Hating Lingard

I don’t hate any of our players. I hate our idiot managers decision to continuously play certain individuals that are blatantly not good enough.
He's no worse than Milner, in fact, he's a lot better than Milner in many ways, including the obvious fact of being younger, faster etc. yet Liverpool fans are heaping praise at Milner while we discuss hate on Lingard. If we were to switch those two Milner would be "sh*t" as you put it, and Lingard would find way to be useful in a functioning team. If you want him to be the next Ronaldo then he'll never cut it but if we improved our team overall, mainly midfield play, he'd become useful again. He has the energy and the drive you look for in a player. Let's not dismiss one of our own so quickly.
You can't be serious?

Milner actually does a job on the football pitch, has presence and is reliable when called upon.

Lingard is just.. shit.
He's no worse than Milner, in fact, he's a lot better than Milner in many ways, including the obvious fact of being younger, faster etc. yet Liverpool fans are heaping praise at Milner while we discuss hate on Lingard. If we were to switch those two Milner would be "sh*t" as you put it, and Lingard would find way to be useful in a functioning team. If you want him to be the next Ronaldo then he'll never cut it but if we improved our team overall, mainly midfield play, he'd become useful again. He has the energy and the drive you look for in a player. Let's not dismiss one of our own so quickly.
:lol: must be a piss take
Never hated the lad ever.. just a bit of cringe like dislike for him. I do have friends of other clubs though and cant stand him on another level, recently i can more see where they are coming from now.

I always thought he wasnt good enough for the club, but this business of persistently trying to make him a focal point of the team is pissing me off royally now. Because he's proving all his critics right these days.

And anyone saying give the guy a break regarding his recent family admissions etc, yes i sympathise with him, but it doesn't excuse his consistent unperforming. There are plenty of everyday people deal with the same family problems, and dont have the 1,000s of ££ coming in every friday.
He's no worse than Milner, in fact, he's a lot better than Milner in many ways, including the obvious fact of being younger, faster etc. yet Liverpool fans are heaping praise at Milner while we discuss hate on Lingard. If we were to switch those two Milner would be "sh*t" as you put it, and Lingard would find way to be useful in a functioning team. If you want him to be the next Ronaldo then he'll never cut it but if we improved our team overall, mainly midfield play, he'd become useful again. He has the energy and the drive you look for in a player. Let's not dismiss one of our own so quickly.

never mind the fact they play completely different positions.... no. Milner shits all over Lingard.
Even though he does disappear in matches regurlarly, there certainly are other players that hide and don't impose themselves far more often. A lot of the things you mention I can agree with to a certain degree, but I would put most of it down to him playing in a team with so little structure and movement in his area of the pitch. And some of those elements I would also put down to ability/football intelligence rather than his attitude and workrate.
Name one then. Seriously. Name one player. In fact forget Manchester United Football Club, in the entire Premier League, name a player that imposes himself on the game less than Jesse Lingard. He is a starting #10 who has zero assists in more than a year; how is it possible to impose oneself on a match less than that? It isn't possible is the answer.
Honestly can’t believe there’s a section of fans that still defend him at this point. Whatever little argument there was for a his place on this team is now dead and buried.
Honestly can’t believe there’s a section of fans that still defend him at this point. Whatever little argument there was for a his place on this team is now dead and buried.
Anyone defending Lingard the football player and Woodward should not be taken seriously.
Honestly can’t believe there’s a section of fans that still defend him at this point. Whatever little argument there was for a his place on this team is now dead and buried.

They defend him with paper thin excuses about how he was apparently an important player for England and constantly refer to that purple patch he had, like it wasn't totally out of sync with the rest of his career. Literally none of his defenders that he has left can come up with any semi-valid excuse as to why he should remain at the club, bar reminiscing about his good 6 week of football.
Name one then. Seriously. Name one player. In fact forget Manchester United Football Club, in the entire Premier League, name a player that imposes himself on the game less than Jesse Lingard. He is a starting #10 who has zero assists in more than a year; how is it possible to impose oneself on a match less than that? It isn't possible is the answer.

I never said he is doing well, if we were a better team he probably wouldn't start games, but people want a scapegoat in a player who is not to blame for our problems. He would have been a decent contributor in a team that is capable of playing well. If he left us, even for a worse club, he'd probably flourish, the demands would be lower and fans would be more supportive. He was starting for England at the World Cup in a very decent team, he can't be that sh*t can he?!

