If a European Super League was established, would you stop watching/supporting football?

If a European Super League was established, would you stop watching/supporting football?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Maybe

  • I don’t know

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Of course I won't stop watching, I'll just not watch the clown fiesta.
I'll never stop watching football, but I don't have a team in the ESL and I'm more a fan of international football anyways so for sure I'd keep watching, but I'm definitely leaning more towards hoping the ESL crashes and burn, though I feel it's going to go through and cause plenty of issues for football as we know it, maybe it slowly kills it, maybe it doesn't have the impact most are fearing, maybe it turns into something better with some corrections based on the backlash we're seeing today. Who knows? I'm just fascinated by the whole situation and how it's going to play out. It feels like a historic moment, but maybe that's pre-mature.
I have a feeling younger supporters will keep watching whilst bitter old supporters like me will stop caring
I have a feeling younger supporters will keep watching whilst bitter old supporters like me will stop caring
I think you're underestimating young supporters a bit. Maybe really young supporters (like early teens) who don't understand the implications would keep watching, but I think the vast majority of fans aged around 17 or over will not want a bar of this.

I'm a 26 United fan living in Australia. Realistically I have no right to call myself a United fan. I have no link to the club through family or anything else, but I fell in love with the romance of football, and the romance of Manchester United. I would never claim to be the same as a local, match-going fan, but I do understand the importance of these clubs to communities, and the heritage it gives the region and by extension the country they reside in. There is no way in hell I want to support this blatant corporate cash-grab that will leech the soul out of what makes football great.
I hate the idea of this superleague, but I will not stop watching football. I've played the game for 40 years myself, and won't stop loving football because the owners of the biggest clubs are greedy. It will probably increase the economic gap between the superleague clubs and the rest, unfairly, and if it comes to it I hope people will avoid watches those matches.
I'd stop watching Manchester United. And the other clubs that join it. The club's name has been torn through the dirt, and what credibility and tradition it would have left would be destroyed.

I hope they get banned from the PL and all other comps.
Then I'll see how football is without them, and decide whether I'd like to keep watching or not.
Yes, I’m a season ticket holder and if this happens I will stop going and that’s the view of all my mates!
Not sure. There would certainly be a loss of interest. I think I would just cut all money spent, so stream games and not go to matches anymore. Which I had cut down anyway prior to lockdown.
BBC saying that traditional supporters are viewed as 'legacy fans' by the clubs in the ESL and they are focused more on younger fans that want to watch superstar players. It's fecking over everyone.
I don't think I'll watch the ESL. I'll probably get more into Danish football and what have you. I'll still watch international football.
questions in the poll are not set up correctly,

should be something like would you stop following your team and support another. I wouldnt follow Utd anymore but I would find another team to support
I'll do two things I've never done in my life: Protest and stop watching football.

I would happily join a fans protest at Old Trafford if it comes to it.

It is also likely to be the thing that finally stops me watching football. Football is one of those things I often regret having bothered with, I think this would be the thing that made me stop watching as I really do think it represents a lot that is wrong with football. This is Uefa like corruption on steroids, imo.
BBC saying that traditional supporters are viewed as 'legacy fans' by the clubs in the ESL and they are focused more on younger fans that want to watch superstar players. It's fecking over everyone.
That’s how I see this ESL attempt too, it’s mainly targeted at the younger audience that won’t care that much as they don’t realize the implications. Of course the global aspect of it can’t be underestimated too, don’t think USA or Asian fans will be against it really - those markets are huge. Thus, it leaves us European fans above certain age out of this but I’m happier for it (not watching anymore) as top level football was becoming a joke with each passing day anyway.
I will be watching the Norwegian league/cup and the CL/EL if it continues. I will never, ever watch a Super League match. Feck that.

