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2022-23 Performances

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5.3 Season Average Rating
Yellow cards
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Looked like a different player today. I really hope he turns up against City and does more of those bending runs to break their high line
His best game for us. Far more influential on the right. Had a bite about him. Come on Jadon! You got this.
At his best he’s easily more effective on the right side because of Dalot or AWB both Allow him to be a playmaker and then he can see runners from midfield plus overlapping full backs much better today .
Personally don't see such a clear division between this performance and many others this season. I don't think he's previously been as woeful as others said, and I don't think he was as good as many seem to tonight.

He did all the things he's shown himself capable of in snatches, but more consistently: controlled possession in tight space, contributed to attacks, released runners with nice touches, pinned defenders. But also, more of the bad stuff: stood on the ball until momentum of attacks died, misplaced key passes, saved his few bad touches for the crucial moments, overplayed in the box, didn't take his man on enough.

I think ETH will get the best out of him eventually. I have all season. And this match was just one of a number of steps in that direction needed.
He got a bit of swagger as the match went on. His touch from the no look Case chipped pass is arguably as impressive as the chip itself. He's clearly got great talent but mentally there's something holding him back.

We seem to have bad luck with "confidence" players but the atmosphere in our dressing room has apparently been a downer for years. I hope that things are changing and we start seeing the Sancho that was confident at Dortmund.
Some of the praise has gotten over the top. We played against a team that's very low on confidence. They were all over the place so no wonder he looked good.
He looked good because he was good not just because Chelsea were poor, what we've found out is that he can do it, now we need to find out why he hasn't been doing it and make sure it's fixed
He looked good because he was good not just because Chelsea were poor, what we've found out is that he can do it, now we need to find out why he hasn't been doing it and make sure it's fixed
I've seen similar praise the last time he looked decent.
He deserves praise when he plays well and crap when he doesn't, today was the former
Yeah but you have to look at context aswell. Chelsea were so bad that we could have won 6:0 and it wasn't because we were so good
Yeah but you have to look at context aswell. Chelsea were so bad that we could have won 6:0 and it wasn't because we were so good
TBH Chelsea could easily have scored 3 or 4, I think they need a striker more than we do and that's saying something
Yeah but you have to look at context aswell. Chelsea were so bad that we could have won 6:0 and it wasn't because we were so good

That's an important point. It's nice that Sancho played alright, but it was a game we would have won no matter how he'd played. Meanwhile, we've dropped a lot of points throughout the season because he was awful (I mean, it's not exclusively down to him, but he certainly was awful more often than not) and that's not just redeemed by one decent game against a Chelsea side whose current form is literally the worst in the Prem, against whom we might have won even if Sancho had spent the whole game laying in the fetal position--in which case his contribution would have been about the same as it was in most games throughout this season. He has massively disappointed, and being not-entirely-crap in one game against an opponent in disastrous form and with nothing whatsoever to play for does not do that much to change this fact, in my book.
He played good today but he needs to show more aggression in the 50:50 challenge. He got outmuscled easily by Pulisic at one point. If you don’t show more aggression in the 50:50, even if he replicates today’s good performance against City players in the final, it will be less effective and he won’t survive.
Looked very good on the right. But Chelsea’s off the ball output is woeful so there’s that as well.
It's not odd to see him show that he's good plenty of pace. It's just odd that he doesn't show it often.
That last run he made, he looked absolutely rapid. When had that ever happened before?
Thought he generally looked like ‘himself’ yesterday in terms of mobility and stride - like one of the few games he’s even attempted to open up.

He looked the part. Hopefully it’s just the beginning.
Makes a hell of a difference when you play him in his best position down the right.

Could have had 4 assists in one game. Antony has only made 2 assists all season.
He was getting into those clever pockets of space similar to the way he would at Dortmund. The technical ability is definitely there to be a really productive part of this squad. Next season is definitely make or break now for me now.
He’s really good in and around the box when surrounded by players. That move for the Martial goal is exactly where he comes to life and looks like the player he was at Dortmund.

Big season for him coming up. He gets a hard time (sometimes rightly), but it’s easy to forget that he’s still only just turned 23.
Last night was exactly why I never understood the argument that he's better coming off the left.

His best trait has always been finding space in the box and cutting it back to set up a goal. He's right footed. He'll always be best placed to do that from the right. Of course attacking players should be fluid and play across the frontline to mix up the way they contribute and drag the opposition out of position, but we don't really play that way.

When he plays off the left he either comes back in or waits for the overlap, which usually gives time to the opposition to get back into position.

As bad as he's been at times, I do think he's been handled quite poorly. But I also believe we had no idea what we were signing when he was brought here, hence looking like a square peg struggling to fit a round hole almost every time he plays.
It’s the first time I enjoy watching him. He was playing with confidence. Roaming around and positioning himself well both on the left and when he moved to the right. Hope we see more of this sancho going forward
As much as I’m happy for Champions league qualification last night I’m also equally happy with Jadons performance. Not that I’m equating the two but just the cherry on top.

I’ve had this feeling for a while but I feel Jadon currently exemplifies it most at the minute and that’s the effect confidence and mental wellness has on players. I’d be interested to see how stars of previous generations would deal with the constant scrutiny of today and social media in particular.

I’m also hopeful that he follows a similar performance trajectory to Rashford and gains confidence from these performances and finds more consistency. He still has levels he can rise through I’m just hoping he does it here. He has a unique skill set and we can most definitely benefit in the long run.
As much as I’m happy for Champions league qualification last night I’m also equally happy with Jadons performance. Not that I’m equating the two but just the cherry on top.

I’ve had this feeling for a while but I feel Jadon currently exemplifies it most at the minute and that’s the effect confidence and mental wellness has on players. I’d be interested to see how stars of previous generations would deal with the constant scrutiny of today and social media in particular.

I’m also hopeful that he follows a similar performance trajectory to Rashford and gains confidence from these performances and finds more consistency. He still has levels he can rise through I’m just hoping he does it here. He has a unique skill set and we can most definitely benefit in the long run.
Enjoyed it too.... but give it a few poor performances and the stats guys will be out again questioning the lack of assists even though he laid a number of chances on a plate only for them to be fluffed. Really hoping with a better striker next season that Sancho will continue to show his worth.
It was nice to see a player on the wide right releasing quick passes with his right foot, must admit.
He got a bit of swagger as the match went on. His touch from the no look Case chipped pass is arguably as impressive as the chip itself. He's clearly got great talent but mentally there's something holding him back.

We seem to have bad luck with "confidence" players but the atmosphere in our dressing room has apparently been a downer for years. I hope that things are changing and we start seeing the Sancho that was confident at Dortmund.

Yes to me his swagger was really noticeable after he'd teed up the second goal. A confidence player if ever there was one, but in a way that indicates he's not what we need.
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