Khéphren Thuram

2 years ago, Licha and Antony. Wish we had stopped at 1 :lol:

Good point. I guess I forgot because they werent done at the same time, like the deal I'm talking about with Spurs where they made a "double swoop" I think for Stephen Caulker and someone else... But yes now that you point it out thats a great example and also about how it goes. Ajax fleeced us for Antony because we took their manager and their CB before. Giving up 2 of your players or in this case, 2 players and the manager to anoher team is almost unheard of other than that example and even then it was clearly not a success story. And yes being under the same ownership means its much easier communication etc but they arent a feeder club just to give us players. Nobody working there is doing it in service of making Manchester United succeed, they're doing it for Nice's own success so any transfer will have to be good for them as well.
Could he be a cheap cover for Mainoo?
It would be one of the dumbest move possible for him unless we change our setup. Replacing Eriksen means playing around 1000 minutes in the league, that's half of what he plays right now. Being a squad player for Real Madrid could makes sense, you join a club at the top of Football and their setup actually has a role for him, United is the opposite. There is plenty of clubs were he could increase his wage and be in a situation that actually makes sense.

I think the Mount at #8 experiment will end and a better approximation for how many minutes Thuram will play is the number of minutes Mainoo ended up not playing this season. He played 1924 / 3420 minutes. A bit more than 50% and probably partly because he didn't really have a good replacement in the squad. And this is just in the league, you'd have to look at cup games too. I think there are plenty of minutes here for him if he choses to come even if he won't be the starter.

The role will suit him - not a square peg round hole type situation for once. Maybe if Mainoo regresses (second season syndrome and all that) he will become the starter here.
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It would be one of the dumbest move possible for him unless we change our setup. Replacing Eriksen means playing around 1000 minutes in the league, that's half of what he plays right now. Being a squad player for Real Madrid could makes sense, you join a club at the top of Football and their setup actually has a role for him, United is the opposite. There is plenty of clubs were he could increase his wage and be in a situation that actually makes sense.

I agree, not seen much of him last season or so but liekd him when he broked through. WHy are people arguing over whether or not its a good move for a player to come here when we dont really need his profile of midfielder and it isnt a good move in terms of progressing his career playing wise either coming here.

Obsession here when a player is cheap or free. If they arent good enough (dont know in his case as not seen him for ages) or the right profile of player (which not sure he is)....the cheap fee is irrelevant.

Yes there may be quite a few players leaving this summer....but we need to be signing several players that can start in one or a fe positions here or certainly challenge to. 2/3big signings and 2/3 clever ones
Mctominay will almost definitely stay, Casemiro and Eriksen will likely leave. So you gotta plan the midfield around that. Mount will stay of course, he won't be sold after 1 injury hit season. So realistically we are filling in 2 spots around Bruno, Mainoo, Mount and McTominay. Where Thuram would fit in a well balanced squad would be in place of Mount IMO, as he can play deeper as a ball carrying box to box or as the more advanced alongside Mainoo in a 3.

Realistically it won't happen, but it's a great price if true for what you'd be getting. Sadly our squad is a mess and you gotta plan based on the players who we are stuck with as well, which is an expensive/high wage injury prone squad player who doesn't fit us that well in Mount. Stuff like Mount, Antony and others are what will take us some time to fix and there's no magic fix for it.

In my opinion McT was kept for 2 reasons. First of all it was because he is tall. That's something most modern fans would ridicule. However when there's a corner a 6ft3 player is more likely to head the ball were he wants to then a 5ft9 CB would. Secondly he's got an eye for a goal. Its nowhere near to the likes of Bruno let alone RVN. However its good enough for him to be an effective disruptor in times of dire need just as McT V.0 used to be (Fellaini).Thuram certainly has the former quality. He's 6ft3 and a Thuram. He lacks McT's eye for goal. However he seem to compensate to that with a skillset that is far more useful (ie work rate, technique etc). Thuram seems more suited at the 2 CM base then McT, Mount and Eriksen are.

Mainoo is of course the better player but there are two counter arguments to that. First of all he's young and therefore he shouldn't be playing the minutes he's playing right now. That's not good for his development. Secondly his potential is so huge that he can basically play anywhere across the three roles (DM, MC and maybe even AMC as well). A 2 CM base with Mainoo and Thuram is far from ideal for the time being (as said no one knows what type of player Mainoo will develop into) however its quite decent especially when we're playing against a low block were a traditional DM is not really needed.

Back to money. Eriksen and Casemiro are probably leaving while we had a bid of 30m for McT last year. Now please keep this between us as such news would rock the internet but my sauces told me that no one loves our minority owner more then Nice owner (ok Goldbridge mode switched off). That means that we would probably be able to get Thuram for a good price and in many accommodating installments that would basically fizzle to next to nothing. Let's recap, 20m for Casemiro, a packet of crisps for Eriksen and 30m for McT (the latter is pure profit). That leaves financial space for a half decent DM and Thuram if the latter comes for let's say 5m a year for the next 4 years. That can be done.
from my experience in redcafe there is no one as knowledgeable in the French league then these two.

@kouroux @JPRouve
Honestly some caftards have already covered it very well.
Not exactly. He's more box-to-box. Generally plays on the left of midfield in Farioli's 4-3-3. If he joined United, he'd be competing with Mainoo/Eriksen/Mount for the #8 role alongside Casemiro (if he stays) and Bruno.
I'd just add that physically he'd fit in perfectly in the PL. We'd never have to worry about it, he's very tough
Honestly some caftards have already covered it very well.

I'd just add that physically he'd fit in perfectly in the PL. We'd never have to worry about it, he's very tough

And he is a ball carrier which in theory is what we lack in our starting eleven. The issue is that we don't have room for him in our current setup and ETH has shown no will to go in a different direction which makes sense when you have Bruno.
Honestly some caftards have already covered it very well.

