Man United v Liverpool Post Match


Doom-monger obsessed with Herrera & the M.E.N.
Jun 4, 2011
Barrow In Furness
So is it up to the players? If a player decides to take a longer period then is it fine?
Spoiled cnuts. We have our season starting in few days. Jose moaning, board not supporting and players on holiday. It's a mess before it even started.
So if the players don't come back is he going to hold that against them?


New Member
Oct 20, 2016
He may be a good person but don't want MATA anywhere near team and Valencia.
All rhe players should be shown aggressive episodes of Peaky Blinders


Full Member
Jun 6, 2013
Reading threads last night, in some segments it was like watching some political moves during a campaign, using one fake quote to smear all other ones as fake, focusing on that one while talking about them all etc.


Full Member
Dec 16, 2013
Can't really judge as we have not seen our full team play yet, but Pereira looks the part.


Full Member
Feb 12, 2008
Think people are more worried about the style of play rather than the result. Most people thought we would lose anyway due to the teams put out and they are slightly ahead of us in their preparations. The style of play does not bode well for the season.
The style of play is very much dependent on the players available and strength of the opposition.


Full Member
Jul 30, 2010
Warsaw, Poland
If only our manager used different language, we will do our best, we have exciting young talent, with additions we will fight for the title..
And not we are sh!t and most of my players are w*ankers


Full Member
Nov 3, 2015
The style of play is very much dependent on the players available and strength of the opposition.
That's the problem though, performance wise plenty of games last season with the full first team was just as bad.


Wobbles like a massive pair of tits
Apr 26, 2007
Jose REALLY doesn't like to lose, even in meaningless preseason games, and can't help himself sometimes in interviews after defeat. The fact he is a born winner is his biggest asset, and greatest weakness.


Full Member
Feb 12, 2008
Do you honestly think we'd play drastically better from a style POV if all our starters were ther ?
That's the problem though, performance wise plenty of games last season with the full first team was just as bad.
True. I was just responding to a post saying they wanted to see a better style of play despite acknowledging we had a much weaker team than the opposition. That's never going to happen. I thought we showed some decent attacking play against Milan but Liverpool were too strong for us. Unrealistic to expect anything from such a match up.

Even if our coaching staff did want to improve or make changes to our style, it's hard to do it without so many key players.


New Member
May 19, 2018
Die Mannschaft
Dreadful. We are in for a long season. Jose 3rd season melt-down incoming. :nervous:


45k posts to finally achieve this tagline
Apr 25, 2007
Djibouti (La terre des braves)
True. I was just responding to a post saying they wanted to see a better style of play despite acknowledging we had a much weaker team than the opposition. That's never going to happen. I thought we showed some decent attacking play against Milan but Liverpool were too strong for us. Unrealistic to expect anything from such a match up.

Even if our coaching staff did want to improve or make changes to our style, it's hard to do it without so many key players.
You're right. Implementing drastic changes with the B team is impossible. Implementing drastic changes with Mourinho with the full squad is close to impossible anyway. This is about to be a very long season

Member 90887

Yep. It's all about how you put a spin on it. He's banging on and on about the negatives and it's like he's isolating himself from the performances and separating youth players from the team. They're ALL part of Manchester United. There are much different ways to handle it. You can be a negative cnut like he's being, or look at his closest rival Pep:

Or look at Klopp and what he says about all that, or how he dealt with Clyne leaving to have a child vs Mourinho on Martial. Does it make a huge difference to the players and their performances? Probably not. But it just creates a needless sense of negativity and probably isn't great for the youth players themselves to hear how much your manager wishes he didn't have to play you.
The memory of people here is extremely short.

We already forgot that Pep preferred to play with one player less on the bench last year when he could have put a youngster, don't we?

Yes, José should be more like Pep, praising them and then no even looking at them during the season. And Klopp has most of his full squad.

By the way, if people focused on the positives and not just one quote, they'd see that he said the same things about the young players as "Pep" did.

I do not agree with his comments, as I think they weren't necessary but I understand them. I understand that the frustration of having almost no one of your starting 11 available. I understand the frustration of seeing your rivals strengthen while you didn't get the players you wanted in this transfer window. They are humans, people, not robots.

