Gaming Gran Turismo 5


Full Member
Jul 14, 2008
I may be the devil, but i'm not a monster
New DLC soon.


New 30km long High speed test track.

12km straights with 3km long corners.

v12 vantage

Total DLC car list.

Nissan Leaf G 2011
Aston Martin V12 Vantage 2010
Volkswagen [Beetle] 1200 1966
Jaguar XJR-9 LM Racecar 1988
Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4 2011
Mini Mini Cooper S Countryman (R60) 2011

No Skyline :(


Full Member
Jul 14, 2008
I may be the devil, but i'm not a monster
Is that track from that old trailer where they were unloading, a Toyota was it, from a ship at some dock complex or other? Car pack looks nice.
I dunno. Probably. I wouldn't be surprised if PD has amassed a huge catalogue of car and track data by now, but just won't release it until GT6. In fact apart from skins, I doubt very highly that they put any cars or tracks into the game past April 2010. That's nearly two years of modelling since and they've expanded their business since. We're probably getting 2 or 3 of the 10 cars made each month. We'll probably get another two tracks as well before they say enough is enough and hold on to the rest.


Yaaas Broncos!
Apr 6, 2009
Has anyone else found this game to have become outrageously slow when logged into PSN?

Using the season events is almost painful it's that slow for me. Finishing an even to updating rankings to retuning to the menu takes absolutely ages.


Full Member
Sep 20, 2004
Yeah its quite slow at times when logged in, its gotten much better since it was released though.

I'm currently B-Spec grinding, such a bore but its gotta be done for the path to platinum.


Full Member
Sep 20, 2004
Seriously who decided on the xp for B-Spec on this game? I'm still over a million away from Level 39, when I get to that I still have to get another 7.5 million xp just to race the final 24hr Endurance race in order to "complete" B-Spec mode.

Except it won't even be complete because in order to get the "Air of experience" trophy one driver has to do over 500 races and I've only done about half of that.

Why is the final 24hr race at Level 40? Why couldn't it be Level 39 so the xp actually means something afterwards? And why didn't they just bring back the fast forward option from GT4? It's a bloated mode that requires uneccesary grinding and I don't think the biggest GT5 fan can defend it.


Creator of the Caftards comics
Aug 22, 2006
Officially the best poker player on RAWK.
Rushed decisions and being told the game has to finally come out.

I'm not saying that is the case*, I'm not saying I know that*, I'm just saying it's a possibility.

*You know, before I get jumped on again for suggesting things that might actually be reality.


Full Member
Sep 20, 2004
They totally rushed the experience for both A & B-spec modes and nobody can dispute it. Yeah you had to have some levelling system in order to make the game long, thats fair enough but there is zero balance in the whole thing, its just a massive grind.

They had two options basically, lower the xp for each level or give it bigger xp bonuses OR stick in more events. Now they stick more events up in the seasonal stuff but the rewards still aren't big enough and your done with them in one session.

They also tried to patch up the xp system by introducing the login bonus stuff and it helps but its still such a massive grind of a game.

GT5: Epic Grind.


Creator of the Caftards comics
Aug 22, 2006
Officially the best poker player on RAWK.
They totally rushed the experience for both A & B-spec modes and nobody can dispute it. Yeah you had to have some levelling system in order to make the game long, thats fair enough but there is zero balance in the whole thing, its just a massive grind.

They had two options basically, lower the xp for each level or give it bigger xp bonuses OR stick in more events. Now they stick more events up in the seasonal stuff but the rewards still aren't big enough and your done with them in one session.

They also tried to patch up the xp system by introducing the login bonus stuff and it helps but its still such a massive grind of a game.

GT5: Epic Grind.
Everything I had to say about the game I said before it's release. Owning a PS3 and being a driving game fan, I really wanted something worth buying a wheel for and enjoying.

I'm glad I went with my gut and never actually bought it before I played it.


Full Member
Jul 14, 2008
I may be the devil, but i'm not a monster
Rushed decisions and being told the game has to finally come out.

I'm not saying that is the case*, I'm not saying I know that*, I'm just saying it's a possibility.

*You know, before I get jumped on again for suggesting things that might actually be reality.
Nobody disputes that the game was seemingly rushed. They tried to cram too much into one game without actually sitting back and thinking, what can we put in realistically. They've also realized they need more than 100 staff to develop such a large title. Turn 10 has 250+ and outsourced modelling.

