Luke Shaw responds to Jose Mourinho

Not sure how this has blown up - Mourinho's recent comments were made as a pundit and seem fairly innocuous.

It looks like someone from the Mirror has managed to get into Shaw's ear here, in the hope of generating a bit of a story for themselves.
How any of you are defending mourinho is ridiculous. He very regularly says stuff about Shaw and made some recent comments about him. Why do people have to be so dense.

Shaw is well within his rights to finally tell Jose about himself
Its weird. Theyre defending an approach that clearly didnt work even if they agree with what Jose said.
Horrendous player management.
Before injury Poch and think maybe Hodgson commented. The rumours were he let himself go living like a student inviting his mates up from down south to hang out etc
Yep I think that was it. Football fans (including myself) have short memories but Shaw did frustrate the life out of a lot of fans for a good while before getting back on track. In fact he was bloody irritating at times. There was one season where he had about 13 bookings and nearly always for the same foul of shirt tugging when a speedy winger went past him. It was maddening to see that happen constantly.

That's he's turned it around is credit to himself and Ole and I think Jose was the worst manager for him at that time. Jose was/is a pr*ck but he came to win trophies and titles and having to get Shaw's physical and mental state back on track rather than just buying some 100 million pound full-back irritated him I think, as he states in this interview
Not sure how this has blown up - Mourinho's recent comments were made as a pundit and seem fairly innocuous.

It looks like someone from the Mirror has managed to get into Shaw's ear here, in the hope of generating a bit of a story for themselves.
True that. And Shaw took the bait.
How any of you are defending mourinho is ridiculous. He very regularly says stuff about Shaw and made some recent comments about him. Why do people have to be so dense.

I dont see anybody defending Mourinho. I see plenty questioning the sense for Shaw to be responding in such a way when he's in the middle of a tournament. It can only backfire on him getting into a war of words with pundit-Mourinho right now.

The England PR people, and Ole for that matter, will be thinking exactly the same, you can be sure of it.
When commentators do it, they do it for every player on a consistent basis and hence gets overlooked. What I mean is if a pundit is pointing at flaws of a player after every game, despite the player having been among the better players, I'd brand that as agenda as well.

I mean England played an average game vs Czech. There were things to criticize about that performance like Kane still not being up to mark or not testing their GK enough or whatever. Commenting on a player's performance who wasn't MOTM or among the worst 3 players just sounds obsessive
I agree with the general notions. However, set pieces are no different to isolating other parts of the game such as Kane's play, the fullbacks reticence to get forward or anything else that has seemed apparent. If I was going to bullet point England's weaknesses thus far it would certainly feature. Not the most foremost concern, but a disappointing part of our play. Especially considering it is an area England have traditionally targeted and there are a few obvious threats in the team.

I have only read the quotes as they are printed as I do not listen to that particular show so perhaps my contextual understanding is limited but I would say if he was picking player performances out at random to criticise it would be indicative of the agenda Mourinho is accused of. However, comment in the general direction of set piece delivery and by extension Shaw seems reasonable to me. It is probably a relatively fine line. I just think this particular one is being overdone, the Chilwell one sounds more obviously targeted.
I dont see anybody defending Mourinho. I see plenty questioning the sense for Shaw to be responding in such a way when he's in the middle of a tournament. It can only backfire on him getting into a war of words with pundit-Mourinho right now.

The England PR people, and Ole for that matter, will be thinking exactly the same, you can be sure of it.
People break different points. Sometimes you just have enough of it. Putting Jose in his place doesn't affect the England squad at all imo. Theyll be laughing at him
See I wasted three posts to talk about Jose who talked shit on talksports. I won't get those posts again for today. :lol:

He was/is and always wins in media thankfully not on the football pitch anymore. Hope he find peace in his native and won't come back again. But you know he is gold for media and they won't let him leave from spotlight.

Now Shaw have to play under pressure if he plays well he simply say he is not like this when played for him but if he not play well everybody will say Jose is correct and all.
No idea which media you are following.
But throwing players under the bus in front of the media and giving pathetic interviews has been one of the main reasons of him losing the dressing room and his job at both United and Spurs. Him winning in the media is as outdated a view as Jose himself.
I think it just shows Luke Shaw hasn't grown up yet, he's excited to tell the world he has but this just makes him look like he's in diapers

No complaints about his performances though, they've been MUFC quality this season
Isn't Mourinho just doing his job as a radio pundit? He just said Shaw's set pieces weren't good, which is actually true. They were not good on that day.