Let's face it, over the years we've become a toxic environment for young talents due to our failing policies regarding the way the club is run. Solskjaer is at least trying to change that image, but the image is strong, we'd never lose out on a player to Dortmund the way we did with Haaland if it wasn't for the negative image about developing players we've created about ourselves.

Years of success may have played the part in it, people lost patience quickly if a player isn't an instant hit, and I know Lingard can't be considered young talent for years now, but I think he was the victim of a system that was wrong. I trust Ole to change that.
I never said he is doing well, if we were a better team he probably wouldn't start games, but people want a scapegoat in a player who is not to blame for our problems. He would have been a decent contributor in a team that is capable of playing well. If he left us, even for a worse club, he'd probably flourish, the demands would be lower and fans would be more supportive. He was starting for England at the World Cup in a very decent team, he can't be that sh*t can he?!

Let's face it, over the years we've become a toxic environment for young talents due to our failing policies regarding the way the club is run. Solskjaer is at least trying to change that image, but the image is strong, we'd never lose out on a player to Dortmund the way we did with Haaland if it wasn't for the negative image about developing players we've created about ourselves.

Years of success may have played the part in it, people lost patience quickly if a player isn't an instant hit, and I know Lingard can't be considered young talent for years now, but I think he was the victim of a system that was wrong. I trust Ole to change that.
Absolute rubbish, Lingards a terrible player, an attacking player that struggles to control or pass a football aswel as being one of the main culprits of the toxic environment in the playing squad. He embodys everything thats wrong with our team, not a victim of it.
They defend him with paper thin excuses about how he was apparently an important player for England and constantly refer to that purple patch he had, like it wasn't totally out of sync with the rest of his career. Literally none of his defenders that he has left can come up with any semi-valid excuse as to why he should remain at the club, bar reminiscing about his good 6 week of football.

And that purple patch was 2 years ago now.

Since then he must have scored about 6 goals in 2 years, it's fecking pathetic.
not even looking at his zero goals, the no assists part is def more impressive. As a 10 how is it even possible he hasn't assisted on a single goal? Crap at some point youd think he just pass to someone in a decent position that would just do it all themselves and score.
He's no world beater but he'd a really useful player in a functional team. We haven't had that in many years now. Sir Alex made use of a lot less talented individuals than Lingard. No point in hating him, we should hate all the poor decisions that led to the overall poor performances of the squad. If you gave me to compile a list of players to get rid Pogba would always be well ahead of Lingard in it. And few others, but I am not wanting to pass a judgment too soon, that's manager's job.

Name them?
I hate to be blunt. But having to take care of 2 siblings and a sick mum isnt anything to be anything about.

Most people are taking care of someone on minimum wages. That's not an excuse. If you need the money then it's even should be a stronger motivation to perform at work.

This guy has the cheek to say 0.02 percent, time to own up

Actually it's quite a lot to be anything about.

His situation has nothing to do with any other situation. It affects him in the way it affects him which is completely seperate to someone on minimum wage looking after their own.

People seriously need to get over the money thing and seriously need to start realising that people are individuals and we all see things differently and cope with them differently.

Mental health doesn't give a shit about money.
I never said he is doing well, if we were a better team he probably wouldn't start games, but people want a scapegoat in a player who is not to blame for our problems. He would have been a decent contributor in a team that is capable of playing well. If he left us, even for a worse club, he'd probably flourish, the demands would be lower and fans would be more supportive. He was starting for England at the World Cup in a very decent team, he can't be that sh*t can he?!

Let's face it, over the years we've become a toxic environment for young talents due to our failing policies regarding the way the club is run. Solskjaer is at least trying to change that image, but the image is strong, we'd never lose out on a player to Dortmund the way we did with Haaland if it wasn't for the negative image about developing players we've created about ourselves.

Years of success may have played the part in it, people lost patience quickly if a player isn't an instant hit, and I know Lingard can't be considered young talent for years now, but I think he was the victim of a system that was wrong. I trust Ole to change that.

The World Cup was almost two years ago, he offers our team essentially nothing.