Quite frankly, rain or time change should have been put in, but not both.

Dirt or Snow should have been developed, not both.

Premium cars only, not a bunch of outdated cars that make it look half finished.

3D and the joke of a track editor should not have been implemented at all.

B spec should have been stacked together with A Spec like it was in GT4. B spec on it's own is a complete waste of time, and the enduro's in this game are too long. The game use to have a perfect balance of longer 3-4 hour enduro's and five to six 1-2 hour. Now it's 2x 2 hour enduro's a 3, 4, 6, 12 and 3x 24 hr enduro's. It's over kill

F1 cars should have been properly implemented in the game itself.

Common sense should have been applied to some of the races in A spec mode as well with much bigger monetary income, and prize cars that you can actually use in the next series.

There should be alot more RM cars than what there are. Ferrari, Audi, BMW, Aston, Lambo etc all have GT1 cars that could have been used. They even have the license for the FIA GT series and LMP but haven't used most of them. They also should have incorporated some of their traditional tracks and real life circuits rather than implementing one of those most boring tracks in any game i've played in Cape Ring.

I have no idea what they did with this game, but the only thing they seemingly got right were the physics. Everything else has been poorly designed with a lack of concentration applied to what realistically could work.

I respect Kazanori for what he tries to do. It's not easy to reinvent the wheel, but simple things that the series has been famous for haven't appeared in this game. Kudo's has to go to him not being happy with the product and constantly updating it.

The only thing you can say though is that the game has now got an incredible foundation to build upon for GT6.

As well as fixing certain game-play elements all the game needs is two game play elements that I feel Forza has the edge over on. Livery editor/market place and a more advanced tuning engine.

What I don't want to seem them do is implement an Auto Vista replica. It's as big a waste of time as the crappy track editor in GT.


Creator of the Caftards comics
Aug 22, 2006
Officially the best poker player on RAWK.
That's about right Marchi.

If you read the middle (I think) of this thread you see us having a debate on this, and one of the things I believe I pointed out was how much people buy into hype these days. After the dust settle you tend to realise that yeah they are good games, but nowhere near the level people put them on at first. Skyrim is a big example of this.

As for GT5, like Forza 4, it's a decent driving game but was always going to be packed with waste a time features in a 'look at me!' Kind of way, it's what the games buying public at large want. Underneath it's a solid console racer, the physics do work and are slightly better than Forza's (as someone predicted ;) ), but the shiny layer on top is rushed and unnecessary.

Looking back it's hard to see why people kept arguing with me about these things, it was clearly always going to be that way, and my 'half finished' jokes did have merit. Then again I might have had a little inside knowledge about the Sony rumour mill and the call to get the damn thing out :)


Full Member
Jul 14, 2008
I may be the devil, but i'm not a monster
I thought Sony were as much to blame as PD. The 3D implementation is something they pushed for which was a complete waste of time. It was only there to shift their new 3D televisions.

They also should have laid out set dates to have the game ready by.

It's all well and good giving somebody a open plan, but when you're a well known perfectionist like Kazanori, and you have a reputation of a developer that pushes a single platform title to heights and popularity that it has no right in achieving 'in comparison to most racing titles', somebody right up the top needs to step in and put a deadline date down. Otherwise he'll just keep going until it's as good as he can do. I mean the man even said if it was his choice, he wouldn't have released it until this year.

To get a general idea of how particular he is, the game has probably the most updates of this console generation and it's only been out for 15 months. This includes 2 months of down time due to the earth quake.


Creator of the Caftards comics
Aug 22, 2006
Officially the best poker player on RAWK.
I thought Sony were as much to blame as PD. The 3D implementation is something they pushed for which was a complete waste of time. It was only there to shift their new 3D televisions.

They also should have laid out set dates to have the game ready by.

It's all well and good giving somebody a open plan, but when you're a well known perfectionist like Kazanori, and you have a reputation of a developer that pushes a single platform title to heights and popularity that it has no right in achieving 'in comparison to most racing titles', somebody right up the top needs to step in and put a deadline date down. Otherwise he'll just keep going until it's as good as he can do. I mean the man even said if it was his choice, he wouldn't have released it until this year.

To get a general idea of how particular he is, the game has probably the most updates of this console generation and it's only been out for 15 months. This includes 2 months of down time due to the earth quake.
Most everyone is a perfectionist in the game development world, just most don't get the leeway. He would have had many deadlines, just missed them all. It was badly thought out from the start, the planning must have been shocking.

