I don't like the way Bruno takes penalties

Not many GKs will adjust to it, simply because not many shoot like that and they barely train that. Plenty still have that routine of picking a spot before the shot and failing.

He will miss some, but if he hits them precise and mixes it up with a normal run up from time to time to have the GKs guessing even more, he can be super successful for years.
Look Rolando Blackburn eliminating his team in the Libertadores with this technique.

So he:
1) Made a very predictable run-up, placing himself straight in front of the ball and not from the side (means it's easier to see how wide he places his foot, and jump thereafter )
2) Places the ball mid-air
3) Places the ball in the middle to the right
4) Shot is weak

He's basically doing everything Bruno does, but with terrible execution
Look Rolando Blackburn eliminating his team in the Libertadores with this technique.

I could show you lots of examples of players missing penalties with a normal run-up. Is that what we’re doing here? Or are you going to agree that it’s pointless showing what other players did with a similar technique?

Fact is that he’s got an above average conversion rate, he’s scored two for us while sending the goalkeeper the wrong way both times.

And most importantly, why should he switch away from a technique he’s comfortable and got good results with because other players have messed it up or because some people on message boards don’t find it aesthetically pleasing?
Look Rolando Blackburn eliminating his team in the Libertadores with this technique.

Tbf that's a really amatuer-ish PK. The GK guessed the direction and he adhered.

He's supposed to read the direction the GK is going and make the split second decision to go the opposite way.

You can tell even before he did the hop that the GK was prepared to go his left. Right leg was stretched and left leg poised to make the dive. If he hit it to the right the GK would have zero chance no matter how slow the shot.
I could show you lots of examples of players missing penalties with a normal run-up. Is that what we’re doing here? Or are you going to agree that it’s pointless showing what other players did with a similar technique?

Fact is that he’s got an above average conversion rate, he’s scored two for us while sending the goalkeeper the wrong way both times.

And most importantly, why should he switch away from a technique he’s comfortable and got good results with because other players have messed it up or because some people on message boards don’t find it aesthetically pleasing?
Its the internet, people have different opinions. Take it and grow up.
What a fantastic penalty that was. Huge delay for a really odd VAR check against a keeper in great form but he kept his head and buried it.

He's such a great character.
Look Rolando Blackburn eliminating his team in the Libertadores with this technique.

I raise you this. The keeper gave him half the goal and still put it over

Anyways, I think the technique is great. Nothing better than sitting the keeper down and rolling it the other way.
I raise you this. The keeper gave him half the goal and still put it over

Anyways, I think the technique is great. Nothing better than sitting the keeper down and rolling it the other way.

:lol::lol: Man, you just can't take a penalty with that bambi style.
Its the internet, people have different opinions. Take it and grow up.
I'm grown up enough to realise that some opinions are based on stupid logic and thus need to be challenged.

If you can't see that "other player missed penalty with this technique" is flawed when arguing that Bruno shouldn't take them that way then there's no point arguing with you.

Would you agree that it'd be stupid if Bruno took a normal run-up, missed, and I posted a video of someone else missing a penalty with a normal run-up?
Personally I enjoy the way they end up in the back of the net. But each to their own
I'm grown up enough to realise that some opinions are based on stupid logic and thus need to be challenged.

If you can't see that "other player missed penalty with this technique" is flawed when arguing that Bruno shouldn't take them that way then there's no point arguing with you.

Would you agree that it'd be stupid if Bruno took a normal run-up, missed, and I posted a video of someone else missing a penalty with a normal run-up?
You don't need to justify yourself. You are debating against pure lunacy :lol:
I am surprised that Bruno, Jorginho, Hazard, etc. enjoy the success that they do and more keepers don’t stand their ground against that technique. But, I’m with almost everyone else here: really don’t care as long as he scores.
I am surprised that Bruno, Jorginho, Hazard, etc. enjoy the success that they do and more keepers don’t stand their ground against that technique. But, I’m with almost everyone else here: really don’t care as long as he scores.
they just hit it to the low corners then. GKs will never have enough momentum if they just react to PK taker.
I was more disturbed by Mason Greenwood doing that embarrassing love heart celebration a la Di Maria/Bale

I find it very heartwarming that some young players are still happy to do those pedestrian celebrations instead of moronic dances and childish choreographies.
We all know what the caf is like. It's all fine and dandy while they're going in until he misses his first one. Then it will be shit technique, stupid penalties, should never be taking them, Bruno is crap etc., etc.
Yes I watched quite a few more of his penalties for the first time after the match and it does indeed seem like he has sufficient control over the eventual contact so as to strike the ball in different areas and with differing power. Honestly it seems like it should be even worse a technique than a stuttered stop start run up that doesn't leave terra firma.

