Have you ever been closer to wanting us to lose?

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Full Member
Aug 31, 2006
If things go bad and keep on doing so and if that happens it will happen naturally without me sitting here like a petulant child wishing them to lose games. If he goes on a winning streak and improves then I can't complain can I?
Well it all happens naturally anyway, not like our wanting a team to win or lose has any impact on anything anyway.

At the end of the day if people say they want Ole gone, then a small winning streak is kinda the worst thing to happen, because it just delays the inevitable. Ole isn’t going to suddenly become a proper manager just because we beat a few teams.


New Member
May 20, 2018
Well it all happens naturally anyway, not like our wanting a team to win or lose has any impact on anything anyway.

At the end of the day if people say they want Ole gone, then a small winning streak is kinda the worst thing to happen, because it just delays the inevitable. Ole isn’t going to suddenly become a proper manager just because we beat a few teams.
My point exactly, so why would anyone be daft enough hoping we go lose? People on here were happy getting battered against Liverpool. That's pathetic stuff. The rest of your post I agree with and trust me, me wanting Ole replaced doesn't mean I think whover comes in next is some messiah because I literally have zero trust in this board so it is what it is mate.


Full Member
Aug 31, 2006
My point exactly, so why would anyone be daft enough hoping we go lose?
it’s just people looking at the bigger picture. If we’re not going to win anything major with ole (which is clear), and there’s a better chance of doing so under a better manager (which is also clear), then the sooner he’s gone the better. The more we lose the more it forces the board’s hand.

Achilles McCool

New Member
Jan 30, 2017
Nowhere fast
Yes. During Moyes' tenure at the end I wanted us to lose games for him to get the sack. It was that bad. I've yet not reached that point with Ole, we still have things to play for, but I'd be horrified if he actually manages to pluck results against City and Atalanta and due to that - gets off the chopping block.
You’d be “horrified” if we beat City and win in the CL? WTF? I can’t believe some of the people in in here!


New Member
May 20, 2018
it’s just people looking at the bigger picture. If we’re not going to win anything major with ole (which is clear), and there’s a better chance of doing so under a better manager (which is also clear), then the sooner he’s gone the better. The more we lose the more it forces the board’s hand.
To be quite frank the writing is already on the wall. This will most likely be his last season either way, if he can last the whole season that is..

Achilles McCool

New Member
Jan 30, 2017
Nowhere fast
it’s just people looking at the bigger picture. If we’re not going to win anything major with ole (which is clear), and there’s a better chance of doing so under a better manager (which is also clear), then the sooner he’s gone the better. The more we lose the more it forces the board’s hand.
Better under a new manager is nowhere near “clear”!


New Member
Aug 29, 2021
You’d be “horrified” if we beat City and win in the CL? WTF? I can’t believe some of the people in in here!
You read my post wrong. It's not that I don't want a result against City and especially Atalanta, it's that I don't want to have any bearing on his future here. Regardless of whether he wins the next 10 games on the trot, he's not fit to be our manager and that is painfully obvious. We're just delaying the inevitable and a result against City and Atalanta shouldn't change that.


Full Member
Aug 5, 2012
The only way i would ever actually want us to lose a game would be if the club came out publicly before a game and said 'Ole will be sacked 100% if we lose this game'. And even then that would only be because i feel that not sacking him is just delaying the inevitable, and giving less time to the next manager coming in.


Full Member
Jan 18, 2018
Never ever

He won’t be in charge next season regardless of results


Full Member
Feb 12, 2012
Monitoring the preparation of the Vidal bid
It's a tragic state of affairs, but the ONLY way the board ever do anything is if results get really bad. They never look at the big picture, never look at performances , and as it stands, they likely never will.

I hate it when we lose, but it just feels like when we win, we're putting another nail in the coffin of the long term future of the club.

We are currently in a situation where there is massive pressure on Ole. If we want him gone, as 90% of fans do, I can stand the short term pain.
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scored 25-30 goals a season as a right footed RW
Feb 7, 2005
Last Sunday evening when I sat down absolutely shell shocked after witnessing the worst defeat I’d ever seen in over 36 years of supporting this club I took only one positive from it. That was that Ole would be handed his P45 the following morning. There was surely no way back after that.

The fact he wasn’t sacked was quite unbelievable but not unexpected from this incompetent board.

I’ve made peace with the fact that this season is now a complete right off. Finishing top four is probably the most we can hope for under Ole, but even that is in no way guaranteed.

