Gaming Gta IV

Lance Uppercut

Get it, it's fantastic.
Both of them? I have been told that TBGT is superior to TLAD.

I really enjoyed GTA4, so I can't really envisage me not enjoying either expansion.

A rough idea of the combined game time, anyone?


New Member
Sep 10, 2006
Both of them? I have been told that TBGT is superior to TLAD.

I really enjoyed GTA4, so I can't really envisage me not enjoying either expansion.

A rough idea of the combined game time, anyone?
TBoGT is definitely the better of the two, but I really enjoyed both of them. Combined game time is 10-20 hours depending on how much time you spend on gang wars and such. Looking at it as an independent game it's better than 90% of what's out there.

Lance Uppercut

TBoGT is definitely the better of the two, but I really enjoyed both of them. Combined game time is 10-20 hours depending on how much time you spend on gang wars and such. Looking at it as an independent game it's better than 90% of what's out there.
Sold. Thanks for the info. :)


Formerly RedAddict
May 30, 2008
We can't stop here. This is bat country.
The Ballad of Gay Tony is fantastic. Highly recommended. I didn't mind The Lost and the Damned either because I enjoyed riding about on a bike with a sawn-off. But the Ballad is streets ahead in terms of missions and playability.

Lance Uppercut

If I can knock off 'Killzone 2' today, I might start on 'Episodes...'


Full Member
Apr 7, 2008
Picked this up again recently for a second playthrough having not touched it for a couple of years. It's absolutely timeless IMO, one of the best games I've ever played. Great plot, great characters, great gameplay and so much to do. Had a skim through a few old posts in this thread and I'm shocked some people didn't like it, I'm struggling to find faults. VC and SA were classic games but this one takes the biscuit with the updated graphics, better story and more modern gameplay dynamics.

Rockstar seem to be keeping their mouths firmly shut about GTA V but it's overdue and whenever it comes out, I can't fecking wait.


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
I just love the GTA series. Everytime a new version comes out and I buy it, I know I'm bringing home hours of fantastic entertainment and gameplay. And it never disappoints. Great voice acting, extremely well done cities to play havoc with, a character that you usually end up relating to, a plot that isn't overbearing yet you want to be a part of and gameplay variation like few other games can offer. And FM! (I've discovered loads of music through GTA!)

San Andreas and GTA4 have to be my favorites.


Likes Dags. but not as much as his Dad
Oct 11, 2006
i may pick this up again and have a play through, nothing really to play that much at the moment so why not?


Full Member
Apr 7, 2008
i may pick this up again and have a play through, nothing really to play that much at the moment so why not?
That was exactly my reasoning. COD, Battlefield, Assassin's Creed and Uncharted all have big games on the way so rather than buy a game now I thought I'd get more use out of some of my old favourites. I'm loving it tbh.


Full Member
Apr 7, 2008
Ballad of Gay Tony is the best GTA experience there is.
Ballad was brilliant, added a few nice extras to wreak havoc with in Liberty City. I loved every minute of it but it was quite short and I felt the novelty wore off pretty quickly. In terms of immersion, depth and variety nothing beats the main story, for me. I never played the other one (Lost and Damned), but I may pick that up at some stage in the future if the price drops.


Somewhere down the lane, a licky boom boom down
Jul 10, 2007
Lousy Smarch weather
I got this with my PS3 many years ago. Haven't played it more than a few hours. Just found it very uninteresting. Played GTA3, Vice City and San Andreas so much and this offered nothing more for me. Hated the cellphone, the pigeons, lack of jumps, no secret packages, the main character.


Yaaas Broncos!
Apr 6, 2009
There were loads of jumps.

IV was very good without being great. I wasn't a big fan of the cellphone feature and all the friendship and respect ratings things annoyed me.


Formerly RedAddict
May 30, 2008
We can't stop here. This is bat country.
It really comes down to what type of gamer you are.

The people who tend to love San Andreas are those who like to be able to customise cars, wear bling outfits, fly jet-packs, and do all the wacky stuff you can do in it.

GTA IV is a lot more gritty, it's about the storyline, and there's less scope for fecking around, because you can't do anything like the above.

Some people prefer that though because it offers realism. It's just a personal thing.


Somewhere down the lane, a licky boom boom down
Jul 10, 2007
Lousy Smarch weather
It really comes down to what type of gamer you are.

The people who tend to love San Andreas are those who like to be able to customise cars, wear bling outfits, fly jet-packs, and do all the wacky stuff you can do in it.

GTA IV is a lot more gritty, it's about the storyline, and there's less scope for fecking around, because you can't do anything like the above.

Some people prefer that though because it offers realism. It's just a personal thing.
I'm probably going to finish it sometime in the future. Probably when GTA V is near to coming out. The first impressions just didn't vow me. And I wasn't a big fan of the bling and the jet-pack really killed the ending of SA. GTA3 and Vice City are still the best.


