself.
He's actually complimenting United, in a backhanded way. He's saying that the current crop aren't really good enough for one of the biggest teams on the planet. He's correct.