I'd just add that physically he'd fit in perfectly in the PL. We'd never have to worry about it, he's very tough

I really like this player, wanted us to sign him for more than a year by now. But, with the emergence of Mainoo, Thuram's profile of a midfielder is something we don't desperately need as much anymore.

He's a physical, box to box 8 with excellent ball carrying and press resistance. We are more in need of a more defensively minded 6 right now(likely two of them).

For a price this cheap(20-30m euros) + INEOS connection(Nice), I still think this is a no brainer signing. At the very least as depth.

Like, sell McTominay and just use that money to buy Thuram --> squad(midfield) is instantly improved, in my opinion.
60m for Thuram and Todibo. 50m for Inacio, 55m for Olise. 85m for Neves.

Please get it done.
Only way we sign him is if we get a good offer for Mctominey. But he would be a good addition
60m for Thuram and Todibo. 50m for Inacio, 55m for Olise. 85m for Neves.

Please get it done.
60m on 2 subs, 55m on an injury prone lightweight winger and 85m on potential that might or might not be worth it in 2 years. Would be a disaster of a window for you.
60m on 2 subs, 55m on an injury prone lightweight winger and 85m on potential that might or might not be worth it in 2 years. Would be a disaster of a window for you.

Can we bury this myth about him being injury prone
I don’t understand the folks not interested at this price. He brings a physical presence our midfield sorely lacks when McT isn’t playing. Even if he is primarily cover for mainoo, there will be times where we need a proper three in midfield and not a 10 so Bruno gets shunted out to the wing. He’d work great with Mainoo and the more positional disciplined 6 we all think we need. He would fill the energetic midfielder void that Fred left and that we sorely missed in many games this year.

plus, I think he’d work just fine next to Mainoo (or, please, Neves) behind Bruno in certain games.

It’s a no brainer for me at the touted fee and given his age.
he looks quality for the reported price

I’d be in favour of offloading McT and bringing this guy in
60m on 2 subs, 55m on an injury prone lightweight winger and 85m on potential that might or might not be worth it in 2 years. Would be a disaster of a window for you.
So was spending over 100m on Havertz and Jesus when you needed a proper goalscorer but you still did it.
I don’t understand the folks not interested at this price. He brings a physical presence our midfield sorely lacks when McT isn’t playing. Even if he is primarily cover for mainoo, there will be times where we need a proper three in midfield and not a 10 so Bruno gets shunted out to the wing. He’d work great with Mainoo and the more positional disciplined 6 we all think we need. He would fill the energetic midfielder void that Fred left and that we sorely missed in many games this year.

plus, I think he’d work just fine next to Mainoo (or, please, Neves) behind Bruno in certain games.

It’s a no brainer for me at the touted fee and given his age.
he looks quality for the reported price

I’d be in favour of offloading McT and bringing this guy in

Most obvious "no brainer" signing of this summer for us, I think, given all the circumstances(price, INEOS connection, lack of quality midfielders in the squad...).
He's a good player but does not work alongside Bruno & Mainoo. He could rotate well with both, but surely that's the only spot Mount fits into this squad?

I'd be all for bringing him in, but i do worry about yet another DVB / Mount, square peg situation.
Starting against Canada. Playing really high and central as a tucked in LW but basically Theo Hernandez and Dembele are on the touchline and Griezmann and Thuram are supporting Giroud to make the front 5 we see so much now (Kante and Camavinga holding, Kounde at RB sitting back with the 2 CBs).

Hasn't gotten up to much though almost scored on a cutback (decent hit, good save by the keeper to push it onto the bar). Basically his job seems to be to bring the Canadian RB inside so Theo can get the ball on the touchline unmarked.

He looks a little lost in this role, but it's probably not a great game to get a sense of how he'd do here backing up Mainoo, which I presume would be his role?
Starting against Canada. Playing really high and central as a tucked in LW but basically Theo Hernandez and Dembele are on the touchline and Griezmann and Thuram are supporting Giroud to make the front 5 we see so much now (Kante and Camavinga holding, Kounde at RB sitting back with the 2 CBs).

Hasn't gotten up to much though almost scored on a cutback (decent hit, good save by the keeper to push it onto the bar). Basically his job seems to be to bring the Canadian RB inside so Theo can get the ball on the touchline unmarked.

He looks a little lost in this role, but it's probably not a great game to get a sense of how he'd do here backing up Mainoo, which I presume would be his role?

It's Marcus.
Marcus Thuram is a player I wish we had signed for free. If we had him last season, he would have solved many problems (lack of goals, having a backup CF, flexibility during our injury crisis).
I'm intrigued by the idea of getting him here. This analysis also implies that he could be used as a partner to Mainoo, as he is capable of playing deeper. Physically he would offer so much more than Amrabat, he would basically be a better McTominay with less goal threat but much better defensive discipline, game controlling and passing skills. I could imagine getting him and Neves too so we have various combination options. I would then part ways with Case, Eriksen and Amrabat.
Marcus Thuram is a player I wish we had signed for free. If we had him last season, he would have solved many problems (lack of goals, having a backup CF, flexibility during our injury crisis).

Would of been a good clever signing. We had a disaster last summer up there with our worst ever windows.
20m potentially rising to 25m is a steal - kind of a business we should be trying to make. Not sure if he’d fancy coming here even if we were interested.
20m potentially rising to 25m is a steal - kind of a business we should be trying to make. Not sure if he’d fancy coming here even if we were interested.

Judging by the Todibo situation, a signing we couldn't even make even if we wanted to.
Juventus making some good signings. Surprised they signing so many midfielders. I thought they had high hopes for Fagioli and Miretti . Thuram for £25 million is a steal
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