To be honest, this does come across as Shaw still having a chip on his shoulder.
Isn't Mourinho just doing his job as a radio pundit? He just said Shaw's set pieces weren't good, which is actually true. They were not good on that day.

To be honest, this does come across as Shaw still having a chip on his shoulder.
Sshh.. Don't make such sensible statements here. Posters will put you in the imaginary "Those Jose supporters who support Jose more than the club" category
Probably not Shaw's fault to be fair - I doubt that the Mirror journalist bothered to explain the context of the comments, preferring instead to rub some salt in what he knew were old wounds.

It is Shaw's fault that he went off on a dramatic rant without finding out what was actually said first, he is old enough to know better than that. As others have said he comes across as having a massive chip on his shoulder regarding Mourinho. And his medal cabinet probably doesn't help him to move on since the only medals in there that he has won in his career Jose was responsible for. Each time he looks into the cabinet he sees Jose's face looking back at him.
I am pleased that Shaw has said this stuff, it is probably cathartic for him to get it out there having kept quiet until now after having experienced such a bullying, undermining manager.

Mourinho will undoubtedly come back at him now in his typical self-obsessed small-minded way but who cares.

I suspect that every player in that England dressing room who has worked for Mourinho will be totally behind Luke Shaw as everyone knows what Jose is like.
It is Shaw's fault that he went off on a dramatic rant without finding out what was actually said first, he is old enough to know better than that. As others have said he comes across as having a massive chip on his shoulder regarding Mourinho. And his medal cabinet probably doesn't help him to move on since the only medals in there that he has won in his career Jose was responsible for. Each time he looks into the cabinet he sees Jose's face looking back at him.

Well, perhaps. He was badly advised, certainly. His agent (or whoever handles his media engagements) should be batting away this kind of stuff.
It is Shaw's fault that he went off on a dramatic rant without finding out what was actually said first, he is old enough to know better than that. As others have said he comes across as having a massive chip on his shoulder regarding Mourinho. And his medal cabinet probably doesn't help him to move on since the only medals in there that he has won in his career Jose was responsible for. Each time he looks into the cabinet he sees Jose's face looking back at him.

fecking hell :lol:
Sshh.. Don't make such sensible statements here. Posters will put you in the imaginary "Those Jose supporters who support Jose more than the club" category

I mean I don't even have a problem with the nature of quotes. Just the timing is really off. He should have waited for actual nasty comments by Mourinho to fire back, but to do it over a normal punditry job is silly.

But as someone else said, it all feels like the media were the ones who wanted to get such reaction from Shaw to generate more clicks and he got the bait. The media are the real winners out of this. They got what they wanted.
I mean I don't even have a problem with the nature of quotes. Just the timing is really off. He should have waited for actual nasty comments by Mourinho to fire back, but to do it over a normal punditry job is silly.

But as someone else said, it all feels like the media were the ones who wanted to get such reaction from Shaw to generate more clicks and he got the bait. The media are the real winners out of this. They got what they wanted.
Exactly. If Jose had said in a random interview that Shaw was lazy or useless or something worse, then maybe it warranted a reaction.
Shaw was baited by the media and took it.
People break different points. Sometimes you just have enough of it. Putting Jose in his place doesn't affect the England squad at all imo. Theyll be laughing at him

It won't affect the squad but say Shaw has a bad game tomorrow, whether England win or lose, he'll no doubt be checking to see what Jose has had to say in response. And if he's had a bad game and Jose sticks the knife in it won't do his mentality any good.

Always better to stay in a bubble and let your football do the talking. Then if you want to settle the score do it from a position of power - i.e. with a European Champion winners medal around your neck. That's what any England/United PR people would have said to Shaw had he consulted with them before giving interviews.
Disappointed in Shaw's comments.

He should have said "Jose Mourihno is an ignorant, washed up twat. feck that stupid cnut."
Next time Shaw needs to come up with a catchy nickname like the Sour One or General Citrus.
I thought this was a fair assessment of the situation:

https ://youtu. be/G4spxc0FyCg
Isn't Mourinho just doing his job as a radio pundit? He just said Shaw's set pieces weren't good, which is actually true. They were not good on that day.