There is no point In hoping that a loss will lead to him being sacked. The perfect time for that was last weekend and the board did nothing. We are stuck with him.

Depressing times :(:(


Aug 18, 2007
Welcome to Manchester reception committee
I'd never want us to lose. But LvG did push me into, "don't care if we lose," territory at one stage - mostly due to the sheer frustration of his ability to take every positive performance we put in and ignore it, or seemingly deliberately destroy what made it work.

I did hope that on Monday after the Liverpool match, the next headline I read about us would say that Ole had sacked the entire coaching team. I'm still waiting for that - maybe he wants to recruit new coaches first. But I'll still want us to win on Tuesday and to beat City at the weekend so I guess I'm not even in the "don't care" territory yet.


New Member
Oct 21, 2013
We thought Jose, Louis and Dave were “stronger” managers.
Don’t get me wrong, I’d love a world class manager, but none are available at the moment
There isn't any because we keep hanging on to Ole and as soon as one is available one of the other clubs hire him while we keep saying Ole is at the wheel.


Full Member
Aug 28, 2008
I usually hate posts saying who's a fan and who isn't but here I've got to agree with you 100%. Already posted in this thread, I want Ole replaced but wanting the team to lose? Yeah, if you've reached that point you might as well stop following the team at all.
Me too. I can't stand the "Top red" pissing contests. It's more fundamental than that though. Who wants us to lose?!

Though I was amused that a bloke that sits behind me at OT & is always moaning that people don't sing enough or get behind the team, went in at HT vs Liverpool & didn't come out for the 2nd half! No disrespect to him, he goes to Euro aways, but it did amuse me on a day of little joy!


Full Member
Aug 28, 2008
I'd never want us to lose. But LvG did push me into, "don't care if we lose," territory at one stage - mostly due to the sheer frustration of his ability to take every positive performance we put in and ignore it, or seemingly deliberately destroy what made it work.

I did hope that on Monday after the Liverpool match, the next headline I read about us would say that Ole had sacked the entire coaching team. I'm still waiting for that - maybe he wants to recruit new coaches first. But I'll still want us to win on Tuesday and to beat City at the weekend so I guess I'm not even in the "don't care" territory yet.
I feel the focus should be on Carrick & McKenna more. As others have pointed out, we've too many people learning on the job.


New Member
Apr 21, 2013
Would never want us to lose a match. When I'm watching a match and players are tackling for the ball, I'm always there poking a leg into a imagery ball trying to help our player along. The other day watching the Spurs match I found myself twitching and kicking at that ball for the spurs players. Now that's fecking sad.


Full Member
Nov 26, 2015
I never want United to lose a game...BUT when Mourinho was in charge I was close to that. I was very happy with OGS at first but now I´ve turned around and I do not think he´s good enough but I hope he proves me and others wanting him out wrong. I think the way he´s had us playing until Spurs at game nr 10 in the PL was so devoided of tactical know how that it shows clearly he´s not good enough. We have despite keeping Spurs from scoring 1,5 goal per game against us in the PL. Let it sink in that Southampton, Palace, Brentford,Brighton,Wolves, West Ham and even bloody Arsenal have fewer goals scored against them than us. Then take into account the cost of our defenders compaird to those teams and it´s just astounding that up until Spurs we were looking like a team of Forrest Gumps from a defensive standpoint. It will be interesting to see how thing develop.


Oct 31, 2005
The stakes are higher now Ole Gunnar Southgate is in charge though. He needs to go, the longer he stays the more the rot deepens. If that means losing a couple of games so be it.


Full Member
Dec 31, 2017
Lets say, you know that a very bad manager is going to get the sack if indeed the team lose, but if they win (because the owners are absolutely clueless and have no idea how to run a football club) they will keep prolonging the circus a small amount each time the manager wins the next match, is it not more beneficial for the club overall and in the long run, to want to lose a couple of matches just to force the board into action? The problem we have is that whenever we look in relegation form and just as Ole looks like his time is up, he somehow pulls a results out of his ass and his jobs no longer in trouble... until the time it happens again, because this has happened multiple times over 3 seasons, this just isn't sustainable and it's shocking for a club of our stature. Honestly if we had to lose a couple of games just to wake up the board and get an actual better manager in, I would want to make that sacrifice in a heartbeat, however this would only be if a suitable candidate was an option.


New Member
Sep 17, 2021
I'll never want us to lose BUT, I wouldn't be nearly as upset when we lost if it meant that Ole leaves. We would drop down the table, but if that means that after we can start winning some games and climb back up again, I'm all for it.