The amount of updates are attempts to fix the flaws yes, but it's more the norm nowadays I guess. I miss the days when console games were made and tested properly :(

Still it somehow worked, which is the most important thing. I must say I'm not even slightly interested in 6, or the next Forza either. I hope they do closer to the time!


Full Member
Jul 14, 2008
I may be the devil, but i'm not a monster
It probably comes down to the aborted Gran Turismo HD. When the plug was pulled, they probably thought 'feck feck feck, don't panic, don't panic, we'll just throw out prologue until we make another full game'.
However the problem with that was effectively the term prologue. People immediately expected the full game out in a matter of months, if at most a year and the hype train started.

What ever we may argue, I think we all agree that Prologue was absolutely gorgeous when it came out. It just shat on everything graphic wise pc or console. But of course, technology hadn't developed enough for them to chuck out another 200 cars and 20 tracks in less then a year. So two years later and people are chomping at the bit, expecting something incredible given that prologue was 2 years old.

This was then proceeded by people asking Kazanori questions and him just going with it and saying maybe, 'something he does often' and put massive pressure on himself and the company.

Sometimes you just have to say no. There should have been strict classification to the fans and the media about what was in the game after it didn't come out in 2009. But of course Sony would never allow that to happen as it'd cull potential interest.

In the end, I think they did their best to not put out a broken game but there were some incredibly stupid decisions made which in the end culminated in them missing the printing press, which probably should have been a warning to everybody. I mean, how could a franchise so popular and important to Sony, feck up something so simple. When was the last time that has ever happened to such a popular game?

I guess the best thing to take form this game is that when it all comes together, you still get that wow factor. Things like driving the Nurburgring at dawn in a yellow bird had to be one of my favorite gaming experiences.

Reminds me of why I love the series in the first place. Hunting down the 90 McLaren in my 94 Benneton* at Seattle street circuit in GT3. 10 laps to bring a 30 second deficit down. Pipped him going past the stadium on the final lap. Those kinds of 75 lap enduro's is what I miss from the new game.

*GT3 had copies of famous f1 cars but weren't licensed so they weren't "official"


Yaaas Broncos!
Apr 6, 2009
So I've bought a new PS3, done the data transfer utility thing which transfered 'all' the data to the new machine. Great I think, only when I load the new one about 80% of the cars in my garage have no thumbnails, all my pictures are gone and all my replay saves are gone.

Backing up my replays manually now to import onto the new machine, but it has to be done one at a time, export to XMB, copy to HDD, copy onto new machine, import to game. One at a fecking time. And there's no facility to import photos so all my photos are lost.

Not happy.


Full Member
Sep 20, 2004
You can upload the photo's to your Gran Turismo account on the website and pull them off that no?

The thumbnail issue is also fixable I think, press triangle in the menu and its something like refresh thumbnails, it takes a while given how many cars it will have to do. I would check but I am 16 hours through the last B-Spec 24hr endurance event.


Yaaas Broncos!
Apr 6, 2009
Yea forgot to mention I'd sorted the thumbnails, it did take bloody ages though.

Don't think you can import photos from anywhere but may be wrong, will check it out.


got third place in a Juan Mata lookalike contest
Jul 30, 2009
Last week, I either ran over a sheep or ran over a
Been playing this for most of the weekend, think it's very good. Have to say though, online racing is the most frustrating fecking thing in the world. No one races properly it's like a bumper car race with people just crashing into you at each corner. Everyone cuts corners, drives on the grass etc as well, I had to turn if off I got so angry :lol:


Yaaas Broncos!
Apr 6, 2009
Anyone still playing this? Some of the seasonal events have been brilliant recently, and the performance difference bonus is a great idea.

Just doing the Lamborghini event now which is tough going, but doable - unlike the classic car ones which I refuse to accept are possible.


New Member
Mar 6, 2012
Zola's boots
GT4 was the best in the series.

This just doesn't capture me like GT4 did or is as entertaining.

GT5 gets boring and tedious and that's something GT4 never did, the best simulator ever imo.


New Member
Apr 24, 2008
Technical Difficulties...
Its been a great series and probably got us where we are today on racers but it got stale after GT2 or 3 and this latest one was poor. Forza series has over taken it now and theres already another one due out late October, Forza Horizon.