I watched 15 minutes of the game Wednesday before I had to go out, in that time he criminally underhit a through all for Dan James playing it behind him and killing the chance. Basically sums him up.
yawn, made more chances away to arsenal in middle of their new manager bounce, but need a scapegoat.

someone the clever people here and other social medias think hounding him will make him play better

More than whom?
He's no worse than Milner, in fact, he's a lot better than Milner in many ways, including the obvious fact of being younger, faster etc. yet Liverpool fans are heaping praise at Milner while we discuss hate on Lingard. If we were to switch those two Milner would be "sh*t" as you put it, and Lingard would find way to be useful in a functioning team. If you want him to be the next Ronaldo then he'll never cut it but if we improved our team overall, mainly midfield play, he'd become useful again. He has the energy and the drive you look for in a player. Let's not dismiss one of our own so quickly.

What in the feck are you talking about, you balloon? :wenger:
Actually it's quite a lot to be anything about.

His situation has nothing to do with any other situation. It affects him in the way it affects him which is completely seperate to someone on minimum wage looking after their own.

People seriously need to get over the money thing and seriously need to start realising that people are individuals and we all see things differently and cope with them differently.

Mental health doesn't give a shit about money.

I agree with what you're saying but being extremely privileged also helps coping with issues one might have. Footballers have minders who literally do everything for them at their behest.

Now. if Jesse has issues with mental health then he wouldn't be playing -- it's that simple.

United and most teams in premiership have top sport psychologists to hand. They have psychiatrists and basically run their own private hospitals for players and staff. Lingard might be going through a tough period but welcome to the real world, which incidentally, money doesn't give a shit about.

Again, to reiterate, if he had anything majorly wrong with him, our doctors would have notified Ole and Woodward and I'm 100% certain in saying that he'd not be anywhere near the first team. Thankfully, medical professionals realise what extremely pressured environments can do to ones mental health and playing in front of millions, and being under scrutiny of millions of people every week is definitely a recipe for disaster.
I can't hate a player that plays for United, regardless of whether people he's good enough or not. As fans, it's our job to get behind him, because i'm pretty sure Lingard doesn't intentionally go out to perform how he's been performing this season.

Maybe he's just not good enough! That's up to the manager, who ultimately decides whether he plays or not.

I just find it crazy how far he's fallen from grace. One of our (England) better players during the world cup. Looked good when Ole came in, but for whatever reason, he's looks a shadow of the player. Some would argue it was just a purple patch. I really don't know. Either way, whilst he's at United, he will continue to get my full support.
What in the feck are you talking about, you balloon? :wenger:
Agree with you 100pc I’ve followed united for 50 years I’ve seen some dross but I’ve never hated a united player no matter how bad and never will perhaps I don’t really belong on red cafe
Lingard is a cautionary tale, like many young united players of late.

This points to a less than ideal atmosphere within the club, wrong priorities in senior players etc

Years of developing clothes labels and a social media image have caught up with Lingard. He should have focused on his main earner...football.

The great players are great not only because of their ability with a ball but also because of their ability to focus on their craft without being distracted by the many temptations that is thrown at them.

The only cautionary tale here is putting someone who isn’t good enough on first team money and keeping them at the club when their highest level isn’t good enough.
He's no worse than Milner, in fact, he's a lot better than Milner in many ways, including the obvious fact of being younger, faster etc. yet Liverpool fans are heaping praise at Milner while we discuss hate on Lingard. If we were to switch those two Milner would be "sh*t" as you put it, and Lingard would find way to be useful in a functioning team. If you want him to be the next Ronaldo then he'll never cut it but if we improved our team overall, mainly midfield play, he'd become useful again. He has the energy and the drive you look for in a player. Let's not dismiss one of our own so quickly.
We used to laugh at Rawk for these kind of posts.
I like Lingard.
Me an' all but his form shows no signs of recovery. He's got the cup competitions to prove he is at it. If we get put out by Wolves and City then we'l probably not see Jesse in a united shirt again.
This "it's not his fault he's not good enough" line that keeps being thrown around is pure bullshit.
He's got good movement and handles the ball well. He never had a major injury and got the ideal body frame for his role.
It's 100% on him that he didn't improve his shooting, passing and decision making in the many years he plays for one of the biggest clubs in the world. That's what happens when a football player's focus is set on being a Kardashian instead of self improvement.