Full Member
May 13, 2004
The City of Salford.
As far as "these kind of games" go, GTA SA was the benchmark for me. Rockstar then raised the bar with Red Dead, which I reckon is quite possibly my favourite game of recent times.

In Red Dead, there's no jumps and stuff like that, just really good solid gameplay, a good story and engaging characters. The whole thing felt fresh.

GTA IV's storyline and characters didn't engage me at all, and the game play wasn't as much fun.

Saints Row 2 doesn't have much of a story, granted, but its just such a laugh.

I've kept hold of GTA, as I hope I might go back and have another crack at it one day, but I doubt I will.

And Kraftwerker is right, a next gen version of GTA SA would be very welcome.

Hell, they could just release it on the PS Store as it is and it would sell loads I reckon.

Lance Uppercut

I loved GTA4 and SR2. Bring on the sequels. Saints Row The Third looks immense.

Lance Uppercut

I watched a trailer for Saints Row.

Half of it was in a ring with wrestling.

The other half was blowing up cars with rocket launchers.
Right. I don't think I have seen that one. The one I watched basically consisted of a guy walking around, viciously assaulting innocent pedestrians with a huge purple dildo, before calling in an airstrike on a rival gang. :lol:


Creator of the Caftards comics
Aug 22, 2006
Officially the best poker player on RAWK.
mufcwarm92 said:
Had a skim through a few old posts in this thread and I'm shocked some people didn't like it,
Shocked? It's not without it's charms, but it's vastly overrated. I mean break it down to it's individual gameplay aspects and it's pretty much a mish mash of 10 year old gameplay.

Vice city is the best of the 3D Gta games so far because it didn't take itself too seriously and improved the gameplay aspects it needed to over 3. San Andreas went too far with trying to keep the formulae moving by adding lots of (ultimately) pointless stuff.


Full Member
Apr 7, 2008
I thought Saints Row 2 was shite and the reviews backed that up. The beauty of San Andreas was that there were loads of vehicles, weapons, locations, mini games and customisations to piss around with, but under all that was a solid story and some brilliant gameplay. Saints Row has all the stuff to piss around with but the story is pathetic and the gameplay is flawed. I understand it's a game that tries not to take itself too seriously but what remains is a shallow game that loses it's appeal very quickly.

I guess it depends what type of gamer you are. I loved GTA 3, Vice City and San Andreas but I was only really a kid/teenager when I played them. I guess over the years I've become more interested in storylines and thus prefer games with a bit more substance than just a good laugh. San Andreas was the best of both worlds, Saints Row is better for people who couldn't give a monkeys about plot or anything and are just playing to piss around and have a laugh. But for me GTA 4 got it spot on (as did Red Dead Redemption) - a great story, loads of side missions, varied characters etc but also that ability to forget about the plot and just piss around doing other stuff, without having so much pointless stuff that it detracts from the gameplay.


Full Member
Jun 8, 2006
Right. I don't think I have seen that one. The one I watched basically consisted of a guy walking around, viciously assaulting innocent pedestrians with a huge purple dildo, before calling in an airstrike on a rival gang. :lol:


Creator of the Caftards comics
Aug 22, 2006
Officially the best poker player on RAWK.
The gameplay is too simplistic for me to enjoy properly, before we get anywhere near a plot. Yeah the Gta games can be fun, but they never really excel in any area. Good but not great.

Oh and not that I've really bothered with the Saint's Row games, but I wouldn't put too much stock in games reviews.


Formerly RedAddict
May 30, 2008
We can't stop here. This is bat country.
The gameplay is too simplistic for me to enjoy properly, before we get anywhere near a plot. Yeah the Gta games can be fun, but they never really excel in any area. Good but not great.

Oh and not that I've really bothered with the Saint's Row games, but I wouldn't put too much stock in games reviews.
What games have complex gameplay in your opinion?


Creator of the Caftards comics
Aug 22, 2006
Officially the best poker player on RAWK.
What games have complex gameplay in your opinion?
Before we go any further, I'll explain that comment a little better. It does all the elements well enough (the shooting/fighting, driving, flying), but it's all a little dated and flimsy. Vice city was the pinacle because it mixed the story with good gameplay for the time. Since then it hasn't really moved on, but it will one day (hopefully the next one!).


Formerly RedAddict
May 30, 2008
We can't stop here. This is bat country.
Before we go any further, I'll explain that comment a little better. It does all the elements well enough (the shooting/fighting, driving, flying), but it's all a little dated and flimsy. Vice city was the pinacle because it mixed the story with good gameplay for the time. Since then it hasn't really moved on, but it will one day (hopefully the next one!).
So basically the next GTA needs to be a better FPS than COD, a better driving game than Gran Turismo, a better flying game than Ace Combat, and a better fighting game than Street Fighter. Only then will it get the Lambs seal of approval. ;)