I feel sad for the real fans of these 12 clubs. Clubs have been stolen away from them. Albeit, that really happened when private investors took full control over clubs. This is just the results of that.
So much overreaction as always. The reality is that people would probably watch even more football.
BBC saying that traditional supporters are viewed as 'legacy fans' by the clubs in the ESL and they are focused more on younger fans that want to watch superstar players. It's fecking over everyone.
They've massively misjudged younger fans. No one aged 16 or over will want a bar of the ESL.
Absolutely not. Just as my great grandfather, grandfather, father, Busby and the babes, Sir Alex, gave me this club, it will not be taken away by the despicable owners that we currently have. I will support this club until I die, because it my club and our club, not theirs.
I'll probably watch the Champions League unless they invent some even shittier format.
Absolutely not. Just as my great grandfather, grandfather, father, Busby and the babes, Sir Alex, gave me this club, it will not be taken away by the despicable owners that we currently have. I will support this club until I die, because it my club and our club, not theirs.
You need to wake up mate.
That’s how I see this ESL attempt too, it’s mainly targeted at the younger audience that won’t care that much as they don’t realize the implications. Of course the global aspect of it can’t be underestimated too, don’t think USA or Asian fans will be against it really - those markets are huge. Thus, it leaves us European fans above certain age out of this but I’m happier for it (not watching anymore) as top level football was becoming a joke with each passing day anyway.
This is what I thought, it’s targeted more towards TV fans, casual fans and day trippers who want to see the stars of the game. Forget regular match going fans who are not going to be able to travel the world to watch their team.
There is a super league within the Premier League already, the Top 6 or 7 teams are so far ahead financially, it's unfair to the rest who are making the numbers up.
We were on top of the financial pile for years in our heyday, winning everything, buying who we wanted...we didn't complain then did we.
Money talks, as we've seen through out time, greed and money will prevail no matter what us fans say or do.
If the fans stop going to OT, they'll sell the ground for houses or build hotels, the game will go global, we won't have a ground, the matches will be played at super stadiums, times are a changing - ching ching Money
Then again it could be a storm in a tea cup.
I think I'd become a Burnley fan if this happens. They have been my second team since I was a teenager so I would, with a very heavy heart walk away from Man Utd.
That’s how I see this ESL attempt too, it’s mainly targeted at the younger audience that won’t care that much as they don’t realize the implications. Of course the global aspect of it can’t be underestimated too, don’t think USA or Asian fans will be against it really - those markets are huge. Thus, it leaves us European fans above certain age out of this but I’m happier for it (not watching anymore) as top level football was becoming a joke with each passing day anyway.
Seen some people suggest this and I don't think it's true. I'm an Australian fan and I detest the idea of the ESL because I fell in love with the romance of football. I think most foreign fans are the same, at least those who support English clubs. I think they see football as a unique alternative to US franchise football and don't want to lose it. I think these clubs have wildly misjudged the fans and I hope it comes back to bite them.
You need to wake up mate.
Nah I don't. I want the glazers out more than anything but what can I do about it? I barely buy any merchandise and get tickets to games from friends who have spares. I'm never walking away from utd, simple.
As a fellow Irish man, this is an incredibly disrespectful comment to make to the tens of thousands of irish who love the club, but especially to the Mancs who live and breathe this club, the lifeblood of who we thought we were. And that goes for the fans of the other legitimate supporters of all football teams.

The generations thay have gone before them, and the future generations due to have it passed down to them. Forgotten, and disregarded.

Fair competition being trampled on for money. Its capitalism at its ugly pure form.

For shame.

I answered a question that was asked in the OP. For me, personally, I don't care enough about United to ever stop watching them unless they were taken over by the Saudis. I haven't stopped watching Kildare simply because we have literally no hope of winning anything since the GAA have funded Dublin's dominance, because I actually care about the team. Thats why I think it'll be the same for others on here. If I don't care enough but will still watch then the others that do care (that you referenced) will absolutely continue to watch, in my opinion. Again my post is my own personal response to this and nothing more.

At the end of the day we are al still here after UEFA, the PL and British government allowed us to be taken over in a leveraged buyout. For me the vast majority of the blame goes onto those organisations and others of its type. The clubs of course shoulder blame too but this was inevitable when they allowed nation states to run football clubs. Its inevitable in the GAA too if they aren't smart enough to do something to curb the financial advantages Dublin have. This isn't the 1960s anymore.
Nope. In fact it wouldn't change my watching habits at all. For years I've refused to watch EPL and UCL/EL football (including most highlight packages), or buy services that host those matches, so one other competition to ignore makes no difference.
What do you mean?

I was born in the late 1990s. I always believed the Premier League was a rebranding of the English First Division.
It isn’t a rebranding son. It essentially a break away from football league to get larger chunk of TV deal. So in this respect, it’s similar to what’s super league is doing. Only major difference is, PL still retains its connection with football league with promotion and relegation system, and works under UEFA framework, whereas super league is essentially a closed system and clubs are “in” by invitation only but not by it’s merits, which angers most people.
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As much as I hate to say it I might keep watching. Day to day life is very busy, I am always trying to fulfill my responsibilities (family, work etc.) and watching football has always been an important part of my private time.
So just kicking this completely out of my life sounds awful...