I don't celebrate our goals nearly as much because I know it's just papering over the cracks, and we'll be back to playing horrible football the next match. If we lose vs Atalanta and City I won't be upset at all, it's just the norm now and Ole is not leaving anytime soon.


Full Member
Sep 20, 2014
Would be morbidly funny if now the board needs to sack Ole but cant, because there are no replacements around anymore. What are they waiting to see in these 3 games after Liverpool? That Ole will suddenly become a competent tactician? That he suddenly will become a better manager overnight? Our club has become a joke in the footballing world. I really dont know why the people in charge dont care.


Full Member
Nov 11, 2018
I’ve made peace with the fact that this season is now a complete right off. Finishing top four is probably the most we can hope for under Ole, but even that is in no way guaranteed.
I believe now that Conte is the manager of Spurs, they'll have a good shot at the 4th spot this season (after Chelsea, Liverpool, and Man City). Yet another massive fail from our board.


New Member
Aug 27, 2021
I never wanted Ole as permanent manager to begin with so I'd already reached the "hope we lose so this guy gets the sack" stage a long time ago.

Big picture: the higher ups don't understand football so one can't expect them to make a decision that befits our ambition which is why I want us to lose. It's a way of forcing their hand I suppose.

Bigger picture: the ineptitude of the board is the reason why we're even contemplating such a question to begin with. So don't hate on the supporters who choose the low road.

And yes I'll admit it is the low road.


Full Member
Jan 18, 2018
Melbourne, Australia
United minus the Glazers
Whose to say the board won’t hire another inept manager after Ole? I think at this point our only hope is if the Glazers sell the club.

Barring a complete Liverpoolesque thrashing Ole will be at his wheel….of fortune come the end of the season.


Full Member
Jul 29, 2013
It’s really really simple. I always want us to win. If ole isn’t good enough we won’t win enough and he will be sacked.


Full Member
Feb 2, 2014
Behind the curtains, leering at the neighbors
It’s really really simple. I always want us to win. If ole isn’t good enough we won’t win enough and he will be sacked.
Pretty much and if we crash out of the CL and/or fall behind so much in the league that top 4 becomes impossible its going to be a shit season regardless of who is in charge.

Seems like Ole is in complete denial about the whole situation. Bar a few games we have been complete shite this season and its not getting any better either

Rockets Redglare

New Member
Jun 23, 2015
As much as l complain about Ole and convince myself that it would be better if we lost as soon as the match starts that all goes out the window.
I will always want United to win, it’s just a shame that the board don’t act when it’s blatantly obvious to everyone that we’re going nowhere with the current manager.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
Sep 10, 2010
I've never actually wanted us to lose, but when we do get a poor result it's sort of a "well at least he won't be here much longer if this carries on".

Unfortunately i'm not even sure if that's true now either. We just have to try and enjoy every little thing we can right now.

Our goals last night in particular were great.


New Member
Sep 27, 2021
I don't want United to lose CL games because I am still hoping that a new manager will replace Ole soon and be able to manage us in the knockout rounds (I miss that feeling very much!).

But I do want us to lose every league game until the board are forced to boot Ole. Most people who want Ole out are too scared to admit this and invite the Top Reds' wrath, but I am not.


Full Member
Apr 30, 2019
I do not want us to lose.

I rather us be in the CL and race for top 4 in the PL.

We have seen Leicester, Villa, Liverpool, Young Boys and other games where we have lost and there is no indication he is going to get sacked.

So, I rather us win because losing won't get him sacked anyway.

The team is good enough to just do enough to keep him the job.

It really baffles me how people who have played football, watch it can actually think he is the man for the job. Darren Fletcher must be just as bad as Ole, if he is advising the hierarchy that Ole should stay in the job.


Full Member
Sep 22, 2019
It’s really really simple. I always want us to win. If ole isn’t good enough we won’t win enough and he will be sacked.
It's really really not that simple. Ole just does enough to preserve his position. As been said many times before top 4 and that will be seen as a job well done by the owners. For 3 years Ole has the uncanny knack of pulling results out of the bag when his position has been threatened and he's still here.

It really wouldn't surprise me if we lose against Villarreal and scrape a result against Young boys to qualify and that In the owners eyes is successfully getting to the knockout stages. This squad is so much better than Ole which will keep him in his job far longer than necessary.


Pogba's biggest fan
Dec 6, 2015
I don't want us to lose but Ive realized im not even that happy when we win now. Ole has sucked that positivity out of me, which no other manager did.
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