This mentality of cherry picking things just because people want to prove their points is ridiculous and unhealthy.

Clyne doesn't actively want to leave, Martial does. He is angry with him and so he should, but he never said that he was angry because he left for his baby birth. the only places where we read that are journos, and again, rumors that were took as truth and used to further shit on him.

All this to say that, I agree that he can be negatives sometimes. But the way people are going about it suggest more than an objective take on the situation.


New Member
Apr 11, 2016
The style of play is very much dependent on the players available and strength of the opposition.
That makes no sense. The same style of play should be coached throughout the entire squad and down to the youth team. Any backup player should be able to slot in and understand their role and the tactics. The only difference having key players out makes is we have less quality to execute the tactics, but the style should be the same regardless.

Saying that though, we have no style. The first team play like strangers and the backup players play like strangers. So it doesn't really matter


The People's President
Oct 27, 2001
Leve Palestina.
Jose REALLY doesn't like to lose, even in meaningless preseason games, and can't help himself sometimes in interviews after defeat. The fact he is a born winner is his biggest asset, and greatest weakness.

Yo Mike!

He's also scared to lose. It's an awful fear that causes negativity.


45k posts to finally achieve this tagline
Apr 25, 2007
Djibouti (La terre des braves)
That makes no sense. The same style of play should be coached throughout the entire squad and down to the youth team. Any backup player should be able to slot in and understand their role and the tactics. The only difference having key players out makes is we have less quality to execute the tactics, but the style should be the same regardless.

Saying that though, we have no style. The first team play like strangers and the backup players play like strangers. So it doesn't really matter
Our style is "no style"


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
Sep 10, 2010
The style of play is very much dependent on the players available and strength of the opposition.
It doesn’t though really, yes better players can improve things but we play the same way whether it’s a full team or not.

There’s no plan in our attack, it’s just kick it forward and hope for the best.
We rely on the fullbacks for width when they can’t cross/overlap.

Our wingers come inside into the box and can’t play 1 touch football, It just doesn’t make sense.


Full Member
Dec 20, 2009
We’ve been having the same issues for the last 5 years - can’t create chances, no meaningful possession, concede chances (usually bailed out by De Gea), slow, boring...list goes on. This match was just another that fits the criteria of everything that has gone wrong since SAF left.

People saying it’s a “meaningless friendly” are completely ignoring the fact that the performance was atrocious (as always) and is a worrying trend in the same direction we’ve been going in for the last half decade. We will be as boring, uninspiring, slow, torpid as ever. As much as I hope we aren’t, there is absolutely no evidence to the contrary.


Predicted Portugal, Italy to win Euro 2016, 2020
Mar 30, 2016
I've been a Jose apologised but this is absolutely horrendous. His comments about the youngsters are pathetic.


Wobbles like a massive pair of tits
Apr 26, 2007
Yo Mike!

He's also scared to lose. It's an awful fear that causes negativity.
Spoony! This is the real preseason.

And when he does lose, he tries to rationalise it to himself that he didn't really lose.


Full Member
Aug 1, 2006
Hope, We Lose
He said:

The game was pointless because the majority of the team won't be in the squad for the season and the ones that will be are tired from an accumulation of matches.

The only thing it was good for was it told him even more about the ones he can rely on and the ones he can't with the ones he can rely on making themselves available (possibly a dig at Shaw and Smalling). Also said Bailly was injured and saw Smalling was going to pull out so Bailly made the decision to play by himself because he didn't want to leave 3 kids dealing with Mane and Salah etc. Now Bailly's ankle is very swollen (was clear Bailly is now in his good books for doing this).

Matic returned to training with an injury from the world cup and has now had surgery.

Martial should be back after the birth of his baby but isn't so seems to be suggesting he's AWOL.
This is funny. I remember a while ago Mourinho complained about Smalling and Jones declaring themselves unfit due to injuries and not playing through it. Who did Mourinho have to end up relying on to help him get 2nd place last season? Smalling and Jones. History repeating itself again - the people who try to take care of themselves and not make injuries worse will end up being the ones Mourinho has to rely on because the people who play injured will take themselves out of the running

The holy trinity 68

The disparager
Apr 10, 2016
In isolation you’d be right mate. But this outpouring of outrage is really the result of the football we’ve been subjected to since he got here. I don’t think anyone really cares about the result of a friendly. More that the way we play offers little hope for the future.
Considering Mou fielded a team of players which have never played together. They will barely feature on the season coming up.
I don’t know why people are expecting a team of reserves to play fluid and good football.