I can just see young Bruno doing this during his kickabouts whilst growing up. Quite how his father never turned around and told him to cut that out I'll never know. :D And if he started that whilst training with a club, how he got that through without being ridiculed to the point of changing it I also wonder. I blame the flair of the South Americans/all the fancy penalty takers the world has produced. Everyone should take penalties like Shearer and Scholes.

All this said, 21/23....well I guess the Pogba/Rashford penalty taker debate is closed.

Boy I love me some power penalties :drool:

Maybe Bruno will acquire a taste for those later down the road...
The whole routine is about letting Keeper move first before you put the ball in the opposite direction. You just have to wait until the next keeper who like playing mind game, do a dummy and your weak ball is right in front of him. I don't think this trick can last long.
He could do a 360 degree twirl, followed by a handstand and a cartwheel... As long as he scores I couldn't give a toss
I like Bruno's method. I prefer creative approaches to penalties. Therefore, I like it when Pogba does the slow run up. I also like the following :

For me he was MOTM today but i have some criticism of the way he takes penalties.

I watched him taking them for Sporting for some time before he joined us and he was very lucky in Portugal with a number of them and the 'help' of dodgy goalkeepers.
I knew exactly how and where he was going to kick this today and any PL goalkeeper who had seen his penalties before would have had a great chance of saving this one - the good thing is that Foster seems not to have watched him before.

The next penalty we'll get will be crucial for Bruno and, i feel, he should not continue with his hop prior to his kick as it takes the impetus off his penalty kick.

In order to know where he was putting you had to have known which way the keeper was going. He has taken two penalties so far. One to the left and one to the right. Both times the opposite way that the keeper went. That isn't a coincidence. He does that little skip to see which way the keeper is going and then puts it the other way. It doesn't look great but it's extremely effective and doesn't have to be just inside the post of the keeper is going the wrong way. Jorginho uses the same technique and never misses.

Bottom line, you may have guessed right in which way he was going but if you were the keeper and you dive that way he would have put it in the other corner, so no, you didn't know which way he was going because he didn't even know...
yes I agree - unconventional style and jangles the nerves a little
probably not helped by the style Pogba adapted which was less successful - he scored a few and missed a few

I wonder what the penalty pecking order will be when all are fit - for me it still should be Rashford as first choice
Pogba's little run up served.no purpose other than to try and have a signature move. There is a method to the madness with Bruno and Jorginhos technique and it is very effective.
I prefer creative approaches to penalties. Therefore, I like it when Pogba does the slow run up
Unless one assumes that GK's will fall asleep while he completes thing in slow motion, the final shot is pretty much what a normal taker would take. Just like a normal taker, he would need to feint in some way to make keeper go the wrong way at the final moment.
I mean I don't think him coming in slow is contributing much to the cause.
Because it's rarely hit with pace and keepers will get those sooner or later by guessing correctly which way to dive.
Of course that sooner or later he will miss but odds to that are much higher than in classic penalty taking. The way when players choose corner before the kick and don't look at keeper is way to risky. On that way players completely ignore gk and all depends will gk dive in right corner. If he does unless shot is perfect ( bottom or top corner and with power) gk will save it. Not to mention that when you go with power you lose accuracy.
Look how Spurs and Norwich missed 4 pens. Neither player looked at gk.

In Bruno's way if gk waits until last moment he doesn't have any momentum so if Bruno hits it in bottom corner gk can't reach it ( because he doesn't have time to do that one step before diving).
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I don't like the way he takes them either. I also don't like the fact that keepers can't really get off their line virtually giving them zero chance to save a penalty (prime example the Wolves City game this season aldo the Wolves keeper saved the repeated penalty as well only for Sterling to slot in the rebound). But its on the Fa (and other associations around Europe) to define how a penalty is supposed to be taken. Not on us to judge the way Bruno takes them because I don't see him missing many this way. That being said I really do hope something changes about this issue because it just doesn't seem fair
Because it's rarely hit with pace and keepers will get those sooner or later by guessing correctly which way to dive.

The point is he waits that split second to see which way the keeper goes before striking it into the opposite corner. So keepers cant “guess” the correct way as the balls already going opposite to their dirrection.... The keepers who dont dive early may have a chance but unlikely to have time if they delay to then make a diving and save,. A keepers trailing foot is best hope.
i dont think Bruno will miss many.