To be honest, this does come across as Shaw still having a chip on his shoulder.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Always wonder with these comments
Jose writing in the Times today.

For me, Shaw has played well, better than in the first match, took more risks, didn’t make mistakes. For me, he is not a guy to take set pieces or be in the box to win a duel in the air. He is very fast and a perfect position is to stay back on corners to cope with transitions. But maybe Gareth needed a left foot or he did something very good in training that we didn’t see in the game. But no drama. Maybe against Germany he takes an amazing corner and England win from that. Fantastic.

Shaw is a solid player, not making big mistakes, much more focused and concentrated. He covers the space inside very well now which was something we started working on. He is a good left back with a level to be where he is. I just wish him good at the club but especially good in the national team.

Perhaps this might be the end of it.
People are going to have to start being a lot thicker skinned when it comes to Mourinho commenting on our players as he's naturally going to be spending more time as a pundit these days than a manager ;)
I have a feeling that a lot more will come out one day about what "the translator" has been upto for years at various clubs.

There is already a lot of toxic behaviour in the public domain, but I suspect that much worse stuff has been kept behind closed doors by embarrassed club owners.

One day we will get a press conference from a number of players where it all comes out and I suspect it will involve some sort of inquiry or legal action.

I suspect the toxic one knows he's looking at some big legal costs down the line, hence his appearance in those terrible ads.
Jose writing in the Times today.

For me, Shaw has played well, better than in the first match, took more risks, didn’t make mistakes. For me, he is not a guy to take set pieces or be in the box to win a duel in the air. He is very fast and a perfect position is to stay back on corners to cope with transitions. But maybe Gareth needed a left foot or he did something very good in training that we didn’t see in the game. But no drama. Maybe against Germany he takes an amazing corner and England win from that. Fantastic.

Shaw is a solid player, not making big mistakes, much more focused and concentrated. He covers the space inside very well now which was something we started working on. He is a good left back with a level to be where he is. I just wish him good at the club but especially good in the national team.

Perhaps this might be the end of it.

woowww, Luke really had him on strings!! Made José eat humble pie and shutup for once

never thought I’d see the day anyone would make Mourinho mum ...he changed up real quick :lol:
People are going to have to start being a lot thicker skinned when it comes to Mourinho commenting on our players as he's naturally going to be spending more time as a pundit these days than a manager ;)

He's the manager of Roma :confused:
Jose writing in the Times today.

For me, Shaw has played well, better than in the first match, took more risks, didn’t make mistakes. For me, he is not a guy to take set pieces or be in the box to win a duel in the air. He is very fast and a perfect position is to stay back on corners to cope with transitions. But maybe Gareth needed a left foot or he did something very good in training that we didn’t see in the game. But no drama. Maybe against Germany he takes an amazing corner and England win from that. Fantastic.

Shaw is a solid player, not making big mistakes, much more focused and concentrated. He covers the space inside very well now which was something we started working on. He is a good left back with a level to be where he is. I just wish him good at the club but especially good in the national team.

Perhaps this might be the end of it.

What I don't understand is his delivery was generally good. He was playing some great passes with his left from what I remember?
Not sure how this has blown up - Mourinho's recent comments were made as a pundit and seem fairly innocuous.

It looks like someone from the Mirror has managed to get into Shaw's ear here, in the hope of generating a bit of a story for themselves.

Apparently not. Listening to The Game Podcast today, seems as though Shaw returned to the point several times.

Caveat that with the fact Henry Winter said it. Cant stand him but it would be foolish to say live on air if not true.
Mourinho is just a sad little man now. Once a great successful manager who i liked alot but one who let his own ego spoil the legacy he built.

His public spats with players who appear to steal his limelight, his petty quarrells with board members who dont back him and his implosion when things start to go wrong have tarnished his reputation big time for me. Tactically he is a dinosaur as proved in his 2nd chelsea spell, utd tenure and his time at Spurs.

He is now still trying to pick a fight with Luke Shaw and Daniel Levy, he still craves the limelight, bless him. He should just pipe down as he coming across rather pathetic and desperate.
He has delivered a big feck you to Mourinho today.