PSG have a front 3 of Neymar, Mbappe, Cavani, and play in a much weaker league. Let's worry about ourselves, given our last 5 seasons...
I am saying that pre season friendlies don’t mean much to get worried about.

Our last 5 seasons? You mean 3 trophies and 4 cup finals? Whilst finishing 2nd last season and the only team above us would have won the league in any season ever that Man United have won the league.


Correctly predicted Portugal to win Euro 2016
Oct 31, 2012
Stone pretty much corroborates it.

Neil Jones: "We started the game with a lot of players who will not be in our squad on August 9. This is not my squad, not even half, not even 30% of my squad. So don't look to this."

Simon Stone: "We start the game with players who are not even going to be here This is not even 30% of my squad."

Both are very similar. What Jones said is more verbose. Mourinho definitely said similar in the MUTV interview:

"This is not the step for anything. The majority of the players that played are not going to play [against Leicester]. Some of them are not even going to belong to the squad. Accumulation of matches that is killing - progressively - my brave boys because I have some brave boys. The ones that are always there and ready to put everything for the club and for the group."

Another quote people aren't sure about:

Neil Jones tweeting on Sanchez: "Look, do you want him to be very happy with the players he has around him? We are here just to survive and to have some not very ugly results. Alexis is the only striker we have. And the poor man is there trying his best."

Simon Stone tweeting on Sanchez: "We're playing here just to try + survive and have some not very ugly results. Alexis is the only attacking player we have. The poor man is trying his best with the frustration of someone who wants more. Alexis, Mata, Darmian, Eric, Pereira. Phenomenal attitude"

Bits in bold both are corroborated with each other but both have an extra sentence or two that isn't mentioned by the other.

Apart from the crap posted from that Castael twitter account, every quote that has been posted looks to be true as they've been tweeted by multiple journalists.
Those are some absolute mental sound bites. The season hasn't even begun yet and he's spewing everywhere.


New Member
Aug 22, 2017
Looks like we're in deep shit.
Amazing people still defending Mourinho, no matter what!
Have it looked like this only since Mou came? Simple answer is no and the ones left is the board and Woodward who you should put the blame on. To even consider David Moyes when pep was available is like the most stupid thing we could have done... Blame the board and Woodward since it them that run the club..


Full Member
Feb 12, 2008
It doesn’t though really, yes better players can improve things but we play the same way whether it’s a full team or not.
How can we play the same way when we have Sanchez up top on his own compared to Lukaku?

I'm the last person to defend Jose's style of play. If you're going by what we've seen last season, fair enough. But we can't judge the team based on this preseason. The team will fundamentally change when Pogba, Matic, Lukaku, Rashford and Lingard come back.


Full Member
Jan 26, 2016
I will say it again, I do not care about a pre season friendly or friendlies in general. Of concern though is the continuation of the negative football we play, with little attacking intent. The result is meaningless, but over the summer Liverpool have definitely improved their squad, whilst we have stagnated. People keep saying Liverpool didn't win anything last season & were behind us in the table, but fail to point out they were in the Champions League final as favourites, & failed to win due to goalkeeping howlers, which has now been remedied, whilst we shockingly failed to get past Sevilla in two dreadful displays.

I will evaluate where we are after around the first ten league games, but do not feel optimistic going into this season


Aug 23, 2003
Disney Land
No one should really give much of a feck about a pre season result.

All the more hilarious to see Mourinho spit his dummy out and throw everyone but sanchez under the bus. The squad who went on the tour must be loving life under him. Surely the most miserable fecker around.

He gets away with it too for being mourinho. Picture Moyes saying that and how you'd react to that.

Murder on Zidanes Floor

You'd better not kill Giroud
Jun 11, 2015
Second time a team I support has played at Michigan stadium and lost!

Saw Wolverine lose to the Spartans last year, the big house is cursed.